Click to see full-size image
- Israeli warplanes attacked areas in Beit Lahia;
- Israeli warplanes heavily bombed the Deir al-Balah area. 3 Palestinians were killed and 11 others were wounded;
- The head of the IDF’s intelligence directorate Major General Aharon Haliva retired from following his department’s failure to predict 7-October attack;
- More than 33,097 Palestinians were killed and more than 76,980 others were wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health;
- Israeli warplanes attacked areas in Nuseirat camp;
- Israeli artillery shelled areas in the south of Gaza city;
- Israeli warplanes attacked a mosque in Bureij camp.

Click to see full-size image
- Hezbollah shot down Israeli Hermes 450 drone in the Aaichiyeh area;
- An Israeli serviceman died of the wounds he received as a result of Hezbollah attack in Arab al-Aramisha;
- Artillery duels and clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces continued in the Lebanese border area;
- Hezbollah artillery shelled the Kiryat Shemona area with 12 rockets;
- Hezbollah artillery shelled the Hanita outpost;
- Hezbollah attacked Metula outpost with ATGMs;
- Israeli artillery shelled the Khiam area;
- Israeli warplanes attacked the Kfar Kala area.
tell us about victory in ocheretino. instead of some middleeastern wars that no slavs care about. glory to the all slavic fatherland of russia and the brave soldiers who broke through banderite lines!
go on intel slava z. this site is a day behind
i read it but wanted some more info since it looked like a real breakthrough. wish i could help somehow but i do not know russian and poland is so occupied by nato and eu that i doubt it will ever be free.
but at least ukraine can be.
yeah, the warsaw pact was soooo much better, goy! killing polish prisoners in katyn and blaming it on germany was so “based!” as for ukraine, specks of land in return for hundreds of thousands of russian casualties and 15,000 heavy equipment losses (tanks, artillery, aircraft, black sea fleet) = “a real breakthrough!”
not to mention that poland started world war 2. i like how you fail to realize that both russia and “nato” pump out exactly the same propaganda about history with minimal differences in narrative. putin actually says dumb shit like the “neo-colonial west” (as if russia isn’t colonizing ukraine) being “racist” and whatever, when they endlessly bash the white race for things that every other race has done.
putin actually admitted to germany trying to make a peace deal with poland in tucker carleson’s interview. i also noticed how one of your presidents that demanded russia acknowledge and apologize for the katyn forest massacre “mysteriously” died in a plane crash.
archive org/ details/ adolf hitlers sixteen points plan
nationalvanguard org/ 2018/ 06/ did hitler try to make peace with churchill several times/
so russian occupation of poland was perfectly alright? including when the bolsheviks tried to conquer europe in 1918 (bolshevik revolutions in germany and austro-hungary before wwi ended) and poland in 1919-1920 as a bridge to invading germany?
codoh com/ library/ document/ roosevelt- conspired- to- start- world- war- ii- in/
even jewish media admits the bolsheviks were predominately jewish. that is why the dap later renamed to nsdap was created.
archive org/ details/ hitlers war what the historians neglect to mention_ 202008
based on gerd schultze-rhonhof’s book ‘1939 – the war that had many fathers: the long run-up to the second world war’
jpost com/ opinion/ middle- israel- was- the- bolshevik- revolution- a- jewish- plot- 513835
ynetnews com/ articles/ 0,7340,l- 3342999,00 html
en kremlin ru/ events/ president/ news/ 18336
“vladimir putin: the rabbi just mentioned the difficult fate of a clergy member who was arrested in 1927. he said that today’s event is truly momentous in the lives of jewish people.
you know, i thought about something just now. the decision to nationalise this library was made by the first soviet government, whose composition was 80–85% jewish.”
t. me/ thuletide/ 4412
“communists saved the polish during ww2!”
ah yes, by repeatedly massacring and ethnically cleansing them. the ‘polish operation of the nkvd’ eradicated all poles in belarus, ~30% of poles in ukraine, and 20% of the polish population of the ussr in total.
and let’s see what the soviets said about poland when they tried to conquer it to support the communist revolution in germany…
pravda, 1920:
“go west! through the corpse of white poland lies the way to the world inferno. on bayonets, we will carry happiness and peace to working humanity.”
general mikhail ‘red napoleon’ tukachevsky:
“the fate of the world revolution is being decided in the west: the way leads over the corpse of poland to a universal conflagration.”
