The USS Donald Cook, a guided-missile destroyer, departs from Larnaca, Cyprus, on Monday.Navy Office of Information / MC2 Alyssa Weeks / AFP – Getty
The situation in Syria is set to explode into a new big war.
On April 11, US President Donald Trump once again showed off his twitter-style diplomacy and threatened the Assad government and Russian forces in Syria with missiles. A day earlier, Russia’s envoy to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin said that Russia affirms its right to shoot down missiles and to target the launchers in the case of an attack on Syria.
These statements became became the latest in a chain of events, which started on April 7, when allegedly a chemical attack took place in Douma. Immediately following the incident, the US and its allies accused the Assad government of being behind the alleged attack and started drawing up plans for a military action.
Considering the current state of affairs, it is highly likely that Washington will implement a military option, without waiting for the results of any potential international investigation. In this case, this would result in four main possible scenarios of the escalation:
The 1st scenario. The US will conduct a Shayrat-style missile strike on some almost empty Syrian military facility somewhere in the desert. Thus, Washington will burn millions of dollars for another PR move. In this case, there will likely be no Russian military response. The conflict in Syria will continue along its current lines. Pro-government forces will clear the remaining pockets. The Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance will continue contributing military and diplomatic efforts to restore Syrian territorial integrity.
The 2nd scenario. The US will expand the scale of its attack, increasing the offensive means as well as the affected targets. This attack will cause notable casualties among Syrian service members and damage to the country’s military and possibly civilian infrastructure. If Russia does not respond to this attack militarily, the US-led block may develop momentum forcing its proxies to launch attacks on government forces in the Euphrates Valley as well as in eastern and southern Syria. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and ISIS will re-activate their cells across the country. Moscow will react to this with precision attacks seeking to avoid a military confrontation with the US-led bloc. The end of the war in Syria could be delayed for another 5 long years.
The 3rd scenario. The US will conduct an expanded attack, but will face a limited yet effective Russian military response. In this case, Russian forces will respond by shooting down Trump’s “smart” missiles, targeting some of the launchers involved in the attack and maybe some US military installations in northern and eastern Syria. Washington will use the limited confrontation to increase diplomatic and media pressure on Russia. It will also become a formal pretext for a new wave of anti-Russian sanctions. This will be useful for the US-led bloc because the so-called Skripal case, which has been designed to be such a pretext, has just collapsed.
The 4th scenario. The US will conduct an expanded attack, but a Russian military response will trigger further escalation between the two world powers. Justifying its actions with so-called Russian aggression, US forces will attack the Russian military group in Syria. This will be the start of a new regional war between the US-led bloc, including the UK and France, and the Syrian-Iranian-Russian alliance supported by Hezbollah. Such regional conflicts were repeatedly observed in the 20th century. In the worst case scenario, this regional war may turn into a nuclear conflict.
The worst-case scenario of the escalation was forecasted by SF in this video in November 2016:
While publicly the US justifies its possible military aggression against Syria with the need to respond to the alleged chemical weapons use in Douma, there are two groups of real reasons behind the scene:
- The war will draw the attention of US society away from internal problems. Currently the US is facing a serious political and security crisis. Society is divided by political, economic and ethnic issues. The US administration is under constant pressure from its opponents. Since the start of 2018 alone, mass shootings in the US have already killed more people than the April 7 Douma incident.
- The war will allow to explain to US taxpayers the increased expenditure on the US Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex. The increased defense spending will also permit to the US economy to resume stable growth in the framework of the existing world economic paradigm.
Additionally, the Euro-Atlantic elites are attempting to use developments over the conflict in Syria to save the US-led unipolar world order and the so-called Western value system that allows them to remain in power.
The doomsday clock is ticking.
I am expecting images of smoldering remains of that Nazi armada creating new reefs for fishes
I would like to see this as well. The problem with all the above
scenarios is that Russia is always positioned as responsive. I would
like to see a scenario with Russia taking positive initial action and
giving the West a crippling beating.
Let us hope America reminds the President there is no need to back Al Qaeda, or fires another 59, the Russians sink one ship, and then the Pentagon is reminded there is no need to back Al Qaeda.
Certainly no need for everyone to die because of them.
“crippling beating” does not exist. Wars are decided by public opinion and by industrial base and access to resources. The only weakness of the US Empire is with public opinion. For Russia to hit first would destroy its main advantage, that the public opinion in the US is against the USA starting a war. If the public feel that the USA is attacked they might react entirely differently.
