Large-Scale Ukrainian Drone Attack Kills Child In Russia’s Krasnodar (Video)

Large-Scale Ukrainian Drone Attack Kills Child In Russia’s Krasnodar (Video)

File image.

A child was killed and five other people were wounded in the Russian region of Krasnodar over the night of July 4 and 5 as a result of a large-scale Ukrainian drone attack.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement that 50 drones were intercepted during the attack. Russian defenses destroyed 14 UAVs in Krasnodar and 26 in the Zaporozhye region, with ten more being shot down or suppressed by electronic warfare means over the Rostov region, according to the ministry.

Krasnodar Governor Veniamin Kondratyev confirmed on his official Telegram channel that several drones were shot down by air defenses over the town of Primorsko-Akhtarsk on the coast of the Azov Sea. An air base is known to be located near the town. Some of the debris fell onto a residential area, damaging a three-story apartment block, according to the governor.

Initially, Kondratyev said that six people, including two children, required hospitalization as a result of the attack. However, he later said that “unfortunately, a six-year-old girl, who was injured in the drone raid in Primorsko-Akhtarsk, has died from her injuries.”

“I offer my most sincere and deepest condolences to the family. Although in such a situation it is very difficult to find proper words of consolation and support,” the governor said.

The attack has also damaged a power station which supplies electricity “to a significant part” of the town of some 30,500. Repair work is underway on site, according to Kondratyev.

The Kiev regime intensified drone and missile attacks on Russia in recent months, damaging infrastructure and killing and wounding a number of civilians.

The main aim of these desperate attacks appears to be to make up for the never ending failures of Kiev forces in the battlefield.

In response, the Russian military resumed group strikes on military infrastructure and related energy facilities in Ukraine. The strikes caused heavy damage to the military infrastructure of the country and degraded the offinsive capabilities of Kiev forces.


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ejensy holmchuk

expected from immoral amerikunt


aww, yet russia’s soldiers killed many more ukrainian children.

russia has the highest hiv rate in europe:
https: //t. me/ eternalmuscovite/ 40227

former Airbus Engineer

interesting that your ukra channel is called “eternal muscovite”. for those who dont know, back in the day the nazi germans also had a similar format (film, documentary) called “eternal jew” (der ewige jude). and then the westen msm still claims that ukaine is not a nаzi county. they simply copy paste the original nozis from the reich, didnt even bother to change the name 🤣 openly admiting their ideology, so
they did not even care about the possibility of being exposed.

Last edited 2 months ago by former Airbus Engineer

so what? you presume that jews are innocent, despite believing they are god’s chosen people and the nations (non-jews) will be their slaves. putin admitted that jews were behind the bolshevik revolution and formed the first soviet government. they committed holocausts of their own 2 decades before the second world war.

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

dumb amerikunt saxon inferior needs superior jew to govern u


you literally are a jew tho. only vile jews shill for a shithole like orcraine.


www. en. kremlin. ru/ events/ president/ news/ 18336

“you know, i thought about something just now. the decision to nationalise this library was made by the first soviet government, whose composition was 80–85% jewish.”

Puritan Punk

inferior amerikunt envious of jews—-“hate is envy”. machiavelli🤡


“they simply copy paste the original nozis from the reich”

that is definitely untrue. mindlessly repeating russian propaganda proves nothing other than the fact you have no mind of your own.

ukraine remains a capitalist democracy without anything resembling nuremberg racial laws. there is no strength through joy program, no 25 points, no labor frontt, and antisemitism against jews is illegal. the right sector holds only 2% of seats in the rada (parliament).

Puritan Punk

dumb amerikunt saxon cannot understand civilized language only banal amerikunt language


the handful of “nazis” in the ukrainian military exist in limited capacity. russia for instance has “nazis” of their own, apart of dshrg (диверсионно-штурмовая разведывательная группа «русич»), led by its co-founder alexey milchakov who has been in russian tv interviews.

