Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On April 3, 2022 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Eastern Ukraine On April 3, 2022 (Map Update)

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Mariupol was 100% liberated

Have we won yet?


we are fucked kiev should have been pounded to the ground, now they can resupply this is a nightmare

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Russians will start advancing from the east and south. Once Severodonetsk and Lischiansk falls, then Kramatorsk and Sloviansk will fall. Then up towards Zaporzizha from south while group advances west from Sumy and Kharkiv.

So Russians will be outside Kiev again one way or another in the next 6 months maybe year, but with much better logistics and reinforcements this time as opposed to going through Belarus like they did last month.


russkies cant even capture mykolaiv mariupol or Kharkiv and you think they can capture ODESSA or KRAMATORSK or SEVERODONETSK? HAHA
dream on fat man




Mariupol, the Azov Jonestown? Got a few thousand extra Nazis kicking around to replace that NATO-operated White Supremacist chile cook-off?


They have taken their NATO ‘trainers’ hostage and are using them for food. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of 5 Eyes and French scumbags. I hope they choke on them.

Yamil Perez

Do french taste like french cuisine?
Dog eats dog.

jens holm

We are not trainers and none here feel us as hostages. Ukras as well as Russia has Minsk 2 as hostage.

Its as darwin has given You no ears when we so many times has told Ukraine should not be memeber of Nato as well as EU.

We just want normal trade and production both ways as a something for something inthe rest of the world. By that Ukras in their own context can be affiliated with the rest of the world.

We fight the old self created russian paranoia patent. Not so many years ago it was all the way to west of Berlin. For good reasosn it collapsed. None there want anything of that back.

jens holm

Nato is not in Ukraine even we now by Russian decidings are donaters.

Its a kind of funny not funny we now give old DDR tanks to fight against Russia.

Maybee we should send Belugas and vodka too.

Hahaha ni los nazis Donekts en 8 years


Waffle SS – Stupid, shit-for-brains Ukrop. You guys have made the word Ukrainian equal to scum-of-the-Earth.

jens holm

No they havnt. Nazis there are made as contrast to communists and their ruins.

They both are build on one brain in everything is better then adding the rest of us.

Yamil Perez

Mariupol has pretty kuch fallen.
95% of the city is controlled by Russia.
Azovisis is holding out at a plant using Human shields.
So patriotic…

Miki Miric

Hahaha πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Miki Miric

Pa glupane Ameri i Iračani su mjesecima napadali Mosul od ISIS

jens holm

Fine with me. But You forget things are not over at all in military as well as political matters.

In many ways Ukraine itself is a malfunction. Its no paradise only a help the russians might be there with close to none influence.

I and we also has seen many examples for non tolerans of the worst kind to others then “real Ukras”. Countries includes people. Here You also dont include the LGBTs. You also divide on gender very much.

You has just as much corruption as Russia drowning normal sense in ineffectivity as well.

So my comment is, that if You want something better, You also should have plans for imporvements. One important way is tools to make a lot of own jobs. Millions today work outiside even many could be created by Yourself and outisders to improve the wellsystems.

As for Russia halft of the incomming money to the Oligarcs are not even taxed. Asa minimum the main parts of that should be used by Your states and onlast to schools, education, healtcare, hospitals and pension.

In the rebuilding of houses allshould be better insolated against heat in the summer as well as Your cold winter. You also should make more lectricity for You cars and by that go away from fossils.

You might use more solar panels. When the price for plant oils on the world market is low, You should make diesel for Your own cars.

Im no nazi but nazis also use houses, need food, clothe, makes babies and has internet and TV. You might even sit on the toilet in the same way as the rest of us.

Putin biches tears taste like heaven

Look who os back, PlayStation general fatso Steiner that kept saying that chernihiv was totally surrounded and doomed. Where are my troops Steiner? Comeback in a year? Lolol what an idiot

Russia is a paper tiger

Forget that fatso he couldn t conquer his own dick if needed to


He was fighting his wive and lost, now he trays to take revenge on the Ukraines.

Miki Miric

I iskustvima koje nisu realno imali

jens holm

It seemes to be a good plan. Ukras are there too.

I also allow me to say its an expectation those Russians can have a better logistic as well as better reinforcements. I see non signs for that.

I see vitals error all over. We had an old car like that. Repairs made no sense.

I can only see the Russians bombarde the homes for 44 milion Ukras down to the ground as old nasty brothers revenge.

Ukraine of today is made by USSR itself as an artificial construction from late 1944 and two additions making it evn more as a konglomerate with no glue.

