Lies, Damn Lies, and UFOs: Deciphering the Truth Hidden Amid Decades of Propaganda

Lies, Damn Lies, and UFOs: Deciphering the Truth Hidden Amid Decades of Propaganda

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Written by J.B. Shurk. Originally published by Gatestone Institute

Has the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe finally been answered? In what appears to be a well-coordinated disclosure campaign, several knowledgeable “insiders” have recently made public statements claiming that “ET” is real and has been visiting Earth for decades.

In mid-May, Stanford Medical Professor Garry Nolan caused a stir during an innovation and investment conference hosted by the SALT i-Connections leadership forum when he stated unequivocally that a small group of scientists have been reverse engineering alien technology for quite some time.

One of the compelling things about the 15-minute interview in which he discussed this revelation is how careful the host, Alex Klokus, is to frame Dr. Nolan’s testimony with sober and logical questioning, as if to guard against potential accusations of quackery. Almost as a lawyer would conduct a witness examination in a court of law, Klokus first lays out Nolan’s innovative breakthroughs in immunology, virology, and cancer research. Then he walks through the professor’s personal “experience with people who… are working on the reverse engineering programs” of alien technology. Finally, Klokus offers Nolan the chance to describe to the audience his belief that government disclosure of extraterrestrial life is likely forthcoming.

Nolan’s interview came about a week before NASA’s May 31 public meeting to discuss unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) — the current subject categorization used to reference incidents once understood less formally as those involving UFOs and “close encounters” of various kinds with extraterrestrial beings. Although the government conference ended up frustrating some viewers because it dangled many questions without providing any definitive answers, astrophysicist Dr. David Spergel made clear that the commission’s intention is to “provide the scientific community with a roadmap” that could be used to gather and analyze further data. In many ways, the event appeared as a step toward making secretive research more public.

At the beginning of June, two separate online publications posted articles that identified witnesses with personal UAP knowledge now calling for greater government disclosure. In an age of journalism when dependence upon anonymous sources has unfortunately become the norm, the use of on-the-record interviews and corroborated statements distinguish this reporting.

In an essay for Politico entitled, “If the Government Has UFO Crash Materials, It’s Time to Reveal Them,” former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon detailed his direct involvement in delivering UAP evidence to Congress — work that ultimately led to the establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), organized to investigate and document encounters with unidentified craft that might be extraterrestrial in origin. Mellon described his efforts to bring public attention to the existence of recorded UAP incidents involving U.S. military personnel. “But despite breakthroughs in government transparency about these sightings,” he argued, “there’s one thing the Pentagon and the intelligence community have so far not addressed, and that is whether they have had any direct contact with these objects” and whether there is truth to “persistent rumors” alleging “that the government has been working secretly to reverse engineer the technology.”

Mellon personally referred four witnesses to AARO “who claim to have knowledge of a secret U.S. government program involving the analysis and exploitation of materials recovered from off-world craft.” He knows of other sources with additional evidence. Although AARO has no legal obligation to report its findings to the public, Mellon has “concluded the public needs to know the truth.”

Within two days of the Politico essay, another online publication, The Debrief, ran a story under the headline, “Intelligence Officials Say U.S. Has Retrieved Craft of Non-Human Origin.” In their well-sourced piece, journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal detail the allegations of David Charles Grusch — a “former intelligence official turned whistleblower” — who has provided both Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General with “extensive classified information about deeply covert programs” in possession of “intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin.”

Again, one of the most striking things about this exposé is its forthright attention to naming names and providing substantial background evidence in support of Grusch’s reputation for honesty. Not only do the reporters reject the use of anonymous sources but also they are careful to highlight the credibility of those sources they use. Retired Army Colonel Karl E. Nell — who worked with Grusch as part of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force originally constituted under the authority of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security before that investigatory organ was reorganized into AARO — is quoted as describing Grusch as “beyond reproach.” Then reporters Kean and Blumenthal make sure to dig up a performance evaluation from Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence Laura A. Potter describing Nell as “an officer with the strongest possible moral compass.” If you trust the Army’s evaluation of Nell and Nell’s evaluation of Grusch, then logic suggests that Grusch’s whistleblower disclosures should be trusted, too.

