Map Update: Syrian Army Is Encircling Maarat al-Numan

Map Update: Syrian Army Is Encircling Maarat al-Numan

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Units of the Syrian Army are encircling the militant stronghold of Maarat al-Numan in the province of Idlib. MORE HERE


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roger olausson

how can it go so fast now?

Bobby Twoshoes

That’s just how the Tigers roll.

Zionism = EVIL

This seems like a concerted push by SAA and its allies, and hopefully Russia will not organize any more convenient “ceasefires” for the headchoppers to rearm. The area in the terror enclave is now barely double the size of Gaza, so it would be difficult considering the open terrain.


Russia should first use rat poison against some of here own backstabbing “allays” like you Shia Pakistani monkey!

Eat PIG shit the one you love the most !

Zionism = EVIL

Hush you Pakistani pig Jew and pretend “Russian” who can’t figure out shit from Shinola. I am laughing my arse off :)


Yeah of course you

Zionism = EVIL

Christian shit eater :) Jew swine. Shite pig Pakistani ZIONIST PUSSY :)


Even if you are not necessarily Pakistani (I thought because of English) But you are probably UK born and had plenty of time to learn your English !
Either was you are SHIITE ISLAMIST PIG!

Zionism = EVIL

hahaha you Pakistani Jew dumb FUCK, me Asian, yeah I am fucking Chinese and my chink eyes give me away, you dumb Christian Paki arsewipe.


How many “Pakistani Jew’s” do you know retard?
Go fuck your Quran teacher while you meditate on that !

You are


Muslim filthy PIG !!!
Christians are CIVILIZATION comparing to you!


Declaration of war ? Not really.
From now on I will not be on your side any more or give word of support to your side.
I hate that Pakistani Shia excrement “Zionism=EVIL” and his systematic anti-Russian comments (and many others similar to him). Who needs backstabbing “friends”?
Despite all respect I have for you Issam, you are on the wrong side from now on.
I have no interest in war in Syria any more also.
Russia must protect her interests and can not trust literally anybody there.


Honestly i was surprised to see these words coming out from you, you seemed like a nice guy.
There is no sides here buddy, you get triggered very easily and that’s not the way to go, Here you can find people you share similar views with but disagree on others, and the only thing you could do is to understand their view and correct their mistakes, but getting angry and using insulting words that have no meaning only prove their point and make them stick with their beliefs and therefor you end up badly representing your representing you country.
You can never be pro-Russian all the time, even i find my self disagreeing with Hezbollah leadership about the way they handle certain matter i.e: their latest stance on the Lebanese protest, i didn’t agree at first but with time they explained the reason behind it, but i always knew that they must had a reason behind it.
If you get triggered when you hear Putin get called a jew, wait until you hear “the Iranian Jewish rulers and their mossad handlers” xD I’ve read a long PDF and noticed how they connect dots and their reasoning behind it and turns out to be silly and full of straw man arguments.


I have respect for you (even when not on the same side now)
And that speaks for itself how I see you.
All that you have said is well spoken and well explained.
But it doesn’t concern, it doesn’t represent me the way I am and how I arrive to conclusions about people and situations (which is for me the most important thing).
I am not here paid troll or propagandist or somebody doing my job for money, or to promote anything.
I would be lousy advocate to defend anybody and even worse in publicity business.
Those characteristics are neither my human quality nor my qualification.
So I agree that what I did can look extremely ugly and definitely doesn’t make promotion neither to me and even less to Russia.
Despite my (sometimes) passionate defending Russia hardly has any gains through me.
I am only human and I have my share of mistakes to do before I leave this world.
I do not try to be better than I am and my dark moments are mine also.

The bottom line is that I was pushed by some of those anti-Russian comments to the corner where I had to face myself and question some things.
The result is that I am now completely on the point of view that Russia has to look for her own interests only and nothing else.
(Which they did already!) And I was bothered because I didn’t really understand Russian position.
Iran has their interests and they are never identical to Russian.
Even Assad interests are not identical to Iranian and Russian interests.
So I will not participate in this Assad cheer leader club any more.
He is practically big winner in Idlib and Russia doesn’t have other option but to support him.To get rid of the terrorists because they have promised that to Assad.
Road to completely liberated Syria is still very long.
I will try to stick, to the subjects concerning Russia only, in the future.


You are Asian ISLAMIST SHIIT monkey full of shit and on European backs they don’t even know how to get rid of you!

Arch Bungle

I’ve never met a Russian that is uncultured and illogical. However this guy reminds me of all the Zionist jews I’ve had to deal with.

Arch Bungle

You must be a hasbara troll. Only the Zionist Jew has a mouth as foul as this while having no capability at reason and logic. Since you have no reasonable content to add, it’s best you be banned from this site.

