French soldiers, assigned to Task Force Wagram, fire a French Ceasar in support of Operation Roundup, in Al Quim, Iraq, May 16, 2018. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Zakia Gray)
France will supply Ukraine with several CAESAR self-propelled howitzers, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with Ouest-France that was published on April 22.
“We are delivering significant equipment, from Milan [anti-tank missiles] to CAESAR [howitzers],” President Emmanuel Macron told the regional newspaper. “I think we have to continue on this route. Always with the red line that we will not become parties to the conflict.”
Franco-German MILAN anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) have been already spotted with Kiev forces and American mercenaries in Ukraine.
Manufactured by the partly state-owned arms maker Nexter Systems, the CAESAR is a 155mm 52-caliber howitzer mounted on a six-wheeled truck chassis. The howitzer can fire up to six rounds per minute and has a firing range of around 42 kilometers using ERFB [extended range, full bore] shells, and up to 55 kilometers using rocket assisted shells.
Macron said that around 40 Ukrainian service members will be trained on the CAESAR in France. Considering that each howitzer needs a crew of a five to six personnel, it looks like France won’t be supplying more than a dozen systems to Ukraine.
Defence Minister Florence Parly confirmed on Twitter that France would supply “several” CAESAR howitzers along with “thousands” of shells to Ukraine.
France’s military support to Ukraine is not limited to the supply of MILAN ATGMs and CAESAR howitzers. The country also provided Kiev forces with Mistral MANPADs [man-portable air-defense systems], according to several reports. These systems are yet to be spotted in Ukraine, however.
Like the rest of Kiev’s Western allies, France hopes that its military support will force Russia to end its special military operation in Ukraine. In reality, this support is only prolonging the war and hindering peace efforts.
Twelve of these will surely turn the tide in our favor! #NaziLivesMatter #SlavaUkraini
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Hey Ukrop goblin here. They told me that if we sanction Russia, the country will collapse in 2 days. But the ruble has literally only gone up since the conflict started…. wtf goblinBros, are you telling me that literally all rhetoric that comes out of Kiev is a lie?
The rubel is a zombie, only because of massive interventions and a ban on selling shares and rubles keeps it up.
The moment this ban is lifted the rubel dives like a block of lead. An utter joke.
Lead is used for many commodities and is rock solid, unlike western pulp fiction.
It’s true that Banderots can dress it up with gold paint to fool those who think Ukraine’s meager gold supplies weren’t stolen by Porkshanks and company, but that’s another topic.
Hard to see any relations to his article.
In economy Putin so far has been a peepanter.
We in west knows the economy things very well. Its no secret money are stolen b corruption and cry in same æevel as in Russia.
Many from west has lost investments there too. Naming the Ukras as Banderas is a Stalin grabber version.
Banderas was a supporter of West Ukriane as own state after WW1 but was defated by Pilsutsky after one year. Pilsutsky also defeated the red army and make the Russians loose WW1 three times insteda of two.
So thats why the evil Banderas is. Its forgotten how many Ukras the poles killed begore Banderas made revenge partly for tthe nazis.
Its also forgotten he was in jail by Gestapo in Sacksenhaussen.
Not Putin and his oligarchs, who don’t care if the Russian nation is starving are not the main problem. The main problem is Ukrainian women who spread syphilis and HIV. Ukraine women offer services without condoms and therefore spread the disease. The big pharma wants to sell drugs for HIV and syphilis.
>> Beautiful girls are waiting for you on – — https://v.ht/64soQ
Sorry to break to ya but the ruble is doing fine and will soon be backed by gold. Even better.
Soon the East will not need the west for anything but entertainment.
bloomberg reports today even israel is dumping usa dollar debt exposure to expand into china remimbi, lol, even the parasite can see the end is close and is jumping host
I see at least 20 economical experts are in deniel. Putin hardly has zink under his pillow.
And I don’t have much many anymore, because I offer services for 1000 € and Ukrainian women for 50 €.
Yeah, right after China, India, Iran and half the rest of the world. FAIL.
They want the war to be very long and the prices of sexual services to be low. You really think it’s about Russia. These are Ukrainian women (some even girls) sold by corrupt and violent pimps. This deprives our honest companions of business and spreads disease among clients.
