Lost In Lies: Kyiv Denies Involvement In Recent Attack On Wagner PMC In Mali

Lost In Lies: Kyiv Denies Involvement In Recent Attack On Wagner PMC In Mali

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Ukrainian diplomacy failed another battle and once again demonstrated its complete incompetence. The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine denied statements recently made by the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. 

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine made a statement denying any links between the Ukrainian military and any rebels in Mali, claiming Kyiv has nothing to do with the recent attack on a military column of the Malian army and Wagner fighters near the Malian-Algerian border.

Immediately after the first reports about the defeat of the Wagner fighters and government forces came from Mali, the official representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) declared that the Ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the successful operation of Islamists from the Azawad Coordination Movement. According to his claims, Ukrainian intelligence passed some information to the Tuaregs that helped the Islamists defeat the military column of Malian government forces and fighters of the Wagner PMC. In addition, the representative of the GUR hinted that the Malian rebels also received some weapons that were used in this operation.

The Ukrainian Embassy in Senegal also released a statement praising the actions of the Tuareg militants and the AlQaedalinked group Jamaat Nusrat AlIslam WalMuslimin.

There were reports that the Ukrainian military trained Malian militants. Presence of Ukrainian militants in Mali was confirmed by the footage.

A week later, the Kyiv regime got that the official claims were “unsubstantiated”, and the subsequent decision of the Malian government to sever diplomatic relations with Ukraine “short—sighted and hasty”. The Ministry stated that it allegedly “complies with the norms of international law, the inviolability of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the republic.”

Kyiv is lost in its lies. The Foreign Ministry officially declared that the claims of the GUR official and its own embassy have nothing to do with reality.

Earlier in Kiev, they said that foreign Minister of Ukraine Kuleba went to Africa to persuade African countries to support Ukraine in the conflict with Russia, but Kyiv’s hopes to find new friends were threatened. The puppet Kyiv regime is based on lies and cannot even make a single step without falling into a rope plaiting machine.


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psyop fake news
mr. jew zelensky, could you please like your defence ministry officially say, that you support al-qaida and boko haram rapists?
and, no, southfront, the defence ministry of the ukraine under zelensky published official that they support al-qaida “not only with information”.


ukraine is just the front group for the cia and world jewry.


trepú jedno sprostosť za druhou. pritom si neuvedomujú, že takýmito rečami ukazujú vlastnú neschopnosť pred celým svetom. rus sa na tom musí poriadne zabávať.


they hastily admitted to being a state sponsor of terrorism.


yes they somehow ignored that this attack did kill official mali forces as well which makes them not just supporters of terrorism but enemys of thte official government of mali. there are many countrys on this world who neither support ukraine nor russia. they had a deal with russia to help them against al quaida. it had nothing to do with the ukrainian war. but this total war mindset seems to be common in ukraine as well as israel.

Kill List

the mali incident opens the door to the possibility of extended ukrainian operatives also working in nato countries supporting their military and extorting money from them while enforcing their kill list so it is now expedient to deny it


like albanian mafia wasn’t enough.


it has been going on almost a century. see operation gladio for the tales of dirty natostan terror and their useful idiot nazi stay behind thug$


the ukronazis will do their masters bidding wherever they’re told to.

some might have noticed that 200+ high profile takfiris scumbags magically escaped from a high security prison in niger and vanished into thin desert air some time before the attack at tin zaouatine…

i wonder who got them out of this prison surrounded by niger armed forces.


in the past a us patrol was ambushed almost the same, so these tactics were already in use. the insurgents have been fighting for several years already and are in their native lands, so do not need training from abroad. it looks the contacts are to sell or distribute weapons.


they have been fighting for generations.


they were so proud before mali answered. now they are pooping in pants assuring that nothing like this was ever said. idiots as is. realize how to live with such criminal idiots at your doorstep since 1991 and not to kill them in 1992. that bastard kravchuk, first president of rural reich, was a communist before 91. after 91 he said, he helped to feed banderites when was a kid. idiotic werewolves. that’s why 2000 of them are dying every day, payment idiocy. they infected biden and harris.

Nuke The Nazis

ukraine is filled with neo nazis and terrorists not sure why russia want to negotiate with this vermin and not just nukes kiev to create a permanent buffer zone.


wagner group cannot admit that they have been outplayed by rebels in mali

Steve Biko

admit what? the ukrops claimed that they did this. so what does their words have to do with wagner? a pmc which always has fresh meat. this is a pmc you know mercs who get paid to kill and have no loyalty to a country. just sit down and shut up if you don’t have anything useful to share with the rest of us.

homer simpson

jens holm confined to mental asylum for his normal senile nazizm

Nuke The Nazis

the time has come to assassinate zelensky the neo nazi sympathizer and his entourage. hes no longer the legal president of ukraine.


nuke the nazis including the whole of islam


seems strange that ukraine could have any influence in mali. i just watched history legends video on the event and as usual, his analysis is to the point, is what i think.


well you can bet the us are involved, what i don’t get is the russians could hit the us gangsters in syria by annihilating those illegal bases, making terrorism great again.


those lgbtq+ ukronazis are strange indeed but they can train locals on some weapon systems and they also speak russian. at the start of the s.m.o. about a third of weapon shipment to ukraine was diverted to the sahel region. the globohomos had plans for niger, mali and burkina to counter “russian influence” in the region and to prove that “terrorism” would skyrocket since the “friendly west” had left.


the tuareg are a warrior people. and they did this attack with grenade launchers, rpgs, aks and heavy machine guns. they do not need ukie training for that, why on earth would they need that?
wagner were interspersed with mali government soldiers. and wagner were under command of mali government. the ukies would contribute nothing. there is no reason to believe they were present.


the “azawad coordination movement” is allied with takfiri scumbags and got globohomo support to feed a conflict in the niger/mali area of sahel. this group does not represent the tuareg of azawad (nor the tuareg as a whole). weapons diverted to sahel from ukraine included (not limited to) manpads, tows but also drones: operators need training on those.

captain hohol

it was the cia.


was this the original wagner still send there by prigoshin on his own accord or are those the newly wagner forces who have been integrated into the achmat group of khadirov?
if those are the originals who are not under control of the russian government then its no problem.
if those are send there by official russia then russia should send some air force to africa for a few days and kill some al quaida forces there.

Last edited 7 months ago by kotromanic

al-qaeda in sahel is allied with the azawad coordination movement and both serve the lgbtq+ globohomo interests in the sahel region. right now they are a plague to niger and northern mali but they are a serious threat to other countries in the region.


i retired from walmart as janitor 22 years ago—i worship money and nazis


ha ha ha russian trash is getting its azz kicked everywhere , even at home in the shitthole of kursk now , your done losers eh
