Map Update: Alleged Locations Of Syrian Army Deployment In Manbij Countryside On December 28, 2018

This map provides alleged locations of the Syrian Army deployment in the countryside of Manbij in northern Aleppo on December 28. Despite a statement of the Syrian Defense Ministry, it seems that Syrian troops have not entered the town itself yet. Additionally, US-led coalition forces still remain deployed in the town

Map Update: Alleged Locations Of Syrian Army Deployment In Manbij Countryside On December 28, 2018

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Zionism = EVIL

Not much left in Americunt sponsored terrorist hands and even that is about to go. Well done SAA!


Looks like the other puppet army called FSA is coming

Zionism = EVIL

The FSA (fcuked saudi Army) will not fare well either.

BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 P.M.) – The Syrian military has named a new
commander of its elite Republican Guard forces, a source in Damascus
told Al-Masdar News this evening.

According to the source in Damascus, the Syrian military named
General Malik Aliaa as the new supreme commander of the Republican

General Aliaa is replacing General Talal Makhlouf, the cousin of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, who served as the commander of the Republican Guard for much of the war. At the onset of the US sponsored terror campaign in Syria, the Republican Guard was commanded by Brigadier General Maher al- Assad who now has been promoted to the rank of Major General and put in command of elite 4th Corps responsible for defence of Damascus region and Golan front.

Major General Maher Al-Assad has been officially named the commander of the Syrian Arab Army’s elite 4th strike corps armed with the most modern T-90 tanks.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

FSA was originally supported by US, then in June this year the US abandoned them and Erdogan began supporting them.
HTS has always been funded by the Saudis and still is.


It’s now too late for SDF to welcome Syrian forces to Manbij.


And why would you say this? Erdogan has not made a move to advance yet.
Manbij is definitely not Afrin. Turkey already has a buffer zone along the border in this area.
Map shows SAA at the University, just a short ways from the city.


disqus_C3EuRXz3Ay more

Chris Saunders

A direct attack on the Syrian army, on Syrian territory would be very stupid and cause many problems for Turkey. Russia, Turkey and Iran will probably cut a deal to remove all YPG factions 80-100km from the Turkish border and position SAA at all borders with Turkey.

Chris Saunders

Afrin was small detachments of SNA (National Army), not the actual SAA. THe SAA is possibly the most battle-hardened, and effective Arab national army within the Arab world. In a full on engagement with the SAA, Turkey would struggle with heavy attrition, not to mention international ostracism .

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

100% right, they know war

alejandro casalegno

The most effective arab army is the Hezbollah………but you can say, “Is a militia, not a real army”…….

Gregory Casey

The (most) battle-hardened and effective Arab National Army within the Arab world? This ia a vast understatement! SAA + Hezbollah are the most battle-hardened Military Forces anywhere in the world and probably amongst the Top 5 in terms of effectiveness ……. with the Houthi also amongst the Top 5!!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

correct 100% verified


there must be some serious critisism among the Kurds for their leaders. in Afrin they have sucrificed so many warriors for what?just to make them martyrs. they were sold by their precious allies the US.things could be so much easier. hand over the territory to SAA. it was not important anyway. no Kurdish people there. Well Kurds know how to fight but they suck in diplomacy.


their leaders live in tel a viv and new york!!


This is absolutely right.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The Russians and SAA have to wait for the US to leave first, there’s not enough room for everyone.


maybe its their strategy…if the FSA tries to take over US positions the SAA will flank them ,surround them, send them to hell

Django de Reynaerde

Turkey has much more to loose than to gain with just simply killing the Kurds. It’s is all part of demagogic propaganda. It’s a dirty war, like all wars. Turkey has no other opportunity than to look eastwards. Still Trump & Co. are being blackmailed by the Sultan, in the next days and months we’ll have a better view what the Turks and Yankees used as bargain to launch a new round, as a means of buying what they wanted, … Be sure that even the retreat of the Americans is not really to believe. At least they will be replaced by a new form of privateers, more professional and better paid mercenaries like Blackwater and other French and British culprits. Lawless outlaws coming from the wild, Wild West 2.0. And believe me, no Mr. good guys will be included, … John Wayne died already long-time ago and even he was a prick!


so true…john wayne symbolized the true american hero at the period of the great indian genocide!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

looks like a pincer maneuver may be on the menu for SAA to employ :))


breaking news………….. houthi forces retreat from hudaydah..abandon city

jews have won