Most of it’s a lie, the rest is cocaine induced wishful thinking.
War is invoked by sniffers. Zelensky’s a sniffer. Biden’s a sniffer and the other Biden’s a sniffer too.
And the US tax payer has to pay for a war they do not want to fund…
Its their money. They have voted for it.
Should they donate it to some uneducated lazy bum like You?
Hey, we US taxpayers just live here to pay taxes, so keep us out of the conversation. We obviously don’t know our asses from holes in the ground, and so when it comes to foreign affairs, we are blameless.
Thats why they dont like You and prefare cocaine-
None has ever told anything like that.
We are counting from sattelite images. many Russians has no ears. The rest have and use them for carpets to keep their behinds warm.
Group number two is the northern version. Many are fishing up north and almost live in permanent dark.
If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck & dives like a duck but doesn’t come back up, it’s warship Moskva. 🦆
Unbelievable how some people keep making the same mistakes over and over. NATO couldn’t even get rid of a banana republic dictator like Bashar Al-Asad, despite 10 years of war, all those sanctions and having Syria cut off from all its land border crossings. If Al-Asad can’t be held to account for his war crimes, I doubt they will ever be able to get Putin.
Afghan warlords, Somali pirates, Vietnamese farmers all send NATO losers running for their lives and hiding in bunkers from PTSD. Trolls here say Russia is a paper tiger, I’ve got BAAAAD news for them. Afghan warlords scared NATO so bad they had to donate billions of dollars of equipment to keep the Taliban from fucking their ambassador in the ass over the front desk of the US embassy.
Russian orcs fared any better in Afghanistan? Lol.
Afghanistan, the grave of empires.
You might want to go read a book, that was the USSR, not the Russia that Putin has revived from the ashes. Russia has negotiated with Taliban representatives since 2018 and as of recently have a full-time diplomatic representative of the Taliban in Moscow. China and Russia are both happy to develop Afghanistan, pursue mutual business interests, and secure their commodity flows while enriching the people of Afghanistan and bringing them into the 21st century. Meanwhile NATO has frozen the people of Afghanistan’s finances, creating a human rights catastrophe. The world is never going to forgive you faggot Anglos for the schemes you tried to pull on all of us. Have fun with your collapsing economies poor Euro/NATO fag!
No, it’s not the same orcs which are failing hard. Sure, lol.
Hahaha, fucking moron can’t spit anything of substance out of his mouth. Keep pushing Scholz to ban Russian oil and gas, we’re all rooting for you fag Twitter users. Slava Ukraini! xD
So much hatred in you, but we’ll, quite normal behavior for an orc. 🤷
Shucks, what I heard is that Russia is rubbing its hands in anticipation of Sergeant Scholz banning its oil and gas
I know nuffing! Now how about some of that French cognac, Hogan – before they run out of it.
Orcs don’t take away our customers. Orcs did not put on the street a bunch of Ukrainian women offering sexual services for € 50. I want for myself one client per night and 1000 €.
The faggot anglos as you put it equally hate their own people, as they tolerate them. The filth only like one another as they need eachother for their schemes.
well US remembers that russia paid taliban for killing US soldiers, be sure that US remembers
Who put on the street a huge number of Ukrainian women who offer sexual services for 50 euros without a condom.
Actually, they did. The government they left behind lasted for two years, not two days.
Big deal for a puppet regime… Lol. Didn’t change the losses and retreat.
Why would I? Probably the pimps pay them to come Ukrainian women here.
Their women were not unfair competition to us …. Their women did not spread syphilis and HIV.
Nato is not in Syria and never was. Ypu must be a slow learner. I think it started 10 years ago.
Ukrainian women are unfair competition because they offer services for € 50. I’m losing customers.
They work with violent, dirty men without condoms. I would send such costumers to hell.
Well, if they last 12 hrs each on the ground, that’s about a week’s worth of civilians.
Last I heard, Ukraine’s combatant/civilian kill ratio was about 1/25.
Waste not, want not.
“He never wanted to be a cannibal but the Russians made him do it.” Jen Psaki
That’s quite an improvement over Donbass 8 years ago, where it was about 1/100. Probably NATO training helped a lot these last few years.
