A letter mentioning Iranian General Qasem Soleimani and nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was found at the site of the recent bombing near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi, the India Today reported on January 30.
The small explosion took place a day earlier a few meters away from the Israeli embassy. No casualties were reported. However, three cars were damaged.
According to India Today, the letter is one and a half-page long and has been written in a haphazard manner. The letter refers to Soleimani and Fakhrizadeh as “martyrs” and says the attack was only a “trailer.”
Soleimani was killed in a US strike on the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, on January 3 of 2020. Fakhrizadeh was assassinated, reportedly by the Israeli intelligence, on November 27 of the same year.
A half-burnt cloth and polythene bag recovered from the explosion site near the Israel Embassy is being examined by the authorized agencies. Its link to the incident is yet to be ascertained: Delhi Police sources pic.twitter.com/zdJaqreRf0
— ANI (@ANI) January 30, 2021
Delhi: A team of National Security Guard (NSG) visits the explosion site near the Israel Embassy to examine characteristics of explosives used.
A low-intensity explosion occurred near the Embassy yesterday. pic.twitter.com/RbY3W30J0f
— ANI (@ANI) January 30, 2021
Indian media said that a mysterious group calling itself “Jaish-Ul-Hind” [the Army of India] had claimed responsibility for the explosion.
“By the grace and help of Almighty Allah, soldiers of Jaish-Ul-Hind were able to infiltrate a high security area in Delhi and carry out an IED attack,” the group said in a statement shared on Telegram. “This, Allah willing, is beginning of a series of attacks which would target major Indian cities and pay back in kind to the atrocities committed by the Indian state. Wait and we are waiting too.”
India Today said that investigators had refused to rely on this particular claim till they gather any evidence of “Jaish-Ul-Hind” being responsible for the blast.
Indian authorities are currently investigating the blast. The Delhi Police Special Cell has questioned several individuals, including several Iranian nationals.
There is still no evidence linking Iran to the blast near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi. However, this does not rule out the possibility that the blast was a message from Tehran to Tel Aviv.
I have confidence in the Indian authorities to reveal who was behind this attack, I hope it was not Iran for their sake.
It mentioned Solemani and Fakhrizadeh. The name Jaish ul hind is also such a bogus and random name hence why they ran out of creativity in coming up with names
Yes, but it also says it was an unknown organization who took responsibility so I don’t judge yet. Better to wait for the official results, but if it was Iran then I don’t think my government will sit and do nothing.
Your government? Do you not feel embarrassed to look like the
freshly arrived tourists from Berlin and yet you said you were
coming back? A people returning do not look as alien as you do in
our region. Europe wanted to get rid of its Jews and Palestine
became the dumping ground. Your government came to exist after
committing horrors on the natives: rapes, massacres, expulsions. It
is he duty of all Arabs to make sure to find ways to get rid of you
and you must be gotten rid of. Let Europeans assign you land in
Stop your lazy copy n paste each time,use your own skills too,be a bit original,try it you boring excuse for grown up adult,
Palestine are owned by nazis fkn drr medusa,fk off ok!
You don’t resort to high intelligence only makes you the worser problem:
Doesn’t matter if Iran had any involvement or not Israel will just attack Iran whenever it suits them.
It will never suit them.
israel is too weak to attack Iran.
Not even their hired gun Uncle Sam is brave enough to attack Iran “when it suits them”.
Just curious, when did Israel “attack” Iran, maybe my cable news is not that up to snuff?
Did I say Israel has “HAS” attacked .. My ability to read is not that good so it would be nice if you can point out where. Didn’t know cable showed snuff , more fun if you do it yourself.
hahaha you are a real silly boy, anything to get any attention. Post some used clothing photos from Vietnam war “soldier boy”.
Crater? Fragmentation remains? HE or enhanced firecracker?
Or dog and ponny show?