So I wonder what Your purpose for taking it is. From a military point You make sense.

jens holm

You can go there and they will

Against Ukro trolls

Yes the russians are winning, each day a city in east Ukraine fall, so this a slow process. Any more question?

Pancho Villa

what is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?

A Fellow

Incomplete information. African or European?

Steve C.

In the cruise or in a dive?


The instant the Russians began the Special Operartion, they won. Ukrotards will never join NATO, never get nuclear weapons, never regain Donbas, never regain Crimea, and their Azov freakshow force is being turned into taco meat. Pretty much every box on the Russian to-do list has a check.

A Fellow

The initial objective, given in Putin’s speech to his constituents, was disarm and “denazify”. Well, they still have a military and they still have the same administration. The Azov “freakshow” is putting up a defense in Mariupol which is entering national legend the longer it goes on and helping recruitment for new chapter in at least Kyiv & Dnipro. The former, at least, will be beyond any future Russian objectives.

If it succeeds in taking the rest of Donbas, Russia may just have to settle with Ukraine joining NATO after this, because the relationship between those two is now permanently wrecked and this war (stop calling it a special operation, you won’t be arrested here) has breathed life back into NATO after Trump & Afghanistan had worn out its morale. It’s even undone the traditional popularity of neutrality among the Swedish & Finnish voting publics.

The only net victory will be if the EU does capitulate to paying for gas in rubles.

Barba Papa

I still think that Russia can pull strategic victory from tactical defeat, by forcing Ukraine to be neutral in exchange for getting most of its captured territory. I don’t think this war is about conquering and then annexing the Donbass to Russia. A country at war and with parts of it occupied cannot join NATO. Then again, Sleepy Joe doesn’t know half of the time where he is or what he is saying.

Yamil Perez

There was no tactical defeat.

jens holm

Ther we go again with repeated nonsence. We have no ibtensions in having Ukraine as memeber of Nato as well as EU.

You repeat the total lying Russian paranoia agenda and its demand for patents for, whats should go on outside their jurisdiction.

Urkaine as well as Belarus are not Russia but won recognized countries, where the people has the tight to decide theirown destiny.

Thats defined by UN for 30 years.

And dont put in Biden in this. The support for Your version us Cuba, Belarus, Eritrea, Assad and North Korea.

This is about Putin believing his and theirs selfcreated Hill Billie paranoia. I dont see Biden as sleepy. He is a in many way silent leader, which has chosen strong helpers doing well.

He is not just a big mouth, so we cant see he has no sober brain behind it.


During a war you knock out power/communication/infrastructure.

West and most of Ukraine has all of the above and more…so how is this a war?

Yeah one side claims it’s a war like they claimed so many other things…ghost of Kiev, Hospitals getting targeted etc etc.

But yeah…fuck me, azov is getting mad rep, I honestly believe Putin advisers are fucking loons if they believe Ukraine will be anything but a constant thorn in the future.

The world has changed and although his old advisers and staff need to remain, new ones need a voice because although I strongly support the war on both nazi and lies, in the process azov gaining big respect amongst youth/retards…a bullet from a retard is just as deadly as any other.
And let’s face it, we live in a world with a larger % of the population that are idiots.

So yeah, don’t worry, you don’t have to call it a war here, you won’t get arrested or brain washed for using the correct terminology.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dudeeeee
jens holm

I agree 100%.

We here do the best to pay no rubels using even expensive solution to maintain as we do.

Russias should be in their own country. Their leaders acnt even devollop their own country. They now and the last yesr even has taken tools for it it away. .


Hey Clyde, are a Westerner who sides with Commies?

jens holm

Things are not like that here. In west we has the right to have many oppinions Ourself. We also has medias which cover it. Some medias are biased some ar not some are sometimes.

By those many oppinions we choose in elections – CHOOSE.

By that we also are much more advanced then Commies or not. Many here want improments for the people living in Russia as well. We wish they has the right to a better life. Thats not Commies or not.


Ukraine a state with no sea coast

Ukraine are blocked by sea and air…they cannot harvest the wheat in the east part and export it by sea.

jens holm

Thats repeated total stupidity and dont grow in Our garden. We as Nato and EU are in total denial. You only use it as propaganda.

Its the same with those very few nazis. The Goverment and the president is more and better elected then Putins now.




There are some of your winners:

Yamil Perez

Yes we have.

Miki Miric

Jeste,vaΕ‘e snage su pred Vladivostokom


not yet. look some of my winning boys. waited for them at a tranny party but they didn’t show because of prize ceremony.


ukies demoralized fleeing to polyland, Moldova etc…vast numbers of okie nazi soldiers traumatized in Slovak, Hungarian hospitals…soon vast numbers will be with their nazi hillbilliy burger flippers in alabamy trailer parks—Sawyer, loki grunter poko molo etc


Poor Fourth Reich! But they deserve it. The Fourth Reich and the Five Eyes + Israel have outlived their usefulness to the human race. Some ot the abovementioned never had any.

