Military Situation In Gaza Strip On February 10, 2024 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Gaza Strip On February 10, 2024 (Map Update)

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  • More than 27,947 Palestinians were killed and more than 67,457 others were wounded as a result of Israeli airstrikes, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health;
  • On February 10, clashes between Palestinian and Israeli forces continued in Khan Yunis;
  • On February 10, Israeli warplanes struck Rafah city several times;
  • On February 10, clashes between Palestinian and Israeli forces continued in al-Bureij;
  • On February 10, clashes between Palestinian and Israeli forces continued in Maghazi;
  • On February 10, clashes between Palestinian and Israeli forces continued near Nuseirat;
  • Palestinian fighters damaged or destroyed 1,108 Israeli vehicles using Al-Yassin 105 RPGs since the outbreak of the war in the Gaza Strip, according to Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
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they’re just destroying everything in gaza to starve the palestinians and make them 100% dependent on handouts in order to live. mirrors the industrial and agricultural sabotage worldwide. baal gates and the child rape gang say that gardening is bad for the environment too. ukraine is becoming desolate and contaminated; a major food hub. maybe potting soil stored somewhere is a good idea considering the spraying ongoing and nuclear fallout ahead.

Massa John

after turning gaza into rumble, the devils share is coming back to every single jew in israel. they created a genocide and thats was has to to happen to themselves. palestina is going to become a place, where no jew can be anymore. they’ve earned it.


may god destroy the cursed diabolic abomination nested like vermin in semitic palestine and equally so the filth in the eussr and $lumville ussa that finances this welfare warfare filth.


the khazar mob will never manage to wash the blood of palestine off its claws though they control the propaganda organs of the so-called western democracies. all the world knows the evil that this zio fascist collection of thugs poses to humanity. jews will be slaughtered en masse for the crimes that the psychopathic thug nitay aka nut’nyahoo and its demonic ussan golem are committing in semitic palestine.