The dispute very much is a civile matter drowned in nationalisme.
But of course soldiers are raised to do and not to do as well.
These criminal regimes in EU are just causing more misery for humanity and Ukraine has lost and even the duplicitous UK puppet PM in India acknowledged that Russia will win. JAI RUS!
Also on Saturday (AEST), UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Russia could win its war against Ukraine. Johnson is the first Western leader to issue such a negative assessment.
We have parlamenterisme and decide Our leaders by free speech. So the chosen ones are ur own. Thay mainly has to find all imporrant decissions in Our parlaments. If they dont we make re elections.
And yes Johnson is sliding. Many in EU are. We see the devastating results are even more worse then expected.
By that we all as fx Nato and Eu members change from passive to more active support. We actually behave more and more to, what You are told by the Putin propaganda.
Thats harmony and fullfilled wishes. Putin in this lie less and less. We now can take Belarus for fun, make Putin and his satelite cry and leave again.
We of course will let inhabitants from there go west. By that Lukasjenko will be the only inhabitant.
Should prostitutes come from there? How much will HIV be then? We will live like in Africa.
Several others give them more artillery. The crews for them already are in schools in several countries and has been for some time.
That goes for vehicles as well. England has many drivers to the vehicles, they already is sending. Ukras by that are prepared for fight even they also might be rookies.
Here in west as well as for the Ukras we have long time employed soldiers.
Thats one of the many lacks for the Russian soldiers and their commanders. Even most of the spetnazis only has 4 years of education.
Ordinary soldiers mainly has only 2 years. We see it well in quality versus quantatity.
Our soldiers even in the more restricted sountries are much more deciders themself.
Then why did Ukrainian women pick up our customers?
Then they will return to Ukraine but the Europeans will be left with HIV.
Turn the tide? yes sarcastic remarks…. unless you happen to be one of those Russian soldiers who get hit by a 155 shell? Not so sure they will give a rats ass if its tide turning or not, reason being is they will be dead or worse. Good for them to know before hand their government did not give a shit about them being killed. Tide turning or not it should be treated for what it is an attack on Russia. It should be met with a response. Ball less wonder fuck in the Kremlin thinks hes on a “special mission” too stupid to see hes now at war. I guess you cant lose a war if you simply never acknowledge that one took place. War? We just came to hand out aid packages! Its pathetic Russia would not respond and instead say dumb shit like “this could be hurtful to our good relations” or the must be popular with the troops “these shipments of weapons are legitimate targets” Really Lavarov ? Ya dont say? ya think! Yes perhaps being sarcastic is a must when watching this shit show. Just think as bad as Russia has been so far they are not even in the lead of stupid as Ukraine is still clearly well out in front it that area trailing the Euros and dip shits from my country who think its a new reality tv show!
Hell of a strategy Cotton lets see how it pays off?
Nice more Nato equipment to be tested on muskal vermin skin. 12 of these will safely cover an area of 600×50 km, aprox 30k square kilometers. Use precision guided munitions and you have a silent killer of anything. We’re truly living exciting times
They have stealth cam and can’t be seen Im presuming from your comment
Nope, you’re wrong. But you are an orc, so you are excused.
Ukros are Orks and you are just a moronic cocksucker, truly stupid and boring shitty troll.
Your reply shows how deep you are in orc habits. Thanks for clarifying, lol.
Orcs women are models but they have no muscles and no strength. They drink and sniff cocaine. They vomit in the toilets …
I am not orc, because I am a local, an honest European girl. But why do orcs women get € 10,000 a night and I only get € 1,000? Well really, they have better legs and tits. It is true that they are on the runway … But my face and hair are much more beautiful! Eyes black as night and hair darker than tar. My body and arms sculpted with bodybuilding.
Invisible paint made by Ukraine’s invisible economy.
PS: How many oligarchs does it take to strip Ukraine of its assets?
Three, one to carry the suitcases out the door and two to take the door off its hinges.
30 years Ukraine had since independence to build a normal society.
And what do they do? Construct a fascist state and call it progress.
What a lame horse bet the west made.
30 years Orcia had since Soviet Orcia fell to build a normal society.