Leon Auguste

Was thinking same. ..

Zionism = EVIL

US, Russian forces skirmish in northeast Syria as Americunt sponsored terrorists on the ropes. Russian helicopter gunships had to deploy flares to ward off the Americunt arseholes. This is breaking news…..


No it must be Shia Pakistani monkeys like you who have scared Americans or maybe your Syrian Arab “resistance” huh?!

You sleazy anti-Christian bastard!

Zionism = EVIL

You Pakistani Jew monkey is still here after I whupped your dumbarse, Jew boy:) Christian my arse, you dumb troll with kinder-garden English.


“Pakistani Jew monkey ”
Ha ha ha ha !
What SHIITE peace of SHIT you are!
You are already going mad you ISLAMIST FILTH !

Arch Bungle

Piss of you piece of filthy goat sperm, you’re polluting the forums.


Another Islamist.
“filthy goat sperm”?
Is that how you have been conceived?

Arch Bungle

Buddhist actually. I piss on all three of your abrahamic religions based on worship of Baphomet.
That is how you were conceived. I know because I supervised the pumping of experimental semen into your mom’s ass as part of Zionist cloning program.


Buddhist don’t practice “pissing” so take brake and try your meditation instead (if you ever did)
You call it “worship of Baphomet” which is clear proof that you can’t be a” Buddhist”.
Buddhist’s don’t believe in existence of “Baphomet” or anything similar.
I have respect for TRUE Buddhist and TRUE Muslims because they belong to the same kind of spirituality.
I don’t think that you are Buddhist but just another Western pathetic a**hole.

You didn’t “supervise” anything you are just another Western clown in DECADENT Western circus that is in full collapse already.

Arch Bungle

Of course they do. They practice pissing on bullshit daily.
At no point did I say I believed in Baphomet. My point is that looking at your religious texts from the outside it’s clear that the God you worship is more like the Baphomet, Baal and Moloch of your literature than what you call Yaweh.

You know nothing of Buddhism other than what you see on CNN.

You’re still the product of defecated goat semen no matter how you deny it. Best you get therapy for that.
Greetz to your mom ..


I don’t watch CNN and I know enough about Buddhism to recognize true Buddhist.
You sound so empty and aggressive, so unlike true Budhist.
But Muslims on the other hand have licence to be liars given to them by the Quran (when that serves to the objectives of the Islam)
So you definitely sound like Muslim to me.

You are pathetic guy trying hopelessly to insult me and babbling about “goat”which always with the camel is on Muslim mind..
Probably because you in the desert share often your loneliness and love with them.

Arch Bungle

You’re projecting. It is your discourse which is filled end to end with empty epithets. So it’ pot calling kettle black.

Again, you know nothing of Buddhism other than what mainstream media has pumped into your defective neural network. Zionist trolls have no capacity to comprehend the doctrines of Buddhist practice nor it’s methods of thought. Buddhism is not something that can be ‘recognised’ as you suggest and anything you think you’re recognising is illusion.


It is ridiculous how much both of you Muslim remind me with your endless mantras “Zionist”, “Hasbara”,”Jew” like communist apparatchiks in early communist days.
They would repeat few EMPTY meaningless communist labels like that everyday 365 days a year like parrots. Like you !

You use the same tactics they have used against Trump!
They have attacked him so many times from all directions to be Russian spy, Russian servant and what not just to force him to distance himself from everything Russian.
While trump is obviously not Russian but JEW SLAVE !

That’s what you do with your “Jew”-“Hasbara” mantra all the time against Russia!
Suddenly I do realize that Putin is 100% RIGHT to keep good relations even with Jews and Saudis (criminals)
Simply because non of you low life “allays” back stabbing characters can ever be 100% trusted.
I am Orthodox Christian and for me all NATO countries are ENEMY not only of Russia but of Orthodox religion!
So 80% of you on this forum are from NATO countries (emigrants) and potential enemies! End of story.

Arch Bungle

So many words, so little value. You really should stop recycling the same worthless shit, hasbara troll.
Yeah, a Christian huh? Your dead jew jeezus would love to hear your speech, he’d be so proud of what’s coming out of that whorecunt mouth of yours …


Well Muslim, Jesus is here to stay .
And you Muslims depend on the country that still sticks with Jesus and is powerful enough to defend your pathetic existence.
While you sit there on the West with your tiny anti Christian conspiracy and hatred for the Jews. And trying to convince Russia to kill them for you (like true losers).
If you hate Jews so much, you KNOW WHERE THEY ARE YOU COWARDS !

Islam was never so humiliated and compromised like with creation of Mossad-CIA “Caliphate” and ISIS.

Arch Bungle

You’re welcome to your imaginary friend. I for one will keep on pissing on all Abrahamic religions. They are an inferior spiritual technology.

