Libya In Chaos, Dbeibah Milities Rape Bashaga Government Ministers

Libya In Chaos, Dbeibah Milities Rape Bashaga Government Ministers

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Written by Piero Messina

It is useless to use euphemisms. The international community is putting a spanner in the works for the birth of a new Libyan government. From the United Nations to Unsmil, led by US diplomat Stephanie Williams, the choice is made.

Without taking into account the choice of Libyan political forces, Prime Minister Dbeibah must remain in his post. The poisonous fruits are already visible. Foreign ministers and culture ministers of the new Libyan government of Fathi Bashagha were kidnapped in Misrata. They are the former Libyan ambassador to Italy Hafed Gaddour and the researcher Salha al Drouqi. The government led by Fathi Bashaga should have received the trust of the Tobruk Parliament today. There is no doubt about the claim for the kidnapping of the two politicians. The convoy with Gaddour and Al Droqui was stopped by the joint force of Misrata, a para-military formation that remained loyal to the prime minister in charge Dbeibah, who leads a government of national unity, whose authority is now recognized only abroad.

For weeks, an agreement had been reached between various Libyan political components for the installation of a new government led by Bashaga: the former Minister of the Interior, very close to Turkey, had reached – thanks to the mediation of the former premiere Aguila Saleh – an agreement with the forces that control Cyrenaica and Fezzan, political and military formations that answer to General Khalifa Haftar.

Outgoing Prime Minister Dbeibah has always refused to recognize the new government about to take office. Libya, therefore, is facing the crossroads of a sensational rift, with two parallel governments vying for power.

To prevent the installation of the new government, Prime Minister Dbeibah had closed the Libyan airspace, accusing the Tobruk parliament of having rigged the results of the selection of the new government. The new Prime Minister Bashaga had replied to Dbeibah’s accusations. Addressing the Attorney General Al Siddiq Al Sour denounced Dbeibah for the closure of the airspace, a behavior in his opinion punishable “with the death penalty pursuant to article 204 of the Libyan penal code, which provides for the death penalty against anyone commits an act that prevents the head of state, the legislative authority or the government, in whole or in part, from carrying out its business or exercising the powers that are legally conferred on it, even if the prohibition is temporary “.

Speaking of democracy and politically correct, the West and the United Nations have already made their choice: destabilize Libya. In the night, before the ambush that led to the kidnapping of the two designated ministers, the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, took a rather clear-cut stance against the nascent Bashagha government, effectively demanding a new, more transparent vote of confidence.


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Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

You can thank the crumbling americant empire, the UK and France whom destroyed Lybia the second most prosperous country on the African continent.
Native Americans, Philippines, Mexico, Central and South American countries, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, only a few of the countries they destroyed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan
Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Left out Laos, Cambodia and Ukrain.

Chris Gr

They destroyed Europe also.

jeff montanye

where is the claim that they were raped?

Lawrence of Arabia

Just clickbait


It’s a bad translation from Italian: I guess in the original the ministers were “rapiti” which doesn’t mean “raped” but “kidnapped”.

Arch Bungle

Another NATO/EU/USA success story.