Mark Carney: Technocrat Superstar And Eco-Warrior Takes The Helm Of Canada

Mark Carney: Technocrat Superstar And Eco-Warrior Takes The Helm Of Canada

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By Matthew Ehret

In September 2024, I published an article titled ‘Eco-Warrior Mark Carney: Set up to Replace Trudeau and Usher in Great Reset’.

Now that Carney has been officially installed as the interim Prime Minister of Canada, I’d like to expand a bit on that thesis and explain how the decision to replace Justin Trudeau with the much more vicious technocrat can only be understood by 1) recognizing the systemic breakdown now at play, and 2) the historic role of the British Empire in using Canada as a weapon against Canadians, and especially Americans going back for over two centuries.

Canada as a British Weapon Against America

In the 19th century, Canada was recognized as a principal enemy of the USA, as Confederate intelligence had enjoyed vast patronage and support by the British Empire through its web of intelligence bases in Montreal and Toronto. These Confederate intelligence networks not only coordinated terrorist operations against the Union from the north, but additionally paid and directed John Wilkes Booth to murder Lincoln after the war’s end.

These facts were outlined in detail in Barry Sheehy’s brilliant 2017 book Montreal: City of Secrets.

Mark Carney: Technocrat Superstar And Eco-Warrior Takes The Helm Of Canada

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When Cecil Rhodes’ Roundtable (founded in 1902) became a driving force in shaping imperial grand strategy in order to recapture the lost colonies of the Americas and establish a world federation under the City of London, it was Canada that incubated hundreds of Rhodes Scholars between 1907 through 1952, which then infiltrated the USA.

This fact was exposed by American journalist Eugene Griffin in the 1951 Chicago Tribune article titled: “Canada Offers Fine Field to Rhodes’ Wards,” published as one of a series of 16 explosive articles between July 15-31, 1951 in the Chicago Tribune:

“Scholars and other British educated Canadians are in a unique position to serve Britain through Canada’s influence on Washington as a next door neighbor of the United States. Canada acts as a connecting link between England and the United States, helping to hold the neighboring republic in line with the dominion’s mother country…

When Gen. MacArthur displeased Britain and Canada by his efforts to win the Korean war, Canada’s Oxford educated minister for external affairs, Lester B. Pearson, complained that American-Canadian relations had become “difficult and delicate”.

MacArthur was fired the next day…

Pearson’s foreign office staff is packed with Rhodes scholars. There are 23 among 183 staff officers, or one out of every eight, who were educated at Oxford university, England, on the scholarships created by Cecil Rhodes, empire builder and diamond mogul who wanted the United States taken back into Britain’s fold …

Other Canadian foreign office members also were educated in England, although not as Rhodes scholars.

Pearson went to Oxford (St. John’s, 1922) on a Massey scholarship, endowed by a Canadian millionaire…

Norman A. Robertson, a Rhodes scholar (Balliol, 1923) sometimes called the most brilliant member of the British trained inner circle in the government’s East Block, headquarters of the prime minister and the foreign office, is another important figure in Canada’s relations with Britain and the United States. He is clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the cabinet, and has been undersecretary of state and High Commissioner to Britain.”

Blame Canada! (War Plan Red)

As the informative 2010 Lpac documentary “The Special Relationship is for Traitors” showcased, during the early 20th century, leading American military figures like Brigadier General Billy Mitchell understood Britain’s role in supporting the Confederacy and Britain’s manipulation of global wars.

General Mitchell fought against the “special relationship” tooth and nail and led the military to create “War Plan Red and War Plan Orange” to defeat Britain under the context of an eventual war between the English-speaking powers.

Mark Carney: Technocrat Superstar And Eco-Warrior Takes The Helm Of Canada

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These plans became official US military doctrine in 1930, and were crafted in response to Anglo-Canadian plans to invade the USA that had been drafted ten years earlier (known as Defense Scheme 1).

Despite the name, it is admitted by even the most ardent anti-American historians that these plans were entirely offensive in nature, as no prior US plan to invade Canada then existed.

Mark Carney: Technocrat Superstar And Eco-Warrior Takes The Helm Of Canada

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War Plan Red was only taken off the books when America decided it was more important to put down London’s Fascist Frankenstein threat than fight Britain head on in WWII.

The Green agenda’s infiltration into US foreign and energy policy considerations was also driven in large measure through the influence of Canada’s Maurice Strong.

From 1963-1970, Strong oversaw a vast re-organization of the Liberal Party, even bragging to his biographer Elaine Dewar in 1994 that he was on the selection committee that brought Fabian Society agent Pierre Trudeau into politics in 1963.

From 1965-1967, Strong ran Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, founded Canada’s International Development Agency (CIDA,) which transformed the philosophy of “international aid” from assisting poor nations to build full-spectrum economies into predatory lending tied to conditionalities. He also mentored a young Klaus Schwab, co-founded the World Economic Forum in 1971, chaired the first UN Forum on Population in 1972, served on the Bilderberg group Steering Committee, and crafted a worldview which became known as ‘The Green New Deal’ and Agenda 21 (launched at the RIO Summit in Brazil in 1992… which he also chaired).

