Last Lie & Last Chance Of Ukrainian Nationalists In Mariupol


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Last Lie & Last Chance Of Ukrainian Nationalists In Mariupol

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Last Lie & Last Chance Of Ukrainian Nationalists In Mariupol
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Last Lie & Last Chance Of Ukrainian Nationalists In Mariupol

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to ,

On April 18, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine claimed that the 2nd phase of the Russian operation in the Donbas had begun. In spite of this, Moscow had already announced the opening of the second phase at the end of March. So far, the Pentagon did not mention any new phase in its military briefing on Ukraine as well.

While Kiev is trying to define the exact date and the main direction of the Russian major offensive in the Donbass region, Russian and LDPR forces steadily increase pressure on the AFU positions on all the front lines. So far, with slow successes. Russian missile strikes are pounding the territory of Ukraine.

In turn the AFU are strengthening their positions in the region, waiting for new supplies of foreign weapons to reach the front lines. Over the past day, the US government has delivered four flights to the region with military aid for Ukraine. All of them are part of Biden’s $800 million aid package.

18 Howitzer artillery systems from the arsenals of the US ground forces and marines are being sent to Ukraine. The joint training sessions will be held in one of the countries of Eastern Europe.

Washington continues to support the AFU, as it has done for the past ten years, just in a more open manner and on a larger scale.

Major developments took place on the front lines near Izyum. In recent days, several villages to the northwest of Izyum in the Kharkiv region have come under the control of Russian forces.

While Kiev officials are claiming the alleged encirclement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation near Izyum, the villages of Borovaya, Podliman, Yuzhnaya Zhuravka, Nizhny Zoleny were taken out the AFU control in the last week. Clashes continue on the Peski-Radkovskie front line.

The territories to the east of the Oskol water reservoir are of strategic importance as they secure the rear for Russian and LPR troops advancing in the Severodonetsk — Lisichansk region, as well as strengthen Russian positions near Izyum.

The AFU are attempting to counter-attack, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, to the east of the Borovsky district, the Russian assault on the village of Kremennaya also resulted in significant success. The street fighting continues in the village.

Another Russian success was reported in the south of the region. After intense artillery shelling on the AFU positions in the villages along the Gulyai-Pole – Velikaya Novoselka front, Russian troops took control over the village of Malinovka.

Fierce artillery battles continue in other hotspots along the front lines without any significant advances by any side.

The situation in Mariupol is different. Amid the rapid advance of Russian forces, Azov fighters hiding in the Azovstal plant remain in a trap. In the last days of the Ukrainian resistance in Mariupol, Azov nationalist commanders tried to play their trump card.

Late on April 18th, a commander of Azov regiment claimed that hundreds of civilians are sheltering in the Azovstal plant. He did not clarify why the alleged civilians were not allowed to leave the facilities through the humanitarian corridors secured by Russian forces on a daily basis since the outbreak of hostilities.

On April 19; the Russian Defence Ministry once again offered the militants of nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries to cease any hostilities and lay down their arms, guaranteeing their security.

The claims of Ukrainian nationalists at the Azovstal were provided with a video showing a dozen of children and women in a basement. However, the video raises suspicions as it was likely made in advance, probably in another shelter. This leaves the chance that the Azov’s claims are nothing more but the last fake spread of lies by Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol.

On April 19, the official representative of the DPR confirmed that the DPR and Russian Special Forces launched an assault on the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. According to him, the information that there are civilians on the territory of the plant is just another creation of Ukrainian propaganda aimed at blaming Russian forces for civilian deaths.

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Ukrainien forces are real soldiers, not raping pigs like the Russian


Did they rape you? You speak from your expirience?

Zee-sky the Dick player

CNN…Lol…ze propaganda staffel in der US…
That’s some serious information you provided…
Damned, i spilled my beer…


CNN John? Come on man! Nobody is going to trust anything you say. Who’s your favorite at CNN?


He probably is a Don Lemon fan. 😆😆😆😆

Joán Ujházy

HAHAHAHAHA CNN, the stereotype is real every fucking time. We keep making fun of the NPCs how they’re CNN bots but, they really are.

Richard Hoard


Aunt Polly

And your double-think.


John you’re a fake and you’re an idiot. Are you working for the devil or your just pure evil? I guess you’re all of the above.
When a president of a country publicly said some news agency in his country are fakes and among them is CNN, you have no choice but to believe it whether you like him or not. We all know this but you’re still barking bs like a rabied dog.


CNN Really


nazi hillbilly alert

Edgar Zetar

Nooooooo hahaha lol!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

And you got Raped (Sodomized) by an African Chad with a huge “thing” who also was a Neo-Bolshevik ????

Aunt Polly

Münchhausen by proxy?


Instead of being so-called “White supremacists” (wanting to have ethnostates and be left alone = “supremacy”), they want to be black and brown supremacists under the Judeo-Marxist & Judeo-Islamic banner for full-spectrum jewish domination all over the earth.

A politician in Scotland that likes bashing White people and gets praised by White race traitors from the left-wing spectrum of politics.

