Locations Of US, British, Chinese And Russian Aircraft Carriers – January 30, 2019

This map shows the approximate locations of US, British, Chinese and Russian aicraft carriers and carrier strike groups. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence tracks locations of these aircraft carriers using the available open-source information. No classified information was used in production of the map.

Locations Of US, British, Chinese And Russian Aircraft Carriers – January 30, 2019

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Russia’s carrier was defeated by a dry dock hahahahaha


Notice how the US has many aircraft carriers, but cannot afford to send them to sea?

leopoldo capparelli

muchas gracias, news front. estos mapas son fundamentales para tener una mejor observacion de los conflictos presentes. muchas gracias nuevamente y lamento no poder apoyar monetariamente a uds. por ser un jubilado en este pais argentina que nos castiga con jubilaciones insignificantes y de pobreza.