Puritan Punk

smeshnoy durak pizdet amerikanski—goloboy malchik


jeez, that stale story went out the window years ago. i’m surprised you didn’t follow. it was a long drop.


tell me how every single organization and netizen is taking orders from the ukrainian government? or perhaps you are projecting your soviet experience onto others? the government owned everything, private property was outlawed, and therefore everyone were slaves to the government. the fact that jews invented marxism, established all communist parties, and created the soviet union; eerily correlates with their believe that one day the jews will rule the world.


chabad. org/ library /article_ cdo/ aid/ 1121893/ jewish/ who- is- moshiach- the- jewish- messiah. htm

“antisemisim” did not start with national socialist germany. it dates back to antiquity. now if i were wrong you could prove it. all you have are ad hominem attacks with nothing to show for it, aside from your mindless stupidity. why don’t you present your arguments with empirical instead of childish rants, and regurgitating what russian media tells you?

Puritan Punk

dumb amerikunt —empirical—like all impoverished anglophone philosophy—moron saxon cannot think dialectically…moron cannot distinguish ad hominem from an insult…pathetic


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*empirical evidence


google did a good job in removing the tons of pics of banderite nazis in action on the web in 2015-16. i especially liked the night time tiki torch parades with wolf hook banners and the occasional 1488 and swastika banners with lots of nazi tattoos as the cherries on top following along.

i showed a laptop page full of them once to a tesla engineer and his mouth dropped and said “we’re supporting that? you’ve got to be kidding!”

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss
Puritan Punk

inferior amerikunt higher rate—but no universal health so statistics lie—dumb amerikunt saxon feminized bitter nazi always smeshnoy

Psycho Globalism

in recalling dresden , hiroshima and prnk this is the globalist way of making war. should they lose the globalists must be held personally accountable as the nazi-s war criminals were.


russia bombed ukraine first. did literally everything you accuse imaginary not sees of doing in this war (2022, 2023, 2024), world war 2, and decades before. this behavior was also prevalent under the tsars.


slurping that nato juice messed up your brains but doesn,t change history just by saying it was different.


you only heard one side and yet you cannot hope to prove me wrong. which can only mean you are wrong.

https: // tinyurl. com/ ywjp7k38 — the chemistry of auschwitz buna rubber, zyklon b, prussian blue and the gas chambers by germar rudolf.

Puritan Punk

moron amerikunt believe in unicorn—impossible to disprove—you are a retired inferior walmart janitor in amerikunt ghetto


“doesn,t change history just by saying it was different.”

russia does that today. the difference is i show evidence refuting the war propaganda that the soviet union, britain and america created to coverup their own crimes, and demonize germany to justify a new world order under the “united nations.”

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon

we are not quite there yet, but they intend to fully implement it after destroying who they call “amalek” that they define was western civilization.

https: //tinyurl. com /yefd7t3f

https: //tinyurl. com/ 2j9edyvh

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Sauer Kraut

oh jee…zus. would you finally just get lost? you make a flat earther look smart.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut
Puritan Punk

amerikunt defeated in ukraine–weak amerikunt humiliated by taliban

Massa John

you put your dirty little feet on russian soil of heritage and started to mount weaponry, aimed on moscow. as the rotten piece of vermin, that all of your kind are, this is slowly but steadyly entering even your departed minds.

Sauer Kraut

nato’s like that. they’re a greedy bunch.


the soviet union genocided poles and other populations, then made up lies with no evidence whatsoever to hang them at nuremberg for crimes the soviets, brits and americans committed themselves. you cannot even prove me wrong. you childishly insist i am wrong with nothing to refute me with. you refuse to look at any other point of view, since you are evidently too stupid to think for yourself.

Puritan Punk

luv amerikunt desperation

Sauer Kraut

they shot officers, and despicable that was, but nowhere near how banderites genocided polish women and children with pitchforks. i think poles must be masochists or something. no honor in their souls.

Sauer Kraut

what nazi-aligned ustase croats did to the serbs and what nazi-aligned banderites did to the poles in the 30’s-40’s carried through to the balkan and donbass wars, with eastern russians substituted for western poles.. and their modern manifestations had one common thread: western support, warren zimmerman in ’92 sabotaging a peace and bojo in 2022 sabotaging a peace.

them’s the facts. ain’t no western historians ever going to change them.


yad vashem director: “the absence of evidence is evidence” – jewish reasoning

jewish holocaust expert: no evidence of the holocaust:

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon

holocaust stories versus science how does open air cremation work? (documentary film by eric hunt, not the original title)

original documentary can be found here somewhere:

search online for a free pdf copy of the book: “the six million fact or fiction?” by peter winter.