And what do they do? Crying foul at others and invading other people’s countries in order to cover up their own inabilities.
What a lame horse bet the orcs made.
Thats the Russian version. The Russian certainly has not been sitting on their hands in those matters.
They even has created more Nazis, which now are up to 2,15% which according to Putin even run the whole god dammed thing.
Why do their emaciated models earn € 10,000 a night and I only € 1,000? I have a sculpted figure, but those models have no muscles at all. they vomit in bathrooms and sniff cocaine
I think your getting your countries mixed up. Sound to me like Russia.
It’s the definition of a fascist state. Right from a dictator for life, censorship, violent suppression of political opposition, glorifying
Violence and militarism, fake shame elections etc.
I partly agree. They are much more fascists then the ukras. Until some months even very friendly to Russia was elected memeber sto their parlaments.
Nazis were to few to be elected.
The Russians hardly know what elections are.
Typical comment. Russians is not even there.
You not even know what fascisme is.
You also ignore their constitution and by that 26 parties in the partlament and a sober elected president, which can be replaced as routine.
You even blame west for the non keep neocolonisistic collapse. Here You of course ignore where we are doing better and here and there much better in Your dirty leftover.
All those countries still partly lives in their own past and has to refind the rest of the world in their own context.
What happens in Belarus as well as in Ukriane is totally wrong for the people living there.
Maidan told, that 17,8% Russians could and should not keep the more then 80% out of influence in their own country. No matter what we defend the Ukras for right to have their own quagmire and a right to decide about it and themselves.
Stfu you typical imbecile, no one ever read your moronic crap.
In statistics they are on the Russian level. 50% of the Oligarc money is not taxed at all. Parts of those systematicly has been invested in West.
Thats how Putin cant support by tax himself. He not even use own money for it
Im sure they are given in a system having air and ground defence by TOWs as well.
You give a typical Russian – Arabistani version. Here We always are dummer then even You and sitting ducks as well.
Thats a relative and very visible in Ukraine. The Russians
The Russians only are better in long distance demolision.
Its diffucult to see those 35 million as Putin voters at their next election. Their might be none.
It too expensive to use them like that. I will say a 20 km range in a circle. But more canons will sson arrive. Seberak others contribute.
The Ukra artillery are in school, where the artilley comes from.
That goes for new vehicles as well. Some are advanced. A simple cookbook is not enough
This could take ten years and Europe will turn into HIV Africa.
Useless. It’s just a big target for Russian air strikes.
The range means they’ll be way behind the frontline and most likely well defended by AA systems. Your typical SU35 has a 1000 km range. They will have to go deep into enemy territory.
The firing range is 55 km man
It is french , however.
55KM on papier means <15KM under battlefield conditions and maybe half if the battleground is exposed to mud, snow and cold.
Mathematics from an orc, what could go wrong? 😂😂
I’m beginning to think that you suffer from a serious case of Saakashvili Syndrome.
So many “orcs”, so many emojis, no Ukrainian battlefield successes of any kind. Literally nothing in two months. Just tens of thousands of Russian trops on the territory of the failed Ukrianian CIA project, tens of thousands of dead Ukrainian servicemen, millions of Ukrainian refugees. Great success! More emojis!
You expect some black and white. I mainly see a stalemate. Thats an Ukra succes.
The sanctions has to have time to work.
The USA/UK are a great succes. They have made the Ukra 2014 military forces into modern Nato structures added modernisations.
Thats a vital change. They can act local with no asking and by that also sse and find opportunies and use them.
We also see a good mix of deep defence and stiff resistence. Before the Russians has taken a strongpoint the have lost a lot of soldiers and equipment. By that they also get extra logistic probpæems.
As usual You have not even a comma about Russian losses. To me its seemes the new Oligarcs in Russia will be the coffinmakers and undertakers.
Putin might be the next Taiga Woods.
Thats highly incorrect. Those are missiles fied by smooth canons.
The range of grenades are exact them same no matter what. They are corrected for wind, rain, pressure for the air and a litlle more. That a routine. They have an automatic tool for it.
That’s impressive. With another 5 billion euros, I’ll bet they can develop one that goes 60 km.
I allow me to add it might make more sense to make missiles.
