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- Hezbollah announced death of 10 of its members in southern Lebanon;
- Israeli warplanes attacked the Kfarkala area;
- Israeli warplanes attacked the Halta area;
- Israeli artillery shelled the Aytaroun area;
- Israeli artillery shelled the Ulama al-Shaab area;
- Israeli drones attacked a motorcycle in Juwaya. Two Lebanese were killed;
- Hezbollah artillery shelled the Shtola base;
- Hezbollah artillery shelled the Shebaa farms;
- Hezbollah artillery shelled the Malikiya base;
- Hezbollah attacked the Ain Zitim base near Safed with several rockets.
and while gaza remains at the center of the wests intersts, i’m certain that the jewish triangle trade continuous uninterrupted. thus the us steals syria’s oil and deliver it to the kurds in northern iraq and turkey and these kurds then deliver its prime opium/heroin to mossad that is responsible for the transportation to and sale of the stuff in europe and onwards. a huge cash machine serving the interest of the jews.
the jewish people as i have observed, have no morality. none at all. so they are always gravitating towards the worst kakistrocracies in the world
and we shan’t forget the similarities between the nazi-reich under hitler and the jews illegally occupying palestine:
a) both parties are comfortable to execute genocide against certain groups;
b) both parties are working to acquire more lebensraum by stealing land from other countries applying their penchant for genocide;
c) both parties operated/operates concentration camps, hitler bergen belsen und ravensbruck and criminal netanyahu operates gaza wherein 2 million palestinians are kept under abhorrent circumstances.
well, the ones with the least resources are still doing the most. leaving the israelis to the palestinians didn’t turn out so great for the region after 50 years huh? kind of screwed up all the middle eastern countries, but oh well like kursk.
time to target the israeli airfields. now! ask putin. and it doesn’t harm the russian israelis.