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- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in the Azot plant and nearby districts in Severodonetsk city;
- Russian forces took full control of the village of Komyshuvakha;
- Clashes continue in Vrubovka;
- Russian-led forces claimed control of the town of Dolomitnoe, in the Svetlodarsk region;
- Russian forces took full control of the village of Nyrkove;
- Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue in Zolot;
- The AFU attempt to counter-attack along the Bakhmut-Lisichansk road.
“UK will send its first long-range missiles to Ukraine
According to BBC, three 🇬🇧M270 systems will initially be provided; they can strike targets at 80 km with high accuracy. Like with 🇺🇸HIMARS, Ukraine has to guarantee not to strike targets inside Russia ”
It doesnt look promising for russian imperialistic invaders. Supply lines and ammo depots will be destroyed :D
A clear sign of ignorance, amateurism and childishness of a person in the military is to believe in wunderwaffes.
You westerners fall in these cheap tricks like ducks. Just like the Germans and their super battleships that was suposed to destroy the Royal Navy.
I am paid over 💵 $ 60 USD to 💵 $ 90 USD per hour to work online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this one I easily earned 💵 $ 21,000 USD without having any online working skills. Just try it on the support site…….. 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/
HIMARS just over talked weapon like NLAW JAVELIN.what reality are Ukaine loss her men 300-500 per day or 10,000-15,000men per month.
who said that? russian propaganda or santa claus ? big russian COPE and projection.
It’s great that you asked, keep the link here, there are corpses of APU soldiers with documents and prisoners with documents as well. NEW ONES EVERY DAY. https://t.me/s/chub_detection
I get paid more than $100 to $700 per HOUR for working online. I heard about this job 3 months ago and after joining this I have earned easily $35000 from this without having online working skills .. Simply give it a shot on the accompanying site…
Right now, you are the biggest joke on this board. Yesterday you boasted about Nazi Ukraine’s “successful counteroffensive in Severodonetsk.” Today, even Ukie officials are admitting that counteroffensive was defeated and rolled back by Russian troops.
What does this say about your opinions? Nothing but wishful thinking. That’s what you Nazis are all about.
Hans can’t hear and See you. He wears two masks and is triple vaxinated. Poor guy.
Please change your name to Raus Hole
Du bist ein Amateur. Halt dich endlich die Klappe.
according to the BBC terrorist ss nazi propagand they gonna put the first long range missil in your anus and then they gonna say your a monkey ss gestapo gay eating fake merdia of parazites !!! f off Rans ss Raus !!!
Good to know your sexual fantasies….commie ^^
https://t.me/s/chub_detection keep the link here, there are corpses of APU soldiers with documents and prisoners with documents as well. NEW ONES EVERY DAY.
The rapes were sorted out, it’s fake, it’s just that the Minister of Ukraine Denisova had perverted fantasies and apparently no personal life. The next thesis of Ukraine is “the whole world is with us”. The WHOLE world for Ukraine is estimated at 20% of some kind of suckers. But the real WORLD with 80% of the population is just with RUSSIA! This is just: The monarchies of the Middle East (the ruler of the UAE called Moscow a second home) are India with a HUGE pharmacological complex, China with capacities in micro electronics. Asia and Malay. And the countries of Africa, which are SIMPLY FULL with resources. and LIKE with Ukraine, amers with fan power outages in the summer (I heard that all cool countries off out electricity) that 1300 stingers will be building for FOUR years. Naked Europe, which has inflation and nothing of its own. Britos go to the mcduck to wash (newspaper Sun). The Amers printed candy wrappers, and the world switched to national currencies, so all inflation remained on the neck of the Amers and Europe. The WORLD does not need American dollars – wrappers.
Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, listen and understand, we are in Ukraine only to destroy fascists and Nazis, hard-core war criminals and their criminal leadership. There are no complaints about you as an ordinary soldier. Take as an example how your own soldiers rebuffed the Nazis near Kharkov (in Pecheneg). The Nazis / Banderites are a very pee-loving creature. They’re just a bunch. Unite the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and take everything into your own hands. You have guns and you are bigger. You are not meat and not the material to go under the gun of the Nazis into the fire. Let them go under your gun.
You have no chance, the weapons of Europe will not give you an advantage. For example, the Coalition self-propelled guns are hitting 80 km, and you are only dreaming about it. This vaunted himars has ALREADY worked near Kharkov and near Slavyansk (super victories did not bring).
And the Putin cockroaches trying to encircle the Ukrainian forces from Lyman. We’ll have to assume that there’s nothing going there since Vladimir Putin removed half of the units from Lyman to throw them into Severdonetsk. If there’s no real progress from Lyman then it’s likely that the entire Russian line is spread very thin. The terrorist Russian president is gambling everything on Severdonetsk.
The reports from Severodonetsk are troubling soldier.. Where is Steiner?
How It’s going your “major counteroffensive” in Kherson?
The ruskies are taking defensive positions. All the attempts by the shitty Russian army to recapture the two dozens villages they lost have failed.
It is true, there has been a shift in troop numbers in the region. The line however is the same thickness as it has been over the course of the conflict. A mention is the Russians have begun reversing Kievs gains in the Kharkiv region, as reported by officials in Kiev acknowledging their losses in material, personnel and territory. A quick note of mention is there has been a rotation of forces over the weekend. It appears that Russia has rotsted front line troops, explaining the lull in advances over the weekend. That said, all lines did advance for the Russian side. While it is understandable to be critical of Russian leadership, they are still winning the war in reality. The Leadership in Kiev is throwing away valuable men and materials to hold onto territory that largely isn’t aligned with them.