For his part, Nell wholly concurs with Grusch that for the “past eighty years” secret programs have “focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin” and “that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence.” He considers this conclusion “indisputable.”

While seeking corroboration for Grusch’s allegations, journalists Kean and Blumenthal conducted an interview with an intelligence officer from the National Air and Space Intelligence Center who specializes in UAP analysis and operates under the identity “Jonathan Grey” inside the agency. For almost a decade, he has been the recipient of highly classified briefing materials involving UAP. He says bluntly: “The non-human intelligence phenomenon is real. We are not alone.”

Finally, it is worth pointing out that Grusch is represented by attorney Charles McCullough III, who previously served as the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community. Given McCullough’s familiarity with the shadowy world of espionage, the byzantine legal safeguards governing State secrets, and the jumble of criminal tripwires that make lawful disclosure akin to crossing a minefield in the dark, his decision to aid Grusch as a legitimate whistleblower provides further credence to his case. It is also true that in filing his whistleblower complaint, Grusch has placed himself in legal jeopardy by formally attesting that his statements are made “under the penalties of perjury.”

This is a lot to take in. After decades of government denials and allegations of mass cover-ups, suddenly an avalanche of UAP disclosures is hitting the public all at once. We have whistleblowers, Intelligence Community operatives, highly respected scientists, and Members of Congress all speaking up. In another era, Nolan’s interview during a popular “thought leader” investment forum would have been sufficient to capture the nation’s attention indefinitely. Taken together with two provocative essays detailing first-person accounts confirming the existence of extraterrestrial technology, the revelations of the last few weeks should have been enough to eclipse every other news story in the world.

Instead, the response from across the news media has been almost complete radio silence. Tucker Carlson, in his first episode of “Tucker on Twitter,” called Grusch’s whistleblower allegations the “bombshell of the millennium” — a bombshell being entirely ignored. How can a news story with the potential to completely transform the way humans understand their universe cause such a small ripple in the pond of current events? Carlson argues that Americans have been lied to for so long about so many different issues that nobody has any idea at this point what to believe. “Nobody knows what’s happening,” he says. “A small group of people control access to all relevant information and the rest of us… don’t know.”

Given the obvious coordination of the UAP disclosures these last few weeks, only two scenarios seem plausible:

  1. either a group of scientists, intelligence operatives, military personnel, legal sharks, and politicians are working together behind the scenes to deliver enough corroborated information to the public to pierce through a near-century of State-imposed secrecy, or
  2. this diverse collection of professionals is part of an elaborate disinformation campaign being used to manipulate public perception and opinion.

In other words, there is either a highly organized attempt to reveal a spectacular yet hidden truth to the rest of humanity, or there is a highly organized attempt to use information warfare as a means to shape the collective consciousness. Either the U.S. government has engaged in a massive conspiracy for nearly a century to hide important truths from its own citizens. Or it is involved in a massive conspiracy today to manipulate Americans’ minds en masse. At a time when political leaders love to speak about the virtues of “democracy,” either possibility confirms a staggering disrespect for popular sovereignty.

That is a fairly stinging indictment against Western government and society. People are bombarded with so much government-sanctioned propaganda and outright lies that they never know whether official statements are true. Outside institutions — including academia and the news media — have embraced so much “fake news” over the years that their reputations are in no better shape. The end result is that nobody in a position of authority is trusted or believed.

The “bombshell of the millennium” explodes right outside Americans’ doors, and the public largely shrugs because it accepted an ugly truth long ago: it is constantly being deceived. With all due respect to our extraterrestrial friends, perhaps that is the most important news story of our time.

JB Shurk writes about politics and society, and is a Gatestone Institute Distinguished Senior Fellow.


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the aliens must be pro russian then, because only russia has a range of hypersonic cruise missiles, while the us can’t manage a supersonic cruise missile.
as if an alien life force would share technology with people who think you can change genders, lol.