This whole thing sounds like fuking staged why in the fuk would there be a letter mentioned or monitoring these people at the site of the blast? like what the fuk folks how old do you think we are and I mean the media
The Arabs and the Ashkenazi are two peoples who never met
or knew one another but the Ashkenazi arrived claiming to
be directly descended from Abraham with no evidence but
today there is conclusive DNA evidence that the Ashkenazi =
0% Middle Eastern. Anti-Jew sentiments in the Arab region
runs at 98%. Because these white Europeans will never
vacate peacefully, it may involve lots of bloodshed to
remove them and I hope that would not be the case.
You are very clever.Stay safe:
Thank you.
Your welcome,remmember your freedoms at stake not mine,I did my bit!
this is not about me but yous,not here to mock unto others lives,eg do I like others trying to tell our billions multi infastructure projects to be halted by some unelect shmit nazi in anu for the sake of biden,hellary,lurch + paris?
That’s another local problem,yet like it or not we are all in this together,
Yemen,back then I pleaded to the arab peoples to find whom is accountable to arrange munitions that blew up many innocent children,my god enough was enough,find the vermin get rid of it for good for gods sake,i meant it:
7 days later,guess what?that importer who went into turkey,left inside it’s fkn own briefcase,good riddance to the slime,who said we can’t contribute to such diabolical problems? (Get Thee Behind Me Satan)
Well as much unexpected as a bonus branson the maggot squeals huge,
justice is served,justice is done!So now the onus is to destroy its and the nwo empire,whom have no respect for lives and civil liberties abroad,
easier said then done,but it sure made me feel better for them kids in yemen who are with us todays,somewhere n the wind.
Stay safe:
You probatly sell Your hair as TV antennas too:)
The only country with more Shias than India is Iran, and this is most likely is a terrorist Ziojew setup against them.
Under Modi’s regime, Iran should not sell any oil to India that isn’t paid in advance, since Ziocorporate globalism will be machinating more chaos to impose their so-called “order” wherever they can.
Posted on January 20, 2008 at the Washington Post.
Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the Holocaust
experience – a German burden that the Jews have not been able to
shed. It is a very good example of how a community can overplay a
historic experience to the point that it begins to repulse friends.
The Holocaust was the result of the warped mind of an individual who
was able to influence his followers into doing something dreadful.
But, it seems to me the Jews today not only want the Germans to feel
guilty but the whole world must regret what happened to the Jews. The
world did feel sorry for the episode but when an individual or a
nation refuses to forgive and move on, the regret turns into anger.
The Jewish identity in the future appears bleak. Any nation that
remains anchored to the past is unable to move ahead and, especially
a nation that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons
and bombs. In Tel Aviv in 2004 I had the opportunity to speak to some
Members of Parliament and Peace activists all of whom argued that
the wall and the military build-up was necessary to protect the
nation and the people. In other words, I asked, you believe that you
can create a snake pit — with many deadly snakes in it — and expect
to live in the pit secure and alive? “What do you mean”? they
countered. Well, with your superior weapons and armaments and your
attitude towards your neighbors would it not be right to say that you
are creating a snake pit? How can anyone live peacefully in such an
atmosphere? Would it not be better to befriend those who hate you?
Can you not reach out and share your technological advancement with
your neighbors and build a relationship?
Apparently, in the modern world, so determined to live by the bomb,
this is an alien concept. You don’t befriend anyone, you dominate
them. We have created a culture of violence (Israel and the Jews are
the biggest players) and that Culture of Violence is eventually going
to destroy humanity.
The Holocaust is just a profitable Jewish business.
Business? It became a Scam Con + Exploit! Excellent Book by Norman Finkelstein ‘The Holocaust Industry‘…he’s pretty much hated for it by ZioNAZIs and all their corrupt acolytes because he’s spot on.
false flag operation by israel itself.
if this was iran they wouldn’t have left an obvious letter to point the attack straight to iran!
this kinda false flag operation is meant to disrupt iran relation with other countries.
But wouldn’t that be dishonest???
Leaping lizards, this is too comical even for a Zionist false flag.
Cia as per fkn usual trying wedge between india and eurasian economoc block like it!
