Martin Armstrong: ‘West Governments Need War Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable’


Martin Armstrong: 'West Governments Need War Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable'

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Interview with Martin Armstrong by Piero Messina for SouthFront

Martin Armstrong is one of the most influential economists of our times. Someone called him the “Forecaster”, because that was the title of the biopic film that helped make his activities known throughout the world.

Those of Martin Armstrong are not just “predictions”, as his reflections are based on the compendium of precise mathematical formulas and analytical skills. We interviewed him to try to understand the current geopolitical context. From the crisis of Western democracies to the birth of the BRICS front, to arrive at profound reflections on the risk of a military conflict on a global scale, Armstrong interprets real-time data thanks to his diachronic “vision” and a decades-long effort of research and analysis . Armstrong’s work allows us to connect knowledge of the past to critical factors of the present time. For all these reasons, Armstrong’s analyzes are precious for understanding the present and orienting ourselves towards a future that appears full of unknowns and pitfalls.

Fukuyama advocated the end of history. Huntington spoke of a clash of civilizations. Is it possible to imagine a third way?

Our greatest threat is centralized control; that is what doomed communism. I agree with Huntington that the clash of civilizations will be based upon cultures and religion mainly because of centralized attempt to impose a unified culture.

At the end of the 1980s, the reference geopolitical model was the unipolar world, based on Western primacy. What cultural, military, and economic pillars is the Washington Consensus based on? Is it true freedom?

The military in economic pillars that dominate Washington today have nothing to do with freedom. They have to do with people who were unwilling to accept the collapse of communism. Whereby the enemy was transformed by communism to ethnic racism.

With the birth of the BRICS, is it possible to talk about a multipolar option? What are the limits that you see in this geopolitical dimension?

The birth of the BRICS was caused by these people we call the neocons who engaged in ethnic racism and targeted Russia by removing them from the world economy under SWIFT. This woke up many in the world, realizing that the dollar was now being weaponized and was no longer a monetary instrument exclusively. Nations began to realize if they did not conform to the commands of Washington, then they to could be removed from SWIFT. Thus they have divided the world economy bringing to an end globalization.

Martin Armstrong: 'West Governments Need War Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable'

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Your analysis and studies seems to reveal several critical issues regarding the stability of the so-called Western system. There is a profound crisis of democratic systems, there is a lot of mistrust towards mainstream information and above all there are “agents” external to the institutions (an example above all is the activity of George Soros) who seem to influence the choices of governments in the United States and Western Europe. What could happen in the immediate future and in the coming years?

It has been propaganda that we live under a democracy. We live under republics in which case the people are represented and have no right to vote on critical issues. Republics historically are the most corrupt forms of government compared to a monarchy or dictatorship which cannot be bribed. In a republic, all representatives lacking term limits are up for sale to the highest bidder. This has resulted in the collapse of confidence in government both in Europe and the US which have fallen below 30% – the lowest since WWII. External agents such as George Soros, Bill Gates, World Economic Forum, push personal agendas which has further undermined the confidence in our systems. It is the government that decides if we go to war or not. The people are never asked.

Now, We invite you to make some reflections on the geoeconomic dimension. The global capitalist system is based on the indebtedness of sovereign states. Is this a sustainable situation? Who will pay the bill in the end?

The sovereign debt crisis that we face has appeared often throughout history. It is unsustainable because governments act in their own self-interest and will always expand debt to retain power. Historically, these systems collapse when they issue new debt to pay off the old, and no one is there to buy the new debt. Once they can no longer continue to borrow new money, then inevitably, they collapse.

Your predictive model is based on precise calculations. The cycles of history and the economy thus seem to chase each other along the time span of history. If I’m not mistaken, you compared the current context to the crisis and dissolution of the Roman Empire. Is it correct?

History repeats because human nature never changes. The Roman Empire is but one example from history of its success and failures. It lasted longer than anyone because it did not impose cultural regulations. The Christians called them pagans because they had so many Gods. That was the product of their policy of freedom of religion. Athens had Athena, Northern Europe had Thor, so they did not try to change the culture of the lands they conquered. They created a common market where someone in Britain could sell products to someone in Rome. So the freedom of religion, low taxation, freedom of movement, and a common market combined to create the Pax Romana.

Is it still possible to avoid a large-scale world conflict?

It is unlikely that we can avoid world war. Governments need war because their debts are no longer sustainable. They will use the war as the excuse for defaults – as was the case for WWII. They will create Bretton Woods II with the IMF digital currency as the reserve.

