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Submitted by James M. Dorsey As Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov embarks on a four-day visit to the Gulf, Middle Eastern leaders…

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark The European Union has been keeping up appearances in encouraging the equitable distribution of vaccines…

Dear SouthFront readers, You know that SF is an independent platform that provides different points of view on current international…

Submitted by James M. Dorsey When Pope Francis sets foot in Iraq on Friday, he will be breaking historic ground…

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark The papers are full of suggestions on what US President Joe Biden should do about…

Written by Dr. Leon Tressell exclusively for SouthFront The European Union faces multiple challenges as it progress into 2021. The…

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark Every power worth its portion of salt in the Levant these days seems to be…

Written by The Saker; Originally appeared at his blog Did they expect us to treat them with any respect? Roger…

Submitted by James M. Dorsey The Biden administration’s publication of a US intelligence report that holds Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman…

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark Having made something of a splash last month with the fuss over Australia’s News Media…

Dear SouthFront readers, You know that SF is an independent platform that provides different points of view on current international…

Submitted by Julian Macfarlane exclusively for SouthFront. “Let it be clearly understood that the Russian is a delightful person till he tucks in…

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark It was a brutal way to go, and it had the paw prints of the…

Written by Peter Koenig; Originally appeared at Global Research A secret paper from the Swiss Federal Council (Swiss Executive) was…

Submitted by Dr. Binoy Kampmark The ghost of Edward Teller must have been doing the rounds between members of the…