Last edited 2 years ago by platon

If these scenes that are coming out of Bucha are a fraction of what is going to be found when Ukraine recovers Mariupol there are going to be terrible consequences for any Russians involved in this war.


Recover what? You are so delusional aren’t you? You really believe you are winning?


what consequences? america has less power in this world. Most of the world has rejected america

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Russians withdraw March 28. Bucha announced liberated March 30. Celebrations March 31. Mayor announces safe and clear. Then April 1 OMG MASSACRE. It is a false flag you retarded cunt. Russian troops left Bucha 4 days before claims made or any photos taken of alleged massacre. This is Ukraine trying very hard to get USA directly involved in a war against Russia. Zionists want WW3 against Russia very bad.

last thing a western faggot like you should do is threaten russia. Unless you want a russian boot crushing your face.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil perez is a gay faggot

The Ukros do not get it, that they are used as cannon fodder with the intent to kill many Nazis and weaken Russia. In this way the West beats two flies at once. But the Ukros are stupid fanatics, thats why their country gets destroyed, and these morons do not get it.

They/Them Army Special Operations Command

They were there for a month dumbass. They obviously murdered them before they left retard.


Strange, that the “dead” rise, when the camera passed. Are they now zombies?
Why are only male “corpes” there?

Mariupol: Your Ucrap Wannabe Hitlers , sub-animals are comitting atrocities, NOT the Russians!!!!


Buca was obviously staged, and Mariupol is a mass grave, but thanks to Zelenski and the Nazis, they sacrificed their people for military and political purposes.


It’s heartwarming to see the Muscals decrying the extermination of their vermin armies of murderers, thiefs, child rapists, torturers and criminals. This band of bottom feeders who would not understand civilization if it hit them in the brain, are praised and saluted by the Russian propaganda machinery, when in fact all they know is to fire their long range artillery at Ukrainian cities and commit the most horrendous atrocities on the civilian population. When faced with the true warriors of the Ukrainian armed forces,they forget how to fight, lay down their weapons and behave like little sheep who are lost from under mommy’s skirt. Of course the lying bastards know why they’re there, and the armed Muscal vermin can only fight unarmed civilians who fear them. But the brave Ukrainian people who are admired by the entire planet for their courage and praised by the West as defenders of the free democratic world, are giving the Muscal vermin all the medicine they need to cure them of the thirst of innocent blood, of other people’s land and property and of their miserable and insignificant life

Last edited 2 years ago by BangderaSteponPutin

Poor ol’ Nazi Ukrotard. The Russians continue to light up the Banderpite savages anywhere they choose to do so. Who would have thought that the failed Ukrainian ethnic cleansing operation in Donbas would lead to the destruction of the Banderpite military in it’s entirety? Wowsers!

jens holm

But they are not. You still name things in the total unrealistic propanda version. The Russians and You are up against more then 36 millions, where 3% are nazis.

19 of 20 You are up against are not nazis at all.


It’s heartwarming to see the Ucrap Nazis decrying the extermination of their vermin armies of murderers, thiefs, child rapists, torturers and criminals.

jens holm

They dont iddi


It’s heartwarming to see the Ucrap Nazis decrying the extermination of their vermin armies of murderers, thiefs, child rapists, torturers and criminals.

jens holm

They dont iddi ot


Bandera was a faggot, a untermensch.

jens holm

He was an Ukrainian freedomfighter from 1918 to 1944. he lost a war againt the Poles. He also was in KZ camp Sacsenhausen by Gestapo.

He also had 3 children which probatly is alive today


Keep posting. You do a sevice to humankind by making them see what apes are when they fail to evolve. I think posts like yours are more useful than anything I could say about what psychopathic scum you Ukro-Jews are. YOU give us evolved humans the picture that is worth thousands of words.

jens holm

If those 100.000 jews in Ukraine are that kind kind of powerfull, its because You are nothing and even insist.

Yamil Perez

Sounds more like Azovisis.

jens holm

Thats the point. Nazis are nationalists and a part of the rest of the nationalists.

Michigan Man

That’s exactly the point. The whole mighty russian Red Army. 1 Month and counting, and still they could not defeat roughly 3000 die-hard Ukrainian nationalists, in completely encircled Mariupol, which defend their country. And pro-russian idiots here really claim that to be a “success”. How degenerated one must be, to see total failure as “success” ?