Pope Francis has been talking about a piecemeal Third World War for years. From your point of view, is what the Holy Father claims can be shared? What are the main weapons of this possible Third World War?

I believe we have a third world war that will begin piecemeal with the Middle East, Iran vs Israel, Europe vs Russia, north Korea vs Japan and South Korea, China vs Taiwan. But they will eventually merge together.

Have you argued that the true wealth of a state is its people? Why did we forget about all this? Above all, who is it convenient for?

The wealth of every nation is its people. That has been proven with the rise of Germany and Japan after WWII. This is the essence of Adam Smith’s “Invisible Hand.” But those in government prefer Marx, for he advocates that the state has the power to manipulate the people. So, Governments have forgotten it and reject Smith because Marx provides them with more power.


Martin Armstrong: 'West Governments Need War Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable'

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Is it correct to claim that your analysis succeed in covering the intersection of geopolitics, Global Markets and Economic Confidence? Can you explain to us in a simple way how your Socrates predictive model works? By the way, why did you name it just like the Greek philosopher?

I named my computer model after Socrates because the oracle of Delphi had said that he was the smartest man in Greece. He tried to prove the oracle wrong and the process proved it to be correct. He was put on trial and sentenced to death because he knew too much. My computer has taught me a lot in geopolitics, we had a major bank in Lebanon in the 1980’s and they asked if I could create a model on the Lebanese pound. I put the data in the computer and it came out and said their country would fall apart in 8 days. I thought something was wrong with the data. When I told the client, they asked me what currency would be best, and I said the Swiss Franc. Eight days later the civil war begn. Obviously they saw the movement of money themselves and came to me for the timing. The same thing happened with a client in Saudi Arabia who was a big shipper. He called me asking me what gold would do tomorrow because Iran was going to begin attacking shipping in the gulf. So once again, there was advanced information about war. By 1998, I understood how the computer was forcasting such events. I warned in June at our London conference that Russia was about to collapse. The London financial Times had snuck into the back of the room and reported that forecast on the front of their newspaper on June 27th 1998. Russia collapsed about 6 weeks later.

Are unpredictable events, such as the terrorist attack in Moscow, also considered among the parameters of your predictive model? A “black swan” type event can change the course of history and geopolitical relations?”

Yes, we saw the capital flows shift a day in advance, up to a week in advance in the case of the attack in israel. The defense stocks began to rise even with 9/11 the government used our model to look at who bought puts on airlines in the days before. Someone always knows when they’re going to do these types of events. And they move their money either to profit or to avoid a loss. The computer is tracking everything. It cannot tell me which person has done it. Just that the move is about to take place.


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Massa John

you didn’t mention the 11,000+ nuclear warheads, that are locked and ready to incinerate all of us…

Zack Priem

they dont exist dummy. nukes are 100% fake and complete bullshit. wake up.


yeah, and the earth is flat, water is dry, fire is not hot at all, nothing to scare. and that nagoshima or hirosraki just disappeared, don’t even ask who did it, putin may be.


yes more likely than anything the system told you.

Last edited 9 months ago by m96

you’re dumber than a day old n-word.

big winger

i worked at the nevada test site in the 70ties as a contractor== have seen the power of these insane weapons–you very very low low iq people who say they don’t exist –your can go out to black rock,moore nevada and see the effects your self of the first underground test–read about it sack,fill your empty skull with some correct into

Cannibals for DEI

the zionist bankers , defense contractors and other beneficiaries of the massive usa debt seek a controlled collapse where americans are continually looted on the way down while being killed with war , bio-weapons , vaccinations etc. at the same time being replaced with immigrants who will accept digital bank currencies and absolute political control. it seems zionists also want a controlled non-nuclear war to establish their globalism.


the satanic freemasons are their blackmailed and bribed little faggot henchmen too. the blackmailed and freemason/occult network is absolutely integral to the roll out. at the top, they are all satanists who mouth different words as their disguise when they were trained by their parents or grand faggots. to carry on to the highest levels you have to be a satanist who proves you are blackmailed and lack morality through murder and rape children and other innocent people, in person.

jens holm

your kind collapsed yourselv.

as many others here you deny to understand debt is vital for our wellfare and dont have your cigarbox economy hand to mother system.

its the same for high taxis and why they bring high wellfare.

jens holm

0 id wrote…i worship money—as retired flunkey submissive moron w no education we all lick amerikan diek in my usa colony

jens holm

0 id write that


0 iq wrote that.

