Military Situation In Bakhmut On February 27, 2023 (Map Update)

Military Situation In Bakhmut On February 27, 2023 (Map Update)

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  • Russian-led forces restarted the operation to capture Ivanivske village;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue in Zabakhmutka district;
  • The Russian Army achieved tactical gains against the AFU near Stupka station;
  • Clashes between the Russian Army and the AFU continue near Ivanivske.


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Tzar Tellus

Something tells me Ukrainians are placing mines all over the place…
Now why on earth don’t Russians use remote controlled old ww2 tanks?
Clear the way for the real army and at the same time get their positions when they fire at the remote controlled unit?
Just dont freaking get it. Must be some old school military guys pulling the strings.


The mines are irrelevant. The amount or artillery and other weaponry used in the outskirts makes it impossible for large scale mining. Hard to use mines when the area is under barrage. As for in the city. Some mining is happening. Though the amount is mostly defensive to prevent outflanking. Otherwise it would inhibit the defenders too. The end story is the city is lost for the UAF. Last bunch of UAF troops entering will be in a few hours after which the Russians will close the remaining roads completely sealing the thousands within to their fate.

William White

I’ll never understand fighting till death, such a terrible waste.


Russia just close that Cauldron and trap the rats.


Yep ukranians are done, just haven’t figured it out yet do leaflets and P.A. speakers put the rifle down and come out with your hands in the air, either you can walk or you can be carried in a box, your call.


secretary buttplug and Pres hairplug tuned in and thought they captured butthut.

jens holm

I vely depressed bitter–please me glue



It’s really funny. I am telling here since day 1, and lots of other realized it too, that ruskies always do same mistakes.

For example russians never camouflaging their foxholes and trenches.
This results in uncounted thousands of dead and wounded ruskies. But they keep it that way, and keep dying stupid.

On the other hand also for more than 10 months I said, the ukrainians need to build tunnels. Especially from th outskirts of cities, so that when a city gets surrounded, ammunition and troops can still be brought in, and fighting kept up near eternally, or – if situation becomes dire, troops can be savely evacuated. I wrote it at the beginning of the russian attack on mariupol already. But the ukrainians too seem to learn nothing.

But when we see the facts from a higher scope, realizing that both, Russia and Ukraine are led by jewish leadership, then it becomes clear, why so many precious christian lifes are wasted full purposely.

Last edited 1 year ago by Boohootin