They will launch cruise missiles from the Moskva hahahahahahahajahahhaha
Its because they were cruising. ha ha too.
My theory still is that everyone in that crew was fishing in lack of supply.
Sure. Thats because You are told not to believe in lies about losses.
Another clueless moronic garbage comment. You stupid insect know shit about military or anything else. You only know to suck dicks and puke shit from your filthy mouth.
I see no entligthning from You.
Maybee the dead marines takes the metro inside Moskva in heaven. I wonder if its free or they have tickets.
They’ll just use them on apartment flats in Lwow and claim the Russians did it, as is their usual m.o.
yes – dep, low and slow.
Thats a relative. You can put up defence systems for even fast cruiser missiles. Thye actaully get some advanced helpers. It might not be enough. War is like that. Enough.
The 55 km is too expensive to use. They are only special fifts for special targets. I will say 10 and also 20 km is the normal range. Some might have some kind of 30 kilomter excalibur range.
55 is awfull expensive.
what russian airstrikes dude? russian pilots are afraid to go deep and low into ukr… they hit stationary stargets from far away and that’s pretty much it.. locations they already know gps coordinates… like fuel depots and military encampments… mobile targets? not many hit by airforce as far as i could see
Don’t they have high altitude bombers?
Only to get popped at high altitude? Ukraine might not have much equipment, but especially S-300 can reach high up too. Buk too, as MH-17 shot down by separatists showed.
How embarrassing is it to Ukraine that they have to rely on Russian equipment to fight Russia? If I were a banderot, I’d roll up in a ball and hope no one notices me.
Thast no embarrising at all. They were a part of USSR and divided everything.
Those are good weapons and compared to nothing they are exelent. You also can upgrade the use by having better educated soldiers and structures. They have done that.
They then has been added a lot of upgarde for the infantery. That tows, drones, better communication and much better supply systems.
The real shame is the Russians not having learned any lessons from Syria as well as Armenia. They not even protect themself as united units. Many tanks are hit by missiles by that. Groups of sodiers and trucks too.
We also see the Russians use a lot of ancient equipment and has and has showed themself as a driving museum victory parade.
Not really. By high altitudes You have to have big targets.
The russians only have simple bombs for their SU35 and others. The smart ones are too expensive.
The F16 has used lazer guiding a lot and with succes. But then You have to have hidden soldiers as spies on the ground with laserpens. Thats expensive but not as this.
Danish special ground troops assisted by Iraqi soldiers pinpointed many ISIS targets at Al Qaim close to Abu Kamal. Many hard defence systems were destroyd very well.
By that the Iraqis themself could eleiminate the rest of them and did well.
It is laser, not lazer. Light Amplification by the Simulated Emission of Radiation.
Thats the Russian way.
Normally we use high protection of artillery by air and ground defence added Tows and soldiers.
So the target is a risk but also a prepared one. Its well known artillery can be eliminated.
Rusaia dont have the air in Ukraine. So many of their jets are shot doen. They use low tech bombs only. By that they has to come in slow and low. By that they are exelent targets for Stingers and like that.
So they have to find them and send very accurate missiles. They might.
everyone testing their shit in the home of the ukras … that will be left with the ruins
Ukraenians decide … They want to fight, they will fight. If they want to live into a normal country, they ask for peace and not for weapons (and not fight).If they will fight too much and too good, is a danger for a nuke in their country. Look like they not know this, or love to play with fire…
lol NATO sure bleeds … some money
I volunteered, then thought it over and decided my life’s work is best suited flipping fries at McDonalds.
Your could be supervisor and mentor for many bad leaders. I hope so.
I see Putin in many kinds of jobs. A pancake house might do it.
Its ours.
We do educate their soldiers for the handlings before they use them.
We dont donate random. They can handle anything like this. Therefore we have many soldiers here for education. The equipment most likely will have arrived, when they are home.
Thats the plan.