8000-17.000 dead russian amateur-soldiers in only 1 month. More than the US invader army lost in roughly 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan together !

Russian military gear worth billions destroyed – in just one month !

And whole Ukrainian population now hating the invader from the core of their hearts. Now russian army retreating from Kiev in order to amass forces so to at least hold the eastern parts of the land they stole from the Ukrainians.

Very pathetic what the russians are doing. Putins will go down the drain as one of the most despicted, despised, disgusting and idiotic presidents russia has ever had.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
jens holm

Your version for soldiers is very incorrect. Azovs was/are one of three Mirapol cinter unuits. So to a start they were division seize.

Those has been well prepared and exelent defenders. In the othe hand we see low Q russians in all levels. Only their missiles are doing well.

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

This is the military situation in Eastern Ukraine. The Putin faggots are on the run and looking for shitty excuses to save face.

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

On the run? They were just 10 miles outside Kiev from Northwest for 1 whole month and AFU could not push them back. 15 miles outside Kiev from east and 1 whole month AFU still could not push them back.

They got order to withdraw and restart offensive from another axis. You will be crying hard once Donbass falls :D

Russians will push up the Dnieper from the south and east. So half of Ukraine will be lost by next year. retarded UKROP

Slava Cocaine!

Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

They’re on the run. Don’t go crying about it like the other Putin faggots around here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mikhail Mizintsev white haired general faggot

Salo Ukraini, Mykhujlo of Khuyev.

They/Them Army Special Operations Command

They lost 1000+ Armored vehicles and 20,000 troops just to get stuck outside Kyiv. LOLOLOLOL Loser Veh Deh Veh only good at beating women. LMAOOOOOO

jens holm

Thats not what normal informasions are. Those troops were split up and deranged to leftovers with no supply.

By thats they were impossible to repair into real troops if they ever were.

Those troops want withdraw to fight somewhere else. They are worth nothing. So the fight to try to fight as You propose is by fresh and intact real reinforcements.

And one more thing: The russians has to learn to fight the modern Ukra defence and it mobile gurelli infantery warfare.

They probatly cant. Its not in the mind of Russians and their old oudated warfare at all. You program for the next months might be very unrealistic.

Ukras gets reinforcments too. Here its a matter of enough education but they seemes to get the needed tools.

Im surpriced Ukras do that well but Russia are not the ones, whci one upon a time ago should be feared and shoved respect.

I thought Disney was being shut down!


What happened in Rebezhnoe?

Pancho Villa

meth lab in west virginia blew up

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

UKROP nato tears will be plentiful once half of Ukraine is under Russian control from Odessa to Zaporizha to Sumy. Look how desperate and raging they were when Russians controlled all of Kiev and Chernigov oblast? Lolz LiveUAMap freaked out and put 10000 updates when Russians withdrew, they even pretended they “captured” the villages in “glorious” battles and wikipedia made up fake battles about the withdrawals. Meanwhile the AFU went into abandoned empty villages. Glorious

Yamil perez is a gay faggot

Look at wikipedia they turned every single village that Russians withdrew from into a “battle” that never even took place, and claimed Ukrainians won after going in to fight imaginary russian soldiers. Wikipedia editors from Warsaw on crack.

Take a look at LiveUAmap for a good laugh to

Slava Cocaine!

Arzt Injektion

It really is disgusting the western coverage. You have to tune them out completely. In this whole campaign to date I think I there are only two villages that Ukraine has managed to capture that was contested and yet you have this fictitious scenario whereby this juggernaut Ukraine is taking back all lost territory. It is just a joke. If this really was happening then why the false flag in Bucha? Why are Top Generals being purged?


The western media are complicit criminals, while they blame everything on the russians they are absolutely silent on the atrocities in Donetsk and elsewhere. They know full well what is happening, but they are complicit Nazi media.

Pancho Villa

atrocities only count if it makes for a good news story


and fit the approved narrative.

jens holm

Its in articles, Youtubes, pictures and easy to look up.

You deny to understand those are a fact and we kind of accept them better then 17,8% Russians there runned by Moskwa should run the whole Ukraine by threats, fear and propaganda.

You in Your propaganda dont see theose nazis are 2,15% nazis not even are in the parlament.

Here You also dont see their PM and President are well elected in a relative sober way. They are more sober elected then in Russia, because all can be elected and not by some more and more narrowminded nepotisme by Putin.

Ukriane has/had 26 political parties. Here You are up against nationalists. Thast not nazis.

Do west support Nazis. No way. We work agains the reasons for them. Russia work in extremisme, som they fertilize and grow them for own purpose.


