Yep. And West of Kherson the same. They break through there, in some new kind of formation. They columns are flanked by helicopters, due to air superiority. But they don’t head for Odessa. Instead wisely, north of Odessa in direction of Transnistria
eric vos
3 years ago
Seems to be a breakthrough in the starobielsk region
3 years ago
With the missile attacks Russia has just warned Ukraine about, we’ll see a faster advancement real soon
Why did your government condemn the invasion though?
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
3 years ago
Most excellent Comrades 🤗🤡😱
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
3 years ago
A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗
3 years ago
Funny watching American Western media Think Tank pundits. They were caught off Guard and surprised that Putin launched Attacks. Now to Save face, they critic Putin’s Tactics Claiming its a failure because Invasion taking long.
No Idiots…Putin is avoiding colateral damage to civilians. This is his Strategy, his timeline, and going according to his plan. The Neo-Cons only know the typical Cowboy mentality to shoot anything that moves. Putins patience is driving them Mad!
The war can change directions from day to day. Let’s hope the Russians can end their operations as soon as possible for everyone’s sake, both Russian and Ukrainian.
Mariupol encircled. Even better, looks like Ukro-lines collapsed north of Lugansk.
Yep. And West of Kherson the same. They break through there, in some new kind of formation. They columns are flanked by helicopters, due to air superiority. But they don’t head for Odessa. Instead wisely, north of Odessa in direction of Transnistria
Seems to be a breakthrough in the starobielsk region
With the missile attacks Russia has just warned Ukraine about, we’ll see a faster advancement real soon
Why did your government condemn the invasion though?
Most excellent Comrades 🤗🤡😱
CIAtrolls and ukrobots are crying and raging 🤗
A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗
Funny watching American Western media Think Tank pundits. They were caught off Guard and surprised that Putin launched Attacks. Now to Save face, they critic Putin’s Tactics Claiming its a failure because Invasion taking long.
No Idiots…Putin is avoiding colateral damage to civilians. This is his Strategy, his timeline, and going according to his plan. The Neo-Cons only know the typical Cowboy mentality to shoot anything that moves. Putins patience is driving them Mad!
What are the Latest News
Russia needs to show naci amblems from ukrosoldiers to show the world their naci ideology
He turned to a real Ghost as he payed the ultimate price for his hatred of Ru. Ukraine will soon become a country of dead heroes.
The war can change directions from day to day. Let’s hope the Russians can end their operations as soon as possible for everyone’s sake, both Russian and Ukrainian.