Military Situation In Area Of Palmyra On February 28, 2017 (Syria Map Update)

This map shows the military situation in the area of the ancient Syrian city of Palmyra on February 28, 2017.

Military Situation In Area Of Palmyra On February 28, 2017 (Syria Map Update)

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Looks like another salient getting ready to be cut off…again.


But this time there are less ISUS reserves available for offensive ops, they are on the defensive up north. Hope that SAA will move north from this line, to widen salient and secure gas fields.

John Whitehot

don’t forget that also the SAA situation in Aleppo province is much better: they don’t have to worry much about any possible southwards attacks by the moderate fucktards to divert resources from the ISIS front. Of course, there are the turks. But if they start fighting the Syrian government directly it would be a political and strategical suicide.