Low Morale Brings Losses To Ukrainian Military


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Low Morale Brings Losses To Ukrainian Military

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Low Morale Brings Losses To Ukrainian Military
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Low Morale Brings Losses To Ukrainian Military

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The Ukrainian military continues to flee from their positions on different fronts, while Russian strikes finish off Ukraine’s infrastructure, which was working for the needs of the front.

Since the evening of December 11, Russian Geran UAVs have been striking targets in the Odessa and Mykolaiv regions. Explosions thundered in the Uman in Cherkasy region. Kamikaze drones were spotted flying over the Kirovograd region. In the early morning, Russian missiles launched precision strikes on targets in Ochakov in the Mykolaiv region and in the Kharkiv region.

The Russian offensive does not stop on the frontlines. In recent months, the Ukrainian command has had to hastily transfer reserves from different directions to the area of the Donetsk urban agglomeration, where, the reinforcements are primarily aimed to delay the fall of another Ukrainian fortress – Avdeevka.

To date, the actions of the Ukrainian military command have not stopped the advance of Russian units. According to reports from the front, the battle for Avdeevka began on December 11. Having broken through the Ukrainian defenses near the industrial zone in the eastern part of the city, Russian armored groups entered the residential areas along Kolosova Street.

Simultaneously with the attacks in the city, the Russians are increasing pressure on Ukrainian fortifications in the villages south of Avdeevka. Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops are losing positions in the northern part of the city, allowing the Russians to get closer to the Coke and Chemical plant.

Ukrainian military observers confirm Russian successes in the Bakhmut region. Russian forces launched an offensive towards Ivanovskoye to the southwest of the city. If advancing units manage to take control of the dominant heights in the village area, this will significantly intensify fire on the Ukrainian strongholds in all nearby settlements.

The Russian military notes that months ago their attacks on the outskirts of Bakhmut were almost impossible due to heavy fire from Ukrainian artillery. However, now the Ukrainian shelling has significantly decreased, and the enemy infantry often surrenders and retreats.

This is largely due to the need for the Ukrainian command to hastily transfer units in order to “patch holes” in the defense in other directions. However, the low morale of Ukrainian soldiers also plays a significant role. There have been occasions where entire Ukrainian units have left their positions at the first opportunity in different areas of the front. Unwilling to fight, some Ukrainian units are surrendering en masse.

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still, it’s all very slow

Alexander the Transnistrian

as it should be.

fat boy slim

it took the usa 20 years to declare victory in afghanistan and vietnam. oh wait a minute, there was no victory, well, hell


too many people still have their minds in 1973-2008 when the us military was supreme around the world with it’s vast coal supplies and production and with it’s aircraft carriers.
i can proclaim in the eu that china is the current world power of the 21st century
and i might get a nod or two, and a retort from those think that’s still at least a decade or two away…

Last edited 8 months ago by M.Paraplu

…but when i tell them they should let go of the us and uk,
and that we should embrace russia as a good ally,
someone will try to beat me up.

Last edited 8 months ago by M.Paraplu

jewmerican defectives down the drain while oblivious

jens holm

my morale senile nazi stupefied


has zelensky od’d on biden’s toilet yet?


well, ukraine has low morals so low morale would fit fine.

jens holm

glue high morale in denmark


in amerika monkey pox lgbt—sodomy=morale

concerned citizen

the forced recruitment’s make this the logical outcome.
whoever did avoid the draft until now, has survival as priority.
