Map: Kinds Of Russian Missiles Hitting Ukraine

Map: Kinds Of Russian Missiles Hitting Ukraine

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Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

hahahaha hoholassholes can run but can’t hide ….SLAVA ROSSIYA!



Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6
Ricky Rocky

Didn’t all of you say Russia didn’t have Tochka missiles? This image refutes that haha

Pawel Pawel

Lesen ist nicht deine Stärke du propagandaidiot. Die Totschka U sind von den Nazis und von DVR und LVR erbeutet. Und Weißrussland hat auch noch welche.


Actually this map is provided by Ukrainian Air Force and NV/New Voice of Ukraine (Maidan propaganda site).


Captured Ukranian stock.

not the klown of kyiv

Best to blow these deep past the front in western Ukraine, but for the stuff that makes it to the front, I think we’re going to see more and more captured orkrainian weapons and ammo over the the weeks ahead.


Even Wikipedia says that Russia dismissed the Tochka in 2019. Ok it was written, then hastily removed from wiki. But you can use the to recover the old wiki page.

As for this image, it comes straight from the ukrops ( although published by the china3army telegram channel ), so you have your answer.

Russia currently is using Iskander in place of the old Tochka. Also note that nowhere the Khinzal is named, yet they have used it.


Only if you don’t know how to read the map. If you connect the dots you will find they lead to an independent country (since 1991) called Belarus (Bilorus).

Bigg Chungus

The image does contradict that claim, but this isn’t an official image, and it is entirely possible that “@China3army” is not an authoritative source.

Do you really think Russia was shelling Kramatorsk railway station or Donetsk city center?


As I can see @China3army is some Russian (?) dude from telegram. For some reason he used Ukrainian Air Force map, used by Maidan/CIA bots from Twitter, first used by editor/chief propagandist of NewVoice of Ukraine “executive editor. Award-winning journalist. Bylines: NBC News, Vice, Politico, OCCRP, NYT, the Atlantic and others” (as we can see, a professional CIA liar).
He changed lover left from Ukrainian Air Force to China3Army thinking that’s a cool map or whatever and presenting it as his own, and I guess SF didn’t check it but copy pasted it from Telegram thinking it’s his map and not checking what exactly is NV (upper right). The point of this map is exactly to support Ukro narrative and ukrobots here like it of course.


Look at map closer.. Belarus possibly have version.

Donald Moore

It list Belarus as the user!


Bilorus? Temporarily occupied areas? And of course Tochka is the first. Ranges and accuracy are also highly debatable.

This map looks like something from Daily M/fail. You should choose your sources more carefully, this one is obviously extremely biased and pro-Ukrainian.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edmund

I’ve just checked: the original source is Ukrainian Air Force and NV (New Voice of Ukraine)!
Seriously why do use enemy propaganda as your source?

Last edited 2 years ago by Edmund

If clearly identified as such, I don’t have a problem with it.
I like to read both sides of the story and, as you have stated with links, we get to see where the propaganda originates and use that propaganda constructively in posts (as you have done).
Most Ukraine sites (e.g. KyivPost, defense-ua, etc.) are all talk with little to no evidence to back their publications whereas SouthFront as well as donbass-insider and a few others back their publications with interviews, pictures & videos (that do not lie). The Lame Stream Media ratings are dismal, I can’t watch the news so rarely turn on the TV anymore except to watch a ‘50s, ‘60s, or ‘70s Western movie.


Yes, If clearly identified as such, then I have no problem either. But disguised as a purely technical info/map?

Subtle propaganda is the dirtiest (and the most dangerous) propaganda because most people fail to notice it. This is the case here. Technical info is actually not technical at all. What we see here: Russians temporarily occupy Donbass. Tochka is not just used by Russia, it’s the most important missile in its arsenal. And it’s used from Belarus. Belarus is not Belarus, it’s Bilorus. And Russian missiles are generally incredibly inaccurate. Iskander for example “30 meters” while in reality it’s 5 meters. As we can see this little map is full of Ukrainian lies, presented as facts.

Last edited 2 years ago by ...
John Tosh

I did not know Fareed on CNN is a moron until he gave a few moronic suggestions…… more weapons to Ukraine…. more western NATO weapons do not equal victory. You may damage a few Russian cities but that would piss off the Russians enough to NUKE Kiev….. right now the Russians are fighting with kid gloves… do not let the Russians remove the gloves. Russia can take Kiev out in one day… there is nothing the US can do once Russia uses NUKES…. the rest of Europe will run for cover and turn their backs on the US once they see a nuclear mushroom cloud over Kiev. Poland will run for cover… NATO will disband.


By November 22, 2019, the rearmament from the Tochka-U complexes to the new Iskander-M missile systems was completed. At the beginning of 2022, according to The Military Balance, Tochka-U is not in service with Russian troops.

Assad Defeated Zionists

KABOOM, KABOOM, KABOOM. the soldiers of fortune keep getting wrecked. don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.

Prooton Eestlane

Russia should buy missiles from Iran, because Iran missiles are much mode accuracy, what Ain al Assad base attack proves. 7m. Or modify them, like iranians have done with Syria s-200 air defence.


Nothing to do with accuracy. Iran does just not spare “the partners.”


More bullshit from southfront. Kaliber accuracy specified as 50m. This aimless shit will never hit any meaningful target.

Yamil Perez dumb Faggot

It hit your mother tho you dumb piece of shit


The blast radius, kinetic energy and shrapnel will render any target within 1000 feet, useless. It’s not designed to be precise; they have other weapons designed for that.


Russia really needs to get it’s PR game right. To show tochka after telling everyone you do not have any is just stupid…..

Hey Brah

You mean three to four months ago? These being pulled out of storage and shipped to Donbass republics’ armed forces is a new development, and it’s probably part of a package of older but capable systems retired by Russian armed forces that will see great mileage when transferred to DPR and LPR armed forces. Hopefully they receive some Su-22 / Mig 23/27 for close air support. T-54/55 armor would be nice as well. But Donbass militaries being able to call their own surface to surface stikes will make them faster and more effective in counter artillery; the range of these ballistic stikes will be far more than their artillery.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hey Brah

great map


Time to make a big crater out of the shithole brothel called Kiev.

ballistic approach

Kh-28 GPS refit ?? would be good I think. range >120 km airdropped, or ~70 km surface launched. Most effective at shorter ranges, with high impact velocity and more

Lesco Brandon

Eff em up


The” map” is like a picture of a toy on the box. It is not whats inside… just similar. Its not even a map as so many have called it its a visual guide! It does not intend to convey actual events and which missiles have been used and from where with actual accuracy. Its a visual aid. Jesus Christ people!

Not to mention the CEP for the weapons is way off. The Visual aid was made by someone who is not a fan of the Russian weapons. Come on really? The oniks has a CEP of 1.5 meters at 800km and the Kalibers 50m? Iskanders 30 meters?
The only people who would know what was used for sure would be the Russian military. The UAF would have a good idea but they wont be using that many resources to investigate hundreds of sites to try and figure out if it was a Iskander or Kaliber let alone create a visual aid for the internet.

Russian use a lot of missiles. They use what they have and they will continue to do so.


Uhm Tochka-u? I thought they weren´t used by the russians anymore? That at least was claimed after the Kramtorsk bombing, where our putinistas and wingnuts pointed to the fact, that it couldn´t be russians who did this…cause they donßt use them anymore…most funny.