Lets see American public opinion when nuclear warheads hit the US soil (that if Trumpo does dare to start it).
You are a fool.
Going personal Martin? Is it the best you’ve got? Ever heard of rational conversation and reasoning?
You argue to cause nuclear war because of pride. I think I was generous by only calling you a fool.
No, this isn’t because of pride. It is rational. On the other hand, pride is important – that’s one thing that anglo zio empire is taking away (very slowly) from human society. It is much easier to control (enslave) a bunch of fags than an organized group of self respecting men.
We Russians don’t want war. We’re just standing up from huge blow (collapse of USSR). We keep the memory of WWII losses – each and every family was effected just watch Immortal regiment on 9th may. But there’s time for avoiding incoming punch by weaving and slipping and there’s time for counterpunching.
As for your generosity in name calling… I’ll leave you at that.
If Putin cared about public opinion instead of his oligarchs’ about Dombas and Lugansk he would have fulfilled their wish.
No. Because if Putin Annexed Dombas and Lugansk Russia would risk having a stable, hostile, NATO country nextdoor. D&L are a destabalizing force in Ukraine, draining their unity, economy and stability.
Annexing them would also become another argument in the diplomatic manouverings. But I dont think that is the main reason for not anexing them.
To be true, I wouldn’t like to see that, but if it is true Russian aircraft caring anti ship warfare, specially anti aircraft carriers warfare, were moved closer to the possible war theater
I think the most likely scenario is the first option, this will be a pr stunt. Like trump even tweeted, why give Russia and Syria so much time to prepare? Syria will have all their planes in Russian bases and Russia will have the assets necessary to effectively counter this attack. Also Russia doesn’t need to wait for a guided missle destroyer to fire all of it’s missles before putting a kh 32 up it’s ass. And what would the point be? Like the Russian mod already said, any meaningful attack on Syria would be so broad it would put Russian personal at risk and they won’t be waiting to take down the salvo before retaliating.
You forgot the 5th scenario where USA sends it’s “poodles” into the heat (UK, France, AUS,…) which get obliterated…
According to this analysis escalating the confrontation up to but not including all out nuclear war is a win-win-win situation for US. If trump bombs empty bases he would be called a wimp by the MSM and if they blow up half of Syria including 100s of civilians and Russian servicemen he would – temporarily – be hailed as a hero. No brainer for Trump, really. On the other hand if Russia doesn’t respond they’ll loose credibility abroad, with it’s allies and it’s weapons costumers. Putin would also loose domestically because all his efforts in Syria, all the money spent and all Russian casualties would be in vain. Neocons and their proxy dogs would be encouraged to attack Russian interests in Ukraine and in the Caucasus, knowing that Russia would not punish the real culprits. Russia was always fighting for it’s own security in Syria. A western sponsored Wahhabi caliphate in Syria would be a staging ground for war against Iran and Russia. Russian strategy is that any war they are forced to fight must not be fought on Russian soil. If they blink and fold in Syria, the regime change circus will arrive in the heart of Russia in no time. Therefore, I’m confident that in case of anything more than a US PR stunt Russia and Syria will shoot back with vengeance…
Do you see the US targeting the Russian Khmeimim base. Presumably Assad will have moved his planes there for safety so to preserve something of an airforce. But hitting Russian assets will force a response or Putin loses face
Problem is would require nearly all of their available missles to effectively hit the main Russian air Base. And tomohawks are quit susceptible to electronic countermeasures since they use GPS to fly low and not in a straight line. Also Russia would see that the missles are headed to them shortly after the first missles fly and a kh 32 going up Donal cooks would stop the salvo before it’s fires half of it’s arsenal. If they have their diesel subs in the area then the response can be nearly instant and can deter the majority of missles from ever being launched.
Russians have reportedly withdraw all it’s naval vessels from Tartus so they would be defending only the airbase not just with SAMs but also with fighters. On the other hand few Russian diesel subs are always on patrol in Syrian waters and could respond instantly. But don’t forget that area between Cyprus and Syria is well within range of Black sea and Caspian fleets Kalibr and Onyx missiles while RuAF can air launch anti ship missiles without leaving Russian air space. All missiles arriving on target in less then 30 minutes. Russians can respond with overwhelming force if they choose to…
Russian didn’t withdraw its naval vessels it deployed them in combat formation Syrian coast.
Numerous Russian servicemen are embedded with Syrian air defense units as well as SAA ground forces. In an all out attack Syrian AD will be targeted first guarantying Russian casualties in the first minutes. If Russia doesn’t respond Neocons will be encouraged to escalate more and in that case bombing Khmeimim wouldn’t be out of the question..
what hesitation will there be left for the WORST-COALITION if their proxy forces could not think twice at striking Russia’s airbase just last months?
“According to this analysis escalating the confrontation up to but not including all out nuclear war is a win-win-win situation for US.”
You don’t know America or Americans very will if you believe the rubbish that you just wrote. It would be the end of the Trump presidency, which is already on very thin ice, if he starts a war with the Russians. The last time a US president tried this, the public opposition coming into congressional offices was almost universally opposed:
“About 60 percent of Americans surveyed said the United States should not intervene in Syria’s civil war, while just 9 percent thought President Barack Obama should act.”
– As Syria war escalates, Americans cool to U.S. intervention –
And who will articulate US public anti war statements – the main stream media? You think Mika and Morning Joe will start screaming for peace. The same people that a year ago were saying Trump just became president only because he bombed Syria – with no reason. The media that’s pushing the Russia hacked the elections and Russia used CW in UK narratives.?Owners of US media have lucrative business deals with Military industrial complex and a hot war in the Middle east will line their pockets too. If US manages to organize any meaningful anti war movement – and that’s a big IF – it will have as much success as the one against war in Iraq. just remember that Obama’s Libya war had no ant war movement to speak off…
Americans disregard the msm, they know that it’s trash. That’s why congressional offices were flooded with phone calls and emails against escalation when Obama tried the same thing that Trump is now doing. Nothing has changed, if anything there’s more opposition. And with multiple impeachment proceedings against Trump now, that will only increase when a conflict escalates to a strike that receives a response outside of Syria’s borders that results in American planes coming down, ships being sunk, American service people dying in significant numbers, and the American homeland threatened with nuclear weapons for a bunch of Jew miscreants half the world away.
If the MSM can frame it as russian aggression it might rally support to the Trump regime and to the war. Us humans have this instinct built into us, to rally together when we perceive that we are under outside attack.
Americans have seen this false flag nonsense so many times that they’re not buying it. They’re not going to support a fabricated conflict half a world away because some Syrians reportedly died from chemical weapons when vast quantities have died from conventional munitions. They just don’t see it as being in their interests. And they know that the Russians are a peer opponent that can dish out a ton of death and destruction on the American homeland, that they don’t want to see happen for no reason to try to salvage a troubled administration.
Let us hope you are right. Personally, I think Trump is playing his usual sly games, carpetbombing the media with outrageus statements that he will later pick and choose from. Im not at all convinced there will be war.
It’s obvious that there are a lot of threats and coercion being thrown around that he’s responding to. He’s developed a history of going against America First with the Jerusalem embassy recognition, missile strike on Syria last year, escalation in Afghanistan, etc.. So he’s lost a lot of people’s trust, and is a risk of doing more damage than good.
Well, he is operating in an environment with an extremely hostile media + endless litigation and FBI and CIA sabotage. The deep state is simply more powerful than the president.
The missile attack last year, the alternative was for Trump to be bogged down in a debate where photage of dead children on TV would have been thrown in his face every day for months. Noone can win a debate against images of dead children on tv.
So he held his nose and did it quick and clean and laid the issue to rest. Yes, people died. But the stakes are astronomical and power is not for the squemish.
America First is diametrically opposed to Israel first, and the Jews are the back bone of the deep state. So they’re going after Trump with everything that they’ve got.
Last years missile strike was a WWF stunt that was militarily meaningless as anything other than an illustration of malice.
As far as not winning a debate against dead children pictures, all that Trump has to say is let’s have an investigation to see if it was Isis or the government, and let the investigators provide the evidence, or lack of it for people to make up their own minds what did or didn’t happen.
That would have been the case if Trump had his own TV media. Since he dont he would just get more dead children on TV thrown at him. He could not win a debate against that, no matter what he said. Very few people listen to reason and logic or even what people say. We are emotional creatures.
That wouldn’t be my take. A few Trump tweets would place the chemical investigation exonerating the Syrian government in front of the US public and world media. And the lying Jew media in the US would be neutralized in the eyes of most Americans and much of humanity. Who already have a low opinion of the fake news that the Jews constantly churn out.
