The tensions between the US-Israeli bloc and Iranian-led forces in the Greater Middle East are especially clear if one takes into account what has been happening in Syria in 2020.
The tensions between the US-Israeli bloc and Iranian-led forces in the Greater Middle East are especially clear if one takes into account what has been happening in Syria in 2020.
21? I thought there were more than that, perhaps there were multiple bombing attacks on the dates listed.
21? Is that your IQ … hello?
Israel has killed many Shia Brigades on the Golan and at the Syria/Iraqi border along with their weapons stores … eh?
The video by ‘stormfront’ err southfront is filled with interesting half-truths …
Yes … Israel can use telephones to communicate to the ‘stupids’ on the Golan front … these Shia Brigades from Afghanistan/Pakistan/Iraq are desperate mercenaries … really cannon fodder belched from the belly of the dysfunctional Arab/Muslim World … lol
They’re detritus …
Syrians don’t understand Israel’s benevolence, when Israel – when Israel was horribly tortured by Hitler in WW2 – wants to protect Syria from Terrorists, therefore Israel strikes Syria with rockets. Years before Israel also programmed good Jewish teenagers to write love letters to Syrians and anybody else Israel deems worthy to be Rocket-Bombed.
Your propaganda piece is full of sh Xt
Your crew will be on the receiving end … tick tock
The Assad Crime Family has reached it’s expiry date …
A fake nation, built on other people’s lands and with the constant practice of terrorism and war, knows no other language from terror and it is in terror and fear that it will die.
At least you’re on the topic … eh slug?
I live in the moment … eh?
Whose winning so far?
Israel is growing in strength and capability with each passing year … hello?
The new Chief of the IDF has made ‘winning’ the next war the army’s mantra … ‘Momentum’ is the name … it’s going to be a ‘blitz’ on the enemy and a series of knockout punches … hello?
Syria / Lebanon / Iran / Iraq …
Come on Man!
Syria isn’t the enemy of Israel …
Assad is safe as long as he doesn’t originate contact … hello?
Iran / Hezbollah / Shia Brigades are the enemy is Syria … eh?
Syria is safe … unless there’s an attack originating from Syria troops / air / missiles … eh?
The country would be a toxic wasteland … BE AFRAID
Nice map … the Arabs who attack will be vaporized without mercy
Fugetaboutit …
Nuclear? Huh?
Conventional weapons … air / land / sea
The F-35 can carry out hundreds of missions per day … the lethality of the IDF will overwhelm y’all
100’s of missions per F-35 per day
Go back and do the math again
18,000 pounds of payload … Per take off and landing
There are 50 of them … 2 squadrons
PLUS … the IDF has the largest fleet of F-16’s in the World …. hello?
The skies over Lebanon will be dark …. with so many IAF PLANES blotting out the sky … NOTHING CAN STOP THEM
Should Hezbollah attack … 200,000 Lebanese will die in the first 48 hours …
WW2 ?
Today’s IDF level of lethality is cruel …
I didn’t curse your name in this thread … I just went back to see if I did …
I reserve that for those anti-Judaism Haters …
Ok … ?
Stay Safe
Russia’s massive offshore Arctic oil & gas discovery could dwarf Gulf of Mexico & Middle East’s energy reserves
If this news can give ulcer to some Russia-hater than it was worthy of posting here…
For a bunch of oil that went negative this year, because there is too much already? China has cold fusion, how about that instead?
It is EARLY experimental phase only. Still very long road to pass before concluding.
The temperatures for fusion are extreme. It will take hole new generation of materials to protect everything properly.
Also oil & gas are essential for production of many commercial industrial products, not only as source of energy.
Back to school, you’v missed some basic educational knowledge.
No, I’m not on their side, if I observe how advanced China is in energy and communications field, it doesn’t mean I’m on their side. I know it’s too hard for you to understand this.
And I didn’t say oil won’t be used at all, it just hundreds of billions if barels are too much fir that. Oil price is set to drop in the future anyway, there are new discoveries everywhere on earth.
You are bullshiting and I don’t have any time left for that bullsh*t of yours.
Nobody knows when the fusion will be operational and hole advanced science works on that project for decades already….not only China…
Go away.
Frence started the project, which is Russian invention btw, in 70’s and all countries combined did shit, they estimate it will start in 2025 and fully work in 2035. China already started it and they didn’t even dream of it in 70.
Whatever…all this bullshit is your interpretation…and I am not interested.
Like Turkey’s discovery in the Black Sea?
What about ‘global warming’?
Sheesh … a goy with a pea-sized brain
“global warming” IS story for those without brain.
Yes … your denial of same is telling
There is no “denial” for something that can not possibly be proven scientifically.
All this “global warming” bullsh*t is rigged up by those who want to impose “carbon taxes” as new method of global taxing and also as method of robbing whole planet blind.
Those who created COVID and global lock downs are behind “global warming” as well.
So … in short … China?
EXCEPT … China and India were the biggest abusers of COAL
When the globe was warmer, it was at its most fertile.
Thanks …. Luddite
Cancers, Strokes, Birth Deformities: Iraq Reportedly Plans to Sue US Over Depleted Uranium Use
Radiation crimes…Serbia,Japan should do the same.
It’s time that somebody do something about worlds biggest war criminals
Sue them where?
Even Iraqi high court would do, for the start.
One must start somewhere. So that those sons of whores directly guilty for deliberate killings of tens of millions of civilians are at least pointed finger at their bastard faces.
Sue them anywhere … ?
Ya f/kn goy … no wonder you’re cannon fodder
I propose a Russian court to rurle on this case.
I propose that you shut up
But a non-corrupt one.
Start with Russia … lol
Those slugs think they can get away with murder … pass the novichok