Militants Retreat From More Positions In Eastern Ghouta Under Syrian Army Pressure (Maps)

Militants Retreat From More Positions In Eastern Ghouta Under Syrian Army Pressure (Maps)

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On February 28, Syrian government forces advanced in the neighborhood of Harasta and liberated Sayyidna Muhammad Mosque and a part of the Harasta-Duma road from militants in Eastern Ghouta, according to pro-government sources. Separately, army troops advanced in the Hawsh Dawahirah area and reached the Shifuniyah crossing. MORE HERE

Militants Retreat From More Positions In Eastern Ghouta Under Syrian Army Pressure (Maps)

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Shifuniya at top is important road center.
Time to slice and dice :)

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Good news.
I have always thought that there is no better ceasefire than the very death and and defeat of the terrorists themselves, dealing with Syria with terrorist psychopaths who do not make their own decisions but attentive and obedient only to their sponsors, enemy of any kind of peace agreement in Syria.
Congratulations to ours heroics soldiers and allies of the SAA, Long live all of them.

Gregory Casey

Well said Terence! In light of the fact that civilians including the old, the sick, the maimed and women and children appear incapable of fleeing eastern Ghouta through the humanitarian corridors opened as part of the ceasefire due to pressure being exerted upon them by militant jihadi forces embedded in the area, including laying down curtains of fire preventing escape and encouraging their remaining within, it seems to me that the only choice open to the SAA is to continue with their full-on assault until such time as all jihadi insurgent fire is silenced forever.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Yes my friend, and you are very correct in your comment.
As things are, without the SAA brave actions, there would be no viable and logical way out, and the sponsors of the terrorists themselves know that and very well.
Reason why they press at the most, to have a full foolish unilateral ceasefire from the SAA and its allies, while their sponsored terrorists continue to slaughter civilians,
while faking false chemical attacks flags, against themselves and against the poors civilians, seized at their mercy.


Right yet the stupid west is silent on this . No news no hooha… They only shout when their terrorists friends are about to be decimated .

Right thing to do for Assad’s allies is to go full swing … finish the job then face the US in East Syria without distractions.

One way or other US will be forced out as they have no force strong enough to resist Assad’s forces which are definitely stronger than the Houthis…


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those terrorists are similiar to the psychopaths that fight for assad, right? or do you belive that those guys are independent decision makers ;))) ??

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Please enlighten us with your definition of ”psychopaths terrorists” first, my friend of mine.
Because as far as I know, a ”psychopaths terrorist” never works and acts for and in favor of a common good selflessly and without hiding himselft behind a disguise and without being sponsored economically by a sponsor with hidden motives, so quite the opposite in the case of the SAA, fighting for the sovereignty and liberation of the land that saw them born with help of its allies.
So if we speak of the same Assad, hero and the only one with enough manliness to undo the evil plans of the greatest horde of world powers on earth with the valuable help of his most faithful and disinterested of his allies,
then, I think that you are realy very quite wrong and out of all reality in your comment my dear friend.


You always write as a distingueshed gentlemen, nice style. The content, although is not . You seem to believe in Assad as a decent leader, but i met several decent people that were tortured by his “heroic” servants. What i am saying is that they are terrorists as well, the only difference is that they are not paid by foreign powers.

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Unless you document your sayings, I fear that I will never be able to agree with you even though, you can be very right,
being everything, very possible under the sun.
But what does not need more tangible evidence than the same facts,
is the creation, financing, arming of many groups by foreign powers,
and some groups, worldwidely recognized as terrorists, all acting in a sovereign country, not to help its inhabitants, oppressed by a supposed bad government leader, but to carry out their selft geopolitical hidden plans, without caring in the slightest the welfare and the democratic right of the civilian population.
If for you, justice is what is happening in Syria, to punish Assad sins,
with more terrible injustice, then there is a more serious problem with humanity than I thought, my friend.
And curiously Assad became more popular and loved by his country,
much more now, than when the protests began, incited by foreign powers,
because people realized that they were much better before than now.
(Same as in Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt ….)


Don’t get me wrong, i do NOT support ANY of those dirty games!
I just do not see any good side in war, including this one, although there isn’t any better alternative then the Assad regime at the moment. Sad but true…

Terence Silvestre Jr.

You surprised me with your last comment, my friend.
Because you could not be more right than that and I totally agree with you.
Because war, regardless of its just cause or not, or whoever wins o lost it,
war will always be the worst scourge that has ever befallen humanity.
And after all and in spite of everything, that true will be the only philanthropic reality that prevails, I fear.


assad is not a decent leader, but he is the only one, who fought moslem fnatics. also your beloved, grausame, nationalist kurds pissed on jihadists. kurds deserve hell on earth, not own country.

i stand by assad, the saviour of west!