Opinion dont matter compared to emotion and endless pictures of dead children on tv.
The last time a US president tried this, the public opposition coming into congressional offices was almost universally opposed. Nothing has changed, if anything they’re more against it then they were before:
“About 60 percent of Americans surveyed said the United States should not intervene in Syria’s civil war, while just 9 percent thought President Barack Obama should act.”
– As Syria war escalates, Americans cool to U.S. intervention –
Americans disregard YOU!!!!!! :D :D because you are anti Semitic!! LOL
You’re the one disregarding all of the irrefutable evidence of Jew crime and evil. Because it’s all true and you can’t disprove it. People do see you making a fool out of yourself everyday supporting your evil Talmud rabbinical pedophile mass rape cult.
You wish so :) but it aint happening. Goyim know.https://youtu.be/WVorwdIFoD8
The “antisemites” as you call them, are doing God’s work. Every day their ranks grow, as the atrocities and deceptions of the Zionists become known to more and more people. The days of the Talmudic Pharisee Zionists are drawing to a close. Deal with it.
It is the Divided States of America… just like in the Rest of the World a lot of people just waking up…to the reality that was always withheld…in such an Evil and cunning way…Generals, Veterans, Policemen, Soldiers, the common people..people like you and me..are starting to realise how Evil the Lies are…35% of the Information I read about the Evil things the U.S. Is doing at this moment were written by Americans, 35% Russian info, the other 30% came from The Middle East & europe…Creating Awareness among people Worldwide perhaps the most important thing to be done. They always used differences to set us up against eachother…gave us a gun to kill eachother. When there is this Unity…It’ll become impossible to sell their Lies…The West simply hasn’t got the Army to Fight a War on a Global Scale… they Need groups Fighting eachother…We ain’t going to Fight Eachother but Fight the Elite….
Exactly, the internet is the new msm, and it’s circumventing the stranglehold that the elites have had on information for centuries.
What monstrous instincts they have.
They literally took everything over, there is no European civilization in the West, only Jewish civilization.
Click on the image to see an expanded view and to be able to read the text.
CNN, NBC, NYT. All Jews:
Thankyou!!!! I was just looking for my copy of this today!!! NOBODY MENTIONS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM! ISRAEL!!!!!
It’s a real eye opener, that’s for sure.
Pure cohencidence, my fellow human!
In a court of law, the preponderance of evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt determine decisions. And the preponderance of evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt indicate that Jews are a problem. Your ignoring these legal standards doesn’t change that.
Pure cohen-cidence, I tell you!
Simple, they don’t ever fight against foes that can fight back and they are also scared of what the long-term consequences will be.
Westerners have for +60 years been taught, believes that a confrontation between nuclear powers would somehow inevitably escalates and means doooom for hoomanetee.
So it wouldn’t just be mass panic and dollar quickly becoming worthless, Wall Street going down like 9/11.
Aftermath would be that nuclear powers confronted each other and WW3 didn’t follow, it would be the end of the belief that WW3 can’t happen because of MAD, it’ll be the end something the Mainstream Medias have promoted for several generations.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! No one in the USA actually believes reuters! LOL You must be a foreigner, I mean Nazi! LOL :D :D :D
No one believes your defense of Jew crime and evil, which is why Israel has 100+ UN and other international law resolutions against it, compared to 1 against the Palestinians. People believe their eyes and ears, and having seen so many Jew world order false flag fabrications. When they see it in Reuters or anyplace else, they believe that their Israel firster pols are lying.
I agree, simply too much at stake to let it all go if US decides to go all in
Then you are an idiot. Putin has already ordered Russian forces to hide from all the juicy commercial, civilian and governmental targets in Syria, allowing the West free reign, Libya and Iraq style, to blitz the nation in preparedness for the full scale invasion to come.
Grounded Syrian air assets are no threat to the West, so can actually be fully ignored (for the time being). Power stations, water processing plants, transport hubs and the like will be the initial targets- breaking the back of a functional government in Syria. Then the invading forces will roll in (well NATO is already in the East of Syria thanks to appeaser Putin). Any SAA ground forces will be exterminated as encountered, or if they are concentrated anywhere near the invasion routes.
Putin the ball-less coward will order Russian forces to sit tight, and then once the invasion is properly underway, will arrange their retreat out of Syria with the West.