Today, the spiritual heir of Maurice Strong and the Roundtable Movement is being set up to take control of Canada. I speak, of course, of Mark Carney.

Mark Carney’s Genocidal Pedigree

The National Post’s Peter Foster described Mark Carney’s mandate eloquently, writing:

“Since the advent of the COVID pandemic, Carney has been front and centre in the promotion of a political agenda known as the “Great Reset,” or the “Green New Deal,” or “Building Back Better.”

All are predicated on the claim that COVID, and its disruption of the global economy, provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not just to regulate climate, but to frame a more fair, more diverse, more inclusive, more safe and more woke world.”

Mark Carney can best be described as one of the most important insiders and mascots for the oligarchy, serving as the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, former investment banker for Goldman Sachs, World Economic Forum Trustee (alongside fellow Oxford trainee Chrystia Freeland), former governor of the Bank of Canada and then the Bank of England and the Chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2011-2018, where he oversaw the growth of the very derivatives time bomb which was designed to take down the trans Atlantic financial system in a future controlled detonation.

In 2024, Carney was even made President of the queen of all think tanks: The Royal Institute for International Affairs (aka: Chatham House,) whose American branch was set up in 1921 as ‘The Council on Foreign Relations’.

This international web of Roundtable think tanks would coordinate several generations of Oxford Rhodes Scholars, and would follow the mandate of Cecil Rhodes to create a “church of the British Empire” and recapture the colonies of America that declared independence in 1776.

Green Bonds and Oligarchs

On top of heading the Bank of England, former Goldman Sachs-man Carney has also endorsed the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, which was created in 2015 and was used as a guideline for the UK government’s July 2019 White Paper “Green Finance Strategy: Transforming Finance for a Greener Future“.

The White Paper proposed to “consolidate the UK’s position as a global hub for green finance and positioning the UK at the head of green financial innovation and data and analytics… endorsed by institutions representing $118 trillion of assets globally”.

The Carney-led Task Force also spawned the Green Finance Initiative in 2016, which is now a primary vehicle designed to divert international capital flows into green tech.

Carney’s former employer at Goldman Sachs has also created a “Green Index for ‘virtuous investing,” including two new sustainability indices to promote heavy investment into green infrastructure, called CDP Environment EW and CDP Eurozone EW.

The acronym CDP originates from the Climate Disclosure Project – a London-based think tank that generated Goldman Sachs’ program. Goldman Sachs’ Marine Abiad promoted the CDP index, saying on July 10 “we are convinced that sustainable finance enables financial markets to play a virtuous role in the economy.”

No doubt they are.

Under the influence of Mark Carney and King Charles, the Bank of England and some of the dirtiest banks in the Rothschild-City of London web of finance have promoted “green financial instruments,” led by Green Bonds to redirect pension plans and mutual funds towards green projects that no one in their right minds would ever invest in willfully.

The Ecological, Social, Governance Index (ESGI) has now been set up across 51% of Germany’s banks, including the derivatives-bomb waiting to blow named Deutschebank.

Leading bankers supporting the ESGI, like Mark Carney of the Bank of England, have said that over 6.5 trillion Euros could be mobilized under this new index (which currently accounts for about $160 billion).

The creation of these “green bonds” run hand-in-hand with the Bail-in mechanisms which have now been implemented across the trans-Atlantic nations in order to steal trillions of dollars from pension funds, RRSPs and Mutual funds the next time a bail-out is needed to prop up the “too-big-to-fails,” which currently sit atop a $1.2 trillion derivatives bubble waiting to blow.

Just in case you thought the Extinction Rebellion was somehow untouched by the hand of social engineers, a leading figure behind the movement named Alex Evans was a former consultant on Prince Charles’s International Sustainability Unit, and co-author of the US National Intelligence Council’s Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World, which became an environmental/foreign policy blueprint for the Obama Administration in 2008.

Currently, Evans also runs the Collective Psychology Project“where psychology meets politics.”

Other leading British intelligence figures managing the Extinction Rebellion movement included Farhana Yamin and Sam Gaell of Chatham House (the controlling institution behind the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations overseen by Mark Carney).

How much of a rebellion can it really be… if the rebellion is set up by the establishment?

The issue has always been population control

The oligarchs running the “grand green design” since the Club of Rome’s Sir Alexander King began the Limits to Growth study in 1970 knew that green “low-energy flux density” sources of energy would constrict global population, and that is exactly what they wanted.

Sir King said so much in 1990 when he wrote:

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill… All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Sir King was, after all, just following the lead of UNESCO founder (and Eugenics president) Sir Julian Huxley, who wrote in 1946:

“Political unification in some sort of world government will be required… Even though… any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

It was only a few years later that Huxley would co-found the World Wildlife Fund alongside Prince Philip Mountbatten and Prince Bernhardt of the Netherlands. All three were present at Bernhardt’s founding meeting of the Bilderberg group to advance this grand conversion of society into a willful self-extermination in 1954, and while Huxley wasn’t present in 1970, the other two oligarchs co-founded the 1001 Nature Trust alongside 999 other wealthy misanthropes to fund the blossoming environmental movement.

