Military Overview: Second Wave Of Russian Strikes Pounded Ukrainian West

Military Overview: Second Wave Of Russian Strikes Pounded Ukrainian West

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The ongoing Kiev’s/NATO provocations, including the bloody border assaults, the terrific terrorist attack in Moscow, heavy shelling on civilians in Belgorod and the most massive missile attack on Crimea, may be aimed to force Moscow to launch heavy retaliatory strikes, for example, on the decision-making centers in Kiev. Such heavy Russian strikes would inevitably lead to heavy civilian losses. NATO could use the horrific footage of dead Ukrainians as an excuse to enter the conflict. The only problem for NATO is the fact that Moscow does not target Ukrainian civilians but is only destroying military and energy infrastructure with constant precision strikes. The night of March 24th was not an exception.

At night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation struck at the facilities of the electric power industry, the gas industry, assembly and testing sites of unmanned boats of Ukraine, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported. All the goals of the attack have been achieved, the operation of the AFU enterprises for the manufacture and repair of weapons has been thwarted, and foreign-made equipment has been destroyed, the Russian military concluded.

According to Ukrainian claims, the Russian military launched 29 X-101/X-555 cruise missiles from 14 Tu-95MS strategic aircraft and 28 Geran-2 kamikaze UAVs. The Ukrainian military lied that the attack was allegedly repelled. According to the official Ukrainian statistics, the Ukrainian air defense allegedly shot down 43 air targets, including 18 cruise missiles and 25 drones.

According to the Ukrainian data, the remaining 11 missiles and 3 UAV struck numerous targets in the western, central and southern regions, including in the city of Lviv, where the governor claimed attack by 20 missiles and 7 drones. In total, a series of explosions thundered in many regions of Ukraine, including in Ternopil, Cherkasy, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zhytomyr, Vinnytsia, Volyn, Kiev, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Khmelnitsky regions.

Kiev also forget to mention strikes of Russian hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, which were reported by local Ukrainian authorities. Thus, the official Ukrainian statistics can never be trusted. Kiev is forced to declare fake victories, while its military is suffering constant defeats.



The first successful Russian strikes were reported at night near the city of Voznesensk in the Mykolaiv region. Ukrainian sources  reported that Russian Iskander missiles destroyed a hangar with Storm Shadow missiles and S-200 launchers at Kulbakino airfield in the Mykolaiv region.

Multiple explosions thundered in the city of Krivoy Rog in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Footage of large explosions confirmed that Russian forces also reached their targets in the city of Dneproptrovsk.

At the same time, Russian strikes hit the facilities of the Ismail port in the Odessa region.

Military Overview: Second Wave Of Russian Strikes Pounded Ukrainian West

Subway in Kiev

At about 05:30 in the morning, two groups of missiles entered the Ukrainian airspace from the north, heading for Kiev. Some of them attacked the Ukrainian capital, the other went towards the Vinnytsia region. The mayor of Kiev said that a fire broke out in the Desnyansky district after the wreckage of an intercepted Russian missile fell in the city. The residents of the capital passed the night in the basements and the subway.

During the attack in the capital, Ukrainian monitoring sources confirmed strikes in the Khmelnitsky region. There is the notorious Stakonstantinov airfield located in the region. The airfield was reportedly used for the massive night attack on Crimea. LINK



The Lviv region came under the most massive strikes. Dozens of explosions were reported by local sources. Most of the explosions thundered in the city Lviv and its outskirts, including in Stryi, Yavorov, Dublyany, Medenichi. According to the mayor of the city of Lviv, the targets were the local energy facilities.

Numerous explosions thundered in the town of Stryi. The town hosts one of the main transshipment bases, through which the NATO military supplies weapons, military equipment and manpower to Ukraine. There is an airfield in the city where the notorious F-16 fighters could be deployed. There was also a training center near the airfield, where there were foreign instructors deployed.

Around noon on March 24, the Lviv came under the second Russian missile attack, this time with hypersonic Kinzhal missiles. The governor of the Lviv region confirmed at least two strikes in the same infrastructure facilities that were hit at night.

One of the missiles hit an oil depot, which was caught by a very large fire. It is also assumed that second wave of strikes struck the airfield.

The second attack also destroyed targets in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. The targets are yet to be revealed.

Ukrainian shelling in Belgorod on March 22:



The analysis of all massive Russian strikes throughout Ukraine confirms that the Russian military does not target civilians in the crowded Ukrainian cities. Russian drones and missiles are pounding Ukrainian military facilities and energy/industrial infrastructure which assures the operation of the military-industrial complex. Dozens of Russian strikes are launched on a daily basis but they do not bring civilian casualties.

