Martin Armstrong: “Let Us Prepare For The End Of Democracies”

Exclusive interview with Martin A. Armstrong by Carlo Alberto Amen, Piero Messina and Lorenzo Maria Pacini.

Economist Martin Armstrong speaks again with SouthFront. In the interview he gave, Armstrong offers some insights into the main issues on the geopolitical and economic agenda. Armstrong’s reflections are based on the interpretative model of economic cycles, the Socrates model. The analysis of economic cycles – according to the model developed by Armstrong – indicates a collapse of Western political systems (the end of democracies) in the coming years. The target set by the economist is 2032, but day after day, citizens of Western communities will be faced with a growing squeeze on subjective and economic freedom.  Each evaluation factor is directly linked to the model. The crisis of Western democracies is a historical forecast resulting from the exponential growth of state public debts (which will never be repaid). Looking at what is happening to the markets, Armstrong explains that the value of Gold will continue to grow (precisely due to the weakening of Western economies).

End of democracy

End of democracy could happen “around 2032. But between here and there, the government will become more authoritarian. All of them will. Because they know they’re losing power. You just had Shultz at Davos saying, we believe in free speech, but not for the far right. Which is his opposition, you know. So, I mean, this is a problem. That you get historically. I mean, just, you know, look at all the different governments, you know, wherever throughout history. It’s it’s always the same issue. They will do whatever they have to do to retain power. There’s a Stele there on the island of Delos, which was the temple of Apollo, which was an ancient central bank in Greece. And there’s a Stella there with a list of all the cities that defaulted on them. And that was 400 B.C.. So nothing’s ever changed. It’s always the same thing, and mainly because human nature doesn’t change regardless of the century you’re looking at.

Public debt

Well, that’s the problem. They have no intention of ever paying off the debt. They have really primarily since World War Two. They’ve just engaged in this borrowing year after year with no intention of paying anything back. Historically, that’s how. Governments collapse, because eventually what happens is that the interest expenditures push out everything else. And they consume the vast majority of of of the budget like this year. You know the interest expenditures in the United States are exceeding $1 trillion. The national debt was $1 trillion under Ronald Reagan in 1980. So it’s it’s not a sustainable system. And all Western governments are basically in the same boat with this. And then, I mean, ultimately, what our computer shows is that we will go through another sovereign debt crisis like this topically has always happened. And then often, unfortunately, they use war as the excuse to default. Even the United States, the Revolutionary War, the Constitution said they would honor the debts of the Continental Congress. They never did in World War One. They defaulted on the debts, even Canada. It’s I mean, this is just what they do. France is in what, its fifth republic and each new government. we don’t pay the debts of the last one. So. You know, Spain became the serial defaulter. I think it was seven times starting in around 1570. They successfully took themselves from the richest country in Europe to, you know, basically a third world status. But, you know, unfortunately. Governments only really act in their own self-interest. They always just want to sustain their power. It has nothing to do with the people or anything else. And. So, I mean, that’s why you see, in the United States and why Trump won, because people know the government’s gotten too big, too costly, too inefficient. But then the government, those in the in the government fight back to keep their jobs, etc.. Take Nato. Same thing. This is systemic in all governments. All right. Once you create an agency. It will then fight to keep its funding and stay alive. I’ve seen the internal memos from Naito. Naito was very concerned that money was going to climate change and not to them. And they were actually, you know, concerned. They said, how do we remain relevant? The only way they remain relevant is by constantly saying Russia is going to invade”.