These forces were also behind the coup d’état in America, which put the Trilateral Commission in power under Jimmy Carter and unleashed the “controlled disintegration of the US economy” from 1978-1982 (this will be the topic of another study).

This grouping, led by Zbigniew Brzezinski, not only played the radical Islam card against the Soviet Union, but also established a program of population reduction through the promotion of green energy sources long before it was popular.

Prior to chairing the Rio Summit in 1992 that inaugurated the term ‘sustainable development’ and Agenda 21, Maurice Strong (a 1001 Nature Trust founder, Bilderberger, and VP of the World Wildlife Fund under Prince Philip) mused over the controlled disintegration of society when he said:

“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group’s conclusion is ‘no’. The rich countries won’t do it. They won’t change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

The oligarchs that are currently trying to ‘reform’ humanity today don’t care about the environment.

Prince Philip and Bernhard have been recorded to have killed more endangered species on safari than most people have killed mosquitos. They just don’t like people. Especially thinking people—thinking people who question how and why arbitrary rules are applied to justify wars, poverty and oligarchism which destroys lives both now and in the future.

The Belt and Road Initiative and the tendency to grow the human population both quantitatively and qualitatively which such great projects entail is the target of the Green New Deal.

The legacy of scientific and technological progress that launched Western civilization out of a dark age and into a renaissance in the 15th century is under attack because it is that lost ethic which the oligarchy KNOWS may yet be awoken and which would bring the West into harmony with the Russia-China program for growth and development under a philosophy of “win-win cooperation,” both on Earth and also in space.

The effects of the ideas of the renaissance coincided with the greatest rate of discoveries of universal principles, as mankind sought to come to know the mind of god by studying the book of nature with a heart of love and attitude of humility exemplified in the figure of Leonardo Da Vinci. The explosion of new technologies that arose not only revolutionized astronomy, medicine and engineering, but gave birth to the modern industrial economy, which coincided with the greatest rise of population in history.

This exponential rise has been used by Malthusians for centuries as the proof that mankind is “just another cancerous growth” on the “purity of mother Gaia.”

Matthew Ehret is the editor-in-chief of The Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow of the American University in Moscow and Director of the Rising Tide Foundation. He has written the four volume Untold History of Canada series, four volume Clash of the Two Americas series and Science Unshackled: Restoring Causality to a World in Chaos. He is also co-host of The Multipolar Reality on Rogue News and Breaking History on Badlands Media where this article was first published.

Follow Matthew Ehret on Telegram at:


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taxele de mediu ne omoara. mociolacu si zbarna ne vor fara case si masini.

Canada nit has cards

usa will send warships soon to cabafa and will block cabada from ocean . annexing canada will be soon


this article is a mish-mash of history going back and forth. the events are not written linearly.
canadian’s/british royalists burned down the white house, a long time ago, times change. weapons change. both of these “war plans” would not work with todays conventional weapons. or the fact nato (canada/usa’s military are over-seas mucking about in the desert still.) article missed the war plan where canada is over-run by soviets during the cold war. missed a bunch of war plans.


annex the second largest nation? maybe mostly empty. terrain requires special vehicles, weapons. us navy is spread out? leaving afghan. sparkling clean, no weapons or technology left behind. (right?)


afghanistan was vietnam again. (toss that helicopter in the water, we’re sinking from refugees)
i’ll take a c6 over an m-16a3. some don’t realise canada is not disarmed like the uk, fr, nz, exc.
puerto rico, 51st state. no navy in the world could blockade canada. 2nd biggest nation. more coastal territory than the usa.


finally, not to mention. we’re allies, on many pieces of paper. how would the international community react? canada and the united states are each others biggest trading partner. m’erica! gonna save the day yeah! except you haven’t won a war since 1945 and the yanks are always late, claiming the glory. ww1 and 2.

Last edited 6 hours ago by BetterDeadThanRed

whoops the c6 is a light machine gun. i meant the c7 or c8.
colt makes them.

gestapo mctaco

true bafta…


the real question is, was carney an actual carney in his past? most people would say yes…


“mark carney: technocrat superstar and eco-warrior takes the helm of canada” click bait title.
mark carney is the head of the “liberal” party. jt is still prime minister. no helm to take because carney is not the prime minister. he doesn’t control the senate. don’t understand canadian politics at all? right now, the governor general prorogued parliament. no debates. senate is still active.
the government is on vacation.the pm appoints all senate members. carney: international banker.


people are so dumb. they didn’t know who mark carney was until last month.
now sf is posting the most nonsensical articles promoting him?! he’s an international banker!
oh wait this site is heavily regulated, and paints just the right narrative for some.

gestapo mctaco

did you watch “the blob” too many times as a child?