Military Situation In Mariinka Area, DPR On April 11, 2024 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Mariinka Area, DPR On April 11, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • The AFU withdrew main forces from Novomikhailovka to Paraskovievka
  • Russian forces slightly expanded the zone of their control on the outskirts of Pobeda
  • Russian forces continue assault on Krasnogorovka from the southern and south-eastern directions
  • According to preliminary reports, Russian forces took control of Novomyhailovka, clashes continue on its western outskirts
  • Russian forces advanced in Georgievka
  • Up to 520 Ukrainian servicemen, three armoured personnel carriers, and four motor vehicles were destroyed in the area


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amerikans accept their worst defeat since vietnam…”amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”. george santayana


it has not been a defeat for the united states. they havnt lost much men or equipment all that they have lost is old gulfwar radioactive equipment and units that were in storage and that they forced eu client states to pay billions for and they made ukranian men die for.

the biden family hunter biden and his father with their shares in blackrock are getting filthy rich over the back of all the dead and all who suffer and at the expanse of the whole euro economy

Last edited 6 months ago by Worldpeace

as long as the biden admin runs the united states they will keep this artificial conflict alive. they benefit from it the most as they play europe and russia off against eachoter who mutually destroy eachoter and the united states maintains its hegemony. its zbignew brezinski and kissinger doctrine and heartland theory. they want to avoid a european and russian economic coorperation at all costs and keep them both divided and weaker then the united states as both togheter would out produce them.

Last edited 6 months ago by Worldpeace

this is also why washington sponsors all these traitor leftards and self destructive woketards in our european governments they reduce birthrates with tranny propaganda they force selfdestructive climate hoax legislation that effectively deindustrializes us. and pull billions out of our economies towards wasteful projects that make the juus from blackrock very rich. its a large transfer of wealth and sovereignty towards traitors who want us to be slave goyim.

Last edited 6 months ago by Worldpeace
jens holm

sure. but the lowered birthrate is in many parts of the world.

you are far out. some less then 1% transgenders dont runs the world. the rest is far out too. usa produce more then ever. there i no #de# at all but mainly change to the better.

if you really want change, you should be inspired by old bernie sanders and europe in many aspects. carlin said the ameran dream is only when yiu sleep.

jens holm

but much of that is fullfilled in we country. we make just as much gdp pr capita and some mentions us as very happy.

we dont have homeless, people live longer, crime is much lower and less shoot each others.

and what do they here in fx denmark? well they has free schools and free free educations and they work – work – by that many more work than in usa and live in higher standards and are consumers.

jens holm

many less are minus. we include people and better. by that we almost dont have your problems fx abortion, wokes, modern,transgerners and like that.

most likely trump would be in a iglo in greenland too.


holm jens worships money—amerikun dollar


happy for homo jens is stupidity–less than 25% in dumpmark university grad—63% russia—35% you dumps need mental health tx…only australians consume more alcohol than you—being drunk is dane happiness


senile nazi holm—usa produces nearly nothing exceptrmorons and burgers


moron holm always wrong–all consumer products in amerika made in china colombia korea malaysia indonesia etc…you need better monkey brain transplant and electroshock therapy


most of the “west” if not so much the us has been going downhill for years getting more oppressive and unpleasant with rights taken away and replaced with things no-one wants while russia is now the land of freedom, these western leaders now want to ruin the east as they have ruined their own countries and brought misery to their people.


europe’s policy of isolation was a turning point. the steep decline started in 2022 and there will hardly be much of an increase in the next few years. outside the ideological west, the confiscation of property from ordinary people was alarming. many no longer dare to invest in europe.


in all industrialized nations birth rates low—this explains why nations like russia china hungary provide families with 3 or more children reduced taxes free childcare, paid parental leave etc


nobody concerned w amerikan want–amerikunts are incompetent failures—russia does not need failed west europa cesspool—trade and cooperation with civilized asian middle east african latin amerikan nations thrives–where culture and economies all improving–west europe no culture stagnant economies


“amerikans are the most illusioned people on earth”. daniel boorstin

jens holm

not at all. the emmigrats to there hast lost them, where they come from. but not all of them. the well educated is doing extremly well.

very much as you or boorstein has not done homework well.


retired moron potato farmer homo jens more illusioned than amerikan


“what emerged from the amerikunt melting pot and homo jens is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen


huge defeat for amerikan burger species talibanned now humiliated by russia in ukraine


at least the generals think it’s a loss of prestige. they have publicly announced in the usa. “ukraine’s defeat is the usa’s defeat”.

jens holm

only moron measure defeat like piece in world


ako to vravia rusi? победа будет за нами. tak pobedu už majú za sebou, ako možno vidieť na mape.


amerikan nazi eradicated

Yuri the shitovka

i yuri brawe, brend new newer bend.


the nazi amerikan hillbilly theresa saxon envious of superior russian😭

Massa John

good work, thaks

Massa John

my respect for your efforts and your blood


the dumb amerika hillbilly more feminine hysterical need bottle from mama

Last edited 6 months ago by Yuri
Saxon hillbilly nazi

we are inferior hillbilly burger species—living in matriarchy ruled by ugly obese transgenders—we are stupified thanks to our inferior dna

jens holm

worship money and you too can join my labt amerikan church—money is my lord and savior


homo jens alsa worship uncle hans after he raped you repeatedly at age 7


russia should offer a huge cash amount to any ukrainian that can make certain that zelensky is apprehended by russian forces, that will end the war quickly since zelensky is what stops any serious peace-discussions taking place (and then he can be hanged)!

Massa John

head down at his feet with a piano on his dick


diseased amerikan zoo species–automatons less individuality than monkey