That’s wishful thinking and pure copium. The only country with a military industry that bleeds is Russia. Their industry is virtually on a standstill. Their equipment is getting destroyed. They cannot procure parts for their systems. Russian weapons customers are shitting themselves looking at this war and thinking they bought useless stuff. The Nato weapons exports are going to be booming after this war. Russia has created the Nato depleting stockpiles narrative because it’s own stockpiles are depleting especially medium range missiles and advanced tanks
SF is funded by the FSB, the fundraising is just a screen to make you idiots believe it’s an independent outlet. How dumb you can be
It’s not about fear mate, Russia will definitely be destroyed in the event of starting a nuclear war. Nobody wants nuclear war but nobody fears it either
Dosen`t Russia have a system like “dead hand” to rely on in case of a sneak attack ?
It so funny people eat that kind of stuff reduced to dead hands.
I could understand if worms and termites were happy about it. We also can avoid things by killing ourself right now.
yeah, but your useless shit will malfunction, so nobody in the west cares about it.
and, i might add, despite you are being a complete moron, i urge you to advertise your mentally ill leaders to keep their shitty hands off any button with “nuke” written on it, because it will be very unfortuanate, not only for the world, but for europe in the first place, and russia belongs to europe (and least partly) after all, and i doubt that we europeans should annihilate ourselves.
so despite your shit is trash anyways lets not go for the big ones, because it would sadden me personally never seeing russian ballet again. so just do me a favor and keep your hand of that fucking button, just to preserve the great russian arts
we can be so lucky about – that russian army is not merely as good as their cultural value to the european world :)
so get your army destroyed in ukraine if you insist, but dont get russia completely annihilated, it would be a real shame.
You are told. Does it matter if we are killed five times or only three.
Kek another seething goblin. Spamming the website with 20 low quality posts per article for 18 hours a day. Imagine wanting to do this for minimum ukrop wage HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.
w-wait you don’t actually believe your own propaganda do you? Cuz that would make you like Jens Holm.
You are in a very isolated world not even alloed to know that.
Im in west. By that I know the western perspectives as they are. hve my own too. I do know the russian perspectives as well.
I not even dislike them. I will not live in that low or none wellfare models, whcih for good reasons has been collapsed by its makers and owners.
Yeah dumb whore, that’s why they can’t even afford a moderator to flush you moronic pile of shit back to Zelensky toilet where you belong instead of stinking here 24/7…. you fucking mentally diseased drooling imbecile.
FSB can’t afford a moderator? Incredible.
You can raised Your level entering Your high healed shoes again. Remener to was Your stikers before that.
Yes this conflict is the best advertisement for Western weapons systems.
Where you have the worlds “#2” super power being humbled and sometimes humiliated by one of the poorest countries in Europe, utilizing a few western weapons systems, Militaries across the globe are paying attention.
Your statement has no basis in reality. Ukrofucktardistan had the third largest army in Europe, supported and trained by NATO for eight years. They ran into the cities and managed to not inflict a single set-back on the Russian at Mariupol, simply retreating from one civilian area to the next. The Russian performance has been surprisingly effective.
Always the simpleton Clyde!
Powerful doesn’t equal numbers yes Ukraine has 200k soldiers standing in a field without boots and holding a stick. But an armies power comes from their equipment and assets plus man power. Ukraine army isn’t all that powerful. Probably more powerful now then at the start of the war mind you.
Your version for boots is a manipulative trick making any Russian proud.
Those reinforcements do have wintershoes of their own. I think most of them now has new imported ones.
Russia is up against soldiers of the American Nato system. Thye are soldeirs for more years, are more independent for oppertnuities and has a lot of Tows, drones and an exelent communication.
Ny that they also can use their own old and new stuff much better then the Russian hordes.
That list not even cover whats going on. The Ukras has a very well prepared home defence and are higly determinant. NO RUSSIANS HERE ANYMORE.
They also are helped in many kinds of donations.
As written several times before and to Your comments as well, thats not true.
The Ukras has been given no offensive weapons.
Number one lack is creating at least a temporary air support, where the might counterattack.
Thats why they shout for those MIGs. They also has not man long range missiles and the best in counter attack deflections by radars and anti missiles.
Thats why the tank attack towards or east of Belograd is a total propganda fake. It even is written as they used tanks only. Thats far out too.
