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- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Bakhmut;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Pervomaiske;
- The Russian Army repelled the AFU attacks near Chervonopopivka;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
- Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Soledar;
- On December 6, Ukrainian artillery shelled the city of Donetsk. Four civilians were killed in the Kievsky district;
- The AFU artillery shelled the town of Gorlivka. Six homes, a school and a factory were damaged.
I am ashamed of being an American. Our HIMARS killing civilians everyday in Donetsk. A shame.
You should only be ashamed of your government and NATO ruled by a globalist cabal in D.C. which you no longer have any control over.
Maybe someone should actually storm the capitol and impale all the traitors. Ok, only a fraction of them, because the rest occupies Wall Street and the various government offices.
Come to Russia and be a good Nazi!
Ukraine must be dismantled and all Ukronazis – exterminated.
The existence of this illegal structure called “Ukraine” is a threat to the entire civilized world.
Those who supported Ukraine must be exterminated too, Ursula, those from Italy etc . No way around that. Leaving the office clerks of EU in power is a crime against humanity and Nature alike.
I hope to see the lynching of all EU beaurocrats imvolved in terrorizing of the people.
There is an excellent documentary on RT called
“Documentary : Sudoplatov: Mission, Ukraine “.
It’s a detailed account of the Ukie armed nationalists from 1917 to the present.
The US was and still is involved with Germany in financing training and arming the UKIE killers.
In the late forties the Ukretards proved so crazy that the Americans were turned off. The British, however, loved the viscious in-fighting of the Ukretards, and put them to work straight away. The ones held by the Americans were given uniforms and some autonomy in the DP camp, and the first thing they did was conduct trials to kill one another. Can’t make up the level of kookiness of Ukretard nationalists.
The Ukie ultra-nationalists are clinically insane with zero empathy.
The ancient Vikings were arguably of the same vicious mindset, in my opinion.
The vikings were able to co-operate with one another, and regardless of their violent nature, they formed societies all over Europe. The Ukretards couldn’t even keep it together in a DP camp without killing one another. I don’t think that there is such a thing as a Ukretard “nationalist”. They ones that are politicize are all “ultra”. The interview with L Ron Yushchenko in the Oliver Stone doc is a real eye-opener. He believes in a magical Ukrainian history that never, ever existed and the fuck-piles sort of voted him in. I mean, he didn’t win the election, but he had enough support for the Five Eyes to push him over the top.
To the best of my knowledge, you had to be a “good citizen” to be accepted in the ancient Viking society. Punishments for traitors, criminals and freeloaders etc. were harsh, though. Quite a fair deal, if you ask me. We should re-introduce those principles.
Russian army still sucking. Hard to tell they mobilized anyone.
They barely hold an area of the former Ukraine as big as France after eight years of NATO suport for the failed Ukrainian CIA project. I mean, look at how much winning the Ukrainians have done with the ATO. Win, win, win. Totes for reals, tonight I saw a miliary age Ukretard getting a driver’s license in his new country. He had his triple-dong-dildo passport for ID. What up with that, Glory Hole Princess?