On the other hand, Ukrainian/NATO attacks in Russia are aimed to terrorise the civilian population. The intensified shelling in Belgorod and Donetsk have no military goals and bring no benefits to the Ukrainian military. Even the massive attack of expensive NATO missile in Crimea also targeted civilian buildings in the very center of the city. Kiev/NATO are trying to put maximum political pressure on Moscow, killing as many innocent Russian civilians as possible. The terrorist attack in the Crocus City Hall in Moscow was the apogee of NATO terrorism.

Today’s strike are not the Russian revenge. The Ukrainians should get ready to new retaliation strikes to come.


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how is the “three days until victory” special operation going? its been more than 700 days now. isis “special operation” worked pretty well 2 days ago 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 11 months ago by _TomSawyer_

mods please ban this terrorist called


they love me, i’m here since more than 7 years. 🫵🤡 😆😆😆

Last edited 11 months ago by _TomSawyer_

love a terrorist? nobody, i repeat nobody in this forum likes you. you love the nazis. everybody here hates you. this is the reason why you are the most downvoted poster on sf. for more than 7 years.


feeding trolls is dumb.


originally i was addressing the mod


actually since 2015 😀

Orson Cart

“here since more than 7 years”? that is the way a frenchman would speak english…..


he’s a polish jew, worst of all.


i agree his writing suggests non-native writer. native writing here.


you actually make ukraine and the west look extra retarded. congrats.


sawyer clown—the amerikunt—ugly stupid insecure feminized

jens holm

he my friend. cant he stay please?

Satanic Anglo Scum!

700 days beats 20yrs in afghanistan

Kurva Math

2 days ago? where, in ukraine? 1500+ nazi soldiers kia 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆

Last edited 11 months ago by Kurva Math
Kurva Math

and counting 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


ty to máš ale riadne popletené. darebácky štát usa napadol irak, do dnešného dňa tam nezvíťazili. napadli afganistan a cca po 20 rokoch a aj od tadiaľ utekali ako prašivci. sami sa pri tom nakopávali do zadku. líbya detto, nič nedosiahli a tiež museli s tadiaľ utekať. dokonca im nimi vycvičení teroristi zlikvidovali veľvyslanca. v sýrii nedosiahli zvrhnutie assada. oba tam kradnú ropu. rus demilitarizoval ukrajinu a demilitarizuje teraz (zto) nato!!! svetu mier!!!

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

os teus patriot tomaram no cú comnos mísseis russos enviados neles. você também precisa dum míssil russo no teu ânus, jque você gosta tanto de dar a bunda.

AM Hants

who said it was going to take 3 days, besides nafo trolls? president putin stated it was to de-militarise and de-nazify ukraine. seems they are on track, only they are also de-militarising nato as a bonus.

Kibosh Warrior

it is taking longer, as every pos nazi thug working for the zionist lobby are showing up in ukraine with shekles in their pockets. so the smo went from regional to international denazification, including idf trained terrorists.


the media said it was a three day operation, no one else said that apart from them.


american media made up the three day operation claim


it was the us that came up with the 3 day story. no russian source ever claimed that. how’s the electricity situation? you’re on your last leg. even the western press is now admitting it.

Kibosh Warrior

it’s going great. more khinzal pizza delivered than ever before. zionists frothing to ban tic tok idf atrocity porn, and guys like you, stuck on you msm mantras, so deluded, you’re watching your rules based criminal syndicate burning to the ground globally, and the only thing you can do about it is masturbate mean tweets from your keyboard. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

how is sodomy by taliban—for 20 years…3 trillion burgers?

dead mercs are good mercs

give all civilians in kiev and lvov exactly 24 hours to leave these cities. then destroy them entirely with mini hypersonic tactical nukes. the usa did the same in hiroshima and nagasaki. the time to defeat the nazis is now. the world is now behind russia.


that’s precisely what rotschild’s want except of the evacuation of civilians. they want to kill civilians in the first place to clean the planet from the human garbage they don’t need and they don’t want.