No they dont. Your assumption not even makes sense, and You not even try to give it.
We are having a lot of problems with Sikh farmers and this type of stone throwing at parked cars and vandalism is quite common and the government has cut internet services in most parts. The police has concluded that there was no explosion.
Let the Sikhs rage on bro :)
I kind of believe that or it was a bangalore torpedo in the seize of a match burning used toiletpaper:) .
Jews are cheapskates as US dole money runs out, they are hiring sweat shop Indian terrorists to stage their false flags and the results are not pretty, like when Boeing hired $9 an hour Bangalore “engineers” to design the 737 Max and the results were crashing success.
Your writing show You low level well, if You are a hindu Your next life might be toilet cleaner in an ISIS tunnel.
Even plastered this has nothig to do with Israel. They just simply are not that stupid.
Frankly, India is so fuckedup that we will never know anything. A previously unknown terrorist group with no known links has claimed responsibility for the minor explosion near the Israeli Embassy in New Delhi. Police are not jumping to conclusions as an investigation is still being carried out, a report says.
A screenshot circulating on social media purportedly shows a group called ‘Jaish ul Hind’
claiming responsibility on Telegram for the bombing.
“The soldiers of Jaish ul Hind were able to infiltrate a high security area in New Delhi and carry out an IED attack on the Zionist spy den,” the message said, promising more attacks in “major Indian cities.” The group also accused the Indian state of unspecified “atrocities” against Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and other minorities.
17 sheep.
Du ved mange danskere kan ikke lide Israel?
I dont care. The mistake making it possible to make an Israel is a facts from before I was born. Those people has nowhere to go, so I support they stay and remain there no matter what.
I do critizeise them too.
And I wont dispute about this and that, which is better descriebed by others then me.
The overwhelming majority likes Israel and many of its inhabistant. Some small minorities – and among them mainly muslims – dont change a thing about that.
I have the same for other parts of the world. The people living there has to decide and no one else.
I can add the same for many voutries, which are not able to include all. Those are not countries. By that I say, they by voting and common sense has to be split up into smaller units. People then can go to the safe unit, which I support being kept.
Examples could be Afghanistan, Pakistan, Baluchistan – Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Libya and some of the far away ones like Mali, Tchad, Niger…
You are very incorrect aboiut that “many”, because You have to add, that we like their neigbors much less.
Jews in Denmark are well integrated and act like anybody else in their dayly life and has high ranked and low ranked post here. We have several Danish/Jewish inhabitants, which has lived in Denmark until they has retired and has become old in refugium.
We never has had probpems with jews but only the few, which by strange reasons dont like them. They are not and has never been as the cartoon versions, we see on thise site.
Before WW2 it was no option for them to be danish citicens. We helped them less then the socalled danes – BUT we were not agressive and included them as it was possible in those days.
The 6.000 are “full” citicens in any level. I can say it as knowing only a few well: What they do or dont every friday aftenoon is none of my business.
What has been my business a few times was about food. You cant invite people for dinner, and there is only allowed food for most of them. So its about the same as for muslims.
I serve whats accepted and also cook vegetarian things, which is very good too. A friend of mine is friend to a Jewish vomen and her husbound. He and his girlfriend serve meals from 2 kinds of big plates both very nice and semilar. That how it goes.
Their only probæems when the children was small was candy. Much danish candy is made with pig gelantine, which makes the candy soft in a very cheep way. But here its the parents job to say yea and no.
Children as well as many adult can be like that for many things.
The main problems for You are two. 1) They learn to learn from start asking questions and by that debate well but also are educated well. Many works hard and find their skills. We reward that just as Jews does.
That infact create a lot of jobs and the people working for people doing that becomes good taxpayers in raised livingstandards. So they support that system just as me.
The second problem for You is You support primitive taxsystems, where so many -. and just fx jews – can avoid tax. Thats not their fault.
We have an income tax and foirtune tax, where we take a lot of tax from those owners and shareholder. By that they actually deserve, what they actually get and they do contribute for education, health, hospitals, pension, bridges, motorways and like that.