Gold Value

I think you have to understand when currency is in trouble. Like the German hyperinflation, all assets rise. Your home, etc.. Gold Because when you come, when the currency collapses, then everything will be re denominated in new currency. Gold has been historically very good because it was also movable. Whereas a house is not. However, we’re getting into authoritarian governments. And they’re not likely to let you on a plane with with a briefcase for gold bars. So. It will get more difficult for the freedom of movement. But I can tell you this. When the first bullet is shot in a war with Russia there in your. Capital controls are going to come in. Just look at World War One. They shut down all the stock markets. So it’s best to have some money outside of Europe. Because when it gets these people will create war one way or another as a distraction. Because that’s better than having people with pitchforks coming up and storming parliament. And blaming them. And then they can say, no, it’s not us, it’s Putin, you know? So, I mean, Biden did that in the United States. He put the sanctions on Russia. Inflation went up. And what do you say? It’s Putin’s inflation, not his. So I mean, gold basically, I think over the next eight year period will probably rise to at least around a minimum of around $5,000. But that’s also a reflection of the decline in the currency. Its purchasing power. So as we lose confidence in governments, all of our tangible assets will tend to rise. And that’s where. You know, even when Germany. You know, after the hyperinflation in 1925, the rice market they created, what was it? Backed by real estate. They didn’t have any gold. It was backed by real estate. So those things that are. What is real wealth? It’s you”.


“When they were creating the euro, they did come to me and I explain, okay, fine, how you create a currency and to compete with the dollar, etc., required that they consolidated all the debts of the member states.  So his criteria was not to consolidate the debt, because that would appear like maybe we’re bailing out Greece or something. So when I met with them, I explained you’ll never compete with a dollar in this fashion. And he was everything they were saying was basically a lie. Everybody will pay the same interest rate. There are comparing it to the U.S.. I said, But no, you’re not. If you don’t have a consolidated national debt the rest of the United States. Yes, we have 50 states, but they all pay different interest rates depending upon their credit rating. That’s what Europe will be. And I warned them that, fine, you’re creating a single currency, but you’re only going to shift the volatility to the bond market. So a traitor before if he was. Bearish on Italy, he would short the mirror and buy the German marque. Today they just do it in the bond market. It’s the same thing. So I was told back in 98 that they just had to get the euro in first and then they would worry about the debt later because of Kohl. But here we are, 2025. They still haven’t dealt with the debt. And the problem becomes that. We ended up in this socialistic philosophy post war. And so politicians everywhere, they are basically bribing the people to stay in power. You know, vote for me and I’ll take the money from this guy and give it to you, you know? And consequently, they have all they have ever done has continued to borrow and build up the debt to the same power. There is no intention of ever paying off the debt. And it couldn’t possibly be paid off anyhow. And. So eventually, you know, the system does collapse.


Well, if we really look at what created BRICs, it was the sanctions on Russia in in 2014 when Russia went into Crimea. That’s when Obama went to BRICs and said, We want you to remove them as a punishment. And Brooks refused. So now what did they do? They replaced the head of bricks. I mean, they replaced the head of Swift. I mean, they went to Swift and say, you know, take them out. And so they replaced the head of Swift in 2019. And he just does whatever he sold. So the BRICs ends up other countries began to see if we don’t do what the United States commands, then they can remove us. So BRICs really began more as geopolitical. Rather than economic. All right. And this whole idea initiated with Christine Lagarde when she was at the IMF. She went after tax havens and threatened to take them out of the swift system unless they turned over people. She even did that to the Vatican. It was all about we need money, we’re collecting taxes and these people are not paying. We won’t know who they are. So now you’ve divided the world economy. I mean, it is very nice to sound the gold standard things of this nature. But honestly, that is not going to work. Why? Because we’re in a situation where we have to change the political system. To go to a gold stay there, balanced budgets. Then a politician can say, Vote for me. I’ll take it from this guy and I’ll give it to you. That’s got to change. You know, Trump is. Old school thinking. He’s also stood up and said he wants the dollar down. Also, I can sell more goods outside the country. It be cheaper. Look, I was also called in back in 1985 when they were forming the G5. Same thing. We’re going to lower the dollar by 40% to reduce the trade deficit. I wrote to President Reagan, I said, if you do this, you’re going to cause a crash within two years. Why? You know, and it was the 87 crash. Robert Rubin from Goldman Sachs became treasury secretary. 1997, starting the same stuff. The dollar should be down graded in 97. Asian currency crisis. When you lowered the value of a currency. Yes. Your exports become cheaper. Very nice. But so do all the assets in your own country. In the case of of the 87 crash, it sold a third of the national debt of the United States to Japan. You lower the dollar by 40%, they’re going to sell. So they don’t understand. Currency. They don’t understand how the world economy works. So Trump, in saying, I’m going to put tariffs on. And says, Yes, it’s true. Before the income tax, the US government funded itself only with tariffs. However, it wasn’t this social agenda. There was no Social Security, Medicare. All of these things. All right. So you’re funding a much smaller government with tariffs. Yes. Okay. That worked. Now, trying to do that today, not going to work. So all these governments are on this perpetual borrow now and don’t worry, we’ll you know, they never pay off. So the BRICs is more of a geopolitical.