Edgar Zetar

this is the jens holms i liked most! lol!

jens holm

in my ghetto 35 % so well we need mental health services—i prafar sniff glue worship dollar

jens holm

o munis id wrote that too.

Edgar Zetar

we cannot avoid war at this point, the elites wanted and needed war, guess after war they will get everything they ever dreamed about. total control, mass civil obedience, masses controlled by full propaganda. they are going to collapse humans and will replace them with transhumanism… this is going to end very bad, completely bad for this planet and all the living things inside they will convert the gaia planet into a waste dump planet.

jens holm

thats not correct. you also ignore the good results we fx has here here in west. we all remember the past where almost all had a poor life and even desperat immigated to fx amerika, south afrika, australia, new´zeeland and even killed many killed many there too.

thats not your e l i t e crap but a system, which can be changes, where you and many others are immature low educated ignorant.

i had to look up t r a n sh u m a n i s m e and reflect in the non version.

jens holm

to me its as having a knife. its a tool, we can improve for kitchrn and war. i see both sides well. the hospitals here make longer and better lives and dont kill people. i like that and support it by tax and small donations.

many things are in that. fx more and more people is record for the world, which destroys as low growing food and wellfare for more and more. so the reflextion also i making no many new new ones and demand their need for the next many years, because some can.

jens holm

we could use more condoms. we could stop having organs as fx unicef and send any doctores and nurses from here. we could stop getting them water.

and here fat people could be forbidden. we could use smaller car and more should use bycycle.

that point. you has erased are consumers. if not you your elite. oligars all would be poor. hard times for them. they produce ever asked for and more to it. and we are able to erase and or procede that.

jens holm

get it. votes dont want that. people come to here because its a hope even to live poor here – instead of where are.

i wonder why russian dont retreat, spend warfare into wellfare and leave those 36 mio ukraine alone. they even made those borders and tell it is againt nazis. in ww1 the nazis those people were not even invented.


are you incapable of writing a sentence without it being riddled with grammatical errors?

Last edited 10 months ago by BCBob

keep pedaling and drive your 3-wheel bicycle even at winter while normal people in china, russia, india, iran and other really free world countries will drive cars and all-terrain vehicles for off-road trips to distant landscapes while faggots drive bicycles only. get rid of planes, ships without sails, space rockets and sit in your wooden cabin where you can warm each other with your favorite sodomy.

Last edited 10 months ago by Антон
jens holm

i just told how it is here and the results are better for all here.

jens holm

our results are 35% mentally ill–submissivly pay 65% income tax no education–pay most for electricity all europe –our culture is shit and coca cola

jens holm

i like chew used condom—i pay 6 dollar;lars to buy from gay amerikan hillbilly

Edgar Zetar

your two neurons is the best example to describe the mass propaganda effect over uneducated masses. but who knows? maybe the system you worship may give you money every time you post a comment in sf. i don’t know why i bother to reply to you.

jens holm

you forget what i write or dont read it.

i have no need for money for sober descent speak.

what you say is propaganda a free open knowlegde even you dont has free acces to it or are a total liar making yourselv to live in own dark.deranging yourselv as subhuman low iq.

Edgar Zetar

hahahaha mr jens holms, you are so funny indeed. please take your medicines and keep watching your “propaganda” movies.

jens holm

in your world free speak is propadanda. i also are totally forbidden even to see what it is all about.

i just tell you what it is and has results by less random base constions.

i take lie and like that away from both sides, because we can i write as people do here.

as usual you not even comment what i and others write og has fx videos . for. you cant or dont dare.

jens holm

i just told how it is here and the results are better for all here.

#i just told how it is here and the results are better for all here#

and i know, beacuse many sides are open or almost open. you dont even dare to comment why pution and his duma decide and why you are treated as nasty infatil children.

jens holm

homo jens the liar–results in dumbmark—bitter uneducated failed potato farmer now senile nazi licked diek in hotel for 43 years

jens holm

no id again

jens holm

i insecure like 6 year old girl—stupid no education –expert flunkey lick gay ameerikan diek

jens holm

my senility and hiv/aids not funny


read mathew 24;21,22

jens holm

people writing like this should be cooks of chefts.

jens holm

i fail potato farmer school–became submissive flunky to lick amerikan diek

jens holm

000 id wrote that crap-

Lui Bunting

convicted felon forecaster martin armstrong is the best known scammer on the planet.

armstrong economics – the scam business model exposé


this guy is a grifter. clown world comments about the role of the state in the economy. post-war japan was literally operated by the cia in concert with organized crime and a bunch of war criminals from manchuria. the post-war german economy was likewise handed over to the people who ran the nazi war machine, again, under the auspices of the us empire.

jens holm

very cheep to only blame others.

are you not there???

what are you results. the ussr solutions was a better idea and charman mao????

there is no usa empire. the older ones just collapsed themselves. as ussr they forgot keep and ,most things didnt solved things and created new ones.