AM Hants

90% depopulation starting with the ethnic cleansing of the slavs, is just for starters.


but the yanks gave no warning in hiroshima or nagasaki!


want to laugh? read crappy bs ruzzian propaganda on southfront 😆😆😆


no we just read your gay emoji comments instead to laugh.


i can’t wait when putin – lavrov duo of clowns start to negotiate ceasefire number 279 with the west/nato/rothshilds cabala.


ok, my mistake, it would be actually ceasefire 287. i can’t count that fast. you know, all these ceasefires in syria, i think in allepo alone it was at least 50 ceasefires. then ceasefires before the 1st minsk agreement, then short russian victory near debaltseve, then 2nd minsk and another agreements.. then russia was already in kiev and retreated 400 km back, all that stuff. i wonder whether more russian soldiers were killed by nato/ua or by putin’s ceasefires.

Son of the Kingdom

take out that reptilian in kiev and his filthy kind.


you mean zelensky ? zelensky is not in charge of anything. to be honest, it would be better for the west propaganda if somebody kills him because it is too obvious that he is only puppet taking orders from cia. if somebody kills him they will portrait him as a hero, martyr and saint. i think much better would be put him in the prison for the rest of his miserable life.


they seem to want russia to be even further enraged and motivated to win the war. they want ukraine to be completely conquered.


of course they do. they wanted it from the beginning. and all of that could be avoided if putin was not so busy pleasing “western partners” by olympic games in sochi and gave an order to curb maidan and protect janukovych. but you know, he had “deals”. this man (putin) allowed cia to take over ukraine and militarize it to the teeth just to improve his position in russia , creating life -threating situation so he could become stalin2. it is as simple as that.

AM Hants

remind me, but isn’t president putin the president of russia and not the president of ukraine?

jens holm

i tink biden president of ukraine, no?

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

i try think but only diarrea

AM Hants

they want ukraine cleansed of ukrainian citizens. one of the reasons they will not negotiate for peace.


russia is losing their ass while the u.s. and israel sit pretty and laugh.

but dont worry, putin is laughing with them.

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

amerikunt lose azz in gay bar—russia already occupies more of former ukraine than originally intended


remember the russian “great winter offensive of 2022”?


Based US Vet

remember the nazi “great summer counteroffensive of 2023”?


saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

weak amerikunt cannot hunt taliban—hehehe


“nato could use the horrific footage of dead ukrainians as excuse to enter the conflict.”it would be the height of hypocrisy. why isn’t nato entering the conflict in gaza after 30,000+ innocent men women children have been killed & are wantonly being starved to death by israel & zionists enslaved u.s.& european politicians. nato sure had no problem entering & breaking up yugoslavia with the pretext of a few kosovan muslims getting killed.

Based US Vet

the day nato officially enters the conflict is the day nato will cease to exist. ru’s hypersonic nukes are already locked on them.

AM Hants

do believe it will not be long until nato is no longer. have they got anything in working order left? besides pride parade banners?

jens holm

we send dem some bb guns. all we got left.

Marcelo Rodriguez

yo no entiendo por qué rusia se cuida de atacar los centros de mandos y a los civiles ucranianos por temor a qué esto sea aprovechado como excusa por la otan para intervenir directamente en el conflicto. no es rusia la que debería preocuparse sino que es la otan la que debería temer por un gran enfrentamiento. de lo contrario se estaría mandando un falso mensaje de que rusia tiene temor a enfrentarse con la otan y esto haría demostrar que rusia no es una super potencia militar.

Marcelo Rodriguez

para considerarse una gran superpotencia militar rusia no debería temer por enfrentarse con nadie, ni siquiera con la otan. hay que tener cuidado con los mensajes que se les envían a occidente, quien más debería temer por un gran conflicto y enfrentamiento es la otan. rusia tiene que mostrar que es una verdadera superpotencia y por lo tanto le deben temer y respetar.

Marcelo Rodriguez

acá el que está buscando un enfrentamiento abierto a gran escala es la otan proveyendo a ucrania de financiamiento y armas, también llevando su infraestructura militar cerca de las fronteras rusas. rusia debería llevar su infraestructura militar con bases y misiles de crucero e hipersonicos cerca de las fronteras de ee.uu colocándolas en cuba, nicaragua y venezuela.

Degeneration Of Russia

russian military has failed and all the hype of hyperbolic missiles and electronic warfare are now common joke all over the world. even worse is how russia has lost its energy war against europe.

Based US Vet

they did not use the hypersonic nukes yet loser, cope. and second, there was no energy war against europe. but if we are talking about energy export: ru is exporting to china and india more oil and gas than she can sell. cope again.