Well, now, as you know, I live in Florida. We just had two hurricanes. All right. Internet and power was down for about ten days. You couldn’t even use a credit card. So much for cryptocurrency. If you wanted something and you didn’t have cash, you didn’t get it. Again, the cryptocurrency is based upon a conspiracy theory, in my opinion. They blame the central banks. They create this money. Blah, blah, blah. First of all, things have changed. Back in the 1960s. If you had $100 bond from the United States government, you went to the bank and you said, Would you lend me $50 on it? The answer was no, it was illegal. So we had this theory that it was less inflationary to borrow than to print. Because the debt was you could not borrow against the debt. But after Bretton Woods collapsed, you can. You want to trade gold futures, you post government T-bills. All right. So the problem with the cryptocurrencies is they blame the central banks and they’re not the fault. The central bank has no power over the fiscal budgets of governments. So the government is the one creating the bulk of the money. It’s just debt that pays interest now. There’s no real distinction. So, you know, they keep blaming the Federal Reserve or the central banks as if they’re the you know, it it’s like somebody shoot somebody and you blame the gun, not the person. You know, things have changed. The economy has evolved. It’s grown. And it’s not the same as it was under all the theories. You can search on our site. I knew Paul Volcker. It was one the Federal Reserve back in 1980. And he wrote a book and we put it on our site, 1979. It’s called Rediscovery of the Business Cycle. When the economy crashed in 1974 after the OPEC embargoes. All right. And we ended up with what was called stagflation. The economy was declining, but inflation was actually rising. And basically, you know, Paul wrote that. And he said he called it rediscovery the business cycle. And in there, he says, Keynesian economics, the new economics, it failed. They knew that back then. Look, I talked to a lot of central banks, and I can tell you that they’re they have no power anymore. The Fed raises interest rates. Okay, to stop inflation? It doesn’t. Why? Because the government is the biggest borrower in the room. He raises interest rates, our interest expenditures. Did the government go up to $1 trillion? So you have, you know, Trump, you know, saying, you should be cutting rates, blah, blah, blah. Not going to happen. All right. It’s a different animal. When Keynes came up with an idea in the 30s, the US had a balanced budget. So it made sense. Raise interest rates is affecting us directly. All right. But now the government is the biggest borrower. So if the Fed raises rates, nobody in government says, the central bank wants us to spend less. We better cut our spending. They never say that. So, you know, that’s what.

