Here Australia’s largest bank pled no contest to about 40,000 criminal charges of money laundering and rhe police investigation were very very absolutely clear that they had no doubts whatsoever the money funded ISIS.
And it was reported first on MSM . All of it with video evidence of a dude sitting on a milk crate on a major location ATM stuffing millions of dollars into the machine right under everyone’s noses.
The whole thing caused such a panic the emergence measures were rushed in and a Royal Commission was quickly launched to cover it a up as much as possible with them broadcasting on TV that they wouldn’t be accepting evidence of funding terrorists or laundering drug money.
The CEO said sorry for getting caught very rudely too and went overseas. End of the biggest criminal fraud before Pfizer. With about as much real justice.
How to spread Pandoras Box Biden set up Iraq absuty with intent and now we see how it was linked to their global plans from Ukraine. And all very much because, over the last 30 years the pedophile ite crimes have been exposed culminating with Eosteins phone book being published contain the names of the Duke and Duchess of Pork and the one lone sitary Christian name, with no other reference to it of Elizabeth.
ISIL was created and has been largely funded by which parties?
Here Australia’s largest bank pled no contest to about 40,000 criminal charges of money laundering and rhe police investigation were very very absolutely clear that they had no doubts whatsoever the money funded ISIS.
And it was reported first on MSM . All of it with video evidence of a dude sitting on a milk crate on a major location ATM stuffing millions of dollars into the machine right under everyone’s noses.
The whole thing caused such a panic the emergence measures were rushed in and a Royal Commission was quickly launched to cover it a up as much as possible with them broadcasting on TV that they wouldn’t be accepting evidence of funding terrorists or laundering drug money.
The CEO said sorry for getting caught very rudely too and went overseas. End of the biggest criminal fraud before Pfizer. With about as much real justice.
The cops were obviously told to shut their traps and drop it. And the mefia were ordered to run damage control rubbish stories. As usual.
ANTIFA = ISIS = CIA. Nothing more to say.
How to spread Pandoras Box Biden set up Iraq absuty with intent and now we see how it was linked to their global plans from Ukraine. And all very much because, over the last 30 years the pedophile ite crimes have been exposed culminating with Eosteins phone book being published contain the names of the Duke and Duchess of Pork and the one lone sitary Christian name, with no other reference to it of Elizabeth.
Absolutely with intent I typed and the pedophile elite crimes. I typed.