The Mongolians that invaded the Middle East also contributed to ending the Arab golden age.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Yes !! You definitely got Raped (Sodomized) by an African Chad with a huge “thing” who also was a Neo-Bolshevik ????

Anatolio Mamontow

Yes, maybee he was raped (KKKK) by russians and this is why he hate russians.

M from Romania

lol was just about to ask the same… “did someone raped you, John”? it’s a terrible thing… you should not talk garbage unless you are sure . As for the “real soldiers” the ukies… lol , they shoot their own, drive tanks over their own civilians, lie as they breathe and you call them real soldiers?


We must inform him that it is not a rape if he likes it. 🤣🤣🤣

also John

They are real soldiers and will soon be dead soldiers. Just a fact.


Desperation on your part J, how can anyone support these desperate thugs who lie, kill thier own people ,and murder prisoners of war, there not a army thier terrorist thugs ,cowards even goat herders show more honour than this nazis.

stephan williams

You were right the first time, Minimaunder.

These vermin are terrorist thugs. They besmirch the German Armed Forces with their fake connection through that stupid word, “nazi” – a Bavarian insult that meant “country bumpkin” – a word adopted by a Hungarian Bolshevik Communist jew who wrote for the German jewish press, as his method of discrediting the National Socialists who were even then on their way to political success in 1920’s Germany.

We need to find a new word to describe these repulsive murderers. A word that perfectly describes their psychotic madness. I’m not the person for that.



John just have a look at Azov Battalion they’ve been killing the population of east Ukraine since 2014. Another one is the tornado battalion that was dismantled for crimes you wouldn’t believe, a few of them went to prison just to apease the population. they support and celebrate Stepan Bandera a WW2 war criminal. You’ve got to be neutral once you start digging to find the truth. Patrick Lancaster a journalist has been living in Ukraine for 8 yrs seems honest.


Fuck off yuo idiot.

Ze Z

Have you ever been raped by Russian soldiers?

Gupta Sign

I have. It was like being raped by Romanian soldiers, except they had dicks…




Is it why you are awaiting to greet Russian forces with flag in one hand and a large tube of KY in the other?

Anatolio Mamontow

john……………….pigs are americans and english killing afgan, iraquians, libian children. Pigs are too ukrainians “real soldiers” (KKKKKKK) killing ukrainian women and childrens and blaming russians.


Not even the SS used civilian as human shields

Aunt Polly

That’s why you hide behind old women and children? You’ve got your newspeak right, for sure.


Most you guys here are simply full of shit that blame Western media for fake news but at the same time think that russian media are speaking the truth. This is a war and there are no good guys here. Its all about who “owns” ukraine, USA or Russia…. the victims are those that fight, die and suffer (russians and ukrainians) there these days. All of what is happening there is simply a huge tragedy caused by the politicians of both sides.
Two Christian Nations Slaughering each other….and you guys are celebrating it. Shame on you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad
Pure Ideology Chips


stephan williams

Refreshingly honest post, devoid of hyperbole, Vlad.

I upvoted you but the Neanderthals posting in support of the psychos who have stolen Ukraine from its people cancelled my positive vote with their own down votes.

Your voice deserves to be heard. There aren’t a lot of sane and perceptive people around these days. No wonder when we see how the other side piles on with their creepy serial lies and veiled threats against anyone not tied to the “official story”.

Please keep posting.


I bet you thought that after the SS destroyed Oradour Sur Glane in 1944,and wiped Lidice off the map you disgusting Nazi trash.

No more jew world order

shit will happen on both sides but the russians clearly have orders to behave and the ukranians have orders to misbehave


Arkansas nazi hillbilly alert

Jean de Peyrelongue

The commanderof Azov regiment has acknowledge that he was using civilians as shield. If not true why those civilians did not exit the trap when it was possible.

Karl Wolfe

They’re afraid of being shot and left in a dumpster like so many people the advancing Russian troop are discovering.

Karl Wolfe

I don’t believe its appropriate to call them nationalists because they have proven themselves to be much more similar to terrorists in their unprincipled and disrespect for the Rule of Law.
They’re Terrorists and Neo-Nazis, true villains and bullies who think that weapons and force are the be all and end all and they care nothing for their fellow citizens.


They are Nazis simple as that, and they are caught between a rock and a hard place. They can’t surrender, because they will get tried and can never return to Ukraine because they will get executed. So that is why they are crying for evacuation to a third country. The reality, they are going to be squeezed into oblivion if they don’t surrender. Oh dear, how sad, never mind!

southfront fan

unfotunatley, in the west people believe every word they hear on the tv,radio and newspaper.
They dont seem to have the ability to critically think for themselves.


Isaac Asimov (1920 – 1992): “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that your ignorance is just as good as my knowledge.”

I couldn’t agree with ‘southfront fan’ more. Here in Canada, I have friends whose lips tremble, like a bad Simpsons episode featuring Mrs.Lovejoy, quacking ‘who will think of the children’. These ‘friends and family’ refuse to acknowledge it was US-NAYOYO-Ukraine that started this war by breaking every promise, and every treaty signed with Russia. They refuse to accept NAZI control of Ukraine’s police, Security Service and Armed Forces is a reality, accepted and encouraged by Biden. They won’t even mention the fact it’s ethnic Russians and their families and communities being destroyed by this war’s cruelty.