AI could be a “bubble”

“But when you look at markets, there are always going to be these bubbles. In the 1920s, the bubble was over automobiles. You know, that’s going to be the new innovation. Then it was airlines. All right. And 2000 was bubble. All right. This one here is overvaluing. I always is going to change the world, etc., And then it crashes. All right. People jump on whatever the hot topic is at that point in time. Same thing in Tokyo, 1989, the Russian collapse in 98. They’re all buying geckos out of Russia and sort of dying. That would always bail them out. So they would make their 20 to 30% interest, you know, and there was no risk that all collapsed. This is normal. All right. The over valuations of AI and these in the chips. I’ve been a programmer, you know, since the 60s. There’s certain things about A.I. it’s not going to do. All right. You’re driving down the road. Somebody just. Looks like he hesitates. He might want to move out. He starts to move out, but pulls back. All right. Just a subtle little change. Something like that. We recognize it. All right. A computer is not going to recognize something along those lines. When I was a hedge fund manager, you have to know. Like in a poker game. Is the guy bluffing or is he not bluffing? It’s a gut feeling sometimes. You have to know that person. All right. And so you’re not really going to find an eye computer that’s going to take up all that sort of thing. It can be very good is finding a lot of other things. But look, you know, IBM created Big Blue and they promised always going to cure cancer and failed. You know, you can’t put all this stuff in and shake it up and expect the computer to figure out something that a human being couldn’t do. I mean, there’s certain things it can do and other things it cannot. And most of this is just hype and like the Internet. Okay, fine. Yes. You can buy things delivered to your house off of Amazon faster. And that has affected a lot of small local businesses. But there are other things you need your hair cut. You’re not going to be able to get that on Amazon. All right. There are certain things said need physical. You know people did to do something labor whatever it so the economy’s much more complex and it does shift in it and it grows. I mean the. The Economist. Basically, Schumpeter came up with he called it the cycle of innovation. Basically that the automobile comes out and it destroys its creative destruction, that it destroyed the industry of everybody that made horse and buggies. Okay. They’re outdated. Gone, go bankrupt because now everybody’s using a car. And so. It’s he called it. Basically, these business cycles are partly driven by this trend of creative destruction. So we create the Internet. Amazon comes up and it does wipe out a lot of small businesses around you. All right. But, you know, each time you’re going to come out with some new technology and that’s always going to be the case at these, you know, these economic business cycles that are partly created from this wave of creative destruction. Then you have the climate. It’s in there. Climate changes have been going on for millions of years. That’s what even created, you know, great migrations out of Africa, etc.. I mean, there’s a medieval warming period where they were growing grapes in in Britain, you know. So, I mean, the climate has changed. I think the University of Arizona has found that. They track that the tropical area moves up and down. It’s not constant. So there are cave. Pictures from the Saudi Arabian desert that show all lush and animals running around. And that was around probably 10,000 B.C.. So, I mean, everything there’s a cycle to absolutely everything. We’re born, we live, we die. Governments do the same”.


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Enrique tarrio

let us pray trump finally ends the deep state.


more trump or trampa. less tump or merda, it’s irrelevant.


zelenskaya’s gay volkssturm afu successfully fleed from nadiyivka und novosilka today 🇺🇦 = 🤡 🖕😆🖕



oh god. there you are working hard with your fake names.


drumpf has been installed by the deep state. grow up.

Per Dørup

quite the opposite. trump is fighting deep state.


yes, the protegé of roy cohn, when he’s not busy stroking off the israelis, is fighting the deep state. thanks for derping.


trump, who violates financial laws, pays no taxes, launders money for the km, stiffs working people, is involved in human trafficking with bff epstein, cuts off water to 92 y/o women …is a good guy fighting the deep state? what country embodies deep state, blackmails the world? israel, who trump truthfully claims to be their best president ever. i don’t know what world you’re in, but it sounds to be drug induced.


yes he is but isn’t it remarkable how quickly they’ve been converted ?


like you mob of dimwit who wouldn’t know the truth from a toilet roll.


prayers won’t help you unless you have a personal connection with your creator. you can pray to idols all day long but they won’t help you even with your power if positive thinking perhaps deceiving you into believing in fantasies from fiction


correction not deleted organised.


another censored deletion from freedom of speech heroes at sf

Agent K

drumpff has own zionist deep staff


the problem that is pervasive over centuries is that no man is an island and intrigues falsehoods liars deceivers representing ancient powers firmly entrenched ,even if underground , will always persist in sabotaging infiltrating deceiving. and there really is very little anyone can do about that .there is only one lasting solution possible and thats described in the revelation of john.

