Military Situation In Bakhmut Region On February 15, 2023 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Bakhmut Region On February 15, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ivanivske;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Paraskoviivka;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Debrova;
  • Up to 65 Ukrainian servicemen, 2 armored vehicles and 3 vehicles were destroyed by Russian artillery shelling on Krasniy-Liman front, according to the Russian MOD.


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Stop this nightmare. The guy who started it can stop it. He started it by invading Ukraine and he can stop it by withdrawing from Ukraine.

Do this for the sake of Russian people.

The US is a terrorist country killing ru civilians

To this day, the USA has illegally (meaning without the consent of the United Nations) invaded more than 80 countries. Stop invading countries. Do this for the sake of the American people.


Stop the nightmare of your propaganda talking points. This conflict started when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014 and the regime installed by the Americans launched a terror assault on their own citizens in Donbas because they spoke Russian and rejecte the US coup regime. For the sake of all people, put a gun in your mouth and squeeze that trigger!


Raisonnement infantile. Gauchiste idéologique certainement ou antifas crados ! Aucun intérêt !!!


Never stop derping.


“Gauchiste idéologique” , I would say you should use more dimensions in your judgements . The one dimensional world “left-right” is allready the past. There are both left and right NATO supporters and anti NATO movements. Example the European Greens are actual the “forces of evil” and war mongers nr.1 in Europe, becoming exactly this , what they fought so eagerly against at the beginning of their movement. The leftist parties are also not really “left” , Example Poland.
I think we need the third axis to begin with some sort of “ideologique” :
1. left – right
2. NATO – antiNATO
3. globalist – antiglobalist


The book of revelation in the Christian Bible speaks of the little horn! The bringer of war zelensky . The one who is trying to bring about a third world war


No update from Zaphorizhe (pardon the spelling) for the last few days.
Elsewhere, straws in the wind suggest significant, although limited given the front line conditions, movement.
Is the push to Odessa the target of the next offensive?


No the Nazis started it back in 2014,even that bastard Stoltenberg admitted that,it also started when the Kiev regime went back on Minsk 2 Merkel and the French and Porochenko said it was just to buy time for an attack on Donbass,get it right,if they had followed through on Minsk and gave up trying to join Nato there would be no war and many people including Ukrainians and Russians would still be alive today,that girl was spot on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Cromwell

Stop this nightmare. The guy who started it can stop it. He started it by invading Ukraine and he can stop it by withdrawing from Ukraine.


Stop the nightmare of your propaganda talking points. This conflict started when the US overthrew the Ukrainian government in 2014 and the regime installed by the Americans launched a terror assault on their own citizens in Donbas because they spoke Russian and rejecte the US coup regime. For the sake of all people, put a gun in your mouth and squeeze that trigger!


Clyde if you review my posts since before this SMO kicked off you will see that I both understood Russia’s need for security assurances and Russia’s cultural claims to Crimea and Donbas. That however does not amount to an endorsement of the SMO. It was a strategic mistake. Russia was on an economic roll, raking in $$ in gas sales to Europe, and that was about to double. Putin should have prosecuted this economic advantage instead of war. The war is a nightmare. The Russian offensive no on going is a second strategic mistake. When it fails the counteroffensive will launch. Time to strike a deal for half a loaf and go home.


You’ve certainly got an inflated opinion of yourself if you think I am inclinced to review any of your posts. The SMO was necessary because the Americans will not brook the competition to their regional hegemony posed by Russia. You’re playing games if you ignore that. You do ignore that, and you’re definitely playing games, li’l Hasbaranik. Do you suppose that the Russians should be wary of a counteroffensive launched by the Ukrainians more than the Ukrainians should fear a Russian offensive? This is not the Krajina, and the Ukrainians are not preparing a new Operation Storm. The Americans created, via the Ukrainian puppet, a significant threat to Russian security to which the Russians were obliged to respond. This was done deliberately to trigger the US economic assault on Europe and Russia in the form of curtailing hydrocarbon transfers. Time to carry on ripping up the puppet forces and maintaining the pressures imposed on the imperial economies.


I am glad you brought operation storm up,because thats the blueprint that would have been used in Donbass,it would have made Storm look like a picnic,there would have been millions of refugees and tens of thousands dead at the hands of the Nazis.


“Putin should have prosecuted this economic advantage instead of war.” I will recommend you as the next geopolitical adviser for Mr. V. Putin. Because the Russians are so stupid and are not able to think logical and strategical and we here in this chat are the wise and really experts. If Putin acts further like this , Russia wil lose without your help.


Gas sales profits are not as important as putting an end to the genocide in the Donbass. Ukrainian counteroffensives are now just social media fabrications.


Thats what gets me,they won’t even admit who and how it started,i am on another forum where some bastards insist on blaming Russian speakers and Russia for starting the trouble,they repeat their bullshit so much they start to believe it,they won’t even admit Ukraine has been shelling Donbass for years.


“Gauchiste idéologique” , I would say you should use more dimensions in your judgements . The one dimensional world “left-right” is allready the past. There are both left and right NATO supporters and anti NATO movements. Example the European Greens are actual the “forces of evil” and war mongers nr.1 in Europe, becoming exactly this , what they fought so eagerly against at the beginning of their movement. The leftist parties are also not really “left” , Example Poland. I think we need the third axis to begin with some sort of “ideologique” : 1. left – right 2. NATO – antiNATO 3. globalist – antiglobalist

Last edited 2 years ago by Darius

Left versus Right is a smokescreen. The real spectrum is Freedom versus Totalitarianism.


So you mean libtard parazytyzm as freedom vs Truth as totalitarianism? Fucking shitskin faggot who never pulled his head from his ass.


So we won. Not yet?! Are we waiting for Jesus’s resurrection or what?


To by šlo. Melie sa veselo ďalej. Čím dlhšie sa teraz melie tak tým potom neskôr budú mať menej práce. Verím, že Putin už prepracoval taktiku boja a pripavil jednotky na príchod západnej obrnenej techniky. Verím, že jednotlivé prapory majú už prerozdelené rozkazy a v nich konkrétne úlohy ktoré ich čakajú. Myslím, že hneď v prvý deň sa ukáže kto a ako je pripravený, kto a ako dokáže čeliť novým výzvam. verím, že vojska RF budú pripravené dokonale. Dúfam, že nič neponechávajú na náhodu a šťastie.


Three decades after the fall of the USSR, Russia is currently in real danger of losing its Great Power status. The disastrous invasion of Ukraine has exposed internal weaknesses and sparked an unprecedented collapse in Russian influence throughout the former Soviet Empire. It is clearly in the interests of the democratic world to encourage this process of imperial retreat. The transformation of Russian national identity into a post-imperial and civic form would pave the way for a new era of European peace and productivity. The ultimate beneficiaries of this would be the Russian people themselves.


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Last edited 2 years ago by anni44