Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri

Amos Hochstein, the special adviser and special envoy of the US President, met with the Lebanese authorities during his visit to Beirut last week. Hochstein told Lebanese officials that Hezbollah was mistaken if it thought the United States could prevent Israel from launching ground operations in southern Lebanon.

Hochstein met with the Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri in Beirut and asked him to deliver a message to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah.

Hochstein asserted that Hezbollah’s speculations about the US having control over Israel are inaccurate. The United States cannot stop Israel. If the border situation remains critical, Israel will intensify its attacks, and Hezbollah should negotiate with Israel instead of increasing tensions.

Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

Amos Hochstein

Amos Hochstein is an American-Israeli businessman who is active in the field of energy and has worked in various countries, including Ukraine. Before the Ukrainian war, he was a member of the oil and gas monitoring board of Ukraine, and during the war, he helped European countries to replace Russian oil and gas with other sources of energy.

After the start of the war in Palestine, Hochstein traveled to Beirut and Tel Aviv many times on behalf of the United States and provided consultations to prevent the escalation of the war between Hezbollah and Israel. Through Lebanese government officials, he has made various proposals to persuade Hezbollah to withdraw from southern Lebanon and stop attacks against Israel, but he has not been successful so far.

It seems that one of the main reasons for Hochstein’s failure is his one-sided role. Instead of a mediator, he has become a mouthpiece for Israel’s threats.

Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

Amos Hochstein, Nabih Berri

Nabih Berri, the head of the Lebanese Parliament and leader of the Amal movement, has taken a firm stand since Hochstein left Lebanon. This demonstrates that Hochstein’s unilateral mediation is not satisfactory for the Lebanese authorities.

Nabih Berri said: “We met with the American envoy Hockstein and we were waiting for answers from him after his trip to Tel Aviv, but there was no news, and this causes us to have no confidence in the American action for peace. To create peace, Hochstein demanded that Hezbollah withdraw eight kilometers from the border, and I also demanded that the Israeli army withdraw eight kilometers from the border.”

Nabih Berri warned that if the Israeli forces launch a ground attack, the Amal forces will be waiting for them and will fight with Israel on the front lines, even ahead of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah also sent messages through third parties to the United States, stating that although it did not want war, the movement is confident that it could severely damage Israel if it attacked Lebanon.

Hezbollah had already told Hochstein in a decisive message that if we discover preparations for an Israeli attack on Lebanon, we will consider a pre-emptive attack.

Yesterday, Hochstein met with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in Washington for further coordination. In this meeting, they discussed the transfer of messages between Israeli and Lebanese authorities and Phase C of Israel’s attack.

Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

Amos Hochstein, Yoav Gallant

The third phase, according to Israel’s definition, includes low-intensity fighting in Gaza, targeted airstrikes, the withdrawal of forces, the creation of a buffer zone near the Gaza border, and finding an alternative to Hamas rule in this area.

However, the transition to “Phase C” in the Gaza war will greatly affect developments on all fronts, including the war with Hezbollah. Certainly, this action by Israel is an escalation of the conflict and will affect all fronts of the conflict from Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen, and Netanyahu’s government must prepare for all military possibilities and political consequences.


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Moshe Dayan

yes: stand by and watch as women and children are murderered by what is turning into an undisciplined, criminal army. do nothing and be intimidated by the satanist eugenicists who are calling the shots,literally. the most repeated phrase in the bible is “do not be afraid”. the cowards who are running this never do the killing themselves, except when it’s in their secret rituals. there is no time to remain silent. never again a holocaust of any peoples are we to tolerate.


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Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

amos hochstein is an american-israeli businessman who is active in the field of energy and has worked in various countries, including ukraine. and he is the “special envoy and advisor to the u.s president”.
yeah i’m only american by birth not by blood.
to hell with uncle sams stars and stripes! ✨️


“hochstein asserted that hezbollah’s speculations about the us having control over israel are inaccurate” yes, it’s the opposite and you know it jews.


time for jews is running out and who knows maybe this time the holocaust will be for real


saturate the iron dome and it will soon become the iron doom for the jews. the illegally occupied palestine will be there, in fact open season for the neighbours or a turkey shoot until they pull out swimming in the med. and when iran enters the fray they”” make mince meat of the occupying people! bring out the pop corn!

Massa John

always tak, never action.


more disgusting amerikan provocations—will israel waste more usa$$$ expose the amerikan paper tiger as a lgbt weasel

Huckelberry finn

hochstein is not an american – israeli, there is no such thing. he’s born in israel, served in the iof, he’s a jew thru and thru.


hezbollah should not procrastinate allowing israel american and uk special forces to get into place. like 1974, usa uk airforces and military were involved in military operations plannings against egypt, syria. israel was prepared to strike, knowingly, egypt and syria thought they were going to strike! i listened to it all on a c41 radio in mount troodos.


yea the zionists can support isreal with everything , but can’t stop em when needed,you know how to fix that.


hahaha you want some cheese with that wine how dare you threaten satan, dam, they need their ass kicked in the worse way

(((Hochstein))) to the rescue

all i see are a bunch of demented jews doing what they do best – spewing demented fake peace initiatives. what bunch of faggots

jens holm

crazy canuck in tel aviv licking mulatoo peniz has bandera tattoo cuz his anuz crave penetration


zionist isreali genocidal maniacs


they are they are the serpent seed. they mur chi ldren drink their bl ood for si ck rituals :
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Last edited 8 months ago by jewwise
John Kesich

by what standard is saying, if you invade, my forces will fight you even in front of hezbollah, a threat.
even with all the bending over backwards to be “fair and balanced” in this article, israel’s aggression can’t be hidden.


the united states is subservient to their jewish masters, netanyahu said this himself.
the jews control both the west and east.
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wonderful news. hopefully, one way or another, something gets resolved