Hahahahahaha ukraine had soviet leftovers and a few Hundred javelins and NLAWs now they are starting to get the good stuff. How s that desmilitarization going imbecile? Lol always moving the goals posts, seems they also dropped denazification, before was the kiev government was not nazi anymore now even the azov in MARIUPOL are ok lol. Man
Im having vicarious embaressment towards you
I kind of hope the opposite way. If Russia cant produce, they are no enemy. Then we save a lot in needed military equipment.
Its allowed to hope is it not.
In Denmark we have done that in the civile sector. We has much less police. Many are replaced with social workers. Its a very good de-escalation for us.
Its not perfect. We do adjustments.
Not everyone.
Why dont You check up Yourself. Thats what internet is for. Uou can find standars for almost all conons back to the first chines ones.
You behave as spoiler Yourself like this. None is keeping You stupid in the dark. You do.
Look at it this way. If Russia didn’t have nuclear weapons, Nato would b forced to send their own armies into Ukraine and fight. Every Nato country understands this. Many of these weapons have been sitting around in arsenals for many years. It’s really a non issue to send them to Ukraine
The nuclear argument is the argument of disability. A no brainer.
““We are delivering significant equipment… Always with the red line that we will not become parties to the conflict.”
Pathetic le twat: “We are sending weapons but we are not part of the conflict”. If only Marine wins….
Yanks will never allow this. They activated their favourite CIA bitch N-Analny to talk trash against Le Pen.
Russians should be destroying all border railway lines and then focus on highways in the west. Stop this at the entry points.
Armchair general has easy solution, lol.
Garbage truck from 1940s
French “tech”.
macron fils de pute
Soon to be burning wrecks on the side of the road or field somewhere??? Hmmm I wonder what the GRU and certain units within the SVR are doing right now?????
Little poofter Manny Macroni is banking that the frogs want more blood for Rothschild the Impaler.
Urupp and the EUSSR need to get ready for Madame Le Pen…finally.
“Va te faire foutre”
Power- and drivetrain supplied by Renault – mission aborted 1 mile after leaving the barrack`s gate due to total mechanical breakdown (if ever there are gates at all in ukrocrap barracks). Also not rustproof. But with a badge of swastika-shaped Bandera scratch-stickers and €U-membership form in the glovebox. “A la victoire -“
Knowing the French these weapons will probably fire 3 rounds then give up..
VIVE La Vichy!
Anything, Anyhow – just to strangle Russia financially and inflict her as much human and material losses as possible. Pathetic vassal Europe. They don’t care about their own losses, as far as Russia is being punished for something, they are okay. Stupid hating vassals.
US running all over the world coercing countries into hating Russia, bribing, promising them everything just to be enemy to Russia.
The reason for all these maniac efforts – Ukraine is so important to them, the biggest foreign trophy territory wise, manpower wise, economy wise since second world war that they have captured, or so they think. But Russia has other ideas for the bastards.
That’s why all these maniac and hysterical efforts to bring Russia to her knees. Not going to happen Bastards!
Orcia managed everyone despising orcs all by themselves with an invasion out of their own chosing. No need to blame anyone else.
damn right! Another demented chapter in European history.
Those won’t last long, maybe it’s more shit Natostan gets money for for that needs to be salvaged. Really more targets once it hits Ukraine.
More scap metal for the newly acquired steel works
I think we made them with Russian steel to begin with.
Silly Macaroon….you haven’t yet figured out that when the US stepped on your toes to cancel your two ships to Russia, that the plans were to launch a war on Russia way back then?
I’m beginning to seriously think the French enjoy being slapped around.
Doesn’t really matter how much Russia “bleeds NATO” NATO GDP is about $44,202,740,000,000 Russia is at $1,483,000,000,000 about the same as Spain or Italy. So Russia can generate 3% of the wealth of NATO. Population. nato is 946,000,000 Russia 144,000,000 About 15% percent of NATO
If Russia draws NATO into the conflict she not looking good for Putin
“NATO” cannot organize a fight against anything like a peer opponent. They can blow up a third-tier country like Libya, but that’s the edge of their operational envelope. They cannot take casualties. 71% of Americans of military service age cannot even serve because of mental illness, criminal record, obesity, etc.
Plenty of motorized howizers. Dana is already in Ukraine, Zuzana to follow, same for PzH 2000 and Caesar.