Freaka da Disk

hehehe, that was a good one …


my dear friend, what you see on your tv screen, it’s not all. the us has had a secret space program since the 70’s as though the russian. the germans have had their ssp since the 1940s.
our moon, mars, and other moons, like ceres, are being occupied by earth humans and aliens, especially the orion group(reptilian/draco, tall grey and tall blonde nordic types.) nasa is a front, but behind the scenes you have the icc (interplanetary corporation conglomerate).

Last edited 1 year ago by JPJP
Wayne Gabler

your thoughts on bibi’s private meeting with ‘both parties’?


aliens are as real as the nuclear bombs they told us not to shoot, bwahahaha…we live a dome, surrounded above by firmament, and the moon is plasma… research operation fishbowl


conspiretard spotted!
navigators sailed round the earth, some 500 years before nasa launched their heroic fantasy franchise. discovering that the latter was just a movie doesn’t imply we didn’t circumnavigate and found the skies’ constellations very different between hemispheres, not to mention the moon and the sun.
any story about domes is disinfo to keep people believe in the movie franchise, and the ongoing sequel.

Lesco Brandon

this is just psyops to discredit those who speak out against the msm narrative.


we live in a 75 million yr. old free-range ‘quarantine’ and ‘god’ was the astronaut ‘screws’…so what’s new?


what is the point of reversed alien technology if afghan farmers can shove something up your a-hole and kick you out of their country??

Brandon the senile

amerikans went to hollywood—never the moon

Edgar Zetar

and hollywood was established by the us army propaganda machine

Edgar Zetar

fake world. after wwii winners created a civil world below layers of centuries of scientific advances and old sects and religions aligned to the new reality. after reaching the moon competition usa and ussr worked together, they even made thousand of experiments on humans, so where is the reality? where is it?

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

today world is totally fake in the civil domain. thats why us empire expands worldwide without anybody realize the reality anymore. even the best of best of mens are just mice and rats on a laboratory. only five decades of propaganda showed the world powers can do wathever they want on humanity.

Last edited 1 year ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

there is only one issue, the real gods are watching and the stars are our hidden extraterrestrial watchers, they are always watching, looking for travelers, wonderers of this shitty lower third grade class world. the masters of the universe of the empire are just lower grade masters.


it’s the first scenario jb. it’s been 25 years that we ask for a full disclosure. now we have a partial disclosure. it’s up to the people to wake up and search for the truth. there is ample trustworthy information on the internet today that proves that we are not alone and earth has been visited and occupied by several stellar civilizations for millions of years ago. 2/3 of this planet is ready for the full disclosure.

Last edited 1 year ago by JPJP

alien spacecraft would only prove there was intelligent life on earth at one time.


it’s a stupid distraction. ever since the us-establishment could sell 9/11 as a “terrorist attack” they’ve been doing the same shit every time one of their crimes against humanity is about to become (too) obvious. same with covid “pandemy” until last year, same with ukraine now.


a big distraction from the defeat in ukraine.

Wayne Gabler

i would be ashamed of myself if i believed that is when ‘tptb’ started lying money to the ones they claimed to be protecting. think of it as learning the swiss guards at the vatican are really ‘norman prison guards’, rather than swiss body guards being there because they love the pope that much. ‘cadets’ rather than ‘retired professionals’ showing up, who loves you more?

Peter Jennings

another bogeyman in the making. we are alone in this universe so get used to it and let’s stop warmongers from ruining the one and only habitable planet. that is where one’s attention should be focused and not on some made up stuff from the alphabet soups.

Paul Citro

we are now getting a lot of talk about ufos with zero actual evidence.


it is hogwash, the us deceives us and drip feeds people into believing in aliens but never produces proof. they drop little bits and leave imaginations to do the rest. the anti christ will seemingly save us all from what will appear to be an alien invasion and then everyone will worship him. that is how they will get him accepted!

Obama bin Lyin

absolutely correct and the anti-christ’s name is none other than bathhouse barry obuma, the son of perdition, satan’s son.