“If you hate Jews so much, ”

Hmmm, sounds like a joo statement. That confirms you really are a zionist hasbara troll.

You lose. Try again.


Ill try again you COWARD!
“If you hate Jews so much, GO FIND THEM AND KILL THEM YOURSELF!!”
Russia will not fight your wars and protect you back stabbers forever !
So go on KILL all Jews!

Arch Bungle

You’re confused. I don’t hate Jews, I hate Zionists – and I’ll butcher those any day. As for Russia, Russia better help out where it can or very soon it’s going to be swallowed up by millions of takfiris funnelled in from Saudi arabia. Like I told you before, Russia aint doing this for the feelz or the lulz.


IsraHELL is full of Zionists (but how could you possibly notice that?)
You flatter yourself far too much.
I sincerely don’t see how possibly you can teach ma anything about anything.

Arch Bungle

Damn sure nobody can teach yo’ ignorant ass anything, spelling included …


I never pretended that my grammar and spelling is good .
There are moments when it becomes tragicomic.
But people somehow understand me most of the time (I don’t know why)

Ricky Miller

All of this rude sideshow flame war you’ve instigated here has nothing to do with the fact that the Syrian Army continues to win on the battlefield. The victories are rarely sexy, like the big stunts that the U.S. employs to make bold statements, but the Syrian victories are strategic in nature. They, like the NVA long before them, are steadily if slowly gaining advantage after advantage. What is more striking is that they are doing more of it with regular army forces and are now way less dependant on Shia militias, especially Hezbollah. The position of the so called moderate opposition at the negotiating table is eroding monthly.


And I am happy for them!
And I sincerely hope that whole Idlib will be free in 1 week!
Assad will get his total victory at the end but for what price?
Even Sunni as total majority must have right place in Syria and not always be after Alawite second best option.
But that is politics and Assad ‘s problem to get full legitimacy

My problem on forum is when Syria is losing than that is NEVER their fault but RUSSIAN fault and when Syria is winning that is never part of the Russian merit.

It seams Russians are nuisance and bashing bag for every frustrated Muslim and Western snowflake that passe through this forum.
Russians are only left in role of accused…. of guilty always for not doing more and they are lucky not to get insulted only when people here are happy for Syrian victories.
But if new problems arrive everything will start again from accusing Russians as escape goat for everything.

Ricky Miller

I share your admiration for Russia. It’s why I come here. Russia stands for the order of the United Nations Charter system and against hegemony, and has the military muscle to make that count for something. But the way you are pushing back against any and all criticisms of Russia has now turned several threads into a flame war. That makes the discussions here less attractive and serves the Empire’s media war goals. And calling the Shia Islamists is wrong in the way you are using the descriptive. Shia militia forces defended Christians in Syria and unlike hardcore Sunni groups the Shia tolerate others far better. No one is perfect but in general the Shia deserve far more respect than some of the words you’re tossing around like grenades.


OK I will take your comment under serious consideration since sounds made in common sense and moderation.

“But the way you are pushing back against any and all criticisms of Russia has now turned several threads into a flame war.”
But I sincerely think if we count the number of the critics against Russia and any positive comments is so disproportionate.
Also what pisses me off totally is when many people often without any proof label Russia and specially Putin as Jew or Jew agent ,servant and similar!
And nobody ever reacts to such accusation, nobody ever asks for the proof!
And that is what makes me angry the most that they have no respect for Russian merits and contribution, for dead Russians (like Assad has paid for everything already)
So how would you call those accusations that Putin is “Hasbara”since I never have seen single Russian or anybody else opposing that?
Or is it “flame war” only when I get angry on the same endless bullshit?

Ricky Miller

I have pushed back against the accusation that President Putin is some Zionist puppet. But not by insulting people as Muslim lovers or whatever, but with the facts. I understand people’s frustrations, though. We all want this Imperial war against Syria to fail; it’s been cynical and bloodthirsty and bloody and…illegal. But many commenters here want Russia to solve it all in a month or something. They seem not to understand that Russia has a good relationship with Israel and tries to work with Israel’s security needs. A million Israelis are Soviet migrants and their offspring, including thousands of Red Army veterans. Russia would only fight Israel under extreme circumstances. And Turkey? Russia is dependant on Turkey for airspace and maritime transport routes to Syria and leveraging Turkey from the U.S. is one of the broader strategic goals and possibilities that has opened up for Russia as a result of this conflict. Russia isn’t going to fight Turkey, except in extreme circumstances. So, Turkey’s concerns have to be taken into account and are. It’s a difficult triangular situation for almost everyone involved in this conflict.