Last edited 1 month ago by Annon

he already failed. how do you know? from the fact that when he said that ukraine started the war and zelenskyi is a dictator, it only took one day for him to change his mind. so some powerful entity made him change his mind. trump was in charge until february 20, 2025 – since then he has been manipulated like all presidents.


they walk a tightrope and they know it .above a mine field. one wrong step and they’re assassinated. wake up to reality.


here clyde palmer billionaire mining magnates been asked to preside over a new trump style party. the trumpet party ,something like that which obviously he would find attractive .course they know he will throw hundreds if millions into advertising to tv barons pockets .i’ve watched the lady whose their leader imo she’s done very well for herself befriending clyde


it’s curious that the most wealthiest of the capitalists want to go to mars, but, but, he also wants to purge the pentagon! good luck, sire!


the lunar program of the sixties was among the greatest grifts in us history, so of course elmer fudd wants to wet his beak in that ocean of rip-offs.


it’s, hard to know though because there’s been so much grift for so long. religion is really the most successful. grift. from god lol.allegedly imo

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

here “the final days? vatican prepares for paypal funeral |vantage…” you tube
nb it’s the swiss guards from the knights templar, who were allegedly very gay, who created banking as we k ow it and indeed switzerland aka ss land.. count the numbers.
compare their style of propgandas from. indespentant india with their sacred sanskrit hindi windy language acts. imo allegedly hail sovereignity. lol


religion is not something limited to us history.

Anonymous’s english learn it bozo.


wrong again, shitcock.


you two with your fake name’s are totally deceived not difficult to do.


it’s a fabulous story of melons enormous wealth isn’t it.? if he’s so wealthy then why couldn’t he even scrape up enough dough to buy massively overpriced twitter without needing to get a bunch of other buyers together with him to fom a syndicate? i’d like to see his bank loans and credit.


more i’d like to know his patrons and how much sponsorship privately he’s receiving. along with exactly how much federal funding his space x marks the spot treasure trove mining exploration to mars cover story for star wars base building imo is receiving. allegedly.


elmer fudd is a grifter who sued his own company to get his $56 billion pay-off. the cia’s venture capital company had to bail out his paypal grift. he was being investigated by five inspector generals before he was able to fire them after the orange retard was installed.


you’re full of it daffy .you obviously trust certain sources buf your not well informed.


i like nazi hillbilly cesspool ruled by senile vegetable under dominion of emperor billy gates

Joris III
Macron strategic mistake

. trump will take usa soldiers back from romania and bulgaria.

. trump does not care european security anymore

. trump wants to invade greenland, canada,west ukraine and panama

Last edited 1 month ago by Macron strategic mistake

america paid for the panama canal as a, favour, they say, really to profit south america, the spanish catholic realms, ruled by the spanish king. he was protected by fascist franco from democratic popularitues, until they had prepared the peasants to accept monarchy again. all timed very well. long story short. kingdom come.


trump idolises louis 15 th have you noticed? they all adore wealth. but there’s the double edges they don’t like caring or sharing really. greed is their achillees heel. all of them playing pretend friends imo allegedly never trust anyone queen mum. who knows? mum knows. and why is it so is the trillion dollar question imo allegedly


as if drumpf would know louis xv from louis ck.


omg you’re such a dullard dimwitted uneducated ignorant arsehole imo .


14 th actually .if you’ve seen inside his aoartment in trump tower you’d know him .


an explosion of derp from a grifter. gub-mint stoled the money and freedim! this imbecile doesn’t even know the meaning of the word “cycle”.


speaking about yourself again. obvious projection imo


well, you know what they say about opinions and assholes. like many assholes, you love to share your opinions.


hahahahaha. you’re funny .actually i’ve never heard that little grain of wisdom buf then i don’t mix in your sewers .