Hey dimwit, removing your limited assets from vicinity of obvious targets is common sense, not an act of surrender. And so is removal of airworthy SyAF planes to Khmeimim – whether they are grounded or not remains to be seen. Neither Syria nor Russia can defend every last piece of infrastructure, not with Syrian AD gutted by terrorists in the first months of war, but not even with top of the line multi layer network, because Russians didn’t design it to win on it’s own. It’s purpose is to insure any attack to be costly for aggressor and to buy time for proper response using Kalibrs, Iskanders and air launched weapons. And if Putin gives up Syria and retreats in humiliation he will commit political suicide – and that’s what even Russian commentators say openly, but what’s worse, he’d open a flood gates and invite Neocon aggression on Russian soil. Russians know well what appeasement of Hitler brought them – and contrary to MSM narrative, Putin is not Stalin…
It will be the end of Putin. Past behaviors determines the future ones. He didn’t wipe away Ukrops “no army” and left Dombas and Lugansk people to slowly die under Bandera’s Brown Shirts salvos at his doorsteps. Will he do differently this time? It won’t be short of a miracle if he does.
Analysis is correct but conclusion is wrong. RU and SAA will be overwhelmed by US coalition’s firepower. Close to 1000 cruise missiles have been readied for the attack. RU projection of power in Syria is not enough to counter an attack on such a large scale. They figured it out. It’s gonna be quantity over quality. Turkey as the largest NATO standing army will do boots on the ground using FSA as cannon fodder. Not a good prospect for Sy and RU allies. A window of opportunity for RU and allies has almost closed. I can’t see from Putin’s passed behavior how he is going to nuke one of the major US cities like NY which would be the only solution.
If RU has supplied SY with 40 Panzir S1 as they say and each one carries 6 short range anti air missiles that’s 240 missiles ready to defend RU and SY military assets against 1000 US coalition incoming cruise missiles. You have to calculate into it the probability for missile to hit the target which is not the same for different type of targets. Also you have to think about time to reload the system with new missiles as well. It’s pretty obvious that US has decided to break the back of the axes of resistance in ME at all cost. In other words they are prepared to suffer whatever losses it takes to achieve their objective.
SAMs alone can’t withstand saturation attacks by 100s of enemy cruise missiles – and they weren’t designed to do so. Now shooting back with anti ship missiles or cruise missiles of your own gives the defender a fighting chance. Cripple just one US destroyer and you’ll have dozens of Tomahawks out of the equation. Only question is will Russians shoot back. And remember one thing IF Russia decides to shoot back they are strategically in much better position than US. US brings into the fight only a naval task force – that can be sunk or crippled with few aimed shots. Russia on the other hand can engage from Black sea and Caspian – sea, land or air – without having to leave it’s air space or territorial waters…
They know they will lose this fight if they start it, hence they won’t start it.
If there is a military conflict with Russia, it needs to be one that they can win.
2. scenario probably (*some variation): they’ll attack Assad’s residence in Damascus and a few more targets (Deir ez-Zor very likely), but not Russian (main) bases. Russians won’t respond. Not that I prefer this scenario btw….
Agreed, Scenario 2 just to keep the war going and to weaken Assad’s forces. Isis may take Deir Ezzor, Southern Jehadists will entrench themselves while Israel prepares the ground work for a limited move northward. Turkey may expand deeper into northern Syria, with a small chance of taking Aleppo. The war will outlast Putin’s presidency.
Nothing is going to happen, russia can’t do shit.
They can easily obliterate you completely, dumb troll. Facts. (un)fortunately they are not bloodthirsty, psychopathic degenerates like your masters. I’m kind of sorry they are not.
Bullshit, US has umbrella missile defense sustem., not one nuke would get thru.
No rational person believes that.
That one has been promised back in 2001 and 1983.
But still isn’t working today! -)
Lol, you are just a clueless, dumb kid… there is nothing the US missile defense can do vs full-scale Russian nuclear strike. Nothing.
Mattis: Russia Can Beat U.S. Missile Defenses
“They say they can hit any city by getting through defenses,” Mattis said. “We have never said that we have a missile-defense system against Russia. It’s always been against one thing—rogue nations. And let me be very clear on those: North Korea and Iran.”
Mattis flatly states that U.S. missiles defenses would not work against Russian weapons.
Since the dawn of the missile age, the Kremlin has had the capability to reduce the United States to smoldering pile radioactive ash.