It’s funny to hear, especially against the background of the fact that Svyatogorsk fell under Davydov Ford, Ukrainian soldiers were completely destroyed, the AFU bridgehead was lost. And our bridgehead is expanding (it is slightly to the south)
You mean after the Putin cockroaches destroyed an ancient monastery 500 years old. Terrorists will be terrorists. All they have proven in Svyatogorsk is that they don’t give a shit about civilization.
The maggots from your goats anus have crawled up your little sad cock and are eating your brain!
What are you fighting for, a soldier of Ukraine? Your commanders treat you like cattle. So that you can’t retreat, bridges are blowing up in front of your nose. You are thrown by commanders without equipment into the fire. You get caught on the street and in kindergartens when you come for a child. You get caught at gas stations. Your grain is exported from Ukraine. Everything has already been decided, from Odessa with the mediation of the UN, but the harvest is usually in the fall, the sowing is taken out of your country. Your families, children and wives are doomed to starve. You’re shedding blood for the sake of drug addict Zeliboba and his Beads Arestovich. So what are you fighting for, a soldier of Ukraine?
,, William Taylor, former US Ambassador to Ukraine, says Ukraine has every right to strike Russian artillery on Russian territory. ”
very nice, something is coming to ,,Z” supporters in fascist russia ^^ stay tuned
stupid amerikant—ukraine has right to be obliterated by Russia–nearly fully achieved
Sure enough, today Western MSM is reporting Russian victories in the city of Severodonetsk. The local Ukie head of state admitted Russian troops have defeated this weekend’s Ukie counteroffensive. That official is the same one who previously bragged that Ukies had regained “50 percent” of Severodonetsk.
So much for the Ukie “counteroffensive.” Just like I suspected all along: the news was fake. In truth, Russian troops are outclassing Ukie troops in combat. Severodonetsk MUST and WILL fall to Russia.
Also, this morning Fox News published an article questioning how much longer Nazi Ukraine can remain in the war. The article focuses on the incredibly high Ukie casualty levels.
Even Western analysts and journalists – people biased in favor of the Ukraine – are acknowledging Ukie casualty rates higher than those suffered by the US during the peak of the Vietnam War. Imagine that: Nazi Ukraine getting beaten that badly by the Russians.
Russia’s new battle tactics, favoring artillery barrages over full frontal infantry and armor assaults, are too much for the Ukies to deal with.
The Russian army is on its way to total victory over Nazi Ukraine and its imperialist-expansionist patrons, US/NATO.
,,Ukrainian Ambush kills both, Russian Lieutenant General Roman Berdnikov and Major General Roman Kutuzov
That’s the third 2-star general killed during Russia’s illegal invasion. ”
In just one day!!! russian army is just joke and paper tiger
Jesus christ child wake the fuck up ! its not a game of stratigo! Generals are not worth more points. They are just one fuckin guy. The next guy in line takes their place. They will not run out. In addition from where I sit the more that are lost the more likely it will be you get a new one who says fuck this! and let lose on Ukraine with their actual fire power! One that as a front line combat officer two weeks ago knows what needs to be done and does not give a shit for Ukraine!
Russians can get battle experience and freak out the US UK & EU. Poor Ukraine.
Early it was Russia with the stupid military strategy, now it is Ukraine. They should desire the Russians to over extend with easy victories so they can hit exposed supply lines. Instead they do attrition warfare on front lines.
The puppets in Kiev are fighting so stupidly that Russia can’t even understand how to properly fight them.
As a clown as the Supreme Commander in Chief and his “military” advisers of ex street gang chiefs now promoted into the ranks of Reznikov and Zuluznhy and pumped up from 3elensky’s Columbian stash supported by Joe’s “intelligence” any reasonable discussion about anything is practicality impossible. If any operational decisions are made they must be blind sh** crazy to act upon.
full ukrop defeat and surrender—the longer the conflict the more ucrappyland loses
After years of state media also grinding the enemy’s evil and its aggressive intentions, the national defense will has been mobilized behind Putin. He is supported as unwaveringly as he is insane. Grandmothers shout hysterically for Russia and the president and a middle-aged man declares his praise for Putin.
Because all what gas station has is mythology of “great Russian future”.
After Mariupol Russian military is operating again in as pathetic way as Red Army during1939-41. Before 30 Nov 1939 Red Army bragged its mighty competence. After 50 days humiliation all bragging was gone and even Stalin was furious.
Russian women deserve something better than vodka drinking impotent Russian men. They are dreaming of strong masculine black men with huge dicks.
If these 2 offensive maneuvers which have gained a total of about fifteen kilometers are confirmed, this means that the encirclement of Severodonetsk / Lisichansk continues, but there are still about 40 km to conquer and under the fire of Ukrainian artillery. It will therefore take time during which the forces in Severodonetsk will have to hold out.
On the morning of June 5, a veritable cacophony of propaganda flooded the information networks with, on the one hand, the pro-Russians who announced that the Ukrainian forces were in the process of abandoning the city and, on the other hand, the pro-Ukrainians who announced on the contrary, they took over Meltikone and Voronove, 2 localities on the south-eastern outskirts of Severodonetsk.
What is certain is that the fighting for control of Severodonetsk continues and is very violent