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

dumb amerikunt—“man must awaken to wonder—so do peoples—science sends them back to sleep again”. ludwig wittgenstein

Puritan Punk

“amerikunts fetishize science–in amerika it is the most aggressive and dogmatic of religions that like all religions should be separated from the state”. paul feyerabend

former Airbus Engineer

make no mistake about it. everyone of them (specially boris johnson) will pay for their war crimes. the first step was already done: none, and i mean none of the leading war monger figures kept the electoral support in their countries (scholz, macron and today even the sunak lost their political powers), biden is behind trump. the next step will be to bring them to justice. it will take time, but justice will be made.


how does any of your psychobabble refute anything i posted whatsoever? if russia truly opposes the new world order,

– why was putin apart of the world economic forum’s young global leaders?

– why did russia join the wef’s center for the fourth industrial revolution network?

– why is russia on board with un agenda 21/2030 and “sustainable development”?

Puritan Punk

insecure feminized bitter amerikunts asks petty irrelevant questions


keep digging your own ideological grave. it’s thoroughly entertaining. :-)

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss
Sauer Kraut

better you explain to us why the earth’s horizon is a flat line when viewed from a tall building.


– why did russia implement covid scamdemic lockdowns, mandate vaccines, and implement digital id?

– why did russia effectively abolish the russian nationalist movement?

https: //news. cityoflondon. gov. uk/ city- corporation- puts- london- on- the- belt- and- road- map/

https: //news. cityoflondon. gov. uk /city- of- london- corporation- works- with- china- to- green- the- belt- and- road- initiative/

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

russia never mandated vaccines you moron amerikunt hillbilly—only moscow petersburg temporarily required masks


besides, sputnik was a traditional vaccine, not that untested m-rna experiment.


session of davos agenda 2021 online forum en. kremlin. ru/ events/ president/ news/ 64938

“president of russia vladimir putin: mr schwab, dear klaus,


i have been to davos many times, attending the events organised by mr schwab, even back in the 1990s. klaus [schwab] just recalled that we met in 1992. indeed, during my time in st petersburg, i visited this important forum many times.”

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

more amerikunt saxon hillbilly irrelevancies


wef in 2018 (

“we must work together to build a new world order […] china, russia and the west need to manage change together”

“china’s use of infrastructure-for-resources loans in africa, as well as the belt and road initiative (bri) have been put forward as a new regional and globalist ‘win-win’ strategy.”

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

amerikunt unable to cooperate can only comprehend win lose


wef in 2017 (https: //archive. vn/ uh5c6):

“world economic forum founder and executive chairman klaus schwab praises china’s one belt, one road initiative as a model for fostering economic development and international cooperation”

“over the past 40 years, the world economic forum has been a partner for china’s opening up. we will continue to work hard to integrate china even more into the world.”

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon

https: //archive. vn/ uh5c6

“the world economic forum annual meeting of the new champions will be held on 27-29 june, in dalian, china. under the theme of achieving inclusive growth in the fourth industrial revolution”


https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 1695

“to all the sinophile shills out there: here’s your “based china.”

>chinese communist party founded by jewish bolsheviks

>china the biggest investor in and closest ally of israel

Puritan Punk

inferior amerikuntistan and ugly cesspool devoid of culture—weak bitter retired janitor saxon envious

Sauer Kraut

oh man, you’re just a wealth of conspiracies. have you written a book yet?

what’s your take on chemtrails?

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut

https: //t. me/ thuletide /1695 >chinese 2nd in command prays for the reconstruction of solomon’s temple

>china working with the un to implement agenda 21 worldwide

>china building agenda 21 smart cities via belt and road imperialism using israel technology

>china praised by rockefellers and rothschilds, welcoming to jewish international finance.