Dont blame others for You remaining as unproductive nagging lazybums not even able to read the Choran or for that matter Karl Marx.
Many here not even try to understand Our systems and how they work. According to them and probatly You too, we should have collapsed many many times in the past. But we dont. The main problem with Jews are You and some of the Christians as well. I think that why so many here has besome sekular. We dont care about what some greedy jews did 1400 years ago in Mecca or Medina og Herodes killed Jesus.
You should read about Herodes. He even killed all his family. Crusifying Jesus was a dayli routine or maybee only for fun. Romans there was not better then that by Pilatus.
But as often before and after – the Jews was an excuse to cover tons of own very dirty and blody laundry. people like Jesus and family didnt go from door to door and killed each and every child.
you’re just unhappy people didn’t point their fingers at iran. such insults to others is very typical of you , since you’re a pro-israel it all make sense.
Mossad it’s losing professionalism, this false flag it’s like something created by a 9 year old kid, you have to be brain dead to believe this bullshit.
This only shows that Israhell is desperate :)
Iran … ‘amateurs R US’ was hired
Iran is low on cash … eh?
“Iran is low on cash … eh?” – The reason is different. All the smart guys left Iran a long time ago.
all the “smart guys” who are predicting the end of Iran for 42 years? Haha no shit Sherlock. Those “smart guys” are washing toilets in the US and Europe or Turkey.
I am glad I moved to Iran from Germany after my Ph.D.
Take your “smart guys” there pls thanks
Don’t offend good toilet cleaners,at least they serve purpose in wall street,
gutters n all?
Yeah ok, my bad. But I meant those super heavy smart guys who will take down Iran for sure hahaha
Living with you in Armenia :) or Albania
This describes perfectly you and all your efforts to defend the oppressive regime of the mullahs:
“میمون هرچی زشت تر است بازیش بیشتر است”
flea man sleep with dogs, catch CIA fleas
Brain Drain …
The thing is … the IRGC care more for purity of thought RATHER THAN advancing the best brains for their organization … so that benefits the Jewish State … ?
Stay Safe
titzy need safe place? padded cell rehab not sufficient in ukrop village?
The Jewish People have a ‘safe space’ between the River and the Sea … and Jews in the West are ‘safe’ as well … eh?
What’s your alleged point?
tritzy insecure—knows Israel incompetent US colony that only survives by 3.8 $ billion from US each year
Iran sold more oil/gas 2020 than 2019 despite US sanctions
Congratulations …
the sanctions are hurting the Iranian People … who would dump the Mullahs … if they had a chance … eh?
Remind me …. what does Iran make that the World needs?
Right…they were like let me put this here. FFS
The Sikhs are also claiming responsibility, the KHALISTAN movement.
Yeah. Just like the saudi passports they conveniently found in the melted steel beams of WTC, old trick
Laughable DENIAL …
Wasn’t Osama BEEN DEAD … laughing with his buddies about the job? It’s on tape … mr DENIAL …
It was Jihadis/Islamists who were employed by Al Qaeda … that did the job … eh?
Payback is ongoing …. lol
Osama directed the attack with a satellite phone from a cave in Afghanistan……….eh?
An attack on the most protected airspace in the world…………………………………..eh?
On the same day when almost every Air Force jet was taking part in an war game simulating a plane hijack, what a cohencidence…………………………………………………….eeeeeehhhh?
Cave jihadis managed to pulverize 3 skyscrapers, in the manner of a controlled demolition, plus melting all the metal inside, partly destroying many other buildings, only with 2 planes…………………………………………………………………..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhh??
Dancing israelis were caught celebrating the attack on a nearby rooftop…….EEEEHHHEHH?
FBI seized all footage from Pentagon area, only one blurry video remained that proofs nothing…………………………………EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?????????
“Plane” that crashed in Shanksville was never found, only a small smokin hole, witnesses reported rocket instead of plane……….EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHH????????
yeah it definitely was the lonely freedom fighter Cave Jihadi Osama.