Democrasy dead in turkey

democrasy died in turkey, since 22 years erdogan is in power.turkey is not democrasy because the power is not changing. and what will happen now ? trump will expel turkey from nato.the transformation of turkey into a religious state run sultan-style with a cult of personality is dangerous enough. erdogan can say bye to nato now its time for paying for erdoga its actions. trump will fix it.

Last edited 1 month ago by Democrasy dead in turkey

trumpo is just a monkey scampering around after his zio organ grinder, he will do jack s*it.


not at all. but they’re very much more experienced than he and they make very clever plans ambiguity and flexibility adaptability perversity etc are just playthings to them because they’re cleverer than the average booboo.


very clever little composition. good work. hahahahaha


you don’t kerp up. your not circumspect pope francis is convening an ecumenical. council meeting in march or april, probably the merry month, intended to establish, for simplicity in explanation, chrislam globally. already decades ago unbeknown to the unwashed heathen masses the interfaith council meeting legally created him as the head of all global religions. about 30 years ago now.


you trollopes are so obvious.. boring as transparent in your simple minded rhetorics


reality as it stands now –the brics is doing so well that donald threatens to attack it especially if it ditches the $$$$$ and russia has one of the lowest monetary debt in the world as its stopped borrowing from western banks as well as a better gdp even with 20,000 + sanctions .by offshoring due to greed america shot itself in the foot.


no way can donald reinvigorate the usa in a short time which includes renewing usa infrastructure and building new factories this takes decades so he tries to hobble russia by sanctions helped by the eu to play catchup. russia,s currency is based on gold /diamonds /minerals unlike the usa where its based on a promise after ditching gold.


you’re very uninformed and massively underceducated absolutely

Shlomo's little weenie

what’s “undercededucated” in your greasy inbreds’ vernacular there shithead ? 💩💩💩 = 🇮🇱


donald, the failed real-estate swindler trust-fund baby-turned television personality is likely to reinvigorate the usa if he’s given enough time? thanks for derping.


i think he was actually saying that he couldn’t, even if he wanted to. i don’t think he meant what you thought he meant…that trump wants to maga. i think he meant that trump was just blowing more smoke up our ass. it is the one thing he does, maybe not well, but constantly. lucky for him there are those that will always believe anything, especially if it sounds way too good to be true…


that’s why clyde is so economic with his digital output silence is golden.


hahaha poor clyde couldn’t even opay an 85 pound fine for littering online .


you’re naivete equals your ignorance .


nothing is what it seems. they will never tell the truth knowledge is power and they’re not handing that out daily to blabber mouths obvious.


the euro is collapsing as a direct result of the stupid eu obeying the white house i listened to and watched congress talk of bringing down the eu as it was looked on as a competitor and it has worked by the usa blowing up ns 1 and therefore depriving germany of cheap energy whats that german expression ??dummkopf !


the eu is f***ed. the jewsa is f***ed. the jewk is f***ed. israhell is f***ed. nato is f***ed.


sorry sweetheart but it’s nothing new .it certainly wasn’t great before democracy.

Joris III

european elites where deeply shocked by french revolution

so they initiated the “holy alliance ” treaty to not kill each other
then robbespierre with his terror got the people back under the thumb of the state

the weimar republic saw a more systematic chaos and collapse of the state to renew itself

now they are doing the same, there is a lot of system and method behind the chaotic and erratic politics of today, economic sabotage etc.


they were shocked that catherine, the peasant german princess who married the richest emperor on earth, and was named by her son paul “the greatest whore in europe” did not come to the establishments defense asx their number one ally. obviously catty cathy wasn’t catholic.


it robbed the rich like as in russia then china it removed rivals. prepared the way…. for one sovereign. autocrat.

