Military Situation In Mosul City On January 23, 2017 (Iraqi Map Update)

Iraqi security forces (ISF) have been advancing against ISIS terrorists in the southeastern countryside of the city.

This map shows the military situation in the Iraqi city of Mosul on January 23, 2017.

Military Situation In Mosul City On January 23, 2017 (Iraqi Map Update)

Click to see the full-size map

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if mosul is important to isis why dont they strengthen the defense?
instead isis attack deir ezzor & palmyra with large scale attack


I believe any access to Mosul from Syria is now cut off.


Just because they have the same flag doesn’t mean it’s the same people everywhere. Anyway, they were defending Mosul successfully until they started retreating. I think they are running out of manpower, or suicide bombers specifically. So they decided to try to defend with the river as a natural barrier.

Adam Houbař

they do it opposit, they sent jihadist from mossul to the T4 base and to the deir ezzor…