You forgot, pictures and addresses on the passports
of the Arab pilot trainees were not touched by the
smoldering fire.
A logical and rational conclusion every human with common sense does. But good that you mention it, cuz all the trolls and sheep have no common sense and cant figure it out by themselves…
What else is new,yawn.
Don’t bother, you’re dealing with an idiot here. Just block tzatz and move on.
Why block him and miss all the fun? He cracks me up everytime ;)
Blocking is no fun, some of the trolling clowns are hilarious and totally whacky.
Denial …
Idiot, THE NILE!
YAWN kid, move on. Join the Armenian army LOL
Funny, he is quite pathetic.
The Israel “cultural attaches” in New Delhi should do better job at blowing up car windows. This one did not cut the mustard.
You mean paycheck from the hasbara troll factory :)
Dude,they are smart,likely invent diet water someday:
Selfies is not allowed here.
Lately, it appears that all the “terrorists” are traveling with passports, family albums, photo ID, medical records and even back account numbers, welcome to the age of digitization. The so-called terror attacks in France all the “terrorists” carried proper government issued ID’s, photos, even marriage documents etc. This nonsense is now in the comedic relief realm.
The secretary at the Israeli embassy was on Sabbath leave, so the crudely typed letter had to wait till Sunday morning to keep it kosher.
I saw it. They had to cool the message down.
I thought it was cubber from cyprus.
False Flag BS stunt by the ZioNAZIs of IsraHELL to prvovoke a War with Iran and drag con scam as many countries in this lunacy because the coward ZioNAZIs want that ‘Others’ do the majority of the dirty work.
F/kn nazi …
If Israelis were targeted
If Israelis were killed
If Israel proves to their satisfaction Iran is at fault
Israel would hit Iran … full stop
I think what happened last night in Tehran and other Iranian cities is the result of an Israeli cyber attack.
do you know how much Iran has defense system?
there are many you do not know
Israel can not
New US foreign policy
Us foreign policy as the rest of the more adult world deemed to see it:
Yes,yet it’s not like north korea cannot wipe israel region out in a jiffy too:
Stay safe:
israeli cyber attacks are actually useless.
the jews celebrated their SCADA attacks on irans centrifuge program for years but now Iran’s centrifuge program is more advanced than ever.
if that’s how effective the jews’ cyber attacks are, Iran must love them!
They’re heading for a showdown
Yossi / Kochavi / Netanyahu sleep well at night …
titz homosexual–sleep with all 3—titz knows
fee=transgender thinking; confuse urine for lemonade—
? …
Trudy needs rehab soon—delusional schizotypal disorder untreated
You’re the delusional one Shia slug …
Remember that when the International Jew arrived in the
Arab region beginning in 1882, none of the Arab countries
were independent and none of them had their own military
force. The International Jew was forbidden by the Ottomans
to land anywhere in Palestine or the empire but the
International Jew was able to sneak in. During ww1 and 2,
the International Jews enrolled to fight for the sole
purpose of gaining combat experience against the Arabs and
it worked. Today the state of the International Jew is in
20th place and declining rapidly despite huge amounts of US
money and weapons flowing in their direction. As you can see
below, the state of the International Jews used to rank #17
in 2019 but is now at 20.
