Map Update: Turkish Dreams About Large-Scale Attack On Syrian Army In Greater Idlib

Map Update: Turkish Dreams About Large-Scale Attack On Syrian Army In Greater Idlib

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On February 19, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again threatened Syria with a full-scale military operation in Greater Idlib. He claimed that Ankara is not happy with results of the Turkish-Russian talks on the situation in Idlib and that there are only a few days left until the end of February. Earlier, Turkey demanded the Syrian Army to withdraw from recently liberated areas or it will attack its positions in the region.


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Zionism = EVIL

More like the goat fuckers pipe dream.


The ultimate delusional arrogance of threatening to attack the country in the process of liberating itself from terrorists. Turks losing their mind…and war.

Guibus Guib

erdogan the donmeh, the crypto jiouw of muslim brotherhood, does not give a sh.t of the turkish people.


Wot, another Sabbatean in the Middle East? WHo’d have thunk it

Jim Bim

if attacks come from Turkish op, then they are legitimate target and should be destroyed.

Furkan Sahin

SAA need more air defense system


What are you worried about? That they do air attacks? It would be a suicide mission.

Jim Bim

The Turks are not allowed to fly in Syria.

Lazy Gamer

One can feel the goading and opportunism about to come from Israel. lol


NuttyYahoo to Erdo, ‘The IDF have your arse covered, go for it Erdo. We are right behind you’ :)


The Israelis are good at such promises, and then missing in action when the rubber hits the road. Like their meddling in Lebanon. Israel first, and the rest is just details

Joe Doe

SAA should prepare for Turkey offensive. SAA first should cut Turkey supply line and quarantine the Turkey post and those ost should be first target. In addition, Turkey military should be legitime target and SAA need hit Turkey hard, right from the beginning. Furthermore, Russia should increase supply to SAA more modern weapons such as SU-30, MIG-29, attack helicopters, anti tank weapons and S-400. Upon success SAA should liberate Idlib province and push Turkey out of Syria


Shoulda coulda woulda

Ricky Miller

President Putin may lament the events to follow that he could stop right now with one public speaking appearance. Seriously once it kicks off it’s going to be difficult to arrest but stern warnings now, backup to Russia’s aerospace force in Syria and making clear that Russia’s wider economic deals with Turkey are under threat could all stop this before it starts. I guess the Kremlin must either want this fight or is fine with Turkey rolling back SAA gains and placing Aleppo back under HTS mortars.


From President Putins statement of ‘ Not One Metre Back’ the other day, I sense that President Putin knows that any real conflict with Turkey is a fight that can and must be won.

That point has now been reached.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

What the fuck is wrong with Erdogan? Has he gone insane? Is his survival at stake? If he wants full scale war with Russia, Iran, and Syria, he might get it and he won’t survive it. Israel won’t go to war with Russia to save Erdogan and neither will the US or ANY NATO country. I think he might be having a nervous breakdown.


I guess you’re not aware of what he just said moments ago. He said he will retake all of Libya from General Haftar.

Insane is a bit mild, don’t you think?

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Wow. Yeah.


He sounds like a pathological liar!


He is :)


Isn’t that the minimum requirement for a leader of the democratic west? Think of Boris Johnson or Trump. The yellow-haired buffoon vs the orange-haired buffoon


I would like to re-phrase your question of “is his survival at stake?” as “are his political and personal survival are at stake?” My guess vould be YES!
It seems to me that if SAA clears Idlib from the jihadist then Erdogan’s not so much hidden any more agenda of changing Turkey into a islamist country from middle ages, naturally himself absolute ruler for life, will have a ZERO chance of being realised.
I imagine one additional natural outcome would be his removal from public life for good.
What a lovely present it would be from SAA to Turkish people to help them return to democracy where secularism as its corner stone!

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

“Agenda of changing Turkey into an Islamist country from middle ages….”

He’s gone insane. I’m pretty sure the Turkish people wouldn’t tolerate that.

Wayne Nicholson

It’s a bluff …. a bit of theater for is base. He knows he has to give up Idlib eventually and is no position to go to war with Syria, Iran and Russia but he wants to delay it as long as possible because of the very real refugee crisis he’s facing and he wants to use it as a bargaining chip for a buffer zone against the kurds.

The USA OTOH are doing everything they can to incite a war between Turkey and Syria in a last ditch attempt do depose Assad. I’m no fan of Ergogan but I still think he’s too smart to fall for it.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Hmmm. Makes sense. Thanks. I hope you’re right.


Smart or wily as a rabid fox?

Wayne Nicholson

Smart and wily as a sociopath


So clever, you could pin a tail on it and call it a fox!


He’s hardly going to become America’s proxy force for free. The Turks already have a somewhat tenuous relationship with America after the F35 (country budget swallowing) fiasco


Yes, some say all this is just acting and on the ground it’s coordinated with SAA and the Russians and aims to confuse and bleeding out Nusra… Well, it would not be surprising from Erdo that even if he had to give up Idlib, he would try to make some profit out of it…


It is not very smart to send thousands of troops to a powder keg. In Syria a wider war may not depend on cooler heads but on sheer luck because if it comes, it will as a result of an accident. Nobody wanted war in 1914, but it happened.


