Main military developments are taking place in southern and eastern Syria:
- Soouth of the city of al-Hasakah, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have made a series of advances against ISIS capturing a large chunk of the border area including the village of Dashisha. MORE HERE
- In the province of Daraa, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies have established control of the most of the Lajat district northeast of the provincial capital. Most of the villages and militants there surrendered to the SAA under a peaceful agreement. MORE HERE
truck the US, Israel and Saudi terrorists, Russia is the defender of democracy and international law and the next big crash will be when the US and the Western world have a gigantic crash dwarfing 2008.
Without elimination of Israel durable peace cannot come in the Middle East.
IsraHell is just a Western Beachhead Normandy-Style…..a Criminal Freehaven for the Elite… Retreat seems the best Option… no Blood will be spilled
Accept the good news, and don’t despair victory is near the Islamic State has arisen and the dreaded might has begun. It has arisen tracing out glory, and the period of setting has ended, by faithful men who do not fear warfare. We have created eternal glory that will not perish or disappear.
The End of Talmudic Wahhabism… Great Job! Thanks ISIS… Everyone knows Where Terrorists are Created thanks to you Stupid Dickheads…. in Washington & Hell Aviv…NATO is their Airforce…??
If it’s up to me…. a Knock Out Punch…
Demon-cracy best regime on earth, you secular kuffar.
Non-islamic forms of governmence are demonic and flawed deal with it. Any man made law is weak and flawed. And riba(loan) based financial systems are satanic.
But, Americans and their allies should understand that as they have failed in fighting, political sphere and in the field of propaganda, likewise, Allah, the Almighty will stymie this scheme of invaders as well. Allah, the Almighty says in his book: They seek to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths; but Allah will complete His light, much as the kuffar may dislike it (Chapter 61, Verse: 8)
ISIS is just a bunch of DonkeyBashers…..
Washington must be running out of options. When will they understand that they cannot should ‘wolf’ for the 5th time!
In Syria except red coloured areas the remaining all areas are US backed terrorists.
Watch as a graceful US pull-back into Jordan occurs
satanic people always have options left…lets see how evil they will get, the closer SAA and allied forces are getting to golan… trust me…this aint over by a long shot…..evil people pure satanics…meaning ALL options are on the table…including nukes…a pure evil satanic weapon….i dont trust jews 0.000000001%…and they always proove me right them satanic jew bastards
Methinks thou dost protest too much. :D
Free Nukes for everyone… let’s see how much War there will be….nothin’…zero…or All Out…if you do it… you better do it Damn Good…Clean the entire surface
forgot 9-11……mossad nuke operation
And the AMERICAN GOVERMENT…without Their HELP… it would NEVER have been possible…
In Syria except red coloured areas the remaining all areas are US backed terrorists. For Syria and their allies it is a charity to attacks on them.
zionist terrorists attacking a civilian international airport,,their day of reckoning for all their satanic gangster crimes is coming soon,,,its either them or us,,,the syrians and their allies are fighting on our behalf against this zionist evil,,,and they must be supported by everyone who believes in freedom and justice ,and not just for the evil few.
Just look at the SDF/YPG controlled areas in NE-Syria (aka Israel+USA-control) and then somebody shall explain to me that PUTIN didn’t sell 40% of Syria to Bibi Netanyahu
I’m pretty certain that some sort of ‘deal’ was agreed between Russia, US & Israel in respect of NE Syria but given the perfidious nature of the behaviour of American Military-Defense Policy-Makers towards the Kurds, I’m also pretty certain that a very large number of Kurds will soon discover that throwing in their lot with Damascus will be of considerably greater benefit to Kurds than remaining in the Hall of Mirrors represented by the US Turkey & Israel. I also tend to the belief that any deal reached with Russia relating to Eastern Syria cannot hold given that (apparently) the Russians and Syrians have done a deal in relation to Royalty Payments for Syrian Oil whilst also, both being locked in to the notion of bringing Iranian & Qatari Gas to Europe via Iran, Iraq and Syria ……. with Turkey lining itself up to bring the pipeline from Syria to mainland Europe via the Bosporus
And doesn’t the green area near al-Tanf seem to have grown since the last map? I was comparing it with the map from 30 May 2018. This looks distressing.
Just a poorly drawn map it happens when making them when it would have been easier to use a good template and fill it in when advances occur.
Well, apparently it’s better than Al Jazeera’s:
While it their rendering of Washington’s area of control near al-Tanf is encouraging, their map still claims there to be a major “Rebel” pocket between Homs & Idlib and even claims that Kurdish-acquired & Da’esh-occupied areas east of the Euphrates River are in Damascus’s control.