2019 ……. 2021
1 ……. 1United States PwrIndx: 0.0721
2 ……. 2 Russia PwrIndx: 0.0796
3 ……. 3 China PwrIndx: 0.0858
4 ……. 4 India PwrIndx: 0.1214
6 ……. 5 Japan PwrIndx: 0.1435
7 ……. 6 South Korea PwrIndx: 0.1621
5 ……. 7 France PwrIndx: 0.1691
8 ……. 8 United Kingdom PwrIndx: 0.2008
12 ……. 9 Brazil PwrIndx: 0.2037
15 ……. 10 Pakistan PwrIndx: 0.2083
9 ……. 11Turkey PwrIndx: 0.2118
11 ……. 12 Italy PwrIndx: 0.2139
12 ……. 13 Egypt PwrIndx: 0.2208
13 ……. 14 Iran PwrIndx: 0.2522
10 ……. 15 Germany PwrIndx: 0.2529
16 ……. 16 Indonesia PwrIndx: 0.2697
25 ……. 17 Saudi Arabia PwrIndx: 0.3241
20 ……. 18 Spain PwrIndx: 0.3274
19 ……. 19 Australia PwrIndx: 0.3393
17 ……. 20 “Israel” PwrIndx: 0.3481
Irrelevent,north korea ought be #4, tURKEY #5,GERMANY inferior to oz whom have carriers and japan too where prepardness concerns,including logistics + dozens of f35s + submarines protecting 2 largest coastline on earth,britain though weak are a nuclear power like france and israel rumored to be,this is some kind of fake currency rigged up fkfest to impress the global banksters n wall streets, the biggest give up usa #1 + north korea blot?
Some may argue,free world so it should be,but in these times the us petro dollar is certainly not the power god! usa are struggling to be #3 IN ONE ARMY MERIT,NOT DIRTY DOZEN.
Please try to write coherent English with correct spelling and
correct punctuation.
Is this person related to Jens?
Begone limpo gimpo,you trolls don’t rate to divine authorities power!
Not clever enough,I’m afraid,listen up missy spellchecked bigot case,
what’s the point of the english beareths no truth,i get it feminazi rant!
This is what I get when I tried to read your comment and not a pleasant appearance, is it? No need for anger, I will not read your comments anymore.
Click here.
are you come from Yemen?
My parents, I was raised outside Yemen.
Where abouts? I’m curious this is telling for the record yeah I reside in the Commonwealth or you could call it Australasia these days,no?
nice i love Yemen people they is icecold :D
Thank you.
You or your machine? Fine then,your bed of nails not mine nor the angels:
You need the anger management course not me medusa,I never lied,fk no!
obvious u r an amerikan that reduces thinking to spelling—“the amerikan spelling fetish”. Daniel Boorstin
Hofstadter observed that you fetishize the alphabet in 1964; u people never change
I have always said that the mullahs regime employs the most talented.
You should apply then. Your ability to spout bullshit is unparalleled.
Yea, “mullahs regime” will tell you which way the comment
is headed …
Plus, the lack of an actual punchline to his one liner attempts at jokes.
Same old one liners kid, come up with a new line. Which army were in again? LOL
Well guys, we already spot the one of the many Iron little zion accounts.
That’s the only way these rats operate, with dirty tricks, but tricks from a 9 year old kid.
You’re so smart Black Ali joon .
Got you with your pants down, doing popo.
Black Ali joon you are one of the most talented.
Putins address was also written on the flame proof paper note.
Putins bank account details were also found at the back of the 911 dive bomber who’s passport miraculously escaped the fireballs of both the plane, and the Twin Towers.
Bidets team discovered all this since they found Trumps secret diary, which funnily enough, contained a photo of Putin blowing kisses to Trump Tower.
Mossad theater
This is Cirkus and driven by Roumors Office jus behind my left shoulder.
What about the floor plans for Putin’s palace in Sochi? they should also mail them to the Israeli embassy.
That might be a bit hard seeing as Putin has nothing to do with the place.
He has now. As in the Holy books its written.
That’s funny …
Can you do 15 min … ?
Who could beat your Mothers price at that time.
So … just lucky once … eh?
She was, once for the Marine Corp, once for the Space Force, once for the Air Force, etc etc.
Your Mother works hard for a shekel.
Couldn’t even get past 3 forces … etc etc
pathetic punk
If you spent the day sucking up some knowledge instead on a dildo pulled out of your arse you would know that place is actually owned by a Russian billionaire who purchased it in a dilapidated state and doing it up as a hotel as , guess what ,,yes he owns several top class hotels. So instead of showing your ignorance once again go and spend 15 minutes learning something.
Deflection …
a Russian Oligarch built it for Putin
Ya f/kn Russian dildo … Navalny won’t see the inside of it anytime soon … eh?
