Last U.S. Aircraft Left Kabul, Taliban Celebrate Independence Of Afghanistan (Videos)

Last U.S. Aircraft Left Kabul, Taliban Celebrate Independence Of Afghanistan (Videos)

The Taliban at Kabul airport

The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan had been completed, the head of the US Central Command, Gen. Kenneth Mackenzie, claimed. The Pentagon announced the last US military planes had left Afghanistan, marking the end of the 20-year US mission in Afghanistan.

2,461 American soldiers were killed as a result of the US operation in Afghanistan, more than 20 thousand were wounded, according to the commander. The United States and its allies reportedly took more than 123 thousand civilians out of the country.

Gen. Kenneth McKenzie added that the US military “did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out.” There are several hundred US citizens in Afghanistan who reportedly desired to stay in the country. U.S. officials did not mention thousands of locals left.

The last two US officials to step off of Afghanistan soil were Gen. Chris Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, and the top US diplomat in Kabul, Charge d’Affaires Ross Wilson.

President Biden thanked US forces for executing the “dangerous retrograde from Afghanistan as scheduled.”

“The past 17 days have seen our troops execute the largest airlift in US history, evacuating over 120,000 US citizens, citizens of our allies, and Afghan allies of the United States. They have done it with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve,” the President wrote in the statement.

“The Taliban has made commitments on safe passage and the world will hold them to their commitments. It will include ongoing diplomacy in Afghanistan and coordination with partners in the region to reopen the airport allowing for continued departure for those who want to leave and delivery of humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan,” the President wrote.

Meanwhile, at the Kabul airport, the Taliban celebrate the complete withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

The representative of the Taliban movement Zabihullah Mujahid claimed that Afghanistan had finally gained independence after the withdrawal of American troops from the country.

“Tonight at 12:00 am Afghan time, the remaining American troops left Kabul airport and our country gained full independence,” Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban’s chief spokesman, said in a tweet.

According to various reports, the Taliban got new military trophies at the Kabul airport, including at least:

  • 73 aircraft, but not all of them are in working condition;
  • 70 MRAPs and more than a hundred vehicles, including 23 Humvees;
  • disabled C-RAM air defense system.

In one of the hangars of the Kabul airport, the Taliban found at least one U.S. CH-46E Sea Knight. All 7 U.S. CH-46ES were disabled and abandoned in Afghanistan “due to age and maintenance problems.”


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Another Vietnam!!


Soon, Muslim world will be in the streets of USA and Europe killing them the way they were killed


I’m not a fan of Taliban, but they stayed the course and defeated the globalists (not the US, who were simply the most prominently serving the globalist hand) network of satanists, claimed back their country and for that I congratulate them. I may not agree with their policies but they have shown the entire world, just like Syria before them, that the globalist can be defeated, and that their satanic program will not and cannot stand against a group of determined people who believe in a higher power.

The globalist project is on its way out and will be defeated.


US imperialism is finished. Fuck Western capitalism, fuck western civilization, fuck racist dogs.


Whites do that everywhere they go man. You finally woke up and smelled the coffee.

Michel LeBlanc

Al mout america, al mout israel, lalat al yahood, Al nasr islam!


As a French man, I’m happy when NATO is kicked off from a foreign country. Western civilisation has to stay only in the West, and not outside. I don’t want to pay for foreign imperialism.


Last US planes leave – Yeah Yeah, but their drones will be back. Count on that.

Peppe il Sicario

I’d really like to know what Imran Khan will do with his “American semi-ally” now. If he has any integrity, he should shut the door on them and tell them to find some other CIA base of operations for their dirty work. With China at his back, Pakistan can say closed for business to the Zio-American degenerates.


Well Taliban – You were not GRANTED Independence like a Master does to a slave, but you TOOK your independence by FORCE – The only language these White trash scum understand.

L du Plessis

The next Saigon is Taiwan, Australia, Japan, Nato ect ect.


Now the civil war begins.
A libya 2.0


They have a habit of running away in the middle of the night, it seems. First Bagram and then this.