Map Update: Military Situation In Southwestern Aleppo Following Liberation Of Khan Tuman

Map Update: Military Situation In Southwestern Aleppo Following Liberation Of Khan Tuman

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This map provides a general look at the military situation in southwestern Aleppo following the recent Syrian Army advance in Khan Tuman. MORE HERE


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excellente news the defence djihadist the north west d,alep futher collasping


Great stuff! If they widen this salient to the South to make it solid, they can then turn North and start trapping the Rashidin areas and make life a hell for the AQ snipers and others. This way Aleppo city will becomes less of a target for the mortars. And just be aware that the jihadists have been attacking Aleppo with mortars fairly continuously all this time.
ANNA News has a great clip called “Aleppo – the wounded city” and has auto-generated English subtitles.

Aleks Chernyy

This operation has to be a distraction, not really the main point of the offensive, but just aggressive enough to get jihadists on the phone asking for reinforcements.

Fighting on multiple fronts like this creates real opportunities for SAA to launch attack into western idlib, as well as to continue to develop in westward direction in southern idlib.

It is interesting to see multiple opportunities to pocket jihadists, SAA is leaving themselves with real options

Air power has to work full time to keep jihadists from reinforcing their positions or moving large equipment around.

Would be interesting to see what the SAA plans to do, slow and steady or fast and slick.