BREAKING: After a year Russia has finally succeeded to conquer and occupy Bakhmut Railway Station.
A globally strategic important railway station in the fifth dimensional fake war against NATO and US. Wall Street and City of London are outraged.
dude, you think real war is like Counter Strike, 30 minutes games shooting the whole time like Rambo 🤣. The russian victory over us is at this time complete in every level: morally, economically and even arithmetically. And its all because in our society are too many like u 😅
Smith Geir
1 year ago
Hi, we’re on the cusp of the Apocalypse
1 year ago
Ruské vojská pomaly napredujú, niet sa kam ponáhľať. Kým Banderovské fašistické svine posielajú do kotla ďalšie mäso na mletie tak treba mlieť pomaly. Keď prestanú posielať ďalších vojakov na mletie tak potom sa Ruské vojská pohnú vpred. A to preto aby vytvorili ďalší mlynček na mletie Banderovských fašistických svíň.
BREAKING: After a year Russia has finally succeeded to conquer and occupy Bakhmut Railway Station.
A globally strategic important railway station in the fifth dimensional fake war against NATO and US. Wall Street and City of London are outraged.
dude, you think real war is like Counter Strike, 30 minutes games shooting the whole time like Rambo 🤣. The russian victory over us is at this time complete in every level: morally, economically and even arithmetically. And its all because in our society are too many like u 😅
Hi, we’re on the cusp of the Apocalypse
Ruské vojská pomaly napredujú, niet sa kam ponáhľať. Kým Banderovské fašistické svine posielajú do kotla ďalšie mäso na mletie tak treba mlieť pomaly. Keď prestanú posielať ďalších vojakov na mletie tak potom sa Ruské vojská pohnú vpred. A to preto aby vytvorili ďalší mlynček na mletie Banderovských fašistických svíň.