Migrant Standoff Continues As Turkish State Media Fakes Video Of Shooting At Migrants By Greek Police

Migrant Standoff Continues As Turkish State Media Fakes Video Of Shooting At Migrants By Greek Police

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In an attempt to stir a bit more controversy, Turkish media outlet TRT World published a video of its reporter Semir Sejvofic having to take cover as Greek police allegedly opened fire on the migrants at the border.

In the first several seconds of the video, one can make out that the reporter has, in his right pocket, something that resembles the shell (at least in shape and size) that he’s seen holding in the last 10 or so seconds of the video, alleging that it was fired by Greek police at the migrants.

Migrant Standoff Continues As Turkish State Media Fakes Video Of Shooting At Migrants By Greek Police

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To provide some more concrete evidence, the following is a video of how the TRT World video of the incident was actually filmed.

Meanwhile, footage was published showing migrant children, expressing their love and support for Greece and the EU, in which they would like to enter and receive refuge.

It clearly shows that approximately half of the migrants, purportedly subject to “lethal fire” from Greek police are simply laughing and having a generally good time.

A video showed a Turkish heavy construction machine trying to build a bridge to assist migrants and “others” to pass through to Greece and the EU.

To assist in the Turkey-organized influx of migrants, a number of EU countries have pledge to send security forces to Greece.

Meanwhile, Greek farmers reportedly began spraying “pig urine” at the border fence, to supposedly protect it.

It should be added that, according to Turkey, the ceasefire in Idlib, that began on March 6th is holding successfully. Thus, the migrants have nothing to be running away from, when the “bloody Assad regime” will not be attacking them and they are under no threat, to live with the peaceful al-Qaeda-affiliated human rights activists in the Idlib province.


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Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

also. Turkish militia force refugees to leave bus at gunpoint

Mustafa Mehmet

No in hundred years they are Turkish police? who ever make this video they can stick it to their ass.. almost very good propaganda

Rafik Chauhan


Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

vanessa beeley is a good source

Hanny Benny

oh man
nobody can help you!

Concrete Mike

I doubt greek police have access to such large diameter shells, mr turkish reporter.

Those looke like 30mm, police would never use that, it would double the migrants as that shell would just cut the poor bastards in half.

This Turkish.human traffic has to stop.


Greek army has of course but as you said the police don’t, but no one will use(even the army) such high calliper shells in this situation, its fake news.

Concrete Mike

Totally, it looks like what the jihadi trucks fire, imagine that!


The Turkish machine that flipped over in the river is a very expensive toy to lose , Mike. :)


Turks are subhumans. Cowards, murderers, criminals, human traffickers, liars, extortionists, bandits, uncivilized in every matter. There’s no reasonable human being, that likes these mongoloids. Flooding media with propaganda supported by their state and promoted by trolls, but nobody believes this thankfully.

Mustafa Mehmet

Don’t denied re takis truth hurts re taksi they don’t want to stay in bankrupt countries just let them through towards Europe

Legis Legis Juscius

No, only real bullets can deal with this, glad that far right wing in Europe as rasing very fast, next elections will be turks nightmare

Mustafa Mehmet



so why they don’t want to stay in a non bankrupt country like Turgay?Greeks having double GDP per capita from stronkk tirqos…hahahaha

Mustafa Mehmet

in your dreams. my lady friend Sophia, does not think so she lost her to house in Salonika nothing to be ashamed of you bankrupt you bankrupt at the moment you spending a little bit because of the German help

Simplekindof Man

Your “lady friend” was probably an idiot who bit more than she could chew.Many idiots took massive loans they could never repay. They got what they deserve most of them.
If it was my hand I’d fuck them even harder.


he is a paid troll…A non educated one :)))


hahahaha…..erdo troll is so delusional…Greece loaning from markets with 1% …what about tirqs?and you didnt answered,what is the GDP per capita for tirqs?go to sleep with erdo fairytales…


Oh yeah let’s just let them into Germany so they can live off welfare and abuse the natives – such a brilliant solution. Greece is doing all of Europe a favour by stopping them on the border with Asia.


Prove how much ” non sub human ” you all are , Takis.
Be human enough to help the needy and the poor , get some immigrants Dont try to sink their boats , dont send them back fully naked after getting the wallets and valuables.

No free ride for you anymore, thieving greek boy.

Legis Legis Juscius

we should sink you all, the best turks can do is a genocide other nations, history never lies

Hanny Benny

stf slavehoreson


Or else ? Will you ask me to stop ? Cry may be ?
There is an ignore button on yr disqus, use it if you dont like what you read.

Hanny Benny

or else..?

speak your things..

THIS is democracy barbar


That was rich coming from a sub saharan rat asking others to ‘STF’ when triggered..You lil clown.

Hanny Benny

your fatha is a clown yslavehoreson :*


How many pleats on yr fathers skirt , hanny benny ?

400 ? What does it represent ?


More fake news from the propaganda idiots, here. You suck! Turkey is an oppressing authoritarian caliphate where everybody serves the lunatic sultan and all the media/journalists that aren’t jailed are state-controlled, promoting lies.