Don’t forget that Erdogan controls Bosphorus. He may prevent Russia to pass and any attack against Turkey’s territory will set off article 5 of OTAN. WWIII ……. not realy desired by Putin. So he will kowtow

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

Putin won’t bow to Turkey. Also, Russia would never attack Turkish territory and has never threatened to do so. However, I’m pretty sure all terrorist and Turkish presence in Syria will be erased unless Turkey comes to terms. If Turkey closes the straits and Turkish territory has not been attacked, Erdogan has sealed his fate. Erdogan is now the one playing with a very weak hand. He could attempt a massive invasion of Syria but the Syrians, Iranians, and Russians are now ready for that. I don’t think the Turkish people would tolerate casualties well into the thousands to maintain a small strip of land in Syria for violent religious crazies.


Blocking the Bosphorus by Turkey would be an act of war against Russia.


Soviets have maintained for 50+ years that they will use nukes to reopen the straits.. Just recently there were Russian ships at both ends waiting for just that, to reopen it by force if it was closed..


Here’s just following the money. He’s back on Saudi payroll. They must have offered $25 billion to attack Syria.

Bill Wilson

We should see this map again in the near future with the green arrows pointing in the opposite direction.


First, they’ll simply secure areas already under terrorist control. This entire operation is desperate attempt to save terrorists from complete defeat. Turks plan to place their own regular army instead of terrorists, and then keep them forever in N.Syria (like in Northern Cyprus). I doubt they’ll risk some large scale operations against the SAA, but they’ll probably try to exploit eventual weaknesses (SAA not yet fortified their newly liberated areas). Turks will send their irregular ‘bashi-bazouk’ terrorist puppets first and Tur.Army will provide artillery and limited air and tank support. But again, I believe the main objective is simply to prevent the SAA to completely liberate Idlib.


Syria has invented an ISIS-weed killer, works way better than Monsanto’s Roundup, the name of the super-potent ISIS-weed killer is: SAA.


You’ve got it, it worked in Cyprus. And he can send all his jihadists to Libya.

Pave Way IV

“…Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan once again threatened Syria with a full-scale military operation in Greater Idlib…”

Yeah, ‘once again’ [yawn…]. Remember when Erdogan and the (Muslim Brotherhood-friendly) Turkish AKP went stealth full-retard in 2011? From being happy with their neighbor, Syria and Assad, to treating it as an enemy country occupying it’s old Ottoman Empire borders that Erdogan should rightly take back? ‘Stealth’ because Erdogan really didn’t come out publicly against Assad around 2014 until it was clear (to Erdogan) that the Syrian government was probably going to fall.

The original ‘take back the Ottoman lands’ dream (land theft) morphed into ‘Syrian replacement government-building zone’ where officers that deserted to the rebel side can flee. Then it morphed into an ‘ISIS-free zone’. Eventually, Erdogan admitted that the various incarnations of ‘buffer zone’ really meant ‘Syrian government-free (and Kurd-free)’ zone’, where Erdogan could extend his Neo-Ottoman Empire. This map is from 2014:

I can see a full-scale Turkish military invasion because, well… Erdogan. It will either accomplish far less than Erdogan hopes or just be a colossal failure. It doesn’t matter – he’ll keep trying. Obsession with land/resource theft and controlling neighbors. Sound familiar?


This would be an offensive on a scale we have not seen from the Turkish army so far, of which they have not proven themselves capable of so far. Also it would require a massive mobilization of Turkish conscripts as the usual tactic of sending in Jihadi meatshields to cover their still not upgraded tanks. Air power would be out of the question as unlike ISIS and the Kurds the SAA has more then just a few manpads.

And that’s excluding what the Russians will do. Just letting the SAA use the Russian air defense network to guide their SAM systems would basically keep the Turkish air force out of the equation.


Something is wrong with Turkey. This is not the SDF where they can be bullied around and has weak allies in the region (but powerful in sound bites, lol).
SAA has support from Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.
Plus this idiot does not have air cover. The Turkish troops will be annihilated and humiliated.

Tim Williams

The madman of Ankara needs to in a straight jacket and then pushed off a bridge into the Bosphorus

Friend of Russia

Time for Erdogan to eat some roasted turkeys

Free man

Syria will be Turkey’s Vietnam. And the end of Erdogan.



Tim Williams
Pave Way IV

“Erdogan threatens ‘imminent’ operation in Syria’s Idlib if Damascus fails to withdraw behind Turkish positions”

What does AFP mean by that? There’s got to be about a half-dozen layers of fallback Turkish observation posts. Even the Turks don’t know where they all are, and they keep building more.

Tim Williams
Tim Williams

That by extension means, Al Sisi’s Europe (besides Russian, US, and others) allies too finally seem to push back against Erdogan.
Do our politicians finally grow themselves some balls, instead of being intimidated by a third rate power with a frist rate madman?
I guess we will soon find out.

Tim Williams
Tim Williams
Concrete Mike

Lmao good one!!

Tim Williams

Erdo Bubbles, the Error Crassus.

Tim Williams
Tim Williams

Aleppo economic engine coming back to life quickly …