Puritan Punk

obviously u are inferior to jews


you probably believe in russia’s continuation of the century old propaganda about the west being “racist” to this very day, despite russia being the largest european colonial project in human history. that is why beaners, pajeets, kaffirs and sand n1ggers pollute this site. they believe russia and china will save them from “evil whitey”. and yet, jewish supremacists rule over the americas, europe, and russia.

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

self uglified amerikunt–inferior species


the west isn’t racist. it’s just fucked-up, like you.


https: //t. me/ thuletide/ 6153 there isn’t a single wasp (anglo saxon) in joe biden’s cabinet:

https: //www. jewishvirtuallibrary. org/ jews- in- the- biden- administration

https: //jewishcontributions. com/ infotables/ biden- cabinet/

https: //jewishcontributions. com/ infotables/ joe- bidens- children/

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

in your hillbilly nation 50% all nobel prizes jews jet they less than 1% of us population🤣


rothschild & co. has an office in moscow:

global advisory
4, bld. 2, romanov lane
moscow 125009

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon

and no, putin did not “kick out the rothschilds out of russia” because there is simply no proof for it:

https: //leadstories. com/ hoax- alert/ 2020/ 06/ fact- check- putin- did- not- ban- rothschilds- from- russia. html

one can clearly see how putin’s russia is doing business with the rothschilds and i doubt the rothschilds themselves will quit doing business with russia despite what is going on in ukraine.

Sauer Kraut

i once read that russia sold alaska so it could pay back rothschild loans. have no idea if true or not.


putin’s rabbi, chief rabbi of russia and head of russia’s chabad lubavitch, berel lazar, is good friends with nat rothschild and first met each other at the wef:

https: //fitzinfo. net/ 2022/ 01/ 08/ putins- rabbi- very- good- friends- with- nathaniel- rothschild- met- at- world- economic- forum / amp/

Puritan Punk

lonely retired nazi saxon has no friends


why is it that brics member states literally have the worst income equality in the world? how did the kaffirs in southern africa transform the white-ruled rhodesia and south africa from prosperous, thriving countries into despotic black-ruled shit holes? they under intense economic sanctions between 1961 and 1994, while there are no economic sanctions under black rule. today, their black bureaucracies live like royalty compared to ian smith, botha, etc who lived comparatively frugal lives.

Puritan Punk

besides a few african 2 s. amerikan nations amerikuntistan then sweden—gini-coeffecient greatest wealth income disparities all nations—dumb amerikunt saxon lies again


*they were under

Sauer Kraut

most likely how bandera was brought to justice.

sure, he fought the soviets but his only goal was to create a fascist dictatorship without ethnic minorities. not my words, timothy snyder’s in 2010. and he ain’t no russia lover.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut
Crocus Shooting Galery

more orcs turned into fertilizer… dumb orc bastard heheheh

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

“-i am proud to be the first black woman to serve with a black president”.


tell me how the us is “racist” against other races when they had barack obama as president, and now kamala harris as vice president? she is married to a jew whose jewish daughter looks like a younger version of leon trotsky (lev bronstein) with breasts on hormone blockers.

Puritan Punk

only a stupid amerikunt measures racism according to elections in an oligarchy populated by idiot automatons


all three of joe biden’s children are married to jews.


what better way to improve the quality of your grift? you have to admit. joe’s grifting talents are third rate, at best. just a tad more sophisticated than menendez’s.

….and then there’s sonny boy. his talents run along the lines of a junkie pickpocket on kensington square in philly.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

hell, the old man probably put junior on the board of a credit card company just to cover up his sister’s credit card theft. lol

what a family of munsters.

Last edited 2 months ago by Snagglepuss

the us is only racist against the white race to be perfectly honest. as with every other western country. china and russia are also anti white. anti-whitism is promoted almost universally as the new original sin.

why are whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests, but smug about them?

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

why is amerikunt saxon immoral insecure feminized moron?


keep it up….you sound sillier by the post. good entertainment.


you ain’t got no rhythm, joey boy. sorry to disappoint.

