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- On May 30, Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian President met with Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, Russian Ambassador to Belgrade;
- On May 29, 30 NATO peacekeepers including 11 Italian contingent and 19 Hungarian contingent were wounded during unrest in the municipality of Zvecan;
- 52 Serbs were wounded, three of them heavily, while one was wounded with two gunshots by Albanian special forces, according to the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic;
- Demonstrators staged protests outside municipal buildings in Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Leposavic.
on this map, montenegro has become bosnia-herzegovina. ok then
calling nato peace keepers is a joke. they are an aggressive military alliance that have illegally invaded and occupied countless countries and should be treated as such.
pacificacion masacrando serbios !!!
la otan revento a serbia le sacaron de todo y se lo dieron a los musulmanes !!
eso no esta bien !!
leave the balcans alone noone needs any outside interference there.
when israel is shelled, they count those who stumble on their way to the shelters and brruise their knees as wounded, also those who feel upset and need a cup of tea.
first kosovo on the south is bordering with macedonia, south-west albania, and west montenegro, not bosnia, albania only borders north and northwest with montenegro, how did you make it bosnia to border kosovo in the first place? did you guys have a d in geography in school?
there is no such thing as macedonia apart from the greek one.
alexander the great, was from macedonia. greeks mocked him because he did not speak greek, as macedonia was slavic territory. as a sidenote, socrates, the famous greek was accused of “corruption of youth” what was common expression for pedophilia. by the way, pedophilia was quite common occurence in the greece of antiquity. some say it is still very common in the upper echelons of greek society. take a look at that bastard spouse of british lizzard queen. he was greek.
slavic macedonia lol. slavs were never there, only paeonians were there. socrates controlled his passions and what you are saying is total propaganda produced by hellywood. pedophilia didn’t exist in greece, homosexuality yes, not pedophilia. and what lizard queen and bullshit? are you david icke cultist?
los rusos deben protejer a los serbios !!
desastre de la otan en ucrania asi que se van a vengar matando serbios
en kosovo esta casualmente la supermina mas importante de europa repleta de muchos minerales estrategicos casi infinitos
como dice el refran nadie va a la guerra por arbejas !!!