Last edited 10 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

my brown star collapsed. hang out now like dirty pink wind sock. i service so many mans for twenty-five øre coins to get needle and thread to put back in.

jens holm

0 id was doing this

jens holm

“amerikunts refuse to admit they live in an empire”. geoffrey gorer…so do us dumb daneclits


on other hand china with long term plans. the state creates money to fulfill goals. private sector is also a participant of the plan, there are many billionaires, so china is not socialist state, because socialism = property of production funds (resources, electricity and heavy industry) in the hands of society via state. china is planning, every large private company is planning also.


when russia had 5-year plans, it grew up to 15% per year like china in 1980-90’s. in 1920-50’s ussr also had private sector in production of consumer goods. china has adopted these methods of management, though they are building not communism, but state capitalism with support of traditional values and conservative politics. communism is next state of socialism, there should be no state, because a state is oppressor due to communist dogmas.

jens holm

both has total outdated naming them as ismes in that sector where fx karl marx more.

its about effective production by resposible people in all levels and simple reward for doing something for yourself.

as we see parts of it works´well. but they also klondike in too many this by too many
bad producks and services.

jens holm

i have to control more things better. we see a lot a waste product and from outside see some more products, which are much cheeper – but are risky because they are so bad copies.

but good they finally take better care of their own people. its normal here. we are helped and not lost. by that we support in something for something.

Edgar Zetar

yes. agreed with your comments about japan and germany. they killed most of the male and raised the children’s of the japan and germany with mass rape of the defeated females (human nature), most of the elites survived wwii because elites didn’t fight wars only their lackeys and slaves fought and die.

Last edited 10 months ago by Edgar Zetar
jens holm

the russian version always has erased ythe western germany were divided into bundesstates and reraised and nazisme only few years from 1933 to 1945.

i always forget it did and do with millions of people in ussr and at the vassals, which has no choise from the russian greedy expansion.

the vital for communisme and well as nazisme was poor starving people in distress, where socall strong men could boy them cheep promisses and control.

jens holm

thats why the marshal work. i gave real help and hope for something better.

just as for ukraine you dont the the rest of the people living and make it not enough nazis were killed and now have killed several 10000s in uraine and russia. you even has spent as you have too much money.

jens holm

i worship money lick all amerikan diek

Edgar Zetar

i always listened to martin armstrong! this is a very wise, experienced, and economical guy. he uses economy statistics in several domains to predicts events in the future. you can only support the civil domain and economies with the persuasive coercion of the “sword”, the masters uses the sword and the children’s of the western world created after wwii are just that childrens, sheeps, followers.

Edgar Zetar

the masters put their people (lackeys) in charge over every colony and created systems to completely take control of the resources and wealth in the colonies over generations (british empire had a master degree of empire, because nobody in the streets in india during the xix century could tell that india was a british colony). going back to martin armstrong, it is very worth reading every article he produces.

jens holm

he only has strong arms.

you could read and study yourselv. you dont and buy his flee market and historian false and false making every true as wished.

very much as you only has occes to something like that.🐔🐤🐤🐤

jens holm

debt good cuz i worship money–only god in 51st amerikan state dinkymark

jens holm

garglarin writ–debt ok when i pay mulatto to lick gonad—


“..our greatest threat is centralized control; that is what doomed communism..”

no need to read the rest of this article

Last edited 10 months ago by M.Umbrella
jens holm

communisme is a very good example but only the only ones.

it did read the socalled article. it was a time waster.


i also have noted this statement as disputable. over-hyped control is the threat. society with no control dips into anarchy and sinking in a war of every one against every one when gangsters can shoot at cafe where tourists are drinking coffee, because gangsters of another gang came here (like in equador). or cut out whole village, because some villagers said some rude words to local cutthroats (like in some african countries). total control is another form of oppression like total anarchy.


and communism wasn’t doomed by anything, because communism wasn’t built.