So your best friend Russia is . People suddendly dieing in abroad , journalists jumping out of windows in Russia. Russia is the master of state controlled lies and authoritarian regymes , but seems that you are fine with it . After all you what you can expect from a greek opportunist ..


Oh yeah totally dude, Turks lecturing others about ‘Humanitarianism’ and honesty is totally legit… Turkey’s fuckwit leader is an Islamist terrorist ruling a country with a long history of religious and ethnic suppression. Don’t bitch at others for not doing something you wouldn’t do yourself.

Imagine millions of Christian or Jewish ‘refugees’ (or economic parasites) trying to flood the other way – I’m sure the Turks would welcome their own economic and demographic destruction with open arms. Definitely!


Some say that autistic people can not understand sarcasm. Now I believe that they are right.

There are close to 6 million Afghans, Iranians and Syrians in Turkey because Iranian borders are wide open , and what we have to do is to do the same.Open the borders ,let the people flee where ever they like. Once this happens we will all see if you are really problem solvers or just keyboard heroes .


Yeah just open the borders, what could go wrong right? My god you’re dumb… I haven’t the time or patience to go over everything bad that’s happening in Europe because of mass-immigration. Rape, stabbings, bombing, terrorism, crime in general, welfare abuse, de facto Shraia law, religious segregation… No thanks.


Why this should be our problem , you moron ?

They came here the same way , just because Iran opened its borders ( to Iranians and Afghans ) and yr beloved Assad pushed them Syrians ) to Turkey as a war strategy.

Do we have to protect yr pink european ass ? Are we obliged to ? Do we have to care if EU burns or not ?


Yeah cause Assad definitely told them all to go to Europe… oh wait. No he didn’t. Contrast that with Erdogan long history of talking about ‘Islamifying Europe’ and we know full well were we stand.

I never expected any help from a belligerent nation like Turkey, but if they’re gonna launch an undeclared war on Europe, don’t expect any welcoming arms.


Assad and Iran did this to destabilize TR and EU , because EU is partly responsible for the situation in Syria.

So what you expect us to to do ,sacrifice ourselves and stop immigrants from reaching EU just to please arrogant EU bastards ? For what ?

The message is clear; If you dimwits want to continue your normal lives , these immigrants must be placed in somewhere safe. This safe heaven will not be in Turkey as we have enough here. If you dont want to see them in EU , you will move your ass and assist creating a safe zone in Idlib where these guys can be returned . Comprende ?


No, Turkey literally admitted opening it’s borders to punish Europe for not supporting it’s illegal invasion of Syria. So go rewrite history elsewhere idiot.


Another pink asssed EU peasant with comprehension problems.
Go cry elsewhere for yr fcked up EU.

Simplekindof Man

Eisai elinaras.
Oi moggoloi ti sou ftene?mas ntropiazeis.

Albert Pike

That imagine the Pali’s would do stuff like this on the Gaza border fence…

Concrete Mike

They would get nuked probably.

Simplekindof Man

The “reporter” took it out of his Turkish ARSE-nal.


tirqo budala :)))

Simplekindof Man

TRT breaking NEWS
“Greeks are firing dildos to ex “rebels” for their satisfaction while they patiently wait as a gesture of goodwill for their outstanding behaviour”
Turkish media -ToP quality stuff…

Romeo Pesiao

If accidentally this migrants can enter Greece then to several Europe countries, it will cause a great headache to the Europenas.


Those migrants look just the sort of people that people in the EU will welcome. :)
The migrants have all the social skills necessary :)

Romeo Pesiao

Turkey is the biggest exporter of terrorist to Europe.

Romeo Pesiao

If you want to seek refuge of neighbors house, no need of destroying the door, it will incite the house owner to hack you into pieces.


The video of the turkoid idiot invader trying to cross a river with the excavator and then losing the entire machine in the river was priceless! xD


that video is from 2017 but nt the ending will be the same if they try again


can’t wait until we kick this worthless trash government in Turkey out of NATO. The entire West hates Erdogan


They are shooting my ass, they are shooting my…ohh I found my electric butt plug


Amateurish Turkish propaganda as always, how long will Europe tolerate these cretins in NATO?

Bojan R

This reporter has a typical name of a Bosniak, meaning he originates from the Balkans and belongs to the community of pro Turkish Slavs, who where converted to Turks by force during the Ottoman Empire. This is a very ugly community, strongly suffering from a complex of inferiority. They know, they were converted by the Turks by force several centuries ago, but do not want to admit it. They claim that they have always been Muslim Bosniaks and that they have always been very connected to Turkey.

At one moment, he says “lezi dole !” to the cameraman, which means “lie down” in Serbian (reminder : they speak Serbian, as this is the common language for nearly all the Republics of ex-Yugoslavia). To sum up : a poor guy who just came by provocation. He spends time trying to prove that he is even a bigger Turk than the ordinary Turks. Actually it is a mental disease.