They lie about everything, helped Biden steal our election. It’s obscene what they get away with. All in bed with Soros so they fawn over zelenski. They blamed Russia when campaign donation site was hacked. A year later the debit card that was stolen was used in China. They straight up lied and blamed Russia on the news. I’m shocked covid isn’t Russia fault yet. Yet, lol

jens holm

Invest in real windmills and windpower instead of this kind of minus contra productivity.

No elections was stolen just because someone like You think You are the chosen ones by birth.

jens holm

You must be without TV, Radio and Internet writing that crap. Have Your heard it in VladivostokπŸ›€πŸΌ

Its all over the world You are not even able to contact or dont.


Western Masked Media are committing suicide. Russia will have to broadcast Radio Free Planet of the Apes into the smoldering ruin that will be the Collective West when there is no more shit left to hit the fan.

jens holm

You are not a nice person :)

jens holm

We actually has photas and videos by many mobil phones and androids about it. It also cover an important taken airport, which the Russians has left.

Whats Your antenna for what You write here. Many might assume its an arm to one Putin channel only.

I a way I dont care half a Turkish tourist camel about what You think and say. You live in a dark state keeo You in dark. You even support the dark to remain and grow.

You know nothing about the Ukra warfare is. Here the Russian troops has been forced to retreat by direct and indirect fighting. The indirect fighting dont exist in Your narrominded mind.

The winner is those troops can fight when they have no tools for it as well as they has been disorganized.

The only way to save those soldiers are to retreat, reorganized and re-arm.

Vital parts of that is no duelling soldiers at all. Many important people has told that many times. One was Bradley under Eisenhower in West.

It also was an agrement with Stalin, that west destroyed all kinds of miliatry production in Germany. Here it also was of importance, that the Russin forces got extra.

jens holm

Thast was what was needed in the old leand and lease.

400,000 jeeps & trucks
14,000 airplanes
8,000 tractors
13,000 tanks
1.5 million blankets
15 million pairs of army boots
107,000 tons of cotton
2.7 million tons of petrol products
4.5 million tons of food

But here has to be added the T34 stabile supply by Bedford trucks. The low octane fuel was added American jet fuel. Most of the T34 had american radios as well.

Thats what the Russian invaders has lack of.

Lesco Brandon

Wiki is controlled by Western intelligence services. I don’t trust them to tell me the time.


Worse, libtards have editing privileges. Antifa weirdos can change whatever they want. I can just imagine what kind of gaytrans nonsense is there now.

jens holm

Thats highly incorrect. Stuff to there is controlled. By that antifa weirdos are treated like the rest of us. They can change everythingthey want as well. You are an infected liar about that too.

Next You even put gays in it. How low can You bee. Are You a digging toiletcleaner for ISIS or what.

When I se nonsense I do fact checking.

You seemes to ignore truth is many things. Its a well known omen, that a coin has at least 2 sides. So it is a right to bring many sides but in a sober way according to the many 1000s of controllers.

Its right here, where You are. The Russian Ukrainian disagreements seemes to have more then one side. I has more then two sides. Actually You can bring many other sides and perspective in, where all are true.

Gays are people of the finest to me. They have time to educate and work. They make a lot of money for tax. They also makes very few children. Thats what the overcrowded world need even keeping people like You alive right now.

If I should decide, I would remve or kill Leders makin war. So far 50.000 has died in Ukriane. Less then 5.000 are LGBTs.

In Ukraine You also can see nazis are 2,15%. So far more then 98% kiled are non nazis as well.


Wiki covered itself in shit about fifteen years ago. LIke Al Jazeera.

jens holm

I dont see that. Its more like you have covered Your self in even more dark like hindus in next generation by Moro will be worms kept deep below or for fishing.

jens holm

Billions of people use wikipedia every day. All of them of course is more dummyhats then You.

You probatly is born in Brighton too.

I feel fine about being controlled by western intelligence service. I even pay tax to one of them. Its a part of me.

We dont care about what You think about Wikipedia. We just use it and many other sources as well.


Lol, if you have the patience you can follow some of those edits back to the editor. See where in the world this expert on Russuan Ukraine battles is, if not right to their Facebook or Instagram. Libtards aren’t that bright.

jens holm

I agree. You has to follow the real credibility and add and subtract. Thats goes for all sources.

jens holm

We all know how Your loser version is too.

You came as Unicef and friends to liberate all those villages made into voncentration caps. But after some time You run out of food. And even the scares little Ulras run away, Ypu hqad to go back for more food for Your jΒ΄holliday.

That was how it was.