Edgar Zetar

i don’t support communism or communist, but it’s obvious m.umbrella fight in the other camp. you said communism collapsed himself, very very disputable argument because “communism” were competing against u.s.a british empire zionist satanist catholics and all secret sects, it’s obvious russia (ussr) will collapse but not imploded. you cannot replace christianism religion in the west you were worshipping 1000 years and suddenly you stop.


i said it wasn’t built, read carefully. of course ussr was destroyed with external influence, but it had congenital defects. stalin tried to change it, but the system took over. all revolutionaries (liberal and socialist) had foreign sponsors and intention to destroy russia. 2 till 5 congress of lenin’s party took place in london. riot of kerenskiy (liberals ousted the monarchy, not lenin) was sponsored by london. trotskiy came from the us with half million dollars in a bag.


yes, it’s very simple. when people aren’t rewarded for their good efforts, they will eventually cease putting in anything but the very minimum. communism and socialism self-destruct, the red scare of countries taking over the world with an inferior system was always doomed to fail. it did make a bunch of psychos a bunch of money and help psychos on both sides stay in power though by controlling the dumbass sheep with fear, which they never seem to learn from somehow.


we live in a time where truth is the property of “experts.”

he says that the republican political model is corrupt but he forgets that democracy is the degeneration of the republic, as ancient greek politicians affirmed.

his fierce anti-christianity hides it under the fallacious “religious freedom.” mr. armstrong is exposed here.


the republican and democracy models fail because the inputs, ie the people, are rotten. garbage in, garbage out.

jens holm

it has not failed in all aspects at all.

if so they and we fx in europe would change to something better.

you not even have a single line about whats better.


a nation led by the truth rather than happy lies is better. jesus was right about “the truth will set you free”. before anything else, the truth is needed. people who care about the truth, even when it is uncomfortable, or even when it personally costs them. that is what is needed. with that, there are no other rules needed besides empathy. the rule of the day is to ignore the truth and instead choose short-term happiness above everything else.

Last edited 10 months ago by BunkerDwellers

if you want me to tell you the exact human genetic sequences that lead to that, i don’t know because i don’t have the money to run those experiments and the money would definitely not be forthcoming for that on a planet designed to be a playground for evil. reflection is one key, then it seems to take courage for intellectual honesty. studies to eliminate evil by doing correlations on violent prison populations would be an easy start.


the truth always prevails in the end, and the founders had that right with the first amendment alongside jesus. far better to be on the right side of the eternal truth than the lies for the short sighted mice and sheep.

Last edited 10 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Edgar Zetar

i had read mr. armstrong articles, he specified this models of democratic republics aren’t democracy as propaganda wanted to sell us all, you dont decide how much taxes pay (or you cannot decide going to war), goverment decides everything. mr. armstrong failed to explain why empires need so many “corruption”, to control politicians, to implement destructive economic policies (loans from imf wb), it’s easy to corrupt the elites than raise your future own competitors.

Edgar Zetar

armstrong wouldn’t go against the hand that gives him money, of course he is going to defend the system that helped him grown and be creative and permitted armstrong to develop their economic skills, he is an u.s.a citizen and to him the world is usa can .au .uk japan israel maybe south africa that’s mr. armstrong world.

Paul Citro

he is able to see major events coming by looking at how money is being moved around. that is profoundly important.

Edgar Zetar

some years ago i remember some economist who runs the capital funds of investors in asia, well, the guy moved stocks before every hurricane typhoon in thailand and indonesia and even get profits from natural disasters, the first time could be coincidence but the second i suspected there was no coincidence at all. the weather control projects of the 70’s from part of u.s.a and u.s.s.r were successful i guessed, and now they speak about climate change to the idiotic propaganda masses.

Last edited 10 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

what i’m telling you with the comment, that before the israel terror attacks last year, come on? they are jews right? well, the shin bet allowed this to happen, and all the israeli goverment intelligent agencies permitted the terror attacks, some people inside the israeli goverment probably moved their stocks and money in advance and put into the military industry complex and defense and weapons factories.

jens holm

the world is not even organized as you assume at all.

they are all over the work and produce where the marked is. and nothing is p r o b a t l y and most things are in the open as well.

a that is there because it help people both ways. so private companies fx pay for hospitals. its simple like thats.