That is what they want you to belive, like for example that Zuma satelite crashed.
What? Do you really believe it??? Lol!
You think they make their next gen technology public? US has systems you have no clue about.
You can only get fat by eating shitburgers, that is why you are fat and stupid. You are constipated from the shit you eat, that is why you can’t do shit, loser.
Fuck off russians, we don’t want you in Europe. You are 100 years behind modern civilisation. Shitburgers is what you eat there in vodkaland?
Why dont you go back to licking your mother cunt you disgusting piece of AmeriKKKan shit!.
Now fuck off back to your collapsing country.
shut up you dumb retard. We would like more russian involvement in europe instead of this american bullshit. Your culture brings death, dumbness and diabetes
Russians bring their dirty russian manners. US democracy is the most effective government system.
Says Justin fucking Bieber
It does not matter what you think, the better system will prevail, it only takes time.
What democracy? two parties that are the same , with bought candidates from AIPAC. Russia has several parties based on popular consensus by signatures, not corrupt by $$.
Not corrupt? Every politician is corrupt everywhere in the world. With small local exeptions.
What manners? Rapist murderer murikan niggahs despised by Okinawan population?
The term “russian manners” is known all over the world. It stands for negative behaviour, not respecting other ppl, not respecting laws, with special russian attitude.
Shut up you troll. Even north korea is more democratic and has a better and more effective government than the US. Btw, did you know that Switzerland has a comparable rate of guns yet we have zero gun crimes and no school shootings or public unrest ;)
You shut up, the computer, operating system, internet, eveything was invented in the US, you stone age vodkaland troll.
“Zarathustra” is not an american, its an iranian traitor living in america.
Transsexual whore. Up Yours Pizdah.
I found a photo of its mother.
“Rasha is not wyatt, kay?”
Who the f$ck are “we”? Where are you from creature?
For example ukrainians don’t want you, you stole their territory, parasited on people. noone wants you nowhere in the world. Stay in vodkaland.
80% of ukrainian territory was given by russians to ukrainians. and if ukies are proud, the give beck to rssia these dehonesting presents.
What vodkaland? Russian is the main exporter of organic wheat, you don’t get to eat healthy food in U$AIPAC, Monsanto and mutant seed are banned in Russia. Vodka from St. Petersburg is the best in the world, made from glacial water of lake Ladoga and Russian winter wheat, you should try some for the worms up your ass.
I prefer Swedish vodka, much more fine, no harsh taste. I don’t want anything from russia. Nothing good has ever come from that place.
“Russians r not White, okay?”
Russia is moving their air assets to Iran for safe keeping and sending their navy assets out to sea for “drills”. Any port in a fire storm except a port in Syria. Israel had their way with Syria last week when they staged that test for the next US led attack. This is only a way of improving/proving US offensive weapons vs Russian defensive weapons for future attacks on Iran and North Korea. This will be a small attack with less than 1000 missiles but again it is just a trial run.
Anyone here know who is next, Iran or North Korea? I figure if Iran defends Syria they are next. If they follow Russia to hide with their tail between their legs then North Korea will be next.
Wheres the sources saying they are moving planes to Iran – any news links on this? moving ships out of a port with a possible attack coming is sensible ( Pearl Harbour comes to mind) they are possibly taking up defensive positions with the expected arrival of US ships.
Take no notice of him: the guy is an absolute nut job: he just makes it up as he goes along. We shouldn’t be surprised, though, he is, after all, Nikki Haley’s little sister.
The Truth is never popular. Does not matter whether you believe me or not. I pray that by showing where we are headed war will be avoided and peace will return. You on the other hand love the direction of this run away train and cannot wait to go off the cliff. Do not ever say you were not warned.
Prayer is for fools – theres nothing to pray to
This is your kind that is trying to start it on fake staged gas attack. And yes, you were warned.
Guess I am just well informed. If you know how to use a search engine then use it.
Except there is nothing liar you are making shit up
I’m sorry, you’ve been misinformed. Russia has requested that Iran trigger a legislative fix which would allow Russian aviation to stage in Iran…from Russia if needed. The phrase “strategic aviation” was used. Russian aircraft, at least so far are all staying in place. The fleet drills and missile firings were scheduled some time ago. Russian forces in Syria seem to be carrying on as normal, at least on the surface. I’m sure below the surface all kinds of ammunition checks are going on.
