In 2014, Ukrainian radical nationalists, backed up by the EU and the US, seized power in Kiev overthrowing the legitimate president of the country, Viktor Yanukovych. The installation of new government sparked protests in the country's southeast. Since April 2014, pro-Russian separatists have been battling pro-Kiev forces in eastern Ukraine. In March 2014, a vast majority of people in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea voted for "reunification with Russia" and the region became a part of the Russian Federation.
good film of the ever shrinking land occupied by ukraine in kursk belies the comments by paid posters.
russia – zionist owned
usa – zionist owned
ukraine – zionist owned
and the arab countries that signed peace treaties with israel must be “zionist owned “too ???
want me to list them ?
they enjoy selling out thier populations for status of and the wealth that the cartel provides .
but kuuuuuuursk !!!!
getting invaded and losing 50,000 soldiers a year is considered “winning” by orc shitstain russians…heheheh…
attacking their own population and being defeated as a result is considered winning by ukretards. i guess it’s kind of funny.
from immediate effect -all unregistered ukrainians in russian territory including the new territory must apply to register -no exceptions less than 6 months allowed – all will be tested for- drugs/hiv -full medical including sexual transmitted diseases -failure means removal from russia -740,000 ukrainians exist.
as a moron amerikunt hillbilly i deny reality cuz i like sodomy by taliban
the trump administration in concert with the eu are only trying to create a north / south korea type of ceasefire agreement . a freeze made dmz to set up restart in the future . they do not have any peacemaking diplomats in the group . the banker war cartel mafia will not accept any vision of real peace . russias mineral and energy wealth is to vast .