Edgar Zetar

hahahaha you are so funny jens holms, your brain only has two neurons. to me is unbelievable somebody like you could exist free, but maybe you are the “pet” of somebody else for sure. be good and keep quiet, please.

Edgar Zetar

jens holms, you have a masters degree being the bot propaganda brainwashed that has the less quantity of neurons worldwide i guess.

jens holm

my brain organized by many amerikan hillbilly peniz in my anuz


martin armstrong is absolutely correct! his financial advice over many years to governments and institutions is legendary. the western puppet governments of the rothschild family are over! all they know is war and plunder their days are gone


looks like the roman empire was kind of ancient wto, it’s a simplifying. romans took grains from egypt for free to feed citizens and keep them loyal. now it’s called robbery. religious freedom wasn’t constant, because the 1st rome oppressed christians heavily like kiev nazis do now. 2nd rome (constantinople) was christian so they have sent missionaries to evangelize people. evangel is good news literally, news about resurrection of christ and victory over death and gates of hell.

Edgar Zetar

where did you get your history books? from the church? from wikipedia? every empire that existed after rome copied the model of roman empire (or how they interpreted of what roman empire was, their p. o.v). even the catholic church copied some part of the organizational approach. british empire understood this principle that’s why they departed from catholic church, ortodox is another example. every empire needs an internal religious organization.


you can’t read others properly and understand what you have read. try to be calm and read with patience, because you have repeated my statement with another words. my point was that rome wasn’t so neutral towards religious views of conquered tribes, especially the 2nd rome, east roman empire, because christianity has the goal to evangelize all people. at least it was so in ancient times. that’s how christianity became global.


monarchies and dictatorships can’t be bribed? this moron lost me there.

Edgar Zetar

if the dictator or monarch were a great ruler, and without sin one (not machiavello), he would create a goverment that punish corruption and promote virtues, but that lead to war against neighbors that’s why religion and a universal religion were put into this equation. not expansionist, instead every system needs to imploid himself in perpetuity while only the hidden empire and all sins advance in the shadow of the human cattle.

Edgar Zetar

forget to mention if the c.i.a, sect, church or satanist or zionist cannot bribe or corrupt the dictator or the monarch or could be even a democrat and promote freedom, they will be assassinated for sure. check the history books and will check plenty of proofs. only corrupted people could be in charge of democracy that’s why armstrong mentioned this issue and speak about republic were the most corrupt form of goverment if some else controled from abroad.

Tom Sawyer

“a monarchy or dictatorship cannot be bribed” 😂
you definitely lack historical knowledge, bro…


no need to plunge into history, just look at kiev – the most corrupt dictatorship, they are stealing everything, even weapons that vital for their regime.

Navinder Singh Sarao

“you cannot bribe a dictatorship or a monarchy”?
come on, really serious about that?

Navinder Singh Sarao

no, you don’t like my comments…


what if martin is a fraud? the war in ukraine was 90% engineered by brit warmongers (considering cia as an 5 eyes subsidiary). others imperial power (germany, usa) are on but only as junior partners and trying to break escalation. what would be uk motivation? not different from what has been the case for the last 200 years manifesting in: napoleon, bolcheviks, hitler, cold war now ukro (all uk ops)


crimean war as well. at the time french vassals (like doggy macron today) were already in tandem with uk to block russ access to black sea


the most relevant question hasn’t been asked: who owns and rules the governments? the regimes?
it’s not a coincidence the west as a whole is in an unsustainable debt.

jens holm

my diarrea sustainable cuz gay amerikan sell me diapers

Paul Citro

time to make your end of life plans now and inform your children that they have no future.

captain hohol

whatever war the united states wants, what they will instead get is civil war and a permanent upending of the corrupt intelligence community that is running their country at present.

JG McNeil

socrates, martin armstrong, mmmmm, never wrong. ever.


you can mock all u want but in the end those that survive did so because they have there creator ( jehovah god ) in their corner. buy some land . get away from most people if u can. food and water will rule the world. think like a cave man. back to basics. no gas or electricity . all will be gone. read mathew 24;21,22.


in america people hate the results of the elite’s system, but they continue to support it. they still watch cable news, they still vote for democrats and republicans, they still conform to the narratives.

Dominic DAmelio

instead of politicians receiving money from big donors and lobbyists we should have rules that a politician can only spend a fixed amount of money provided by the government.

everyone would have an equal amount “free speech” without the rich having more say and dominating the media than everyone else. let the people, in their collective wisdom, decide who will represent them on an equal playing field.