I feel sorry for you Shlomo :) Yes, all naval vessels left Tartus base to open sea – sdeployed in combat formations. Ready to fight.
“Rasha wunt du nuffin!”
Where u have my photo from?
Don’t you have something better to do than make a fool out of yourself with your inflammatory insanity?
Putin is insane., he has criminally insane brain. Get rid of that bitch and you will be on the right way…
You are the one who is the head case.
Keep dreaming creature :) ain’t happening.
Yeah I understand he is like god for you. Russian mentality.
A prayer for the poor innocent civilians who will die in this coming conflagration as well as the unwitting servicemen and women who have no possible idea of what is really happening behind the scenes, that the Zionazis are screaming and raging due to the defeat of their proxies in Syria (ISIS and AL Qaeda) and now are willing to push the world into war to get their own way. Why didn’t we see this coming? They did it to the Palestinians, so why should we not have expected the same Nazi-like aggression towards other sovereign nations to preserve and expand their own perverted national interests . . ?
They’ve been doing this non stop since 1946. Most people are aware of it. The only thing that keeps them in power is their political machine in the US. Which is under America First assault by Americans fed up with the evil Jew miscreants and their Israel first collaborators.
In case of confrontation USA vs Russia…NATO bases in Baltic countries and even Poland would be wipe off as well as antimissile shield in Romania….of course NATO will have a problem..it is to continue a full war vs nuclear superpower country..or Stop!…I think the second!…we have seen how South Korea and Japan rejected US attack vs NK..SK president invite NK to olimpic games and he visited China!
you warmoner, study first the deployment of russian forces.
what are doing 77.000 Russian soldiers near Baltic countries?..VelociDumb?…
nothing. russia did not elevated regiments in that location. while moved 3 divisions to ukraine and formed 2 new headquarters. if russia will attack, this will be against ukraine.
If USA attacks, and russia respons by destroying american ships then usa can’t stop without losing credibility.
Is they wanna stop I hope someone in the white house has the guts to call Kremlin to ask please let us hit one tiny city of yours and you hit one of ours and then stop.
do pressconference and say we saved the world. Divide Syria and take it easy for the next few years.
5ª scenario : USA attacks syria and spend almost all cruise missile..meanwhile Iran launch ballistic missile again Saudi Arabia, Qatar ( US base), Jordan (US base), Kurdistan( US bases) and Israel….during one week day and night as they have 11.000 ballistic missile…so USA need to spend another 1000 cruise missile vs Iran…then Russia will star attacks from Iran airspace to Persian gulf…and in Baltic countries…then China will have “problems” around Taiwan….. so US navy will have problem with his arsenal of Tomahawk and have to deploy almost all fleet in many scenario risking putting his fleet as an easy target for Russian and China Subs and Jets…and USA without naval group is nothing in a conventional war!
Escobar? Lol please just focus on your drug cooking methods. Politics is definitely not for you. China and Taiwan is non issues here. Nobody really cares about who runs Taiwan
I cook drugs while you smoke it..
Scenario 3!
But the US will be humiliated and Trump is forced to negotiate peace.
1500 Cruise missiles coming form all US fleets will be disabled 100% by Russian EW.
So no damage or minimal to Russian/Syrian sites.
And these navy vessals will be destroyed: Kaliber/Kinzhal.
Russia wins big time!
The nucleair MAD option = no option.
Even Bolton knows that, after seeing the US navy sink.
I vote for scenario # 1
The author here really underestimates russia
Amazing you managed to write up all those scenarios without mentioning the elephant in the room – ISRAEL. If Russia wants to put an immediate end to this war all they have to do is drop 20 nukes on Israel wiping it off the map, and then its world peace forever more.
Problem can be solved easily. If Russia wants peace, Russia needs to openly plan a nuclear decapitation strike against world Jewry and the 0.01% racist supremacist Jewish billionaires and trillionaires, Israel and the USSA AIPAC military, the global racist supremacist Jewish confederate slave empire, if they want peace, put nuclear force on alert publically etc. Jews will fight to the last Goyim, but will back down immediately if one Jewish billionaires fingernail would be broken. Let Satanic cowards like Trump,Soros, Sheldon Adelson, Macron etc know they and their Rothchild masters not the goyim of the world will be amongst the first to die if they start this war.