Yes what you wrote is indeed a deflection but you didn’t have to tell us that as we already knew.. Nalvalny … ?? who .. ??
Is this your mum and aunties stirring up your next load of waffle to spew forth on here.
Navalny is real … thousands are in jail … tomorrow MORE THOUSANDS will come out against the Putin Crime Cabal …
Oh dear .I don’t know whether to cry , sob sob , or burst out lSo Naaughing.. MORE THOUSANDS eh.. Cart before the horse so looks like your mum stirred the wrong way.. So Navalny is a movement then . A bit like when you go to the toilet and have a movement..
John Wallace … a ruskie … hiding on the SF blog
Privet , Kak dela , spasiba. You caught me… OR I have been to Russia , Ukraine and Kazakhstan at the invitation of attractive Russian ladies… Believe as you wish but as you have a history of pulling stories out of your arse … no need to say more.
chu chu gruzchiny now astrologer on LSD
dimwit ukrainska packuda—trudy needs more attention from mommy, not enough luv
Are you soros supporter too? I believe the 9th dan over any feminazi dragman!
And if You use soap, Youj would dissapear:)
I can confirm that. My dead mother told me 10 years ago. She was very good in predictions. Fx she knew what was for supper next time.)
Very convenient. More BS.
Put up a statue and that will be bombarded too. Nasty agressive people like him should be killed, so the rest of us could live in peace.
More then him should be killed by same reasons. I should make a list for it.
So CHEAP fake!
MEK or mossad or bothin a joint false flag – the jews in palestine can stoop so low that you wouldn’t believe it whiel Iran never would resort to bombs and the possibility to hurt/kill civilians. thus, assume it’s the jews behind the ied/bomb and take that as a clear sign that the jews have spent the last of the credibilty it might once have had and that the world will be better place once mankind is free of the jewish issue which menas no more jews. they’ve brought death and destruction on to themselves. good riddance.
oh by the way, the letter was written in hebrew!!!
Denial …
Obviously Iran incompetence … they didn’t/couldn’t use Hezbollah … eh?
Hezbollah told them to f/k off
tritz hallucinations more florid—LSD too strong
Iran wouldn’t go through all the trouble of rigging an explosive in a foreign nation just to “send a message” to Israel without actually killing a target.
Iran would have gone ahead and blown to pieces whomever it was they were going after.
Iranian incompetence … are you kidding me?
Tzatz, I know it’s you who is responding to me and I went ahead and blocked you (a little while back) since you don’t provide anything worth much in terms of dialogue or educated input on matters being discussed. A lot of guys like you come and go on South Front, nothing but a useless drifter who can’t formulate an erudite response without resorting to woefully childish antics. But hey, you can espouse all the BS you want, many of us here do not care, in fact judging from the comments here. A decent amount of the users here seem to think you’re stupid or totally daft.
So you can go ahead and stay mad, it’s your blood pressure and health being affected, not mine :)
tritz was evicted from rehab—comes to SF for PTSD treatment
False flag . iran is not intereted creating problem for israel in india . iran has good relation with india. and about letter if iran wanted to do this they will not leave letter like this . its a cheap things. Zionist are desperate to create rift between india and iran.
The ZioNAZIs and AmeriCunts together want created a rift between them because of their proximity and their Oil Trade, Iran could become Indias most important oil supplier and in trading outside the fraudulent USD ponzi scheme circumventing the US economic/financial terrorism blackmail + warfare.
Luckily Russia has got the self poisoned Alexi Navalny keeping Putin honest, it’s all part of Allah’s services to humanity (swt), these maggot Jews are following divine providence, I personally don’t believe in it, but lots of people do and sometimes it works because people make it work, Putin will feel not so much threatoned but more inspired to support anti-US Middle East politics.
Well well well, the dirty little Jew maggot Suu Kyi (Myanmar) has been arrested, justice wins sometimes, maybe Iran can get some of the same for the assassination of Soleimani.