Challenge is to train crews to use it fast & quickly.
Challenge is for Russian units to destroy the junk first. It’s a contest.
Nice, more targets to destroy. Slava Rossia
With these 12 Howitzers, Russia will be crushed in no time. lolololol
How does Russia manage to target the weapons and not the food supplies? Does Russia wait until the weapons have been stored or delivered before targeting? Why does Russia not bomb up the rail service and the roads, to hinder weapon imports? Or bomb them up with the weapons?
Are any planes taking off or landing in Ukraine? If there are, does Russia allow certain ones?
How much control does Russia have over the airspace?
They didn’t target foodstuff so far probably to not inflict more misery on the civilians. Their declared aim is denazification and neutralization of Ukraine not killing the population.
But it doesn’t mean they are clueless. Logistically speaking any cargo starts from a point and goes to another one, which road they will move on is not important at this time, what is important is somewhere they are accumulated and distributed to various other points from there, logistic hubs.
So Russians don’t need to monitor every road and truck, they just need to find those hubs, keep an eye on them and at the right moment rapture the chain, exactly what they were doing.
Important airports were targeted in early days of SMO and many planes were destroyed but any country has hundreds of airports and even much more runways (just a runway somewhere without airport equipment, what’s there to attack and destroy?). In a war, airports are constantly attacked and constantly repaired and almost all medium military cargo planes are able to take off and land on a dirt runway. What really prevents an adversary from using air cargo is its opponents control of the sky and Russia still didn’t move to seriously close Ukraine’s airspace, specially in the west. They didn’t bring their long range AD systems into the Ukraine so far and didn’t form hunter squadrons. Maybe they concluded that the cost doesn’t justify it considering they can stop the cargo before it reaches the front line anyway.
Since the last couple of days Russians started to destroy railroad bridges so the entire railroad system becomes unusable for AFU resupply. Ukraine has to switch to trucks and at that point there are several problems waiting for them: limited number of trucks, limited capacity of trucks compared to trains, limited and scarce fuel, limited man-power. A train moves a large amount of cargo (several hundred times a truck can move) after loading, uses a small team of engineers, less than a dozen and moves constantly until it reaches destination, unlike truckers that need to stop, go to bathroom and sleep unless there are 2-3 drivers in each truck. Switching the logistics from trains (which they are used to) to trucks will be a nightmare and they will need thousands of them and even more drivers and aid. Naturally EU has to supply them and disrupt their own supply chain. What’s another small, %25 price jump of everything compared to freedom?
Many people do not realize how much material is used in war. There’s nothing like it, ammunition, fuel, food and supply are used at a frightening rate (that is just if they are really used and not destroyed which is another story).
A good example is the same howitzers that France says they’ll send, let’s say they’ll send 10, shall we? They need to get from the western Ukraine to east of Dnieper, let’s say 1000km (it’s more), which means at least 2 days on the road. France says those howitzers fire 6 rounds per minute which is BS in real life, Just imagine if they fire 10 rounds per hour which makes about 240 rounds a day or 2 truck-loads of rounds just in a day for one cannon, now they have 10, so it’ll be about 20 trucks just to supply rounds and nothing else like parts, fuel, batteries, food, basic needs of personnel, medical supplies, etc for ONE day. Those trucks also need fuel and will return almost empty. Fuel means even more trucks because many of fuel depots are no longer usable or even exist.
Now to stop all this chain and silence the cannons, Russians don’t need to attack them as soon as they enter the Ukraine. They’ll wait until they come closer (40km range means they are well within hunting ground of Alligators or even Russian precision artillery range).
Americans way of war (which many people think is the only way of war because they saw no other example in their lives) is very, very different but they plan with maximum cost in mind, not the minimum or yet better, cost-effectiveness.
I hope that answers what you asked. Now don’t tell me those were rhetorical questions!!
I appreciate the comprehensive answer. Thumbs up!
Good questions! I wonder about all that too.
I have heard the people in Senegal are really tired of still paying tax to France.
The French are being very generous. What is in it for them? Are these being paid for by a benefactor?
These questions are WORTH asking. Is the only benefactor the taxpayer, who is not asked what his money is spent on?