Sauer Kraut

joe makes theresa may look like a break dancer.


we amerikunts nazi use many alias——saxon polo moko frisian sawyer—we inferior feminized bitter envious live in degenerate self uglified cesspool


hey yuri, want to see something cool?

click here:

when are you going to learn proper spelling and grammar? you type like a stereotypical caveman.

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Sauer Kraut

ever heard of parody? no, i guess not. look in the mirror sometime, you’re a living example.


* the word is “pariah”. not “phariah”. or is that a pun combining “pariah” with the historical and biblical “pharisees”?

how is the usa anything comparable to national socialist germany when they are capitalist, anti white, feminist, pro-gay, and controlled by jews? germany was none of these things in the 1930s and early-mid 1940s.


the first link that i sent does not work, unfortunately…

Last edited 2 months ago by Saxon
Puritan Punk

saxon worked in walmart as janitor for 42 years –now the retired nazi bitter failure

Sauer Kraut

no matter. nobody clicks on them anyway.


https: //odysee. com/ @fascist- freddy: 1/ frankfurt- school- and- lgbtq:d

https: //forward. com/ culture/ 549587/ trans- book- burning- library -gay -pride/


payback time coming up, they’ll learn the hard way.


russia bombed them first.


what, in 2014? you speak with forked tongue, junior.


https: //t. me/ sillyziggers/ 1930

former fsb colonel igor girkin (strelkov) admits the “referendum” in crimea happened with a riffle behind people’s back. not even local deputies wanted to willingly join russia, as he claims.

something you already know, but want to hear it directly from the snake itself.

Sauer Kraut

wow, that must have been a lot of rifles.

sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but your entire compendium of links since you’ve begun posting is one of sillyziggers.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut

https: //t. me/ eternalmuscovite/ 59582

igor girkin’s friend evgeniy skripnik (“prapor”) admitted that girkin was preparing war in ukraine even before 2014, when he served in the fsb.

Sauer Kraut

i’ll bet you’ll even find a sillyzigger that points to the girkin snipers at maidan. can’t wait for that one.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sauer Kraut

https: //t. me/ eternalmuscovite/ 59582

according to him, the “novorossia” project, which involved the occupation of the territory of ukraine by russia, was developed by the russian special services long before the events in maidan. and girkin, as the responsible fsb officer, created a network of saboteurs in ukraine to implement this project even before the overthrow of president yanukovych.


https: //t. me/ eternalmuscovite/ 59583

“russian tanks equipped with sanya electronic warfare systems to suppress ukrainian drones

https: //southfront. press/ russian- tanks- equipped- with- sanya- electronic- warfare- systems -to -suppress -ukrainian -drones/”

Cluster Bombs For Crimea!

bye-bye little orckie!



the desperate inferior amerikan saxon–more evidence amerikan immoral stupified international joke


“amerikans are the living refutation of the cartesian cogito ergo sum. amerikans are yet they do not think. the amerikan mind is primitive and peurile…”julius evola


“amerikans are not at all happy they feel themselves lacking. all the sensitiveness has dried up in amerikans…the crystallization of love is impossible in united states…i do not envy amerikan happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal


“the amerikan soul is hard isolate stoic a killer—the amerikan soul has never melted” dh lawrence


“nothing can thrive in amerik unless inflated by hyperbole a gilded with a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans—they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in europe”. paul fussell


“of all peoples in an advanced stage of economic civilization amerikans are least accessible to long views always and everywhere in a hurry to get rich they give no thought to remote consequences amerikans only perceive present advantages–amerikans do not remember americans do not feel—amerikans live in a materialist dream”. moisede ostrogorski


“dimocracy in amerika means that my ignorance is as good as your knowledge”. isaac asimov


“amerika requires a stupified population—in amerika the citizen has been transformed into a client to worker into a consumer”. christopher lasch


“amerikans have always been anti-intellectual—this derives from a combination of the heritage obtained from the british and amerikan village culture”. richard hofstadter


“nobody has despised itellectualism as much as the british”. leonard wolff….intelligentsia is a russian word

Last edited 2 months ago by Shaman

unlike russian and german philosophy the angloshere has never produced metaphysics or a moral philosophy….impoverished culturally linguistically psychologically to weak amerikan reduced to burger culture


ukrainians always target children first.
