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Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on August 17, 2021, on the occasion of the commemoration of the…

Written by Don Hank If you look back to the US’s first involvement before the start of the Afghan war…

Written by Steve Brown exclusively for SouthFront In an interview Thursday, analyst Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi of Tehran University discussed…

Originally published on TK News by Matt Taibi MSNBC rails against the “fantastically corrupt elite” on the ground that ruined…

It seems Scottish Nationalists have forgotten the meaning of ‘freedom’; the very freedom they are fighting for… Written by Johanna…

Written by The Saker. Do I even have to introduce Roger Waters to my readers?  Those born in the  1970s-80s …

Kabul begins falling to the Taliban twenty years after the group was expelled. Written by Paul Antonopoulos, independent geopolitical analyst…

Written by Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture Joe Biden came into the U.S. White House promising to change…

Alexandra Datig of Front Page Index (FPI) and Mark Dankof of The Freedom Times both pan Biden’s pathetic border policies for Sputnik International. Mark Dankof:…

“The Clash of Two Americas, the Unfinished Symphony”, a book by Matthew Ehret, reviewed by David William Pear; first published…

Written by Manilo Dinucci; originally published on Global Research. German Chancellor Merkel – writes Alberto Negri (il manifesto, July 23)…

Written by Dr. Binoy Kampmark. It is a country other powers simply cannot leave alone.  Even after abandoning its Kabul…

In September 2020, a Su-30 multi-purpose fighter was destroyed during a planned flight in the Russian Tver region. The plane…

This article presents an external vision of domestic economic processes in Russia. The SouthFront Team received feedback on this article…

Originally published on Resumen. In absolute unison with the revolutionary Cuban people, the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense…