Jaish al-Fatah militants have started a withdrawal of its units from the areas north of the Aleppo Citadel in the Syrian city of Aleppo, according to local sources and media activists. Reports about this decision appeared amid fresh gains by pro-government forces and a total understanding that Western-backed jihadists are in a no-win situation in the city.
Meanwhile, Jaish al-Fatah attempts to counter-attack against the Syrian army and its allies in the area of National Hospital have resulted in no successes.

A Syrian flag is over the key Police Hill in eastern Aleppo
The militant withdrawal to the southern aprt of Aleppo pocket aims to save the remaining manpower and to keep defense lines in the area until Western supporters of Syrian terrorists are putting a diplomatic and media pressure on the Syrian and Russian governments to save the terrorists inside the city from a military defeat.
“aims to save the remaining manpower and to keep defense lines in the area until Western supporters of Syrian terrorists are putting a diplomatic and media pressure on the Syrian and Russian governments to save the terrorists inside the city from a military defeat.”
Not going to happen. It will be a total and complete military defeat. The jihadist terrorists have made their decision to stay and now they are going to live with the consequences.
“…until Western supporters of Syrian terrorists are putting a diplomatic and media pressure on the Syrian and Russian governments to save the terrorists inside the city from a military defeat…”
Western supporters don’t give a crap about most of the terrorists. What they DO care about is the U.S., Saudi, UAE and Israeli intel agency contractors that are trapped in the city. They are also worried about a lot more than ‘defeat’. The Syrians will kill foreign militants (and operatives) on sight. They are not allowed to leave on green buses like native Syrian militants. Foreign militants leave in a box, no exceptions. The U.S., the Saudis/GCC and Israel could to do something insane at the last minute out of desperation – I can’t even imagine what. Either that, or they’ll figure the political price is just too high and just let their contract mercs and intel agency lackeys get slaughtered by the Syrians. They will do anything but admit that Aleppo was swarming with their foreign agents and hired jihadis. Dead men tell no tales – better to let the Syrian Army tie up the loose ends for Western/GCC intel agencies.
Kill them all.
If they are really desperate they could mount another attack from the outside to break the encirclement at least long enough for foreign advisers to escape.
Carry on SAA!!
Russia will ignore ALL diplomatic talks with the US.
Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights ?, there are some options that would be worth a trade , but not just bags of coin . These men neither counseled or showed any mercy , making it difficult to show them any , to say the least .
If I were involved in the Golan deoccupation on the side of Syria I would be determining whether slant drilling for access to deposits under the golan is an option. If it is then Syria could slant drill to gain access to its oil similar to how Kuwait was slant drilling into oil deposits under Iraq before Iraq invaded.
There are credible geologists speculating that there is no possibility on earth of an oil deposit under the Golan, Catfish. There might be salt domes there which can be mined out and used as oil storage caverns – similar to the U.S. strategic petroleum reserve salt dome storage in Texas and Louisiana. The unusual ‘discovery’ may be nothing more than a ruse to cover for the construction of an Israeli strategic stockpile.
This reserve will be filled by the U.S. taxpayers under some secret agreement with Israel, since nearly every other oil-producing country in the area hates them and won’t sell them their oil. I’m sure cheap Kurdish oil stolen from Iraq and Syria will play a large part in filling those caverns. The UK was careful to protect the Mosel to Haifa oil pumping stations during the Iraqi war. Those pumping stations still have power today. They might have secretly reopened that pipeline to siphon off the Iraqi people’s oil – oil the Iraqis would never voluntarily sell the Israelis if they knew.
Israel is already secretly slant-drilling under Syria and Lebanon today to steal their fresh water.
The terrorists are being set up – by condensing their forces and equipment, they become easier to target. Sh*t their leaders and foreign advisers don’t tell them.
The Khazarian Mafia – NWO – Black & Satanic Babylonian Talmud Brotherhood – Bilderbergers – or whatever other name you wish to give them, or call them, HAVE BEEN DECAPITATED, and buried 100 feet into the sands of Syria, by the Heroes of Syria, and, the world, and humanity is for ever grateful. Even though there is still a lot of “moping up” to do, it is a matter of short, very short time, before the Huricane otherwise known as the Heroes of Syria, will exterminate the balance of this satanic cabal, and wipe off the face of Mother Earth.
Imagine, “all these so called extremist and fanatic jihadists at the “door step” of Israel, and not one o f them attacking Israel, and most “all” commanders of the jihadists being “Israeli Ashkenazim Khazars Zionist sub human pigs”… [ what a co-incidence ]…but, the scam is up, and they will pay for their anti-human barbarity with their own skin.
They breached the Cosmic Laws of Justice Nemesis, and, “boy is she a bitch and a half”, now that she has caught up to the sub-human animals of the Khazarian Mafia and their lot”.
What kind of sub-human animals, torture innocent old people and innocent little children..??..These animals inclusive of all their “handlers, representatives, and supporters”, deserve to be hung and skinned alive, and they should be so lucky as to “only” be shot on sight by the Army of Heroes of Syria.
Since the further decapitation of the Khazarian Mafia via the election of the “outsider” and the reconstitution of the Republic of the United States of America, the days in, and for our Beautiful Mother Planet Dimitra – otherwise known as Mother Planet Earth are becoming, more, and more, and more brighter, for all humanity.
I think as long as the terrorists are in Aleppo (or even Mossul or ar-.Raqqa) they are NOT in Paris, Brussels, Madird, London, etc.. And we may not forget that as long as the terrorists are engaged in Syria, Iraq or Kurdistan they don’t turn arround their frontline to conquest Mekka & Medina “back for a true islam”, so the family al-Saud will give them money to keep them away from their own terretorry. We call it St. Florian – precep: “Spare my house – ignite the other one!” Till now it worked for them to keep Al-Qaida, Al-Nusra, and the rest of them busy.