As far as the U.S. goes Russia isn’t going to fight the Americans in Syria, except in extreme circumstances. Why? Because the Russian electorate have said in opinion poll after opinion poll that they do not want escalation. And more importantly, it’s not Russia’s strategy to fight the U.S. in any conflict not on Russia’s immediate borders. Russia wants the home field advantage in any fight with the U.S. and beyond that Russia has to see the U.S. decay as a reason to delay any fight. Russia’s done the right things, building up her strategic missile arsenal and improving her large scale air defenses to deter any American attack on Russia. But in the long term the Americans are deep in debt, their economy is out of balance, there are deep fissures within American society and the American dream and it’s infrastructure are decaying. The U.S. is wearing out it’s welcome with even many of it’s allies and is exhausting it’s formidable armed forces in endless deployments. Why fight a well armed and dangerous USA when you can wait for it to collapse or panic and go mad? No, the only strategy for Russia in Syria is to help the Syrians defend their republic, take back smallish chunks of territory especially after militants violate cease fire agreements and continue to “cock-block,” so to speak, the American regime change plan for Syria. It’s an imperfect solution for an imperfect situation in an imperfect world, and the Kremlin deserves respect for what it’s accomplished instead of scorn for failing to single-handedly stop the U.S./NATO aggression against Syria.


Russia would only fight Israel under extreme circumstances
Russia isn’t going to fight Turkey, except in extreme circumstances.
Russia isn’t going to fight the Americans in Syria, except in extreme circumstances.
I’ll explain all 3 with simple explanation (to complement yours).
If Russia didn’t invade Ukraine to protect ethnic Russians (13 000 was killed there) Than sure as hell thy will not intervene to protect Syria or any other place
only strategy for Russia in Syria is to help the Syrians defend their republic, take back smallish chunks of territory especially after militants violate cease fire agreements and continue
So why the hell is only you (and maybe few more) that understands this?!?!

It is not big secret that Russians are always about STRATEGY and TACTICS and they plan their moves in advance always without having immediate results!
That’s why they are winners in longer run always!

It’s an imperfect solution for an imperfect situation in an imperfect world
Well you can call it that way but it is also Russian reality!
And Russians always know their limitations, (unlike US that is full of hot air)
That is Russian strength to use their limitation to their advantage against less intelligent enemy…

THANK YOU for very nice closing word !
Unfortunately you are an exception to the rule on this forum….
But I will accept your criticism since you are the person who understands real situation !


Ricky Miller you are intelligent person but unfortunately many people here are not

Tudor Miron

I actually doubt that this Z.P. guy is one of us. If that’s the case than he should be realizing that he’s doing more harm than good for Russia. The way he “defends” Russia is opposite to how one should serve his Motherland – with dignity and self respect. Presenting logic and reason. Resorting to name calling and hysterical shouting shows weakness and self doubt. Trash talk is not common in our culture and such behavior coming from a man is called базарная баба. To me such behavior looks like smart a$$ propaganda work – aimed to developing a wrong and twisted image of Russian culture (of conversation in this instance).

Tudor Miron

It surely looks like this offensive was well prepared, thought out and to me it is obvious that Russian advisers participated in preparation of this operation.


Because Tiger forces has deployed to the front. They are Syrias most effective force on the battle field. Also, they have been bombing the city for weeks.


Cruelty To Animals Gets More Media Coverage Than Beheaded Christians

Zionism = EVIL

Fuck the Christian freaks who are causing all this mayhem anyway, fruitcake. This is not a preaching soapbox website freak show in gibberish. Learn English and post lucid comments or shut the fuck up arsewipe.


Fuck you Islamist PIG !

Zionism = EVIL

Them too, you Pakistani Jew kosher pig :) ROFLMAO.


Eat PIG shit the one you love the most !

Zionism = EVIL

Christ died in pig shit you Jew fuck thanks to the fairy tales :)


I would sand you back on the rocket to your shit hole in Asia together with thousands Islamist RATS like you!
Somebody has to put stop to your poisoning of Europe!

Zionism = EVIL

hahah you dumb Pakistani Christian pig shit LOL ZP = ZIONIST PUSSY FAGGOT.


i think you 2 are the same person in some troll farm, you both suck


He is Islamist !


“dumb Pakistani Christian pig shit LOL ZP = ZIONIST PUSSY FAGGOT.”
Did Mohammad take shit in your brains or something ?


The vice is clamping down, time for another false flag ‘gas’ attaq, Javanka crying ‘pwease help da widdle childwen of Ibwib daddy’.


Russian trained Tigers show once again who is true fighting force in Syria!


Excellent news! For those who wonder how’s it going so fast, well, thousands of jihadists are being transferred to Libya as we speak. Idlib is being emptied (and given up) as it cannot be held in any way whatsoever. Total collapse is imminent. This is also why SAA has not wasted precious lives in huge assaults on Idlib. Soon they will have it all.