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- Hezbollah artillery shelled Samaqa outpost;
- Hezbollah attacked the Katsarin base with rockets;
- Hezbollah attacked the Shtola area with rockets;
- Hezbollah attacked the Safed area with rockets;
- Hezbollah attacked the Kabri area with rockets;
- On September 30, Israeli warplanes attacked the Kula area in Beirut and assassinated three members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine;
- On September 29, Israeli warplanes attacked Jub Jenin village in Bekaa and assassinated Muhammad Dahruj, senior member of Al-Jama’ah Al-Islamiyah;
- Hezbollah attacked areas near Haifa with a missile.
the jewish supremacists bravely attacking with their us welfare program arsenal against people with no air force with their battle cry, “remember jeffrey epstein!”.
there is no palestine!
from now on zio prisoners held by hamas/ hezb. should be treated in exactly the same way as the zio psychos have treated theirs. kept naked, shackled. no food, no water. no bathroom breaks, regularly tortured and raped. humiliated and terrorised and broken in every possible way a sick zio mind can imagine. repay the zios in their own coin. give tham a taste of their own medicine.
there never was a palestine!
soon til eviv is going to get hit.
there never will be a palestine!
russia will defeat gaza and take back nato !
pills not working, $hlomo
so, zero palestine for you!
we are likely to see more vigorous action from iran shortly. the new president was promoting a more conciliatory policy towards western countries, but this is extremely unlikely to be reciprocated in any way, with the present incumbent being left to appear merely weak and gullible. he may well be replaced, but whether he is or not, this approach is likely to be abandoned. there were appeals for restraint by iran from the us, so as not to undermine efforts to achieve a gaza ceasefire.
iran did not respond to zionist provocations, but what did this achieve? no ceasefire, because israel never intended to agree to one. the killing of nasrallah and other figures including a seniuor irgc leader, with 80 plus us supplied 5,000 pound bunker buster bombs. the level of us complicity and direct involvement is open to debate, but it will appear to the iranians that the us was merely stringing them along and playing them for fools.
the level of us complicity is open to debate? how much of your brain is necrotic since your motorcycle crash?
meanwhile, if zionist forces are now invading lebanon as reported, hezbollah will shake itself down and do what it does best, defending every inch of southern lebanon. it is unlikely simply to collapse because of recent pressure. it has also been reported that iranian regulars are on their way to lebanon with anti aircraft systems. it may be that the real war is now starting and what came before was merely prologue.
“so as not to undermine efforts to achieve a gaza ceasefire”? please. the israelis conduct us policies, which is why diddler joe lauded the assassinations in beirut. thanks for derping.
the allies are on the march!!!
lebanon will be flattened, gaza-style!
why wouldn’t it be? the us empire is desperate amd their murder-for-hire jewish supremacists are in the same boat.