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- On January 12, the US-led coalition launched a series of strikes in Yemen. 28 locations and 60 targets came under fire. Five Houthi fighters were killed and six others were wounded;
- On January 13, the USS Carney destroyer attacked a radar site in the Al-Dailami air base with several Tomahawk cruise missiles. The attack was launched separately from Operation Prosperity Guardian;
- On January 12, an anti-ship ballistic missile launched from Yemen fell near an oil tanker in the Arab Sea.
yes the us coalition which consists of only the british pirates.
western regimes have hit the end of their lives. they still wont recognize the fatc that they are wasting their resources in an unwinnable wars. eurasians will dominate them, the numbers dont lie
how many wedding parties did uncle sam blow up in yemen?
this time they failed to hit even those …
rehearsal for the inevitable future attacks on hezbollah and iran. china should expedite it’s inevitable invasion of taiwan.
u.s hasn’t fought a real military in years. probably since korea.
they won’t fight china over taiwan. they can’t. all products come from china. the countries stores and medicines would shut down in weeks
attacks on hezbollah and iran…by the no longer “great satan” and the tiny little demonic satan in occupied palestine? that is the best laugh i have had all day. iran would burn israhell crispy in one hour if they or the $lumvillains attack iran directly. the dying anglozionazi empire only does proxy terror attacks against real armies.
the snaggle-tooth inbred mob from pirate rock are still under the delusion that their are global players. when the missile sinks their rusty tub in the red sea all such fantasies will be very quickly dispelled. the hindustan chai, boy rishi sunpak won’t last the summer now that he has told the kiev koke kike that perfidious albion will defend rump ukrapperland “in the next russian invasion”. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn.
darebácky štát usa zase zatiahol časť svojich vazalov do boja proti jemenu. vždy to tak je usa zneužíva svoje vojenské zoskupenia aby bojovali za záujmy usa!!! k tomu si usa vytvorili aj (zto) nato!!! táto zločinecká teroristická organizácia má za úlohu bojovať proti rusku!!! preto tak horúčkovité rozširovanie akého sme boli svedkom. a debili sa nechali nachytať.
all i have to say any more is that i hope everybody gets exactly everything they deserve.
same, this universe is very clown like when it comes to that
what imbeciles you are! now you’re directly involved! all your proxies (including israel) couldn’t scratch yemen. also those bombs (two) one close to saana that allegedly hit sam depot, and the other one. now what are you trying to achieve?
vietnam ii? next target for yemeni army is marib as we can tell.
houthis need to really make uncle schlomo regret ever even thinking of bombing yemen, otherwise they will get more ideas