Losses Grow While Kiev Tries Its Best To Hide Them


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Losses Grow While Kiev Tries Its Best To Hide Them

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Losses Grow While Kiev Tries Its Best To Hide Them
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Losses Grow While Kiev Tries Its Best To Hide Them

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After heavy prolonged battles, the city of Bakhmut came under the full Russian control. The mop up operation aimed at destroying the last Ukrainian servicemen who may be hiding in the ruins is ongoing. The demining of the city has begun.

On May 25, the Wagner PMC will hand the defense of Bakhmut to the units of the Russian Ministry Operation.

The city of Artyomovsk, originally named after a Soviet statesman but renamed by Ukrainian nationalists to Bakhmut, was liberated on May 20; exactly a year after the notorious Ukrainian garrison in Azovstal surrendered and the Russian military claimed the full control of another Ukrainian “fortress” Mariupol.

As in 2022, Kiev does not rush to admit its defeat. In the Ukrainian media and the MSM, Ukrainian garrison in Azovstal was fighting long after it actually surrendered in reality. This was also the cases of all major Ukrainian defeats in the Donbass and in other regions. Thus, it is no surprise that Kiev will try its best to hide the truth regarding Bakhmut for about a week or so.

While the Russian and Wagner flags were raised over the city and Ukrainian servicemen who survived in the meat grinder were excitedly filming their retreat, Zelensky proudly declared to his partners in Hiroshima: “Ukrainian servicemen are still in Bakhmut. They are performing a very important task.” “I will not say exactly where they are” – Zelensky added.

In response, head of the Wagner PMC Yevgeny Prigozhin clarified that the last Ukrainian serviceman in Bakhmut was shot dead at about midday on May 21, when he was trying to escape dressed up in a woman’s dress. Wagner fighters stopped taking prisoners, that is why the streets of the city are covered by corpses of dead Ukrainian servicemen; but not even one of them is still alive fighting for Bakhmut.

While Zelensky is doing his job, playing the clown dressed in military fatigues to create a necessary image for the MSM, the Ukrainian military continues suffering losses, including from the daily Russian precision strikes.

Russian missiles and UAVs were again hitting the Ukrainian military throughout the country all night long.

The first explosions thundered in the Kharkiv region, where, according to preliminary data, the headquarters of the Kraken Nazi battalion was destroyed.

In addition, explosions thundered in the Odessa, Zaporozhye and Mykolaiv regions.

The most massive Russian attack targeted the city of Dnipro. About 20 explosions were reported, including in the area of the Yuzhmash plant. A large fire broke out on the outskirts of the city. The secondary detonations have continued since the early morning. Local residents also reported a temporary loss of electricity and water supply. The local authorities confirmed the damage on an enterprise, without revealing what was the actual target.

The Kiev regime traditionally hides its losses.

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Jairo Macizo

the multipolar world is coming

Buford T Justice

slow , but sure.


i love prigoshin. he joins statesmen of steel of this century like putin, xi, chavez, soleimani.


statesmen of steel?
maybe putin and xi.
except for being rotting worm eaten corpses…
chavez was an incompetent thief that wrecked his country.
and soleimani?
another pathetic terrorist warlord-wannabe and parasite on iran until the americans blew him to ribbons.
in both those cases:
good riddance to bad rubbish.


do you know them personally or are you clairvoyant ?

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke ready locked on Kiev

last month the bombardments were often. but by now they are just everyday and every night. much respect to the russia air force and space force too.

Buford T Justice

not true , they ran out of missiles months ago , remember ?.

Russia is a paper tiger

what belgorod doing?

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke ready locked on Kiev

belgorod 22:00 cet. 40 of the nazi terrorists have been demilitarized. the rest captured (incl. russian neonazi ilya bogdanov). russian troops now control the whole border region. american trophies have been seized, including an intact maxxpro. well, it looks like you fail again nazi. but dont cry. well, ok cry. bitch!

William White

the international m1224 maxxpro mrap (mine resistant ambush protected) vehicle is an armored fighting vehicle designed by american company navistar international ‘s subsidiary navistar defense along with the israeli plasan sasa


what kiev doing? losing four more oblasts? another 150k dead military personnel? another half-dozen million refugees? never stop piss-sucking, derpster.


belgorod hunting nazis , and being successful


it is doing as well as assad and everyone else the west tried to attack. meanwhile, people like you are moaning in a corpse pit after losing every war they tried to fight in 30 years

Mr. Nigel Maund

with a name like that you must be the ultimate idiot!


i am pro russian but have to say the truth – bakhmut was called bakhmut more than 250 years ago , long before person artemowsk was even born . it was russians who changed the name of the city , not ukrainians…


right , but the whole story is also: it was for a long time russian , only after the october revolution lenin incorporated the town and the region to the new (artificial) ukrainian sovjet republic. then 1924 the sovjets (not russians) changed the name bakhmut to artyomovsk. 1916 it was again changed to bakhmut by ukrainians , though it was in my opinion rather because of the growing nationalism and russophoby and not to restore the historical truth.


if the minsk2 agreements were implemented it could sure stay bakhmut. now it will be artyomovsk.

Buford T Justice

it’s taboo to say the words bakhmut or artemovsk in kiev. can land you in jail for 90 days .


orc hunting season is here!


orc bayonets are coming to your home like in 1945, looking for fun while you weep and press the muzzle of a gun to your head


there’s no justification for executing prisoners or refusing to take prisoners…


the reason for this cruelty is that the ukranians consistently tortured and executed wagner pows. so an eye for an eye approach was adopted. it did not start this way. even the united states army eventually started killing german pows outright in ww2


i understand the reason, but the russians are winning the war so they do not need to be resorting to the same low tactics as their enemies. many of the artyomovsk defenders were new conscripts with hardly any training, they do not deserve to be executed for the crimes of others. either way, war is hell and i hope it ends soon.


ok. let’s balance it out. so, bakhmut has fallen, fine. but then: wagner stopped taking prisoners: war crime. „dressed as a woman“: nice anecdote. an entire battalion (kraken) was destroyed by a missile attack: ludicrous. ukrs suffering heavy casualties, no doubt. rs are too by needle attacks („the moscow regime traditionally hides its losses“).

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave

yet the west despite its excellent intel and surveillance, can’t find any evidence of the large russian losses and just asks people to trust them and their dodgy dossiers and sweaty officials at press conferences instead

Madam Defarge

zelensky-the “cocaine cowboy of kiev.” maybe he even has a “horse.”


the russian gradual destruction of ukraine’s military and infrastructure important to the military will make other stupid vassals of the western sodomite colonizers to think twice before they fully become the willing proxies of the colonizers. georgia is a good example which so far refused to be the proxy of the colonizers.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

olhem: 720 soldados ucranianos mortos só ontem, 22 de maio de 2023!

Erik Nielsen

afu in huge quantities are still hiding in bakhmut waiting for the right moment to jump out of the closet.

Mr. Nigel Maund

excellent news!!!! keep it up russia until the comprehensive defeat of the ukrainian puppet state and of its nato puppet masters.

Rodney Loder.

well done russia

Eelke Piers

er komt een wereldregering onder leiding van 144.000 israëlieten. zie de bijbel


prigozhin has put the number of wagner
