The Nord Stream-2 project will be completed and will start working in a few days, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claimed on September 6th.
The claim was made during Lavrov’s meeting with the pedagogical community of the city of St. Petersburg.
“It will be completed in a few days, it will start working,” he was cited as saying.
Russian Minister added that Russian ill-wishers are “trying to limit Russia with unscrupulous methods” in the sphere of economy. According to Lavrov, the Nord Stream-2 has faced fierce attacks, but everyone, including the Americans, has already understood that the project will be implemented soon in anyway.
“Europe, most importantly Germany and other countries, takes part in this project and claims that we all needs it (Nord Stream-2 pipeline), but the Americans say: “no, you do not understand what the energy security of your continent should be like. We are watching from across the ocean, and we see the things better there, ” Lavrov ironically claimed. He once again linked the US position on the Nord Stream-2 project with its desire to “push its liquefied natural gas in the EU. … (that) is bad for the environment, and it is much more expensive,” Lavrov added.
Earlier, Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Board, said that it was not long to wait for the completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
The last section of the pipe of the second line of the Nord Stream-2 was welded on September 6, according to the project operator Nord Stream 2 AG.
“On September 6, the specialists of the Fortuna pipe-laying barge welded the last pipe of the second line of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, after which the pipe number 200 858 will be submerged to the bottom of the Baltic Sea in German waters,” the project company writes.
The company explained that the next step would be the docking of the pipeline running from the German coast with the section that was laid from the Danish waters. The last stage includes commissioning works on the second line.
The Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline has a capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year that will run from the Russian Slavyanskaya compressor station to the German Baltic coast. The laying of the first line was completed in early June.
Gazprom was forced to complete the construction of the pipeline on its own, as the Swiss contractor stopped its work due to the U.S. sanctions.
Lavrov’s loud statement may be an exaggeration, taking into account the upcoming elections to the State Duma of Russia, which will be held on September 19. Foreign Minister Lavrov, as well as Defense Minister Shoigu, represent the United Russia party, the de facto leader of which is President Putin. Both ministers were included in the federal part of the party’s list of candidates.
Anyway, the Nord Stream-2 project is at its final stage and the gas pipeline should start working before the end of the year. According to various estimates, the launch should take place not later than October or November 2021.
Putin is child killer like Netanyahu
Hahahahhaa russian victory
Most excellent Comrades 🤗👍🥇
CIAtrolls and Ukropnazis will cry and rage 🤗
Are you the artist formerly known as lone ranger?
Putin is child killer like Netanyahu
Please gentlemen rulers of US, Baltic countries, Poland, Ukraine and All seas company….deposit your tears here….
Congratulations Germany for securing the much needed natural gas supply
I would be very vigilant for acts of sabotage by my country, run by a bunch of oligarchs that don’t share in our pain neither share their gains with the rest of America. Some “Islamic terrorist” or “Ukonazi fanatic” might be given center stage, but remember that the likes of FDD are running the show here
american/british trash are kicked in the a$$ again. Ignorant zionist middle man trash will now need a new source of income for diaper shipments to the squatters occupying Palestine.