But WE has live facts by dayli mobiles and androids too. They all tell about hard figthings and destructions for many towns and villages added many soldiers and civilians has died there.

jens holm

Its a right to make corrections in Wkipmedia.

Wiki often is the first we get. it can be relative sober lies too or just updatings for, whats going on.

Tha the strong side of a media as that.

By that You also as niumber one should check up if Your own knowledge level is sober. You also sometimes has to add salt and pepper of remove too mch of it.

That about imaginery soldiers I dont belive. I do believe a Polish nationalistic source can be biased(a lot).

But I also can compare with sources like this one right here and fx Ukraine live UA. There has been no fight against ghosts.


Yup, it’s a laughable joke in that regard, the “re-captured/re-taken”, they act like they had to battle over it, when in reality all they had to do was walk in as the opponent had already left, typical spin especially when there isn’t much good news for them, but still funny.

jens holm

Well they did capture, because their enemies were forced TO LEAVE.

That has been a very normal thing for many battles and wars.

jens holm

All Russian adventures start with: Once upon a time, there might come.

Mark Johnson

Russia appears to have held back far too much in this war. Every bridge and railway ovr the Dneeipr should have been cut day one leaving the Ukes isolated in the east. Why haven’t strategic bombers and nerve gas been used for the nazis in holed up in mariupol? Even so the major effects of this conflict are global. The dollar has been exposed as a fraud, Russia has emerged as self-reliant, and Germany starves for food and energy under its globalist marxist government. However Ukraine partitions out the world will never be the same. Good. At least some Uke children will learn that boys can’t wish themselves to be girls when all is said and done.


The Russians are much too soft to the Ucrap Nazis, carpet bombing of large gatherings of Ucraps should be done, as the US did with thier B-52 in Yugoslavia. Russia should learn more of the US warfare and finish the Ucrap Nazis.


Watch what will happen in the next few days at Azovstal and in the ‘cauldrons’.

jens holm

Russjans dont have that many carpets.

Lesco Brandon

I agree completely. You can’t win a war of this scale by being nice. Russia should have taken the gloves off from day 2 and started taking out all infrastructure that could be used for military purposes. This is what the US did against Yugoslavia.

Pancho Villa

such brilliant hyperboles, perhaps consider using fact based arguments… lemme guess you are romanian, greek, spanish, or brazilian or from Oregon


Limited war, limited victory

jens holm

I hope the hosital will find you soon. Hrrrm. I hope the hospital wont find You.

Lesco Brandon

Russia has blown this campaign completely. The abysmal failure in Kiev is humiliation for Russia.

I say the above as a supporter of Russia and I want Russia to exterminate the Nazis in Ukraine. They are vile filth. However this does not detract from the fact Russia has effed things up completely. The question now is can they regroup and do somethin in the south and east of Ukraine?


Lol, you are talking like a woman. A land bridge for Crimea, a multipolar world order, and perhaps more importantly, lessons learned on how to improve Russia for the future.


Bullshit. Your source, Disney, has been shut down by the way.

Pancho Villa

well, Azov are nazi’s, westerners are evil, lgbt alabama trailer trash, zelensky is on coke, biden is a braindead mf, russia is always perfect, Jews control the world…. guess that covers the gist of the comment section…. oh wait, Iskander a day keeps the asovs away…. now we are are covered


fuckin mines every where , need to develop some kind of schockwave that can take those mines out and cut the ukrops off from the inside of the dnieper

Truth Hurts

All the Putinyahoo bots are winning. Today tomorrow the next day Russia takes Odessa. By this time next year they will be only one day away from Odessa lol. The delusion is hilarious and on repeat. This map is a testament of what years of saviour complex lead to 🀑

Michigan Man

Yes, Russia is on the losing end of this. But Putin is just the one side of the NWO/JWO. He wants to get as many as possible white russian humans killed. As that is what his jewish masters have ordered him to do. And Zelensky isn t better. They are both Jews. Putin and Zelensky. And most of the EU and US politicians are too. See: . Both sides is the same, fighting against the people see:

USA Homeland Security Service Says: The People Are The Enemy

Russian medias admit through their teeth the truth, see:

Putin wants to vaccinate (read genetically destroy/kill)
all russian children from the age of 2 years !!!!

What a nice “pro-russian” president. This jewish puppet does exactly the same like all NWO/JWO leaders. Which is: Doing everything possible to eradicate non-jewish population in as much countries as possibly. Primariarly those countries with white-skinned population.

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Man
Truth Hurts

Agree except he’s a Zionist. Not Jewish. Zionism is a cancer on everyone’s house. It uses Judaism as its vehicle, like Wahhabism uses Islam and Nazism uses Christianity.