Lui Bunting

martin armstrong is arguably the biggest liar of all times and keeps scamming clients by selling snake oil like useless books and reports, subscriptions and conferences.

he markets these mainly with false performance claims, most often as a swindler posing as a genuine customer.


i’d never heard of him before i must admit australias very heavily censored but i’ve skimmed over his profiles and will look a little deeper out of curiosity anyone spending 7 years in jail for contempt of court, wuthout a trial deserves some scrutiny imo. although my perception at this point is he’s a reckless tool they can exploit, because if his self belief, as an agent saboteur provocateur.


that’s a lot of derp you just excreted. armstrong is a swindling con-artist using cheap sideshow tricks to dupe imbeciles.


no thats you .the duped imbecile .


third-rate con artist.


scores way above you’re pathetic outputs.

Niccolo Machiavelli

anyone who uses the term “democracy” to define western states can’t be taken seriously. uk is a monarchy, france is a republic, and usa is a constitutional republic. and canada is just a laugh…..


that’s technically right but the general idea is of course clear to most normal people that a democracy is somewhere where they have af least some say compared to none at all .

Last edited 1 month ago by Annon

he’s as cunning as a fox. he’s a threat therefore because it takes one to know one.


here’s a clue for the genuine seekers of truth to follow. “fresh hope in australias longest running cold case |a current affair you tube.
the murder disappearance of the beaumont children

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

now briefly it was solved decades ago really imo by the testimony of rachel vaughan who’s honesty was so impeccable that despite every opposition from every angle her persistence prevailed and the police commissioner i think from memory ended up jailed. but the story is revealing if you have the patience to overlook the cover ups and fabrications disingenuities tragic repetitious strategies of deceptions. from top to bottom.


clue they don’t mention her. they don’t tell you about all of the evidence that jailed the top cop.
experience tells me why and the motives of the msm story telling too.


i didn’t watch it after they brought out that polician. maybe they mention her i don’t know i couldn’t stomach anymore msm.
but here’s some more news being buried
obama officially busted by feds for digitally forged birth certificate you tube. famous focus. 1 day ago.


let’s test the vodas, aka waters of the new fbi director and see what he does in regards to the facts of the matter. let’s just wait and see. shall we?


here’s encouragement to have hope, that s so often dangled by a rope you know like a soap,
“you won’t believe what president trump said about kash patel’s…. golden state times you tube.
follow.. breaking kash patel sworn in, says no one can hide from what’s… you tube.


my feelings uneasy about hindus talking about, and they’re all scripted, i’ve noticed, to repeat this as a mantra maybe “god’s green earth”. and is that an orange kaballah rope around his wrist or something maybe hindi? i don’t recognise it.maybe you do. pete hegseth i’m sure quoted the green team too in his so obviously written for him scripted presentation i posted yesterday. by whom. what’s the source of their inspirations


and i can’t not make this point about fast cars and loose women and red blooded men
he quotes 17000 homicides last year in america, well i heard the road deaths figure was, i think from memory, 34000. i think, something like that. curious of correct that it’s double. “statistics and damnbed lies” perhaps?
nb medical deaths exceed 150,000 from avoidable mistakes


mirror mirror on the wall who’s the fairest one of all? we all believe that there’s going to be a happy ending. that’s intentional programming.
wake up.


in this world, when the 1000 years of peace follow, its the birds who get to eat the humans. payback. according to revelations. imo.


sprostosť ako voda v koši. na západe demokracia nikdy nebola!!! demokraciu sa snažil vybudovať lenin a následne stalin. ale obom boli hádzané obrovské polená pod nohy!!! lenin začal z industrializáciou a vzdelávaním obyvateľstva v rusku. stalin zase musel vybojovať to čo lenin dosiahol proti nacistickým okupantom, ktorí boli vyslaní západom na rusko!!! no a teraz zase putin musí obhajovať tieto dve obrovské víťazstva pracujúceho ľudu ruska!!!


oh look, in a nutshell it’s old news here godspell was the smash ing record of 1972 google it colleen hewitt prepare ye the way of the lord. etcetera etc etc.