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Me too my friend, me too I’ll stand whith him and with all its allies.
Because comparing it with its hypocritical counterparts throughout the Middle East, unlike few others and its valuable allies Iran and Hezbollah,
all others, including Israel, are nothing more and nothing less than mere pathetic cowards, hiding themselves behind their demonic puppets terrorists groups, moving their threads from the shadows as if their malevolent intentions were no longer been well known, shouting their secrets to the four winds, against their own wills and for their own shames.
Of all of them, of course I’ll stay one thousand times with Assad,
as like you my friend.


You should be locked up in a mental hospital.


And you would be nurse Ratched?


Some fight for their country, others fight for yankee dollars.


but both terrorize the civilians…..




YES!!! Trowing bombs is terror for civilians, doesn’t matter who does it. If you don’ t understand that, its your problem, not mine….

Terence Silvestre Jr.

My friend, I think I had some reason about the affiliation of civilians in Ghouta, after all.
Check the following link and feedback, please.


Only those working for America terrorize civilians. The US openly admits and is proud that it killed half a million children in Iraq. In Chechnya, the American paid terrorists made a habit of killing children. And in the early days in Syria the Americans would film their terrorists cutting the throats of children.
Americans even kill kids in their own country.
It’s hard to understand how a whole nation can become so morally depraved.
I would blame the environment, but native Americans were normal.


Oh no, another fool….

Terence Silvestre Jr.

And let me guess something, Matt.
I would be the first fool you talk about here, my friend? :)
I feel that I already understand your point of view and I think it contains a lot of logical sense, your reasoning.
Because. will be the bellicose actions coming from the good guys or not, civilians always will end up with the worst part of the war.
And in that, you will always be very correct my friend.


Well, at least there is also someone with common sense :)))


The “civilians” there (that are not simpy used as shields) are hardcore jihad sympathisers, all the others left ot got killed years ago.

The SAA should make a throne out of the skulls of the jihaist scums!

northerntruthseeker .

Actually, you are partially correct.. There are some US bought and paid for “terrorists” disguised as “civilians”, but there are indeed a lot of civilians there and those civilians are being used as “human shields” much the same way the US “terrorists” used the civilians for human shields in Aleppo…

Terence Silvestre Jr.

Even when neither you nor I, we have evidence of the affiliation of the local civilians, either for the terrorists side or for their legitimate government sides,
but you do not have to be a genius to deduce about who will be on the side of terrorists using civilians people sons and daughters as human shield to protect themselves from the punishment of their deserved sins, because of their relentless bombardment of others random civil areas, day and night.
And who else in his good sense will be affiliated with some crazy terrorists capable of feigning a poisonous gas attack against their own local civilians proteges to affect the public image of their adversaries.
Unless you are a sickly masochist, I doubt that you either do not know very clearly,
on the side of who, will be the unfortunate civilians trapped in Goutha.
Then, obviously in the same Syrian government side than those people of Aleppo after its so costly liberation of the same terrorist cockroaches, my dear friend.


yes good news!!

Joe Doe

Keep rolling over the terrorists.


That symbol with the skull it’s of what unity?


Thanks kraiiii.

chris chuba

It would be ironic if the SAA rolled the terrorists up in a month and started rebuilding Ghouta, like they did Aleppo while the U.S. press weeped and wailed, ‘oh the children!’.

There was no weeping when the U.S. led forces kept Mosul under siege for 9 mo’s. I don’t remember aid convoys, or humanitarian pauses during that campaign. Oh, and 10,000 civilians were dug up out of the rubble while our Pentagon sniffs and says, ‘we can confirm 347 civilian deaths from coalition bombing’. Such a precise number, it must be true.


month, lets hope so but i fear seeing the amount of fortifications build it will be one of the hardest and probably a long battle to take Ghouta completely

No de-escalation, these filthy jihadists should only be tortured and killed.

Deo Cass

Saudi Arabia has always been able to recruit Islamic merceneraies to fight against the Syrian government forces brainwashing them through its hate preachers that Assad is the Alawite Ad-Dajjal, the anti-Christ. The control of al-Goutha by Saudi backed Jaish al-Islam terrorists and others and the failure of the Syrian government forces to take control of this Damascus suburb has always been used to deceive these foreign mercenary terrorists that they are on God’s path since the Koran clearly speaks about the end of times when “Jesus will decend from the sky over the minarett of the mosque of al-Gouta holding the wings of two angels” and will give a crushing defeat to the ad-Dajjal and its followers. Now imagine if Assad’s forces succeed in liberating al-Gouta and its people from these Saudi terrorists! The roles would be reversed, Assad’s paratroopers would decend on the minarette of the mosque holding “the wings” of their parachute sending the terrorists sh…ting in their pants thinking the day of reckoning has arrived!