Truth Hurts

Embarrassing. Pathetic. Can’t wait for next week’s map 🀑

Pancho Villa

remember when maps were updated daily …πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Truth Hurts

They’ll be updated on a monthly basis soon lol


There ought to be automated road checkpoints that can be airdropped onto major roads to prevent trafficking of weapons and munitions. Civilians drive through with hardly any delays. Any hostiles interfering with the machine would get their coordinates forwarded to a nearby short range ballistic missile station and/or a patrolling close air support.

If mass produced it would greatly hasten peacetime in Ukraine.

Last edited 2 years ago by B A
jens holm

There we go again. You expect they and we are sitting ducks much less clever then You by birth.

Its always like that, when You and Our chuΓ­ldren makes their poit of views.

I take one example: the Russians cant efford to use smart bombs. So to be accurate bombing roads and bridges well they has to come in slow and in low altitude.

By that they are shot down by fx Stingers. Your propganda keep You away from those facts. Thats why you dont belive many Russian airplanes are downed.


Interesting clever Ukranian decoy of SAM vehicle:


The US is clearly an oil addict (and doesn’t seem to truly care for its EU vassal states):

And…. thanks to its shock and awe energy markets strategy with its frakking boom shortly post 2007, it’s current reserve life is only around 10 years. We’ve pumped ourselves dry in virtually no time, hence the need to loot** places like Libya, Syria, Venezuela, Iran (if we could), and Russia (if we could) !

**: in the sense of John Perkinson’s “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man”

Last edited 2 years ago by B A
jens holm

Thats garbage. USA here fx wish to seel use LGB. Thats a kind of care amiking money too.

The rest is crap as well.

We anytime can go back to other kinds of fossils. In EyuΓΊrope and other paces we has to implement much more wind poer and soalr cells. We also can reduce the use fx by building more insolated buidings and make improments for the rest.

We are not sitting ducks. In Europe we do have a very good plan, where we reduce theuse of those very needed fossils. So far rthey are in delay. But how things are right now, we will accelerate the needed changes. Some eben add nuke as source.

We are not sitting ducks. The world also find a lot of gas and some oil. Those has to be added the 10 year horisont.

USA has their own problems in oil. In the Texas/Gulf area so many old wells for oil are driven as safe low income. The private owners jsut keep it like that.

But new more advanced methods can add the comming ups from the resewrvoirs with 300 to 500%. That goes for many ussians fields as well as the small local one fx in Syria.

Its visible on maps showing dry oilfields. Buy they are not. They are not dry at all for advanced new kind of driillings, whcih actually are not new anymore.

Its a little more expensive to take up, but there is alot of oil.


Raevsky analyzes the current situation and concludes –he is a professional military analyst…he admits Putin’s strategies have been effective and have surprised him twice
ukrop military infrastructure demolished
Russian strategy has been effective
ukrop “uncle Shmuel” psy-ops disinformation has been effective in deceiving many—he debunks all of the lies
ukrop troops in central/east ukraine have also been effective but are now short on ammunition and fuel
he predicts that the 2 cauldrons in western donbass will be addressed by massive redeployment in the next 4 weeks
the hillbilly lies he describes as “desperation”


There are no cauldrons, though, they are not cut off. In order to cut them off would require a lot more troops than Russia is pulling up. They can probably push Ukraine out of Russian territory but that is about it. It’s military malpractice what has happened, not enough troops for the plan.

Yamil Perez

Wait for it.
I heard the same BS in Syria.
And yet 80% of Syria is under SAA control.

Truth Hurts

You use 80% of Syria as an example of success 🀑 weekly Israeli strikes co-ordinated with Russia, Turkish and US occupation – both initially welcomed by Russia as β€œpartners”, and massive smuggling of Syrian oil by her enemies. If that’s your blueprint of success I wonder what defeat looks like πŸ˜‚

jens holm

80% of Syria is not under SAA control at all.

As example You have to take away most parts of the Homs deserts and parts of the Dara as well.

And what control? More then 8 of 20 milions are not even in the coutry. Assads had won the figtings many years ago if those gave Assad several 100.000 soldiers and locums as supply.

Your maps should be improved by using signatures for contested area.

Yamil Perez

Cauldrons can be created multiple ways.
First they can be physically cut off frim all sides.
Thats not the case yet but they can only move westwards.
Second you can use airpower to pound them and the supply lines.
Third jf you have no fuel or airforce you cant really resupply anyone and you can only retreat on foot.
Winning a few skirmishes here and there won’t change the outcome.
Germans also had many tactical victories but lost the war strategically m

jens holm

You are in the old days just as him. Ukras dont fight as some version of Yours. They have their own systems, which mainkly seemes ti be am american version added some brittish attitudes.