I truly believe that the author of this article is missing the big picture. IMHO, there is a lot more at stake than Syria. Ever since the W. Bush White House posted on the WH web page its vision for the future for America, nothing has changed. That post stated in clear language that the USofA would NOT accept any economic or military challenges to its supremacy from any nation and if such challenge arose, America would respond to defeat them by all available means.
Exactly such challenges arose just a few years later. About 3 months ago, Mike Pompeo publicly named China as the #1 enemy of the United States. He spoke, that it was not an imminent military threat but was an economic challenge. Predicted by many financial analysts, China is on track to pass the economic might of the US in the very near future. That means that they will compete to dilute the status of the American dollar as the international trade currency. That would mean that the US could loose control of world finances, they would lose control over setting interest rates, and loose the ability to print money out of thin air without the hyperinflation that goes hand in hand with inflationary money printing.
Who ever has the largest economy, has the most money and could afford the strongest military. So, a superpower China means an existential threat to the US Empire both in economic and military aspects.
Thanks to Obama/Clinton’s Asia Pivot policies, the Chinese witnessed the US moving their naval forces into the primary see lanes used to deliver raw materials needed for a quickly expending Chinese economy. They see the Asia Pivot as an attempt to surround China with US bases, not unlike the US/NATO surrounded Russia with NATO bases. The perceived purpose of the US moves is to be able to control the Chinese sea-born supply routes and, potentially block them.
The Asia Pivot move had to raise plenty of alarms in China. The predictable response came in the form of the new China/Russia alliance. Just last week a Chinese delegate in Sochi made a statement, directed specifically to the Americans that China now considered backing Russia both, in economic and military conflicts. The China/Russian alliance makes lots of sense for the security of both nations. Even if China’s main sea-born supply routes are blocked by the US naval forces, there are plenty of land routes between Russia and China. Russia has unlimited raw materials to keep the Chinese economy running under a blockade and China has plenty of manpower and economic might to hold up Russia under severe Western sanctions. Their combined military forces are more than strong enough to make the US think twice about starting a confrontation.
As one of the early strategic planners for the American Empire (Zbigniew Brzezinsky) said recently just prior to his death, the obviously developing Chinese/Russian alliance was too strong to defeat by force. Thus, he recommended a reversal in American foreign policies and advocated the idea of getting along with the new alliance. Obviously the present US policy makers either did not hear him or, ignored his advice.
Thus, for America it is 11:57am, 3 minutes to high noon. By noon, the explosively growing Chinese economy and military, combined with the very strong Russian military will be beyond the ability of the US to defeat. The US has 3 minutes to use its present advantages to somehow prevent the loss of its role in playing the Empire game.
What I am afraid is, that today’s events are a last minute wild desperation moves from a wounded lion, which is the “exceptionalist” US Empire. They see the windows of opportunity quickly closing on their abilities to dictate their will on the world, either by economic or military pressures. Thus, the Americans may use false flag operations to provide any excuse to attack the Chinese/Russian duo before the bells of the High Noon ring down on the Empire.
That is how I see the BIG picture in today’s development.
Russia does not need to shoot every missile down. They can just shoot down the ships.
Also I still don’t get the “if russians are hit, the we will respond” narrative. Russians will be hit if Assad falls. So get tough or go home.
“big” analysis
Trump and Erdogan are floating on the same demagogic wave. Tirans need wars to mobilise the biggest and most stupid part of their flok to keep them inthe sadle and to keep their benefiters at bay.
Reply to Roger Snellman
You certainly have a tendency for assuming an awful lot. Indeed, for someone who declared that peace will only happen after every SAA soldier has been killed, you can hardly claim to be a man of peace. Once again, I would suggest you do some in depth reading: Global Research publish some very good articles: but try setting aside your affinity for Western geopolitical interests first.
Nothing is going to happen. The US have realised that Russia is very serious about retaliation. They might eve admit that there is not sufficient evidence and wiggle out of it. There seems to be an intense power struggle within the US as well as UK. It’s more likely that Trump as well as May will soon be made to step down. The real war hawks aren’t happy – you can sense how desperate they are by the fact that the likes of Tony Blair have joined into their group orgy. If it was for them, a massive firework would already have lit up the skies over Syria. Israel was hoping more ‘action’ after their leading aggression recently. It’s already taken too long, which is a clear sign that the more intelligent forces have managed to gain the upper hand. Even the media seems to have noticeably toned down recently. Polls in the UK are not promising for the war lords.