Last edited 11 months ago by Based US Vet
AM Hants

not forgetting, the oil is being sold at higher prices. another thing, the belgium diamond market is on the way out, thanks to the eu sanctions on russian diamonds. the global majority are finding it is too much hassle to go through belgium and just use non-eu nations, for their diamond trade.

jens holm

belgiuns like we danes, no more money for diamunds and stuff like dat. worl 3 jobs just pay rent in smokey city. i move in wif new people frum nigeria so get free rent and maybe some nooky too.

Degeneration Of Russia

china won’t invest money to new siberian gas pipeline, another bad news for gazprom, miller and putin. and price china and india are playing for russian natural is 60% of that russia got from europe. india and china pay also much less of russian oil than europe. so putin is burning lots of money and era of 2022 higher prices. grim reality is touching kremlin leaders.

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

wrong moron amerikunt—discount is low….russia cost to extract a barrel of oil—6$

jens holm

huh…i taught we lost energy war und now work tree day just to fill car wif gas.

jens holm

anywho, can exsplain somebody why we pay 4 times more price of americun gas dan americuns pay? it cost dat much to send here?


“hyperbolic ” bitch you dumb … europe has fucked them selfs over with energy … they soul there soul … to the jew system of worshipping money and usury …

USA #42 military, taliban #41

amerikunt very stupid—

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

why amerikunt degenerate lick taliban peniz?

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

toda a rede elétrica e energética ucraniana seja destruída. fiquem às escuras dia e noite. a resposta seja impiedosa!

Dick Von D'Astard

russia has to make the port of odessa no longer usable. this surely must be obvious?

AM Hants

as dmitry peskov said ‘russia is now at war’. think hato will notice the difference.

Jonas Strandval

peskov is kremlin comical ali.

USA #42 military, taliban #41

strudel moron feminized jealous


the amerikan troll desperation results from their humiliation—now the amereikan media admits russian victory…

Icarus Tanović

who the hell cares now if nato will enter the war?we’re not affraid nor blackmailed by that nato shit.
if you want to fight, we can give you good one. there are many more of us who would volunteer just for food and bullets.
we must revenge this.

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović
Icarus Tanović

and arm yemenis with sams. captured pilot exchange for marwan barghouti only. definitely say stop flights over border to syria from zionisticlandia, and take down any airplane that crosses from either lebanon or on golan (jawlan) heights.
tell turks to back off. revenge ilyushin and su 24. continue attacks on idlib.


help me i feel so much attraction for vladi, i go under the name anna because it’s weekend and i wear lipstick. i am tranny yuri normally, nothing wrong with that, but please don’t tell vladi.

Icarus Tanović

we won’t bebe. nothing wrong with dat.

USA #42 military, taliban #41

saxon polo molo change gender again

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

13 gender saxon impersonate russian cause amerikunt inferior

Jonas Strandval

russia collapsed in 1917 and soviet wonderland (russian empire 2.0) in 1991. russia will likely collapse during next 10 years. world has changed from fossile energy burning breznev kind era to new more clean energy and renewables. modern west (and asia) will not heat buildings using dirty gas, coal and oil but using electricity, heat pumps, geothermal heating, solar, cheap wind power. putin is like a sad neanderthal unable to adopt new environment.

Dave Simmons

natural gas in not even very cost effective way for heating. even as early as in 2013 wind and solar power became more cost effective than natural gas, nuclear, coal and oil. 5 years later costs of producing energy by wind power had gone down 69% while sun power 88%. during same time nuclear power became 25% more expensive. and even with lower prices of gas (-30%)and coal (-9%) couldn’t help them much.

Jonas Strandval

please don’t forget how heating pumps can save energy alot. if heating directly with gas you need let’s say 15 000 kwh but using ground source heat pumps you need just 6000 kwh electricity. heating pumps have 1 to 4 saving ratio during spring and autumn and even in winter 1 to 2.5. in germany you can use solar panels from feb to nov quite effectively producing that heating energy. natural gas has shrinking markets in future.

USA #42 military, taliban #41

idiot amerikunt–cambridge univ study—wid expensive inefficient…you amerikunts really stupid

USA #42 military, taliban #41

another moron that lives in decayed diseased amerikunt colony

crazykunt ottawa tratz

yet sodomized europe and angloshere economically contracting russian economy growing


after 3 trillion $ 20 years taliban make me lick boot and peniz

USA #42 military, taliban #41

master putin please help—in my lgbt cesspool emperor gates make us scrub 300 toilet he pay 1 burger

amerikan clown show

36 trillion in debt—amerikans are robots–no individuality…when emperor gates tell sawyer lick diek it asks how many