You are highly incorrect making directions as tehy only can move west.

As amteur following how guerilla warfare added infantary with movility and good communications I see figting zones added opprtunity sokldiers as guerilla. By that there is no front.

The purpose of those many small grousp of soldiers are to make losses and then be gone. It makes the giant exhausted and in need of supply. The enmy also cant move well.

So steppe or not, You only get very strong defence positions where its vital. They are not only well digged, they are full of traps and mines.

You also forget therussians in those matter are on the steppe themself. Here they will be met by missiles and heavy macineguns themself.

But we will see. This is my version. I might be wrong.

They/Them Army Special Operations Command

Yeah that’s right ignore the ruskie rapist running back to beat their defenseless wives after being humiliated in the north LMAOOOO


If Ukraine humiliated them that would be one thing, they humiliated themselves by having the longest front line in history and having too few troops. Also not wanting to capture towns for some reason.

When you fight on the steppe you have to use Genghis Khan not Rumsfeld.


Congrats to taking Kiev, Kherson, Odessa and Mariupol all in time and as plan!
Congrats to the worldclass logistics!
Congrats to not loosing 15,000 soldiers in just a month. And not loosing tanks, helicopters, jets in the hungreds each!
Congrats to not loosing about 30% of combat strength in just 30 days!
Congrats to taking ever more terretory and not retreating or fleeing from important objectives!
Congrats to being able to believe all this!

By the way it took 18 days to take out Poland in WW2 and the German command was very displeased with the performance and did huge retraining effords before the France campaign that took only six weeks even being hugely outnumbered and outgunned by better allied equipment.

The Russian modern army really is the best in history performing incredibly. The combination of infantry, air and sea is just stunning and has never been seen before. The military intelligence was just outstanding. And the plans for taking Ukrain in just five days worked fabulously. So the army needed not to bother with fuel and further amunition or just food. And thus no Russian soldiers were forced to loot supermarkets like thieves.

Also equipping LPR and DPR forces with state of the art equipment kept their losses really low. Not that bad 1960 or 1970ies crap… You know that fighting for the Russian army you really are not expendable and well protected.

jens holm

It makes no sense to compare with Poland.

Ukras are well educated well equipped well prepared troops.

In the other hand You have the russians, which even years of preparations are not. They not even know the enemy and the enemy is not the old Ukrain forces figting as them.


Maybe not, but of course it could motivate the Russians if they see what is possible in only a few days.

The point that WW2 taught us: Mostly the war turned into sieging larger settlements and the question on how to provide logistics.

And those city battles are costly and negate much of the material advantage in tanks and artillery.

Even flattening cities like Nasos tried with Stalingrad with artillery and airstrikes did not make things easier but provided an even more costly battlefield to fight on.

And it does not really work out for Russia either, if you see for how long a small number of soldiers can bind large forces of the Russian army.

But of course Russia is now bringing in 16,000 “volunteers” from Syria. Probably Hisbollah, Syrian special forces and Iranian guard units. And those have the experience in house to house combat and may replace part of the losses.

And probably units fighting in Mariupol learning how to deal with this kind of battles, which may help then later on.

And Hisbollah has some of the finest and best equiped soldiers trained and selected from young age and with years of real combat experience and very experienced comanders.

And they can make an impact. But of course this shows, how desperate the Russian situation is, if the mighty Russian army can not handle this war itself.

I also find it strange, that Russia did the attack in Februar. Where the weather impacts their logistics and the movability of their tankforce. None attacks in the winter, if he can choose the time for combat.

They really did not expect hard fighting at all… Or they would have waited for 2 months.

Vladimir P

Ruskies should have concentrated in the south. Making Ukraine fully landlocked by now. Using the land corridor from Crimea mariupol with logistics East. The Russian Generals should all be put on house arrest.

jens holm

Russians should be in Russia.

This is not about Russian generals. They are forced to live in the old days and under cinditions not shosen by them. Those are written down as teses and followed.

Here You deny to see that the Ukras do a more advanced warfare and are there very much as well.

I agree in the landlock way.

jens holm

Its very surpricing so many name each other as faggots. Is this site some kind of faggot gathering?

It seemes so. Much as its too many “I am not gay” maschos treating their wifes as less bright then themself too.

I love faggots. They have time for education and work and pay a lot of tax. They also make no children by accident and for fun. Its the faggots which save the economy and wellfare for those children.

Faggots, women and children should take over and have constitutional right to shoot anyone they wish.

No female God would ever put a worm in an apple.
