Militants’ Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

Battle tanks and armoured vehicles, which were destroyed by the Syrian Army and its allies, during the recent militant counter-attack in northwestern Hama. MORE HERE

Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Militants' Battle Tanks And Armoured Vehicles Destroyed In Northwestern Hama (Photos, Video)

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Sweet! The SAA can replace its lost armor, that’s how they got some T-90’s in the first place. These headchoppers can’t replace theirs, unless they capture some more from the SAA. Which is possible, that’s how Al Nusra ended up with its lone T-90 of Doom. Until it finally met its demise in the last Hama offensive. And while its easy to smuggle in ATGM’s into Idlib from Turkey I doubt you can smuggle in Soviet era tanks. And giving them NATO tanks would be a dead giveaway who is supplying these Jihadis. No plausible deniability in that case.

John Whitehot

“And giving them NATO tanks”

yeah sure, why not. good luck into training the analphabet goat-lovers into operating them, develop tactics and operate as units from the single tank level upwards.

notwithstanding that by now the ragheaded scum has learnt that sitting in a tank is the quickest way to meet a terrible demise – happens when you face a veteran combined arms force with helicopters and anti-tank planes directly supporting it.


It worked with ISIS having M! Abrahams! BE careful!

John Whitehot

yep. it worked as a mean of producing canned worm food out of ragheads in a tank.


Lol! And despite their lack of training when ISIS took Mosul they drove away the tanks like they’ve always been doing donuts on the road! Funny that.


Reports in recent years showed that on at least one occasion Saudi Arabia bought up around 100 tank park T-55’s from Bulgaria – these were shipped to Turkey where Turkish military engineers repaired and cannibalized them into as many working models as possible – and then Turkish officials trafficked them across border into Syria – into the hands of various sponsored militant factions.


Seriously? There are no lows these shitstains cannot sink too.


Lot’s of Kentucky fried terrorists. The Kornets and Dehalevieh ATGM are working well in both Syria and Yemen.

Toni Liu

What is hitting their vehicle? From big crater nearby seems they got bombed to death compare to get hit by a missile


It is caused by Russian KAB-500L GLONASS laser-guided 500-pound class bombs, one of the precision-guided munitions that the Su-34 and Su-35S have lately been using in Syria. It is very precise and opens up tanks like tin cans. Some of the craters around the destroyed armor attests to that.


Lol the body got torn so badly YouTube couldn’t even tell. It seems like one dude got a 50 cal entry hole on his face.


These terrorists are illetrate and CIA needs such type of illetrate people to take lands and oil resources from their owners. These jews will be brought to justice in the new criminal court.

David Parker

I’m afraid that will be in God’s court for awhile longer.
The SAA is doing well to send head-choppers to judgment. The fire that murdering jihadist died in is nothing compared to the wrath of God.

David Parker

Where did the head-choppers get these tanks and artillery and MANPADS and RPGs to say nothing of all the heavy machine guns and small arms and ATGMs and radios and thousand tons of ammunition?
I see a hundred million dollars in rolling stock and I cannot to skeet shoot.