Describing Russia’s actions as an illegal crime are contemptible. Westerners should get the facts correct: By 988 Kiev was the founding source of Russian Orthodox Christianity, and a seminal root of Russian identity. Catherine the Great added Crimea, and everything else north and east, to the Russian Empire in 1784. Since then, Crimean has been a critical, strategic military asset of the Russian nation. As we are going back to 1784, let’s see America give everything west of the Appalachians back to the First Nations, and pay reparations for slavery. The UK won’t return looted Parthenon marbles, and made noble fortunes from piracy and slavery, so let’s not have any pious weeping for corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs.

John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873): ‘Indeed the dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution, is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into common places, but which all experience refutes.’

US-NAYOYO repudiated the ‘Open Skies Treaty’ allowing recon photo overflights to confirm treaty terms were being honoured. NAYOYO sneered at SALT II, ABM, and INF treaties that reduced and removed nuclear weapons and made the world a much safer place. Despite being warned by every respectable US Russia expert that their plans would lead to confrontation. So now Western media cloaca complain the evil Rooskis threaten nuclear warfare to disguise their contemptible stupidity for not warning these US acts could lead to catastrophe.

After the Warsaw Pact collapse, Russia and NATO negotiated the Budapest Memorandum to remove nuclear weapons within the newly independent Ukraine. The later Treaty on Friendship, Cooperation, and Partnership, Partition Treaty on the Status and Conditions of the Black Sea Fleet, and Kharkiv Pact, secured uninterrupted Russian access and control of Sevastopol, and the ancient Russian language and cultural rights of the large Russian majority in the eastern provinces. The Minsk treaties would have been a great start to peaceful coexistence if US or Ukraine had ever intended to implement them. Successive Ukraine governments fear Banderite Nazis more, not least because they were trained and armed by US-NATO.

Robert Mitchum was making a movie in Trinidad with John Huston. Mitchum walked around a lobby corner and found Huston masturbating the hotel’s pet monkey. Mitchum asked, ‘Why? Why do you do this, John?’ ‘The monkey likes it’, said Huston, ‘He really likes it!’ — Guess who the monkeys are today?

Jesse Ventura, “When the government lies, the truth becomes a traitor.”


They too drugged out or under sedation after their sex change operation


Yes, they are people like That. We called them the brainwash snowflake NPC zombie crowd. They go by the name of liberal progressive. Other like me do know what really going on and fight against the BS of the MSM, politicians and other pushing their lies. A good example is stolen election not POTUS Biden and gang. Who as a sell out and a puppet of the deep state is tying to start a war between Putin and us to tear down both our countries and hide their evil and unlawful activities in Ukraine. Which is not going to happen by the way. I know what Putin is doing and why and I am behind him 100%. To the point if he wanted help with these evil racial Nazi F heads and the deep state there in Ukraine I wouldn’t mind going back into the bush again for a couple of years.


NATO – North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation
For NATO the Mariupol offensive is just a two days job, they just bombard the area to butcher all along with innocent hostage civilians to show the result while Russia waits to save innocent lives which delay the offensive.
We have already seen this in the NATO offensive in the Iraq war and in Raqqa in Syria where NATO butchered hundreds of thousands of hostage civilians.
This is the difference between a civilised government like Russia and a terrorist organisation NATO.


Jesse Ventura, “When the government lies, the truth becomes a traitor.”

Banderite Nazis have merely shifted from hiding behind real civilians to hiding behind imaginary civilians. A few families and girlfriends of Azov monsters hiding with Azov shouldn’t stop the bombing or offensives.

Homer: “Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another.”

Edgar Zetar

I dont expected to find Homer phrases in SF. Well done citing Homer, but today everybody speaks one thing did some very different things and had inside him another different from both before things. If you are a Believer you probably deserve to die.


The only thing more pathetic than using civilians as human shields, is pretending to use civilians as human shields. Let’s mop this up quickly and move on.


If those Western shipments are landing in Ukraine they should be hit wherever they land as soon as they land. The airfield should be obliterated with it

Daci Threnn

Very disturbing interview with a Kharkiv resident on the disappearance of Gonzalo Lira.


Russia is being far too kind towards these Jew-Nazis of the Azov Brigade. Send them to Hell, their home of record.


I don’t understand why they continually give the Nazis at the Azov plant any further opportunity to surrender. How many times do you have to be rejected before enough is enough? They’re far more merciful towards those killers than they deserve.

Thomas Turk

That then puts the blame squarely onto the Azovs, for admitting they didn’t allow the civvies, IF there, to escape.


They’re going to kill them all. They can afford to pretend to be merciful in the meanwhile.

Rodney Loder.

I could have told everyone there are no civilian human shields in Azovstal iron and steel works, in fact l did on Quora, see Terry Loder on Quora Terry is my middle name




nazi hoj as stupid as sawyer


these videos you create a great, the more videos you post like this the better.


Fucking buffering.