1917-23: communists took advantage of ww1 chaos and attempted to conquer the entirety of europe via a strategy they called “world revolution.”
lenin believed conquering germany was the key to securing a communist victory throughout europe, and that the unindustrialized ussr could not survive without the industrial support of a communist-controlled germany.
as the german communist revolution began to fail in 1919, lenin attempted to invade germany himself, starting the polish-soviet war (1919-21) in the process.
the ussr was defeated by poland in a heroic clutch victory led by commander pilsudski, who hitler admired as the savior of europe.
t me/ thuletide/ 3375
roosevelt, truman and churchill were each 33rd degree freemasons.
t me/ thuletide/3368
quotes from ‘the new dealers’ war: fdr and the war within world war ii’:
threadreaderapp com/ thread/ 1554984744256909312 html
poland is much better off economically today than it was under russia. this comment applies to russia and china also:
odysee com/ @historyreviewed: 7/the_ conspiracy_ to_ destroy_ germany_ how_ the_ allies_ created_ ww2_ for_ no_ reason- 1 :c
“all our leaders are compromised and subservient to international finance and tangled web of bullshit that is not only purposely devaluing our currencies. all white countries, but also pumping our borders non-stop with 3rd world racial strangers.
there will most likely be food shortages and possible civil war in most white countries as those who planned ahead will be targeted. nevermind all the violent assaults, rapes, murders, robberies, etc we’re already experiencing.
perfect example of how bad things are. they let monkeypocs burn down the country all summer during saint george floyd, and this young white girl was murdered and only in the news for a couple days, then buried. please understand it.
vdare com/ posts/ her- name- is- brianna- kupfer- white- female- brutally- murdered- randomly- in- los- angeles- at- luxury -furniture- store- by- black- male”
you know that russia’s government is allied to the eff and anc in south africa? the eff’s leader julius malema openly calls for genociding the 4 million whites still living in south africa. in 1993, polish immigrant janusz waluś assassinated chris hani, the general secretary of the south african communist party.
twitter com/ endwokeness/ status/ 1754911641789956447
twitter com/ effsouthafrica/ status/ 1681651795137789952
“i doubt it will ever be free. but at least ukraine can be.”
by forcing them at gun point to be annexed into neo-bolshevik russia? that isn’t brotherly love. they ended up killing more civilians since 2022 than all casualties in donbass combined between 2014 and 2021.
t me /jamesarants88/ 1129
according to dpr official sources in 2022: 3515 civilians were injured, 1089 civilians were killed, and 4176 military personnel were killed, just in dpr controlled territory.
putin launched a full scale invasion of ukraine order to “save” the residents of donbas from a handful of civilians being killed in all of luhansk and donetsk oblasts a year, resulting in 1089 civilians being killed in donetsk oblast in 2022 alone.
t me jamesarants88/ 1128
the governments of dpr/lpr welcomed united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs personnel with relative open arms. the dpr/lpr do not consider the un to be an untrustworthy source, due to the fact that russia is a permanent member with veto power on the united nations’ most important body; the united nations security council.
according to the un report on conflict related civilian casualties in ukraine:
26 civilians were killed in 2020, 8 by active hostilities (shelling), 17 by mines, and 1 by “other”.
25 civilians were killed in 2021, 7 by active hostilities, 12 by mines, and 6 by “other”.
this report includes civilians on both sides of the line, ukrainian government controlled territory and dpr/lpr controlled territory. according to the un:
“the total number of civilian casualties recorded by ohchr in 2021 has totaled 110: 25 killed (16 men, two women, three boys, one girl and three adults whose sex is not yet known) and 85 injured (56 men, 21 women, six boys and two girls), a 26.2 per cent decrease compared with 2020 (149: 26 killed and 123 injured), and the lowest annual civilian casualties for the entire conflict period.”
2021, the year preceding the full scale russian invasion of ukraine, saw the lowest annual civilian casualties for the entire conflict period. if we assume those 7 dead from active hostilities were all in donbas, that’s a little over one dead citizen every 2 months out of a total population of roughly 6.2 million residents in donetsk and luhansk oblasts.
seven killed by active hostilities out of a population of 6.2 million in an entire year.
you ziggers should get on these telegram channels debunking your shit:
t me/ tradrussia/ 712
t me /sillyziggers/ 2605
t me/ eternalmuscovite
renegadetribune com/ 10 ways russia is acting like israel /
stefan bandera, he was against hitler.
euromaidanpress com 2017 02 12 from cia archives stepan banderas 1954 interview to german radio/
so the deal with ethnic russians is that they are barely slavic. the vyatichi and krivichi are the only slavic tribes close enough to moscow when it was founded in the 13th century. however, these tribes “absorbed” many of the local finno-ugric tribes in the area like the merya and permians. that said, an ethnic muscovite is essentially a finno-ugric or uralic person who speaks a slavic language that has some finno-ugric roots.
that is why if you look at a paper such as “ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day europeans,” you will find that russians cluster with finns and mordvins, whereas ukrainians cluster with poles, belarusians, and lithuanians. russians, on average, have 10% siberian dna.
you are therefore not real slavs but are rather mongrelized bastards. the rus began in kiev and they were genetically different than you are today. it explains their savage tendencies like rape, murder, mutilation, sodomy and such in ukraine of which i have seen plenty of footage. this is no different from their behavior in the second world war, and jews like ilya ehrenberg claiming six million dead jews a full year before the war is over.
i assume that by calling yourself slavic pl you are polish? the first slavic state was the bulgarian empire. they were the first outside of the byzantine (east roman) empire to adopt the cyrillic alphabet. not to mention that the rus began in what is now ukraine, and not in muscovy.
russian casualties in ukraine: t me/ deadziggerstorage
jooz turning on jooz…now for the head of nut’nyahoo on a stick pleez.