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous
the narrative

i agree in this , all things will change because they must . the fools that make greed based decisions for the masses always lose . the innocent always pay the price . the indoctrinated are the last to figure it out .


the masses are greedy. that is why democracy always ends up like this.

all of us have been indoctrinated into the democracy lie. and most people will never figure it out because they love the lie too much.


grow up .what planet do you live in ? do you think.greed didn’t drive pharoahs or rome or persia or babylon or any pre democratic empire ? youre stupid if you do .

Last edited 1 month ago by Annon

you grow up, you self centered retard.

one pharoah is not as bad as 500 little pharoahs. that is what democracy gives you, a bunch of little pharoahs with their greedy self centered agendas.

and all of them sworn to a godless democracy that gives them power.

at least with one king there is a chance of righteousness. in a democracy there is only guaranteed degeneration and corruption.


no everyone knows reality very few people aren’t perfectly aware of how corrupted every government is but they still know the option of a total dictator would be worse.


wrong. you are completely brainwashed.

total corruption comes from democracy and under it there is no chance of turning to righteousness.


rubbish .nice guys finish last.


idiots. godless democracy is what gave these people power. this is what happens when you reject god’s laws for the shifting whims of men.

democracies are lawless and nothing will change that. democracy will ensure continued corruption and enslavement.


i imagine you think the people were free under pharoah.


are you stupid? pharoah didn’t keep god’s laws.


absolute power corrupts absolutely. why do you think people chose to fight for democracy ?


democracy legalizes corruption , greed, degeneracy and everything godless.

people fought for democracy because they are ignorant sheep and believe democracy means freedom, when in fact it is the ultimate slavery.

Massa John

time to finish this globalistic vermin…whatever it takes


what do you mean? are you calling atmstrong vermin .or democratic governments. are you an imperialist?a dictator? what are you .?

Last edited 1 month ago by Annon
Massa John

always pro-russia


you and who’s army ? clyde s .? well he can bring his lunch box.


really horrible rendering of what armstrong said. a tiny example, talking about the mirror and the marque, instead of the lira and the mark.


bottom line history shows us clearly that before democracy, europe totally
under the catholc rule from the vatican excluding russia and the other orthodox countries ,with catholic kings everywhere sitting in catholic thrones the whole place was a bloodthirsty mess .
certainly no paradise on earth hideous torture chambers evil vicious punishments as public entertainments cruel brutal ruthless h forgiving justice. allegedly according to the history books ..


that ended really with democracy . eventually, for while anyway for most people compared to the rule of kings .


unforgiving justice .almost constant wars between catholic kingdoms ruthless imperialism around the world all competing to win the greatest prizes and the pope’s favour.


all based in that unum sanctum bull whereby everything had to be the pope’s in order to receive salvation basically

Conan M

“‘terrorist attack’ rocks russian consulate in france on 3-year ukraine war mark”… all anyone needs to realize that pootie-poot had an obligation and duty after maidan to pull his diplomats out of north america and western europe 3 years into maidan with the caravan leaving the un for good.

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

… in all candor how many times was this mentioned and now coming true even though crocus hall was worse and should have seen all of the russian federation dips coming home and western foreign service ejected after that one!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Shlomo's little weenie

some years back when sanctions were ramped up, dmitri medvedev had an article in rt where he strongly suggested – temporarily – closing down diplomatic missions in belligerent western countries, and repatriating staff, i think post skipral’s period. the pied piper of st petersburg and cronies obviously weren’t interested.

Frank Chapeau

was the producer of this video a twelve year old with adhd? so many screen wipes and what a crazy background. people watching intellectual content like this want to focus on the speakers, not get distracted by useless graphics. otherwise, armstrong was bang-on, as usual.


ditch the distracting music during the interview.
