Leader Of Iraqi Badr Organization Warns From Kurdistan Region Independence Referendum, Condemns Hezbollah-ISIS Deal

Leader Of Iraqi Badr Organization Warns From Kurdistan Region Independence Referendum, Condemns Hezbollah-ISIS Deal

Hadi al-Amiri

On September 4, Hadi al-Amiri, a leader of the Iraqi Badr Organization annonced in an interview with the Iraqi-Kurdish Rudaw TV network that he is against the Kurdistan Region independence referendum.

“I’m afraid that the referendum will complicated matters even further, that’s why I personally called several times upon our brothers in Kurdistan to reconsider the referendum,” Al-Amiri said. “I’m against the establishment of regional entities that are based on racial or religious bases.

Al-Amiri warned that the independence of the Kurdistan Region might lead to another armed conflict in Iraq. Moreover, he argued that it is impossible to agree upon Arabian-Kurdish borders or a Sunni-Shiite borders in Iraq.

We [meaning all sides in Iraq] will resort to weapons [meaning armed confrontation] if we established racial or sectarian based regional entities,” al-Amiri noted. “We will disagree … we don’t have a civilized status, a disagreement could lead us to armed confrontation”.

Al-Amiri also criticized and condemned the recent withdrawal deal between ISIS and Hezbollah that allowed 300 ISIS fighters to withdraw from the Syrian-Lebanese border in the direction of the Syrian-Iraqi border. Al-Amiri added that his organization is not aware of the content of Hezbollah-ISIS agreement.

The agreement to move ISIS from an area to another inside the Syrian territories is a Syrian matter that we don’t intervene in it. However, we opposed what we heard in the news about moving them to al-Bukamal area, and we will not accept this,” Al- Amiri said.

In the end of the interview al-Amiri said that the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) should remain after the defeat of ISIS. Al-Amiri stressed that the PMU existence is important for Iraq future.

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Expo Marker

Iraq was not happy about the deal because ISIS was shipped over to the Syria-Iraq border, near al-Bukamal. Al-Bukamal has always threatened al-Qaim, and this could lead to bombings in Baghdad by ISIS who secretly crossed the border. Another reason is lack of information about deal.


The ” ISIS – Hezbollah deal” that he refers to , was more of a Lebanese and Hezbollah – ISIS deal .
It was largely a Lebanese trade .
Any word on what has happened to that ISIS group .


“Al-Amiri also criticized and condemned the recent withdrawal deal between ISIS and Hezbollah that allowed 300 ISIS fighters to withdraw from the Syrian-Lebanese border in the direction of the Syrian-Iraqi border. Al-Amiri added that his organization is not aware of the content of Hezbollah-ISIS agreement.”
If you don’t know what’s in the deal then how can you criticise and condemn it?
How about you let SYRIA deal with Syrian matters and not make like you’re a phucking Yanks!